The meaning of the word "thrash" in youth slang: in a conversation, youth slang, cinema, music

The meaning of the word

This article describes the meaning of the word "thrash". You will learn what this means in music, cinema and other areas of art.

In a word "Trash" You can designate everything that does not fit into the generally accepted frames, canons and norms. Antonym is ordinary grayness. As a rule, all people do the same type of deeds, dress approximately the same and have a common set of moral principles and values \u200b\u200bthat they borrowed from previous generations.

Read more about what trash is described in this article. Read further.

"Trash" - what is it in simple words: meaning


So, there are people who do not accept stereotypes. Such personalities are prone to shocking and self -expression - sometimes even absurd, pretentious and inappropriate. For them, this is nothing more than a lifestyle, a way of thinking and a certain “Fix idea” that they carry with them in life. Trash - What is it in simple words? The meaning of the word is described below.

A manifestation of trash can be called a complete or partial rejection of stereotypes and prejudices formed in society. This applies to both eccentric, shocking behavior, as well as hairstyles or clothing style.

  • Trash as a direction is manifested in music, cinema and other areas of art. In fact, a person faces this term every day - but he himself is not fully aware of this.
  • The manifestation of a trash in appearance and behavior of someone causes a different reaction: laughter, embarrassment, aggression or even admiration: “Look, he went outside with green hair! And I would be weak. "

But if the trash in clothes and hairstyle practically does not interfere with society, then atypical and provocative behavior can even cause a large number of unpleasant situations.

How to write correctly - “trash” or “trash”?

This word came to us from the English language. How to write correctly - trash or trash?

  • In the original, it is written as "TRASH"garbage, trash, hack.
  • In Russian, the most successful alternative will be spelling through the letter "E" - Trash.
  • Since writing the letter "E" instead of "E", in itself, is illiterate (for example, “rep” instead of “rap”).

By the way, in the case of the word "Trash" (as in the case of the word "rap"), there is an English vowel "A" (hey), which in Russian versions of words is almost always read, as "E" (for example, "Hand" - "Hand").

The meaning of the word "trash" in youth slang

As a rule, the main carriers of “fashionable” slang words are adolescents, student people and youth (from 13 to 35 years old). However, the meaning of the word "Trash" In youth slang, it differs depending on the context. Moreover, various forms are often formed from the word:

  • "Trashovo"
  • "Transhak"
  • "Trashnyak", etc.

Also a word "Trash" It is identified by many (even elongated adolescents) with the word "Chernukha" - That is, something disgusting, vulgar, low -grade. However, they can describe it simply a provocative, risky, bold (or deliberately absurd) business. Suppose:

  • “Knowing what kind of evil our physicist is to be rude before the exam is a complete trash. Surely, Petrenko will not give up now. ”

More examples:

  • Sowing one house at a camp site with a former and present is, of course, a trash. But what did I do? The rest of the places were occupied.
  • This is a trash! Yes, you didn’t get into any note! Moreover, he missed even the “neighbor”. Vit, think. Maybe you really don't need to sing? If there were some small flaws or a couple of times per song past, I would not tell you anything. I am still your friend. And I will always support you. But this is a complete trash, dude! Of course, I am not an expert - but it seems to me that you definitely should not make music.
  • Have you seen what kind of trash took place on Karl Marx yesterday? Three glamorous boutiques made 70% discounts on one day! Of course, local "dolls" rushed back and forth so as not to miss anything. That was the laugh!
  • Of course, I understood that this was a trash. But since I had argued, I had to run around the street. It’s good that there was an early morning and not a single passerby.
  • I do not advise you to listen to the late albums of this group.! In the first two - a hit on the hit and hit. But the year of 2010, a complete thursing begins. It seems to me that they just signed up and can no longer come up with anything new. The vocalist also changed. My timbre does not really "come in."
  • Mom, of course, did not protest that I started dating a girl. Still, I am already 16. But when she suddenly came home from work before and found us that we kissed, it was a complete trash. Of course, she said nothing and went to her room. She pretended not to notice. But Katya and I were very ashamed.
  • Still, this Vasya is a trash guy. He walks in dirty, brushes his teeth too once a month. It is strange how people are not disgusting to communicate with him. Does he wash?

After examples, it is clear what this word means. Below even more useful information. Read further.

The meaning of the word "trash" in the conversation

"Trash" in a conversation

What are the cases of using the word? The meaning of the word thrash in the conversation:

  • As a rule, people use it in different situations and forms.
  • It helps to convey to the interlocutor not only the essence of the phenomenon, but also all the comic, provocation, the absurdity of a particular situation.

Here are approximately described by examples the main prerequisites for use:

  • A person just needs to throw out emotions, express dissatisfaction (“Lord, what a trash!”).
  • Description of producing unpleasant events ("What kind of trash do they create?").
  • Direct denial of participation in a “shameful” event (“I will not participate in this trache”).
  • In order to express my bad mood (“It's just a trash: a car doused me on the way to the university, then I broke the heel, and then the guy left me. What is this day?”).
  • Fleaning something vulgar or crazy (to engage in “this” on the street? God, what kind of trash).

Also, many do not know that there are other concepts associated with this word. For example, trash content. What it is? Read further.

What is Trash Contain?

