Oncology, cancer: causes, stages, stages and symptoms of development. How to recognize the cancer of the intestines, stomach, esophagus, uric canal, lungs, brain, blood, liver, skin, lips, chest, cervix, prostate, rare forms, non -holder lymphoma, children, children: signs

Oncology, cancer: causes, stages, stages and symptoms of development. How to recognize the cancer of the intestines, stomach, esophagus, uric canal, lungs, brain, blood, liver, skin, lips, chest, cervix, prostate, rare forms, non -holder lymphoma, children, children: signs

In this article, we will consider how to recognize the first signals of the body, depending on the variety of cancer. We will also provide tips for oncologists on how to avoid pathology.

The modern information world is quite branched and affordable. Information surrounds us and now even accompanies everywhere. But often consciousness ceases to function normally when fear covers it. And some things must be agreed and explained. Even more, everyone should be able to determine the symptoms of oncological disease, which will be discussed today.

What creates the soil for cancer?

Regarding the interpretation of this definition, there are no unilateral opinions. Moreover, a free interpretation of malignant changes in the body is carried out. It all depends on the disease itself. Since cancer can hit absolutely all areas of the body. Moreover, both external tissues and internal organs. We suggest you understand the causes, consequences, types and methods of preventing this disease.

  • Cancer disease can provoke a lot of factors. Among them are both hereditary and acquired incentives. Human immunity is built in such a way that all processes and changes in the body are regularly traced for them. After all, he is constantly exposed. Therefore, the occurrence of cancer is conditionally associated with prolonged damage to the cells of the body, which is closely related to the functioning of the immune system.
  • To begin with, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the history of the disease of cancer. The first mention of such an ailment was found in the papyrus of Ancient Egypt, where it has not yet been interpreted as cancer. Such a name was assigned by doctors who noticed that malignant tumors are like cancer tentacles. Also, a number of studies of prehistoric people were conducted that showed that the disease existed in those days.

Scientists explore and interpret cancer from different positions. We give several variations.

  • Paul Erlich (German bacteriologist) associates the disease with the inability of the body to restore cells. Cancer cells are formed in the body on an ongoing basis. But, when immunity is suppressed, the body loses the strength to fight this foreign body. Accordingly, it develops and grows fully.
  • However, it is impossible to ignore the teachings of Michael Zimmerman and Rosalie David, who found that cancer tumors were found in only one mummy. But in the then animals, similar cells were found. Therefore, they indicate that the development of cancer is associated with a modern way of life. Zimmerman refutes the position of Paul Erlich and indicates that the ancient Egyptians described varicose veins or leprosy.
  • Gendron (English oncologist) is sure that malignant tumors arise due to severe stress.
Repeatedly we hear that stress provokes the development of diseases
Repeatedly we hear that stress provokes the development of diseases
  • A similar opinion is the psychologist Karl Jung, who was a student of Sigmund Freud. He believes that negative emotions, stress, prolonged apathy and depression are conditions favorable for the development of cancer.
  • The statement of Otto Warburg, the Nobel Prize laureate, which calls cancer is not a disease, but the state of the body with low acidity.
  • And the lack of oxygen serves as cancer cells an excellent environment for development. It is worth noting that this discovery gave modern medicine data, thanks to which you can study more detailed a cancer.

The main causes of cancer

  • So, we see now that humanity is developing, keeps up with scientific and technological progress, and the disease remains unexplored. Moreover, the number of oncological patients in the world grows with a huge speed, and every day.
  • The origin of this terrible disease is definitely not known, but the main causes of disorders in the body are known:
    • infections
    • Nutrient deficiency
    • lifestyle
    • heredity
    • environment
    • viruses
    • radiation
    • age -related changes.

We are the culprits of most diseases, including the development of malignant tumors

The main stages of cancer cell development

After analyzing the known exercises, we see that cancer is a tumor that is malignant and is gradually developing. The occurrence occurs when a strong failure occurs in the body, in which the main function of protecting the body is lost - cell renewal.

