Calcium D3 Nicomed - Instructions for use, composition, form of release, indications for use, dosage, contraindications, side effects, analogues, price. Is it possible to take calcium D3 nick -somed with alcohol, during pregnancy, children, without a break?

Calcium D3 Nicomed - Instructions for use, composition, form of release, indications for use, dosage, contraindications, side effects, analogues, price. Is it possible to take calcium D3 nick -somed with alcohol, during pregnancy, children, without a break?

Instructions for use, contraindications, intake with alcohol and a description of the drug D3 Nicomed.

In pharmacies you can find a huge amount of vitamin preparations, as well as substances that contain minerals. One of them is Calcium D3 Nicomed. In this article we will tell you what kind of medicine it is, and why it must be taken.

Calcium tablets D3 NIMODED: What are they, what is their composition and active substance?

Calcium D3 Nicemed is a medicine that affects metabolic processes within the body. To be more precise, it regulates the metabolic processes between calcium and phosphorus. Active substances of the drugs are calcium carbonate, as well as vitamin D3. The fact is that the calcium mineral is actively involved in metabolic processes, it is indispensable for the work of the heart, because It compresses the heart muscle, and magnesium unclenches and the heart works normally. It is a stimulant of key hormones that are involved in the work of the nervous system. It is necessary in order for the blood to turn off normally, the teeth and bones are strong enough, because It is part of bone tissue.

Calcium is best absorbed with magnesium and vitamin D3 in the evening from 19 to 23 hours.

Calcium D3 Nicomed
Calcium D3 Nicomed

Calcium D3 NIMODED: OPENITION FORM, indications for use

The drug is available in two varieties:

  • Calcium D3 Nicomed
  • Calcium d3 Nicomed Forte

They contain a different amount of vitamin D3. This is the whole difference between drugs. Most often, the drug is prescribed so that there is no osteoporosis for the prevention of calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency, as well as during the complex treatment of patients suffering from osteoporosis.

What categories of the population need to use the drug?

  1. Children (children) and adolescents, they are growing
  2. Persons who have undergone injuries and fractures along with glucosamine for bone fusion
  3. Women over 45 years old
  4. Older people for the prevention of osteoporosis, along with glucosamine and biotin
  5. To the people of the North, megacities and large cities, homebody due to the lack of sunlight, which allows vitamin D3 to be produced in the body
  6. People involved in heavy physical labor and athletes, because they are strongly loaded with a musculoskeletal system
  7. People who do not use and do not use dairy products
  8. People with food allergies
Calcium D3 Nicomed
Calcium D3 Nicomed

Calcium D3 Nicemed: Abstract, instructions for use, dosage

Features of application and dosage:

  • The drug is prescribed for oral use, that is, it must be chewed or swallowed, washed down with a large amount of water
  • There is no connection between the drug with eating, so you can take at any time
  • Assign the drug to adolescents and adults over 13 years old. The usual dose is one tablet 1-3 times a day
  • Sometimes the drug is prescribed for children aged 5 to 12 years
  • The substance is prescribed if the child has a deficiency of calcium or vitamin D3
  • Children are prescribed one tablet 1-2 times a day
  • In the treatment of osteoporosis, three tablets per day are prescribed

How long does the Calcium D3 begin to operate?

This drug is not a means of emergency care, and therefore there is no explicit improvement after taking it in the near future. Since the drug is usually taken in courses several times a year. The medicine itself is an auxiliary in the treatment of serious diseases, such as osteoporosis and ankylosing spondel. Most often, it is prescribed for the purpose of prevention, so the results should be expected after taking several courses, not earlier than six months, a year.

Calcium D3 Nicomed
Calcium D3 Nicomed

Is it possible to use calcium d3 nicemo during pregnancy, children?

Sometimes calcium d3 is prescribed during pregnancy. This is especially necessary if the patient had previously diagnosed osteoporosis. There are no contraindications to the drug during pregnancy, but the fact is that this medicine is recommended to be consumed in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. It is at this time that the child’s bone tissue is formed.

