How to remove humidity in a private house? How to remove humidity in the basement of a private house? Home Road Rating Rating

How to remove humidity in a private house? How to remove humidity in the basement of a private house? Home Road Rating Rating

Ways to reduce air humidity in a private house.

High humidity is a serious problem that the owners of private houses face. Most often this is due to the subsidence of the foundation, a violation of the rules of construction. In this article, we will talk about the causes of dampness in the house and ways to combat it. 

High humidity in the house: Harm

The optimal humidity option is the purpose of 40 to 60%. Measurement is carried out using a hygrometer.

High humidity in the house, harm:

  • If this indicator is much higher, the load on the respiratory system organs increases sharply, which can lead to serious diseases. But besides this, high humidity contributes to the growth of mold, fungus.
  • Mold appears on the walls, causing the destruction of the foundation, as well as walls. Over time, cracks may appear, which will lead to a quick destruction of the house. With humidity, it is necessary to fight, regardless of the causes of its occurrence.

How to remove humidity in the basement of a private house?

Most often, humidity in a private house is due to improper operation, or the construction of the basement. If you notice the growth of the fungus on the walls, the smell of dampness inside the house, you must go down to the basement. Perhaps find a leakage of the water supply and sewage system.

How to remove humidity in the basement of a private house:

  • The ideal option is not just to cope with the leaks, but also to insulate the pipes with insulation. This will shift the dew point, will prevent the formation of condensate on the surface of the pipes. 
  • If high humidity in the basement is due to its irregular design, you will have to take care of waterproofing. The walls are processed, the floor with special compounds. 
  • If there are no ventilation windows in the basement, they must be made. The best option if the basement is above the level of soil. In this case, a hole is made in the wall, displaying the ventilation duct. If the basement is below the soil level, in this case you will have to install ventilation shafts and pipes that come out above the ground level. 
  • So that in winter, exceptionally heated air falls into the basement, a device with heating elements is installed. Thus, using a fan, the air from the street is absorbed into the room. But before getting inside the basement, it passes a number of filters that absorb dust, allergens, excess moisture. The purified air is supplied to the heater, which allows you to warm up the air.
  • This is not just a device for heating the air and reducing humidity in the basement, but also a full -fledged filtration system. This option is suitable for installation in a house in which there are small children, elderly people suffering from respiratory diseases. Such devices allow not only to dry the air, but also clean it from allergens, viruses and mushroom disputes. 
Condensate on the windows
Condensate on the windows

How to remove humidity in the house in winter?

Sometimes the problem can only be observed in the cold season. In this case, it is recommended to install drainers in the rooms. Without them, high humidity are fixed. Increased humidity is facilitated by improperly designed ventilation.

How to remove humidity in the house in winter:

  • Also, high humidity inside the house is often due to the absence of a dressing room, a small air corridor that separates the front door from the rest of the rooms. It is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe front door that cold and warm air face, as a result of which a large amount of condensate is formed on the door surface, from the inside.
  • Often, water flows on the surface of the door, which significantly increases the level of humidity inside the house. Over time, a fungus and mold begins to develop in the door frame in the door frame. In this case, it is recommended to complete a small dressing room, install an additional door, inside the house made of metal -plastic. Thus, a small corridor is formed, in which the air of medium temperature will be located.
  • This will shift the dew point, will prevent the clash of cold and warm air. To reduce humidity in a private house, they resort to the installation of a warm floor, because dampness most often goes from below, that is, from the basement. 
  • The formation of a large amount of moisture and dampness is facilitated by saving on heating. Therefore, in winter, it is necessary to warm the house well so that excess moisture evaporates. In order not to spend huge money on gas and other energy resources with which heating a private house is carried out, it is recommended to insulate the walls. Do not do this from the inside, it is best to do work outside. Very often, people who glue the foam inside the house face the problem of high wall humidity, the formation of condensate. Therefore, foam layers are installed not inside the house, but outside. Thus, the dew point is shifted towards the outer part of the wall. 

How to remove humidity in a wooden house?

An increase in humidity is associated with the tightness of the room. This is facilitated by plastic windows that do not pass the air inside the room. Thanks to this, the air stagnates inside the house.

How to remove humidity in a wooden house:

  • Old houses cannot boast of good ventilation shafts. Leaves, dust, as well as garbage, often settle in ventilation mines, preventing normal air exchange.
  • That is why it is recommended to clean the ventilation ducts from time to time. If this does not work, it is necessary to equip the forced evacuation of air. To do this, mount a special fan.
  • Equipment power is selected depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the level of humidity. The larger the area, the more powerful the fan should be. However, removal of wet air does not always give a hundred percent result. The best option is supply and exhaust ventilation.
  • Now it is not necessary for this to mount some kind of ventilation mines or complex devices. At the moment, there is a special climatic technique on sale. It resembles a small pipe with it, one edge of which is mounted on the outer part of the wall, and the second inside the house. A special filter device is connected to the inside of the ventilation duct.


Humidity in the house, windows sweat: what to do?

Very often, the humidity indoors increases due to the installation of plastic windows. Many residents of private houses try to save money by installing plastic windows with just one air chamber. This is not enough, especially in the period of fierce frosts.