  • The human body is a permanent mechanism that fully operates with the established interaction of genes with the signals of the body. When this relationship is lost, the activity of the response process falls on damaged elements. The mutated cage cannot destroy itself, in this stage it has already lost its main purpose in protecting the body.
  • The development of a cancer cell takes place in three stages:
    • initiation;
    • promotion;
    • progression.
  • Stage I It is characterized by the fact that the newly formed cell already exists in the body and continues to mutate. At the same time, at this stage it is difficult to detect. The process continues until a cancer cell is formed.
  • Stage II Already a malignant process is very serious in nature. A malignant cell due to the assistance of hormones or drugs is modified and continues to turn into an oncological structure. The stage of the current oncological cage ends.
  • Stage III It is the last in the formation of a malignant neoplasm and the first in the development of the disease. The educated oncological cell continues to mutate intensively, and makes its copies in the body. These cells differ from healthy ones:
    • they cannot be controlled by their usual abilities;
    • they are aimed at destroying the affected cells;
    • the mechanism of programmed death is no longer valid;
    • the speed for propagation is reinforced;
    • doubling can occur quickly and last up to 4 weeks, or slowly - six months.
Cancer cells multiply very quickly
Cancer cells multiply very quickly

Stages of cancer development

  • The duration of progression depends on the aggressiveness of the cancer cell. The resulting malignant tumor passes through the stage of development. As a rule, they distinguish:
    • 0 stage;
    • 1st stage;
    • Stage 2;
    • 3 stage;
    • Stage 4.
  • 0 stage It is characterized by the fact that there is already a neoplasm, but it does not spread beyond the epithelium where it arose. This includes all oncological cells. At this stage, cancer can be completely cured if the disease is diagnosed in time.
  • 1st stage It is also subject to treatment in early diagnosis. Cancer adapts to the adjacent territory and spreads in it. However, the distant organs do not affect. An exception is stomach cancer. He metastasizes at this stage.
  • Stage 2 It is the beginning of the appearance of metastases and a continuation of the progression of the process at the site of education.
  • Stage 3 - Cancer continues to expand its boundaries and penetrates the lymph nodes. The stage is still possible for treatment, but there is a risk group for each patient individually. But the tumor is no longer completely cured. The life expectancy of the patient depends on the degree of damage.
  • Stage 4 - The last stage in the development of cancer cells and the last period of human life. Treatment at this stage is dubious. There are no guarantees. The tumor has already spread to significant areas of the body, and continues to “devour” a person. Up to 4 stages are primary neoplasms that are characterized by rapid distribution, for example, thyroid cancer.

We are given the generalized stages of cancer development. After all, the process itself from the emergence of a affected cell to 4 stage of cancer is very long and voluminous. The main thing is if you diagnose cancer at an early stage, then it can be cured. We advise you to contact doctors with any deviations.

Stages of cancer development
Stages of cancer development

The first symptoms of oncological disease

The human body constantly gives signals about its condition. You should immediately listen to him so as not to miss any disease. Including a difficult shape, but at the first stages of development. In general, oncologists recommend paying attention to all signals from the inside. And they offer such a list of sensations that may indicate the beginning of the development of a terrible process:

  • permanent weakness. Constant fatigue serves as an important sign of the occurrence of the disease, including oncological. This is due to the gradual poisoning of the body during the development of cancer formations;
  • instant weight loss. Cancer cells take all nutrients from the body. In addition, developing, the tumor infects blood, which leads to human poisoning. As a result, a sick person loses his appetite, he is constantly tormented by nausea and even vomiting. Therefore, do not ignore the rapid weight loss, see a doctor immediately. Perhaps this is the call from the inside to the aid;
  • constant pain. The cell does not cause direct pain at the beginning of the development of cancer, but a person experiences constant discomfort. Pain in general is the cause of a large number of diseases. Therefore, one cannot surely say when you feel that oncological changes are taking place in your body. Only a doctor can determine all diagnoses;
  • suffy, cough and frequent ENT pain. Such symptoms can be caused by a common cold and an infectious disease. But with a long continuation of such signs, we recommend visiting the hospital;
  • a long increase in temperature. A cancer tumor can cause high temperature, when oncological disease has already begun to develop stably. The person begins to fever through a weak immunity. This is a relative reason, because almost all diseases can be accompanied by fever. But if such signs last long enough, do not postpone a visit to a specialist;
  • bleeding and any purulent discharge. The secretion of blood, pus or souquets for no reason from any organ serves as a direct sign of disorders in the body. Therefore, in any case, you need to visit a doctor;
  • neoplasms on the skin, which suddenly appeared and do not pass for a long time, need to determine their origin and require research and treatment;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, which lasts more than a week. In any case, the visit to the doctor must be made to the fore. These are not always signs of cancer, but treatment is definitely necessary;
  • instant skin change, the formation of incomprehensible spots or moles may be the first sign of oncology. However, only if they are instant in nature, quickly change and do not disappear for a long period of time;
  • the appearance of excess hair growth for no reason;
  • long -term not healing of the wound. The body is able to independently treat wounds in a fairly short time. However, if the wound does not heal for more than a month, then you should consult a doctor;
  • changes in the chest that are felt by the touch should be disturbed in any case;
  • other states that cause concern.

