How to remove the saved password for Aliexpress: Methods. How to copy or edit the saved password for Aliexpress?

How to remove the saved password for Aliexpress: Methods. How to copy or edit the saved password for Aliexpress?

If you do not know how to remove the password on AliexpressRead the article. It describes all possible methods.

Many browsers automatically retain the passwords of the sites on which a person is recorded. This makes it easier to enter the site in the future, since you just need to click once on the button "To come in". But then there is a danger that any person who will work on your computer can do the same. Accordingly, with a high probability, you will pay for the purchase of a stranger that he made through your account.

Read on our website in another article information on the topic: "English version of Aliexpress". You will learn about features and how the English version is different Aliexpress From Russian.

In this article, we will consider possible ways to edit a password on a well -known site Aliexpress. How to restore and delete it. Why you do not need to save the password on your computer and why, it must be removed. Read further.

Why clean up, remove the saved password for Aliexpress?

To make purchases in this Chinese online store, you need to know how to register. Read in another article on our website about the first order for Aliexpress. You will find advice and how to make an order step by step.

Aliexpress It is a site for suppliers from around the world. It was developed by the Chinese to better promote their business. Now a citizen of any country can work on this platform if he has a product and at least the status of an individual entrepreneur.

When registering on this site, you not only confirm your personal data, but also indicate possible methods of the payment system. In order to place an order on this site, you need to bind a bank card in your personal account to pay for purchases.

Why clean up, remove the saved password on Aliexpress?

  • If you have saved the password and the entrance is already carried out automatically, then anyone can make with an account that does not belong to him, anything. Even make purchases at your expense.
  • To avoid this, it is necessary to remove the saved password.
  • Also, you can use the function, confirming the entrance to the site by phone number.

If you forgot the password, then it can be restored. How to do this, read on.

How to restore the password for Aliexpress, if you forgot?

Restore the password for Aliexpress
Restore the password for Aliexpress

If, on the contrary, the password was lost or simply forgotten, there are several ways to restore it. When registering on the site, you indicate both your phone number and email. In both cases, confirmation occurs, after which in your personal account the account data are attached to your username and password on the site.

How to restore password for Aliexpressif you forgot? Here are the tips:

  • First of all, if you enter the site, it is not necessary to use the function "Forgot your password?"
Forgot the password for Aliexpress
Forgot the password for Aliexpress
  • When pressing, the site transfers you to a new page in which you need to enter your e -mail attached to this account and enter the captcha. Kapcha is introduced in order to refute the hacking of the account at the expense of the computer. In other words, you confirm that you are a person.
  • If everything is introduced correctly, you are directed to the next step. It implies a password restoring through e -mail or communication with the administration Aliexpress Directly.
We use confirmation by e -mail
We use confirmation by e -mail
  • You need to choose a method that suits and press "Check now".
  • If the choice has fallen to restore through the mail, enter the email address, follow the link in the letter and write 6 numberswhich were also indicated.
  • After that, you will be given the opportunity to change the old password for a new one.

If you do not remember your mail, the password from it or simply did not indicate it in your personal account on the site Aliexpress, you can restore the password through the phone. A SMS code will be sent to your number or a call will be received. It is necessary to introduce the last 4 digits To restore password. Then, come up with a new one and confirm it.

How to remove, delete, copy, edit the saved password for Aliexpress: Methods

The easiest and most common way to edit the saved password on Aliexpress - Through the personal account. In order to change:

Click on my aliexpress
Click on my aliexpress
  • Go to your personal account - tab "My Aliexpress", And in the profile settings, select the function "Change password".
  • In order for you to be able to do this, first you need to introduce the old one and only after that, to come up with and enter a new one. At the same time, do not forget to confirm the new password.

As mentioned earlier, many people often retain their password in browsers on a computer. In order to delete, remove the password from the account that automatically entrance, you need to adhere to this method:

  • Go to the browser settings.
  • Select the function of additional settings.
Find password management
Find password management
  • Then find "Password Management".
Remove the box with
Remove the box with "Turn on the auto replenishment of forms with one click"
  • Remove the box with "Turn on the auto replenishment of forms with one click".
  • IN "Password Management" Find Aliexpress And delete all the data.

As you can see, everything is simple. Removing the saved password will not be difficult. It will not work to copy it. The browser protects the saved passwords and you can only see it in the form of points, and not a set of characters and numbers. This is done so that strangers cannot copy your personal data.

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