Why does clothing stink after washing in a typewriter? After washing the smell of sewage, damp, powder: reasons, what to do?

Why does clothing stink after washing in a typewriter? After washing the smell of sewage, damp, powder: reasons, what to do?

The reasons for the smell of damp, powder, sewage after washing.

Cleanliness is the key to health. This proverb arose not in vain, because an unpleasant odor often indicates the propagation of pathogenic microflora. In this article we will tell you why, after washing, the clothes smell bad. 

Why does the smell of dampness appear after washing?

This often happens even among good housewives. The owner of things is not always to blame. There are several main causes of an unpleasant odor.

 Why does the smell of dampness appear after washing:

  • Washing wet things. Often, housewives prefer to wash more than one or two things in a typewriter, but to collect a whole basket to spend one or two loads on the weekend. This significantly saves time and money, since approximately 40-60 liters of water are consumed on one washing. This is a lot if you wash only one or two things. But it often happens, especially in the summer, that after wearing the clothes remain a little wet. She absorbs sweat, which for two to three days is not lined. This is a great environment for the propagation of microbes, which provoke the occurrence of an unpleasant odor. Therefore, immediately after the introduction of such things, an unpleasant odor occurs into the machine.
  • Storing things in the washing machine drum. Remember that the drum is not a place for storing things. Many do not want to fork out, buy a special underwear basket, so immediately dirty things are placed in the device. Thus, a full machine is loaded, washing turns on, and after it you get not pleasantly smelling products, but stingy clothes. 

Why does clothing stink after washing?

There are many reasons, but most often - an inaccurate mistress.

Why clothes stink after washing:

  • Polluted washing machine. The unpleasant smell of musty is associated with the accumulation of mold in the washing machine. Usually it accumulates both in the drum itself and on the seal. Therefore, be sure to wipe the elastic band after each washing, removing moisture with a towel or conventional napkins. In no case do not close the door, leave it ajar. This will contribute to drying, elimination of moisture, preventing the reproduction of mold. 
  • The use of poor -quality detergents. Remember that powdered washing substances are best used at high temperatures from 60 degrees. In short washing mode, at 40 degrees, such powders may not have time to dissolve, so hard grains settled on the hoses, a seal, inside the drum. This is a great environment for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms that cause an unpleasant odor. 

Unpleasant odor after washing: Reasons

Try to dry wet things before washing if it is not possible to immediately load them into a washing machine. Otherwise, wash such things at once, and do not leave them for several days. 

Unpleasant odor after washing, reasons:

  • A large amount of washing powder. As in the previous version, the powder settles on the walls of the drain system, clogs the filter. 
  • Incorrect operation of the washing machine. It happens quite often when the user of equipment selects the wrong mode for a specific fabric. Perhaps the temperature is too low for washing products, so it is impossible to get rid of an unpleasant odor. 
  • Accelerated washing mode. This approach is applicable only if products that are not dirty are loaded into the car, wearing only once or twice. The main task of washing is to refresh the products, to give a pleasant smell. Along with this, many housewives save time and money, and put rather dirty things on quick washing. Thus, during washing they do not have time to cleanse, there may be an unpleasant odor. Sometimes a short washing regime is not enough to dissolve the detergent. Thus, the powder remains in the fibers of the fabric, does not wash out from there, provoking the appearance of white spots and an unpleasant odor. 

Why after washing the smell of sewage?

In most cases, the cause of the smell is a problem with the installation.

Why after washing the smell of sewage system:

  • Incorrect installation of a washing machine. Often after installation, the drain hose is immediately mounted in the sewer system. However, there is no water plant, an unpleasant odor from the sewage system can fall into the washing machine. After washing, you will get the aroma of freshness at all, and the fetid smell of drain water, sewage, excrement. 
  • Untimely hanging underwear. It is necessary to extract linen immediately after washing, hanging it on the balcony or on the street. Remember that the lack of air circulation contributes to the appearance of a musty smell and mold. To cope with the problem, it is necessary to determine the cause of the unpleasant odor. Very often it occurs due to incorrect operation of the equipment. Indeed, during use, the washing machine must be cleaned from time to time. This applies to the drain hose, filter, as well as rubber seals and drum. 
Clothing stinks
Clothing stinks

Clothing after drying stinks, what to do?