Internet and video blogs have become a full part of our lives. Of course, the trash acts moved from the streets, courtyards and gate to the open spaces of the World Wide Web. It so happened that even intelligent, wealthy and mature people sometimes really like to watch someone's stupid. Moreover, frank eccentrics and simply inadequate people, sometimes even make financial donations (in order to make something more disgusting or absurd on the air). What is trash content?

In this case, it is implied:

  • Files and streams of immoral content, including elements of violence, pedophilia, perversions, inadequate and asocial behavior, etc.
  • Musical and literary works, feature films that deliberately evoke disgust among the consumer or insult someone's feelings.
  • The videos and video materials on which people are openly disgraced, do indecent acts.
  • The “original” perverted content, from which it is unpleasant for everyone except its true admirers.

Below is described about Trash in films. Read further.

"Trash" in cinema: which films are the name?

"Trash" in cinema

Concept "Aesthetics of disgusting" It has entered human everyday life for a long time. Trash films appeared back in the 90s. They differed from the standard not only low shooting, but also content. As a rule, the Thrash Industry covered and covered topics that are a taboo for standard “filmmakers”. Trash in cinema - which films are the name?

  • As a rule, the plot of such films can be called bad taste, scenes abound in obscenity, and sometimes complete idiocy (from the point of view of a standard viewer).
  • In some way, a "trash film", for example, can be called a movie "Green elephant" With Epifantsev in the title role.
  • If there were no concepts like "Trash", "Arthouse" And so on, this film would hardly become known to the wide masses. She causes too much disgust.

However, there is another “trash” - bloody. An example is the film "blood -sucking freaks" - with an abundance of obscene scenes and low shooting quality. As a rule, in trash films, light and sound are not rebuilt for hours-everything is done on the “Tyap-Lap”, for a narrow circle of consumers.

Naturally, on large screens and in cinemas, trash films rarely appear. However, such a movie takes place. After all, it shows the events “without embellishment”, albeit in a somewhat disgusting way. Tired of Hollywood, tired of the "lubrication" of Hollywood, with pleasure look at different such "chernukha".

What is the "trash" in music?

"Trash" in music      

In this case, the music of two types takes place. On the one hand, Trash is frankly bad, poor -quality music. Everything suffers here: both the quality of the recording and execution. Of course, in low quality and with unprofessional execution, novice teams can also be “lit up”. But the difference between the "Trash" is that this is obviously done vile and as disgusting as possible. In other words, this material is simply impossible to listen to (“ears into a tube”, “blood from the ears”, etc.).

The second version of the Trash in music - tRASH METAL, which is not a low -grade and vulgar, but a separate prying style. TRESH-metal is characterized by fast drum and guitar parties (hence the name “beat”, “pound”).

The vocals in this case are also too expressive. However, the trash-metal itself is not at all disgusting. A similar manner is due to certain stylistic framework.

Trash Polka Tattoo: what is it?

Trash Polk tattoo
Trash Polk tattoo

"Eternal" drawings on the human body have long become a cult. Trash penetrated into tattoo culture. After all, customers of the masters, coming to the process of applying the drawing, for the most part, want to shock the public, surprise, discourage. It was for this purpose that the direction was created "Trash Polka Tattoo". It happened in Germany in the 90s. The difference from the standard tattoo in sketches, drawings, places of application. An illustrations and text from newspapers and magazines can be produced on a person, and scary and shocking work includes this.

As a rule, looking at the trash tattoos, unprepared people are disgusted. And some are fear. However, the art of tattoos has long been walking along the planet - therefore, symbols of death, skull, creeping reptile, occult symbols, signs of Satanism - ceased to be considered a manifestation of Trash. All this became sketches "for the elect." Indeed, in the 21st century, no one prevents a person from self-realizing in the areas in which he wants-naturally, if this does not contradict the “letter of law”.

TRASHY CLOTHING: Is it fashionable or not?

Trash clothing
Trash clothing

The old decades were rich in various kinds of subcultures. Each course had its own dress code. That is why, even an ordinary passerby could be up to 100%, to distinguish a metallist from a punk, and emo from Goth. Not all informal clothing can be called a trash. However, in some informals (for example, cybergotes), outfits quite corresponded to the concept of “Trash”, they were pretentious, bizarre, attracted their eyes and caused an unambiguous reaction. Now is the trash clothing - is it fashionable or not?

Let's first deal with the differences of such a robe from simply subcultural:

  • Things and accessories are worn “how it hit”, without the concept of taste and color scheme.
  • Clothing items do not correspond to the general style and situation.
  • In one outfit, elements from different (incompatible) eras may be present.
  • Clothing and images of the opposite sex (a woman in men's guise, a guy in a female guise).
  • Too frank outfits or defiant.
  • Escious incomprehensible, comic images (even if the details are selected with taste). For example, if a person goes to the nearest supermarket in a clown costume, he will look quite trash. Even if the costume is sewn elegantly and stylish.

Is the tresh clothing fashion today? Since the subcultures as such went on “no” (some currents died, and the bright representatives of some appear extremely rarely), we can say that the main “boom” went to the trash. However, there are still extravagant personalities who shock the appearance, as well as those who want to get millions of likes and comments and high donates by promoting immoral, vulgar, absurd content.

Trash will always exist. He, although a little, but still have fans. Someone likes such music, others-clothes, and others are crazy about a tattoo of this direction. Now you know what trash is and in what values \u200b\u200bit can be used. Good luck!

Video: Trash - what is it? Explanation in the pictures

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