In the third trimester, it is impossible to use the drug in any case, because it can cause additional bone strengthening, which is not particularly desirable before childbirth. In the child, the child’s bones, while passing through the pelvis, must converge somewhat in order to freely leave the bosom of the woman. An additional administration of the drug can cause complication during childbirth.

Calcium D3 children are prescribed for suspicion of rickets or osteoporosis. It is allowed to drink medicine only after 5 years. The dosage is 1-2 tablets per day.

Calcium d3 nicemo and pregnancy
Calcium d3 nicemo and pregnancy

How often, how much time without a break can you take calcium D3 nicemo?

The recommended treatment period is one and a half to two months. This is the maximum period during which you can drink the drug. After that, you need to take a break of 10-30 days and start a new course. It is recommended to carry out approximately 4 courses of taking the drug per year.

Calcium D3 Nicomed: The consequences of prolonged use, is it addictive?

Despite the benefits of this substance, there are consequences of prolonged use of the drug. It is worthwhile to take the drug to the drug who suffer from renal failure, thyroid disease, as well as ill -long osteoporosis. The fact is that a long -term intake of the drug can cause calcification of soft tissues for these diseases. People with kidney diseases need to control the concentration of the mineral in the urine, with the thyroid gland to control the level of calcium in the blood, because this can cause the development and formation of stones.

The drug is not addictive, since it is not a narcotic substance.

Addiction after taking the drug
Addiction after taking the drug

Calcium D3 Nicomed: Contraindications, side effects

The drug has a number of contraindications:

  • In no case, it is not prescribed to people with increased sensitivity to some substances in the composition of the drug
  • If there is an intolerance to peanuts
  • Hypercalciuria
  • Hypercalcemia
  • Hypervitaminosis and severe forms of renal failure
  • Active tuberculosis
  • Sarcoidosis

In addition, it is impossible to prescribe the drug to children under the age of three years. It is not prescribed to people with phenylketonuria, as well as with glucose-galactose malabsorption. It is also impossible to prescribe medicine to people who do not tolerate fructose, because the composition contains sorbitol and sucrose.

Reception of pills
Reception of pills

Calcium D3 Nicomed: overdose, deadly dose

The fact is that with an overdose there are no significant symptoms. It is only possible by indirect signs to judge that you are accepting an inflated amount of substance. The main symptoms are the dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, vomiting, nausea, lack of appetite, dizziness, problems with stools, frequent constipation, dehydration, cramps, renal failure. Men may occur in the prostate gland.

Calcium D3 Nicomed: Compatibility with alcohol, consequences of joint administration

The drug should not be taken with alcohol, because the absorption of the substance decreases. In addition, due to serious exposure to the kidneys, as well as the liver, a violation in their work is possible.

Calcium D3 Nicomed: Analogs

There are many analogues of this substance, both cheap and more expensive.

List of analogues:

  • Vitrum Calcium
  • Vitrum Calcium+Vitamin D3
  • Ideos
  • Calcium with vitamin D3
  • Calcium+vitamin D3 Vitrum
  • Calcium-D3 Nicomed
  • Practical D3

Calcium D3 Nicomed: Price

Approximate cost in pharmacies:

  • Calcium-D3 NIMOD FORTE 0.5+400MA N120 Table/Lemon 600 rub
  • Calcium-D3 NIMOMED 0.5+200MU N60 table/orange about 330 rubles
  • Calcium-D3 NIMOMED 0.5+200MU N120 table/strawberry-Arbuz about 480 rubles

The average prices in Russia are indicated.

Calcium D3 Nicemed is the most common drug that doctors often prescribe. This is due to the fact that the drug contains a microelement of calcium, as well as vitamin D3. Thanks to the combined composition, it is possible to improve calcium absorption.

Video: Calcium D3 Nicomed

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  1. I didn’t try this tool specifically, but I take calcium Helat from Evalar ... And in general, I try to balance the diet so that more calcium from products is to receive. As a result, the benefits are sooo noticeable. Previously, the fractures were constantly tormented ... And the sick teeth were. But now I don't even remember such problems)

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