Humidity in the house, windows sweat:

  • When the street is minus temperature, the dew point is located indoors, namely in the area of \u200b\u200bthe double -glazed windows. Drops of condensate appear on the surface of the glass, which flow, provoking the growth of mold in the sealant area and in the sloping zone. To correct the situation, it is necessary to install new plastic windows with a large number of cameras inside. The best option is two or three -chamber windows. The more air layers are in the double -glazed window, the less likely the formation of condensate on the surface of the glass. 
  • Most problems arise in the kitchen and in the bathroom. In the kitchen, food is constantly prepared, as a result of boiling liquid, water vapors evaporate, increasing humidity in the room. Exactly the same situation occurs during a shower.
  • In the kitchen, it is recommended to install not only a standard kitchen hood, which absorbs steam in the process of cooking, but also an additional fan, with forced ventilation. In the upper part of the kitchen, right under the ceiling, a small hole is made, inside which a fan is installed. If the hood does not cope with the removal of vapors in the process of cooking, then their rest will be absorbed by the fan. In the process of preparing food, you can open the windows for ventilation so that the excess moisture goes outside. 

The principle of operation of the air drill for the home

The best option is the acquisition of modern devices that can be desktop, stationary or wall. The larger the device, the higher its power and noise. Some powerful models of condenses are flooring, have a high noise level. That is why they are recommended to install in large houses and apartments. 

The principle of operation of the air drainage for home:

  • The air with a forced fan is absorbed into the device, where it is cooled using a freon or other refrigerant.
  • As a result of sharp cooling, droplets of water in the mixture enter the device, and the air is supplied to the heating element.
  • After heating, he enters the room. Thus, it is possible to maintain the air temperature, but save it from moisture. 

Home Road Rating Rating

One drainage cannot be distinguished, which will cope with all tasks, regardless of the characteristics of the room. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to adequately assess the level of moisture in the room, its area and tasks of the device. If the room is small, the drainage is purchased for a basement or a dressing room in which it constantly smells of damp, there will be enough low-power models that work with an intensity of 10-20 liters per day. If this is a large room or one -room apartment, then devices with a capacity of 40 liters per day are recommended. 

Rating of air drainers for home:

  • Royal Clima 100 - The device that is wall and requires preliminary installation. Designed for a large area. It is mainly purchased for installation not in apartments, but in storage rooms, pools and on car wash. Accordingly, this device is not suitable for the house, but this is a good option for a bath, sauna and other rooms with very high humidity. 
  • Funai Yamaneko - The device, which is distinguished by an interesting design, is installed in large rooms. During the day, the device is able to pump up to 60 liters of water. This is a good option for showers in the gym. If you live on the ground floor of a private cottage, then this is a good option for drying clothes inside the house. 
  • Ballu BDM-30L - A very simple model that is designed for 30 square meters. A universal option, since it can be moved. It differs in small weight, it can absorb up to 6.5 liters of liquid per day. It works quietly enough, so you can safely use inside children's rooms where the children sleep. 
  • Electrolux EM-25 l- A good device, which is designed for one -room apartments, rooms with an area of \u200b\u200babout 30 square meters. More noisy than the previous option, but more powerful. Inside the device there is a filter that not only dries the air, but also absorbs dust, microorganisms. A good option for children's rooms in order to maintain an optimal microclimate. 
  • Neoclima ND-40ah - This is a good option for a large apartment, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is about 50 square meters. Equipment design is not as stylish as in the previous version. On the case there is a liquid crystal display with which control is carried out. 

How to remove humidity in the house: folk remedies

The easiest way to reduce humidity is the use of small household condenses. This is a small device that is charged with special tablets. There are a large number of such tablets that absorb moisture. All of them work on the principle of silica gel, stretching moisture from the air. But it is advisable to use these devices only if an increase in moisture is seasonal, for example, in winter in private houses. Typically, they are installed in corridors or dressers, where mold growth is observed due to the loss of condensate on the walls and doors. Such a technique is not effective enough, albeit inexpensive.There are several simple tips that will eliminate high humidity in the house.

How to remove humidity in the house, folk remedies:

  • Instead of flowers in large pots, purchase succulents. These are plants such as cacti that do not require regular spraying and irrigation. 
  • In the kitchen, in the bathroom, install containers with briquettes of charcoal. This is ordinary barbecue coal. It is poured into small baskets and installed in rooms with the greatest humidity. Wood coal is an excellent absorber, often used in drainage. 
  • Check clothes for drying on the balcony. It is best to dry linen on the street. At home, moisture, which evaporates from clothing, passes into the air. Get rid of a large number of carpets. It is proved that it is they who absorb moisture in the first place. A fungus and mold can form on their reverse side. 
  • The most affordable and simple tool for eliminating excess moisture is considered table salt. It is necessary to place containers with salt in the apartment in different rooms, because it absorbs moisture well. 
  • Use essential oil with the smell of needles, flowers. Essential oil not only improves the smell of indoors, but also fights with mold. 
  • Calcium chloride. This tool can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is necessary to buy a product in the form of powder. It is covered in wide cups or saucers, placing it in the rooms. 
  • Silicagel can be found on sale. It is poured into a fabric bag, hung in places with a high level of dampness. For example, in the bathroom or pantry. 

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Separately, it is worth stopping at houses in which there are aquariums, and indoor plants. Indeed, indoor plants need constant spraying with water, as a result of which the humidity is growing. It is recommended to allocate a separate room for indoor plants or equip greenhouses, greenhouses for them, where it will be possible to maintain a high level of humidity.

In rooms where there are large aquariums, humidity rises. To reduce it, it is necessary to install drainage nearby. These are special devices whose principle of operation is different. Inside the devices there may be various fillers. Most often it is silica gel, which absorbs moisture from the air. From time to time, such drainers must be opened, replacing the filler with a new one. Indeed, over time, the absorber is gaining moisture, becomes wet, no longer absorb water from the air. 

Video: How to reduce humidity in a private house?

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