These listed features can really be the first evidence of cancer. But do not panic if you notice one of the listed signs. This may not necessarily be a symptom of cancer. On the contrary, there are times that the oncological tumor develops for a long time and even reached a certain stage of development, but does not make itself felt. Therefore, we recommend periodically undergoing an examination in the hospital. You will be better sure that they are healthy.

Visit doctors regularly and hand over the necessary tests
Visit doctors regularly and hand over the necessary tests

How to recognize cancer?

Unfortunately, there are no absolute sensations from the body that can signal the tumor. There are also no signs that others could notice. Therefore, the listed symptoms can be not only the first, but also the main ones. It is possible to identify a cancer disease only under a microscope from tissue samples, and after conducting a number of tests. Unfortunately, such a disease is not found independently.

  • We bring to your attention the most common cancer, with a specific description. These include:
    • intestinal cancer;
    • stomach cancer;
    • esophageal carcinoma;
    • urethra cancer;
    • lungs' cancer;
    • brain cancer;
    • blood cancer;
    • liver cancer;
    • cervical cancer;
    • skin cancer;
    • non -Khodkinsky lymphoma;
    • breast cancer;
    • lip cancer;
    • prostate cancer.
  • Unfortunately, the list is not exhaustive. But the listed species are the most common. We offer to familiarize yourself with their characteristics.

Testament cancer

  • This ailment is one of the most common types of cancer. It is characterized by peculiar manifestations. They, in turn, depend on the size and location of the tumor. Its main symptoms:
    • stenosis - if the stomach is regular severe colic, bloating, constipation and severe pain during emptying is felt. The neoplasm is growing and blocks the passage in the intestines;
    • cystitis is one of the rare, but characteristic signs of a tumor development. Urination is accompanied by pain and blood;
    • anemia is a common sign. Useful trace elements are not absorbed by the body. The body independently tries to overcome the infected cell. Through frequent bleeding, the level of hemoglobin in the blood falls very quickly;
    • general malaise - the body spends all strength on restoration and combating the problem;
    • digestive disorder and a constant sensation of intestinal overflow - a cancer cell grows, creating pressure on the surrounding tissues;
    • dyspepsia is one of the first signs of the disease. It is accompanied by a constant taste in the mouth of sour and bitter shade. It feels weak pain in the intestines;
    • enterocolite - periodic diarrhea is replaced by constipation. The tumor is on the left, while it prevents the fluid with a chair. But only a doctor can determine the placement of a cancerous organism.
Stomach cancer is considered the most common type
Intestinal cancer and stomach are considered one of the most common species

Stomach cancer

  • The tumor can be placed in its main part, in the upper section (at the junction with the esophagus) or in the lower section (at the junction with the intestines).
  • Malignant education in the early stages is very difficult to diagnose. Signs of the disease are similar to the fact that during intestinal cancer. Early signs include weight loss, weakness, decrease in performance. Also, a terrible disease can be accompanied by nausea, pallor, abdominal pain and an increase in the size of the abdomen itself. Since the liquid in this area accumulates, therefore it manifests itself in this way.

Esophageal carcinoma

  • This ailment develops in the mucous membrane of the esophagus itself. The sick organ narrows, accordingly, a person loses the opportunity to swallow hard food normally. Cancer of this group can hurt all categories of the population. This type of oncology is the most common and can develop into lips or pharynx cancer. The reasons for the development are definitely not known, but this can be attributed to all the factors that irritate the mucous membrane.

