Products that cause cancer in women: the opinion of scientists

Products that cause cancer in women: the opinion of scientists

Review of products that cause cancer.

Among scientists and doctors, research is constantly being conducted regarding the factors leading to the development of cancer. In this area, scientists have advanced significantly. In this article we will tell you what products capable of causing cancer in women.

Products that cause cancer in women: the opinion of scientists

Please note that almost 70% of cancer can be avoided by adjusting the diet and adhering to a certain diet. Scientists have proven that some products really contribute to the development of oncology and the growth of malignant tumors. Below is a list of the most harmful products.


  1. Red processed meat. This applies to ham, salami, briskets. The fact is that in order for such products to be stored for a long time, manufacturers add nitrates, nitrites to it. Under the influence of temperature in the body, they turn into a certain compound that provokes the occurrence of cancer.
  2. Popcorn. The popcorn itself is not harmful, this refers to the product that is sold in packages and is prepared directly in them. The fact is that the reverse side of the packages is covered with a special layer that prevents popcorn. When heated in the microwave, part of the harmful substances from this package enters the popcorn, which people use. Typically, such goods are purchased in America, in Europe. So far, such a service is not very developed, because the prepared popcorn is sold.

  3. Products that contain genetically modified organisms. The fact is that dealing with this is very difficult, since in our country they still do not write on trays with vegetables and fruits where organic and where not. Accordingly, our residents do not yet have the opportunity to completely exclude genetically modified products from their diet.
  4. The list of products that provoke cancer also included sugar and sugar -containing foods. Sugar itself is not a stimulant of development of cancer cells. But it is proved that people who constantly use a huge amount of sugar suffer from obesity, excess weight, arthritis and arthrosis. In this regard, the risk of cancerous diseases increases. Therefore, try to exclude products containing a lot of sugar, confectionery, sweets, pastries, as well as sweet drinks and soda from your diet.

  5. Products causing cancer include and a variety of snacks With a huge amount of vegetable oil. The oil itself is not harmful, it is absolutely safe, but only fresh. Chips manufacturers very often fry them several times in the same oil, which provokes the formation of fats that change their structure and can provoke the development of oncology.
  6. Products that contain milk, that is, not clean dairy products, but milk -containing products. That is, a cheese product. These are cheap types of cheese, melted cheese, spreads, diverse cheap margarine. They resemble plastic to taste, creak on the teeth. They contain a huge amount of palm, coconut oil, which is genetically modified. In addition, such oils contain trans fats that also contribute to the development of cancer.

  7. Cakes, biscuits, cakes. Unfortunately, this delicious food also applies to products that increase the risk of cancer. The fact is that when preparing what dishes, combined oil, trans fats are often introduced, and not only the dough, but also the cream are prepared from them. Accordingly, in cakes and cakes there can be a huge amount of chocolate, which contains coconut oil, as well as trans fats, margarine. This is what causes the development of cancer cells in the body.
  8. Smoked products. This is due to the fact that during their preparation nitrates and nitrites, which are preservatives are introduced, extend the shelf life of the product. In addition, such products not only provoke the development of cancer, but also cause stomach problems.

    Smoked meats
    Smoked meats
  9. Artificially grown fish. All fish products that are specially grown for sale are harmful. Fish is contained in small areas, respectively, overpopulation is observed. Such a fish very often suffers from a variety of ailments and diseases. To prevent ailments, fish is fed with various antibiotics, biological additives, which negatively affects quality. Therefore, give an advantage to wild fish, which were caught in ponds or sea.

Accordingly, in order to extend your life, it is necessary to adjust the food and exclude some products from your diet. These include sugar -containing products, combined fats, processed meat products, that is, sausage, as well as various snacks and genetically modified products. That is, it is necessary to eat healthy foods, turn on fresh vegetable oil, natural organic fruits, vegetables, as well as fresh meat, which must be cooked independently.

Video: Products that cause cancer in women

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