There are several ways to get rid of an unpleasant odor.

Clothing after drying stinks of what to do:

  • Try to reanimate the washing machine. For these purposes, it is necessary to load a liter of vinegar and a liter of a chlorine -containing bleach into the tray, and start the washing mode without linen, at the highest temperature. Thus, the high temperature and chemicals will contribute to the destruction of mold and fungus. All pathogenic microorganisms will leave after such washing. Run the wash again, but without a detergent, only with water. This will help remove the remnants of chemicals and not damage things. 
  • Regularly after washing, you need to wipe the cuffs, Seals with soft fabric. Try to fight mold with copper sulfate. Prepare a strong solution, soak the fabric or napkin and wipe all the seals thoroughly. Until you rush to wash off the solution, leave it for about 24 hours. Only after that you can remove it with water, with a damp cloth. This technique perfectly eliminates the fungus and mold. 

How to remove the unpleasant smell of linen after washing?

If pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in the tray for detergents or on a drain hose, they need to clean them. About once a month, it is necessary to remove the tray for detergents and carefully clean it of scale, mold and dirt. Use an old toothbrush, as well as some strong bleach, or alkali, acid. It happens that mold is quite difficult to remove just soapy water, it is necessary to use aggressive chemicals. 

How to remove the unpleasant smell of linen after washing:

  • Of course, not everyone wants to dismantle the drain hose, but very often the problem is in it. Try to extract the second part of the drain hole, and look inside the pipe using a flashlight. If there is a gray or black plaque on the walls, you need to throw the hose, replacing it with a new one. It is quite difficult to clean it from a corrugated surface. Somewhere in the hollows, particles of mold will be clogged that cannot be completely removed. it It will provoke the growth of the fungus, and will lead to a repeated occurrence of a problem. 
  • Do not forget about the windows that are at the bottom of the washing machine. Here is a filter that serves as a collection of garbage for accumulation of waste during washing. Coins, hair, wool, garbage that hit the car with clothes usually accumulate there. Most often, this happens with a careless examination of the pockets of children's clothing. Kids like to drag stones, branches or small toys home that often accumulate in the filter.

What to do if clothes stink after washing in a typewriter?

In no case do not store things in the drum of the washing machine, purchase a special basket.

What to do if clothes stink after washing in a typewriter:

  • If you came from the street in the summer, in wet clothes, immediately load it into the drum, wash it. If there is no such possibility, let it dry. Only after that you can throw clothes into the basket and wait for the next washing cycle. In no case do not send a wet thing to the basket, because after 2-3 days it will acquire an unpleasant odor.
  • About once a month, clean the filter of dirt, mold and garbage, which accumulated there. Be sure to leave the drum ajar so that moisture does not accumulate in it.
  • Usegel Washing substances for washing clothes in delicate mode and for wool. Remember that bulk detergents in short modes may not dissolve, and accumulate on the walls of the washing machine. 
  • After washing, wipe the seals with a weak solution of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.

How to get rid of the smell of powder after washing?

Try to include additional rinse. This is usually enough to remove a strong flavor.

How to get rid of the smell of powder after washing:

  • Always use an additional rinse mode.
  • Do not use additional air conditioners and flavors.
  • Dose the detergent correctly and do not exceed the norms.
  • Replace the bulk detergent with a gel or capsule.

A lot of useful information can be found on our website:

Adhere to the rules of washing, do not forget about maintenance and cleaning of the machine. Once a month, start idling with citric acid.

Video: Sticks clothes after washing

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