How to reduce the risk of cancer? Even small steps lead to big results!

How to reduce the risk of cancer? Even small steps lead to big results!

How to reduce the risk of cancer? This is described in the article.

In today's article, the steps and measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of cancer will be considered. Neither proven medical methods, nor grandmothers, nor the name of various useful foods and natural substances will be mentioned here.

  • Of course, with their help you can definitely protect yourself from one of the largest fears of today-cancer, which, together with cardiovascular diseases, is one of the most common causes of death.
  • But all such methods have long been known. For example, this is what you need to eat raw fruits and vegetables, other products rich in fiber, etc.
  • Below are only the general principles of the prevention of insidious disease, which pay attention to European Code of Combating Cancer.

It is important to understand that prevention never helps 100%so as not to get sick, but you should not deny its great importance. First of all, health problems should be prevented. Usually it is much easier than solving new pathologies that have arisen. You can also take small steps to prevent cancer, which will make people healthier and reduce the risk of many diseases, including dangerous cancer. Read further.

Risk of cancer risk: Healthy diet

Risk of cancer risk: Healthy diet
Risk of cancer risk: Healthy diet

Read on our website an article that true or not, that sugar causes cancer. You will learn about the relationship of sugar and cancer, and you will also find evidence of this fact.

It is not surprising that it is possible to reduce the risk of cancer and many other health problems, primarily due to healthy, balanced and diverse diet. What products reduce the risk of cancer?

  • As mentioned above, the menu should have many fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and sources of healthy fats.
  • It is advisable to limit the consumption of various meat products, as well as red meat, foods with a high content of hydrogenated fats, salt, sugar, fatty foods, etc.
  • For example, diet has a significant impact on the development of colorectal cancer.

This item can be repeated constantly, and it is a canon in protection and prevention from many serious diseases.

Refusal of smoking: good prevention for a modern person from cancer

As part of the prevention of cancer for a modern person, it is important not to smoke or use tobacco in its various forms, as well as avoid places where people smoke. After all, it is already known for a long time that inhalation of smoke, namely passive smoking, is also dangerous to health.

It is worth knowing: Even a person who has not smoked a single cigarette can get lung cancer. The avid smokers still make up a significant part of patients suffering from this disease, and cigarettes are one of the most significant risk factors.

Smoking is a risk factor not only for the development of cancer of the lungs, but also of other respiratory diseases, as well as cardiovascular pathologies. If you do not want to deliberately harm your health, you should forget about cigarettes.

A lot of physical activity prevents cancer

A lot of physical activity prevents cancer
A lot of physical activity prevents cancer

Another step towards reducing the risk of cancer can be taken, paying enough attention to exercises and physical activity. It is necessary to carry out charging every day or just perform hiking in sufficient quantities. A lot of physical activity prevents cancer. Can:

  • Run
  • To swim
  • Skating or bicycle
  • To do yoga
  • Ordinary walks are also very important

It is important to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. The lack of activity negatively affects the general state of health, body, digestive processes, immune system, heart or brain. Sufficient physical activity, among other things, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the intestine and, thus, helps to reduce the risk of the above - cancer of the colon.

Alcohol consumption restrictions will help stop the growth of cancer cells

Another principle of cancer prevention is the restriction of alcohol. This will help stop the growth of cancer cells. The fact is that:

  • Excessive alcohol consumption is a risk factor for many health problems, including several types of cancer.
  • Ethyl alcohol increases the risk of liver damage, as well as pancreas, chest or colon.

For health, it is better not to drink alcohol at all, especially strong. If a person consumes alcoholic beverages, the most important thing is that it is episodically and in reasonable doses - no more than 30-50 ml of vodka or cognac per day or 150 ml of table wine.

If you do not protect the body from the sun: the result is skin cancer

Thanks to the sunlight, a very important and indispensable vitamin D.. It performs several functions in the body, and it has a sufficient amount of preventive effect against cancer of the colon, prostate and chest. However, it must also be borne in mind that sunlight negatively affects the skin. If you do not protect the body from the sun, then the result is cancer or melanoma.

In excessive quantities, sunlight not only contributes to faster skin aging, but also increases the risk of skin tumors. It is always necessary to protect against sunlight with the help of various protective equipment. It is also not recommended to visit solariums, especially if you have fair skin and hair.

Breastfeeding: breast cancer protection

Breastfeeding is one of the main means of preventing breast cancer and female genital organs. Therefore, for women, this is another step towards reducing the risk of this serious and insidious disease. However, there are many other good reasons for breastfeeding, if there is such an opportunity. Breast milk is truly indispensable for the baby and provides it with the necessary nutrients and antibodies. In addition, maternal feeding helps to establish relationships between mother and child. This method of feeding the baby is economical and helps to maintain good health of the newborn.

Safety at the workplace: Cancer prevention

Safety at the workplace: Cancer prevention
Safety at the workplace: Cancer prevention

A long -term effect on the body of chemicals, a contaminated environment, carcinogens and various other harmful substances, such as asbestos, radon, heavy metals and various gases, can also increase the risk of developing many types of cancer.

As an example, one can mention the so -called mesotheliom - cancer that affects the mesothelium, which is a thin layer of cells covering some organs. The main cause of this disease is a long -term, regular and excessive effect on the body of carcinogenic, in particular asbestos. It enters the body when inhaled. This is often a professional disease. If a person works in a dangerous place for health, for example, at various factories, mines, etc., it is necessary to observe instructions for safety and health protection at work as part of the prevention of diseases. They are usually always spelled out and are in production management.

Regular examinations at the doctor: small steps lead to big results

Do not forget about regular examinations at the doctor. This is the best prevention of cancer, because such small steps lead to big results. Although medical examinations will not help to directly reduce the risk of cancer, but still thanks to this, it can be found in time. Early diagnosis is often crucial in the case of this insidious disease. While the early stages of such a disease can be treated, in the later stages, treatment options are usually very limited. In addition, many types of cancer do not show themselves for a long time and do not cause a person any problems. Therefore, preventive examinations are very important. No need to wait for health problems. And if they have already appeared, it is important not to delay a visit to the doctor.

Video: Live great! Four ways not to get cancer

Video: How to reduce the likelihood of cancer?

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