The smell of dampness: causes, folk methods of elimination, tips. How to get the smell of dampness in the apartment? How to get rid of the smell of dampness on furniture, in a car?

The smell of dampness: causes, folk methods of elimination, tips. How to get the smell of dampness in the apartment? How to get rid of the smell of dampness on furniture, in a car?

Ways to get rid of the smell of dampness.

The smell of dampness is most often observed in old houses, as well as on the first floors, below which there is a basement with old pipes and water supply. In addition to the unpleasant smell of dampness, due to high humidity, frequent lung diseases, as well as bronchi, are possible. Allergies may occur, asthma. In the article we will tell you how to get rid of the smell of dampness and explain the reasons why it arises.

The smell of dampness: causes

Please note that there are several causes of dampness.

The reasons:

  • Flooding by neighbors. Due to the large amount of water that fell on your ceiling, dampness in the room appears due to the gradual evaporation of water from the place of flooding. It is necessary to ventilate the room as often as possible to dry the flooding site.
  • Basement. This is especially true for those who live on the ground floor. Dampness from the basement through ventilation, as well as gender and cracks, penetrates the apartment. An unpleasant, musty smell appears.
  • The leak of the roof. This most often happens if a person lives on the top floor and there is a roof flow. In this case, a really musty smell can be constant in the room due to frequent flooding. Because as a result of melting snow or strong rain, water gets into the apartment.
  • Cracks in the walls. Often occurs with old houses. The joints between the plates are not sealed with utilities. Because of this, the smell of dampness occurs, because moisture penetrates through these cracks into the apartment. It is also observed if the apartment is angular. It is such rooms that are prone to the emergence of a constant smell of dampness, which almost never leaves.
The smell of dampness
The smell of dampness

How to display the smell of dampness in the apartment: tips

There are many ways to remove dampness in the apartment:

  • Regular ventilation. It is necessary to open the windows several times a day so that the moisture evaporates from the room as soon as possible.
  • Inclusion of electric heaters. This is possible if the street is cold enough. The apartment will warm up, moisture evaporates.
  • Ventilation repair. Very often in houses in which ventilation moves are clogged, high humidity and dampness are observed. Because of this, an unpleasant, musty smell appears. After repairing the ventilation and installation of a special fan, the smell disappears.
  • Roof repair and basement. It is necessary to repair slate or other roofing so that water does not get into the apartment. It is worth repairing the sewer system in the basement. When it is constantly dry in it, the smell of dampness will disappear on its own.

Many people know that fighting the smell of dampness is quite difficult. Even if you seem to eliminate all the sources of dampness, but an unpleasant odor is observed in the apartment, most likely mold is under wallpaper or in the ceiling, seams on the walls. To avoid this, pasting the places of joints, plates, as well as the walls that are constantly damp, polystyrene. Joints can also be sealed with a special solution containing an antifungal, antibacterial substance. Thanks to this, the fungus will not grow, the smell of dampness will not spread in the room.

The smell of dampness
The smell of dampness

How to get rid of the smell of dampness on furniture?

If the smell of dampness is observed in the closet, then it is necessary to resort to these methods:

  • To begin with, remove all things from the cabinet. Open all the boxes, lay inward a mixture of activated coal and salt
  • Leave for a few days. You can put silica gel instead of this mixture
  • Such a mixture is left for several days. These bulk substances absorb excess moisture, so the smell of dampness disappears
  • After that, you need to take the skin from orange, lemon or tangerine, stick several cloves into it
  • Spicy herbs do not need to be removed from the closet, you can immediately load linen and clothes
  • It will be pleasant to smell like citrus fruits, as well as spicy herbs
  • It is also worth noting that the smell of dampness is often impregnated with upholstered furniture
  • In this case, you need to take it out into the street for several days, possibly to the cottage
  • Under direct sunlight, upholstered furniture will completely dry to the deep layers
  • If this is not possible, then it is worth replacing the upholstery
  • If this option is not affordable for you, we recommend scattering dry, green tea or coffee grain on the sofa sofa
  • Leave for several hours. Such products absorb moisture well and give a pleasant aroma of upholstered furniture
The smell of dampness
The smell of dampness

How to get rid of the smell of dampness on clothes?


  • If your shoes smells poorly or clothes are given damp, you need to dry them, and only then wash
  • It is necessary to dry in a well -ventilated room, best on the street
  • If the smell does not disappear, we recommend soading for a few minutes in a solution of vaulting, and then wash with powder, as usual, in a washing machine

How to remove the smell of dampness: folk methods

In order to get rid of the smell of dampness, it is necessary to remove the sources of the fungus, if any. For this, there are a lot of folk methods.

Folk recipes:

  • Ammonia. A tablespoon of the product is diluted in a liter of water, a sponge is wetted in the resulting solution and the places where the fungus is located is wiped.
  • Special tools. They can be found in stores for repair. They are most often a primer or liquid, which is treated with surfaces affected by a fungus. Contains substances that prevent the growth of the fungus.
  • Bura. A tablespoon of drilling is diluted in a liter of water. The resulting solution is moistened with places affected by the fungus. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the mold, thoroughly wash with a wet rag with soap, and then treat with an antifungal solution.
  • White or chlorine. Often, instead of these drugs, pre -Mestos, as it also contains chlorine. It is necessary to apply a little product to the fabric and rub the site affected by the fungus. Remember that it is necessary to carry out processing against the fungus several times after the previous layer dries. This will significantly reduce the chances of the appearance of the fungus again.
The smell of dampness
The smell of dampness

The smell of dampness in the car: causes, methods of elimination

The high cost of the car makes car enthusiasts purchase used cars, which often smell like damp inside. Therefore, in order to avoid such situations, we advise you to ventilate the car, and also get rid of moisture in time during the rain season.

The reasons for the appearance of dampness in the car:

  • Bolder rugs
  • Car upholstery, ceiling
  • The smell from the air conditioner
The smell of dampness in the car
The smell of dampness in the car

To eliminate the smell of dampness, try to dry the upholstery and soft tissues. To do this, use the usual hairdryer. Next, you need to ventilate the car as often as possible. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the air conditioners and what is inside. You may have to rinse and replace the fan.


  • A great way to get rid of mold is Lizole remedy. It must be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 100 and poured into a regular spray. Next, it is necessary to turn on the air conditioner and thoroughly spray in the cabin with a solution. It is necessary that a peculiar fog is formed. Turn on the air conditioner and the motor, wait a few minutes. Next, you need to close the windows and wait half an hour. Again process the air conditioner evaporator and rinse it with ordinary water. The product is expensive, but very effective.
  • Another way to get rid of the smell of dampness in a car is vinegar. It is necessary to pour it into the container and leave it in the car for the whole night.
  • Use Green apple. To do this, take the fruit, cut the core and leave in the car for several days. The fact is that apples absorb smells well. Therefore, there will be no trace of dampness.
  • Coffee. It is necessary to take ordinary ground coffee and pour into plastic pallets or bags. Leave them in the car for several days.
  • Baking soda. If you are sure that the smells come from seats, upholstery, pour a little baking soda. Leave it all night. In the morning, remove the remains of soda with a vacuum cleaner.
The smell of dampness in the car
The smell of dampness in the car

If the fungus is formed due to the fact that there is a crack in the wall, then without hiding these cracks, one agent for antifungal treatment will not be enough. Because the fungus due to high humidity will appear again and again. The main way to get rid of the smell of shake and dampness is to prevent the accumulation of moisture.

Video: How to get rid of the smell of dampness?

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