Channel cancer

  • It is characteristic of people after 60 years. Until this age is extremely rare. All diseases that are transmitted sexually can provoke the disease. The characteristic symptoms of cancer include constant pain during urination, bloody discharge and probing of the tumor are possible. The identification of such symptoms does not yet indicate the presence of a cancerous disease, but they precisely serve as a reason for seeking a doctor.

Lungs' cancer

  • The ailment is attributed to one of the most severe manifestations of cancer. The lungs have no nerve endings. Therefore, it is often found that a person develops cancer, and he does not even suspect his existence.
  • Symptoms of this species are relatively relative. Drowsiness, shortness of breath, losing weight and unpleasant odor are manifested. However, it must unequivocally alert the processing process. If the mucus of a saturated color with blood, then these symptoms accurately indicate the presence of some important disease.
Lung cancer is dangerous because it is practically not expressed in the early stages
Lung cancer is dangerous because it is practically not expressed in the early stages

Brain cancer

  • It is quite rare. It is possible that a person has lived all his life with this ailment, and she was discovered only at the autopsy. Symptoms are very diverse. Constant severe headache, dizziness for no cause, nausea, hearing impairment, vision, memory are the main early signs. Hallucinations, complete loss of vision, coordination and paralysis are also possible, but this is already at a later stage.

Blood cancer

  • It is characteristic of a sudden and rapid development of a affected cell, which is formed during the production of blood with bone marrow. A feature of this species is rapid prevalence throughout the body. The tumor can develop anywhere in addition. In the first stages of development, this is a completely painless state.
  • Signs are primitive, but should cause wariness: weakness, depression, weight loss. And everything happens suddenly. Frequent bleeding or other signs characteristic of cancer appear, with the totality of which you need to immediately go to the hospital.

Liver cancer

  • It is primary and secondary. Basically, the cancer cell begins to develop in other organs, such as the stomach, lungs, uterus, ovaries, kidneys and metastasizes into the liver. Very often spreads through the body through blood. The primary nature of the tumor is rare. Since the liver is one of the strong organs.
  • Weakening is caused by diabetes, parasites, bad habits, and hereditary in nature. With such influences, the liver loses its ability to function normally and weakens.
  • A peculiar symptoms are jaundice. The tumor closes the bile flow. Accordingly, the skin, eye proteins, urine acquire suspicious yellowness. Other signs are similar: bleeding, constant pain, dizziness, digestive disorders, poor health.
  • This species is quite dangerous in that the speed of development of the tumor is very high.
The liver is considered the strongest organ, but cancer in it develops very quickly
The liver is considered the strongest organ, but cancer in it develops very quickly

Cervical cancer

  • A very common type of cancer in women. The negative side is that the tumor is mainly detected in the later stages. And this is through ignoring the timely examination by gynecologists. Special signs of cancer can be:
    • blood in the absence of menstruation;
    • infections of the genitourinary organs;
    • problems with the work of the intestine;
    • heavy, with delayed urination;
    • constant severe pain in the lower abdomen (similar to menstrual pain, but has a long character).
  • Other signs: weight loss, temperature, dizziness, sweating.
  • Women should remember the main thing that it is better to identify and treat the disease in the early stages than to torment themselves for a long time. Cancer does not pass on its own, but continues to gradually destroy the body.

Skin cancer

  • It is divided into two types: aggressive (melanoma) and ordinary (non -lanoma).
    • Melanoma develops in deep layers of the skin and quickly spreads to all areas of the skin or organs. The sharp appearance of moles, freckles, or changes in existing ones should cause anxiety. After all, they come from an already actively prosperous cancer cell.
    • Nemlanoms are noticeable on the skin and is easy to treat. This type includes freckles and moles that are instant in nature and asymmetric. This species is the safest.

Non -Khodkinsky lymphoma

  • An interesting name, but dangerous. It is similar in character to blood cancer, but consists in infection of lymph nodes combined with vessels. The negative circumstance is that the disease can develop simultaneously in several zones of the association of lymph nodes.
  • A characteristic feature is that cancer can progress slowly, and then dramatically change to another type of cancer. There is also an aggressive form. With timely detection, cancer is fully cured.
Non -Khodkinsky lymphoma is dangerous in that it can go to another type of cancer
Non -Rhodkhkinsky lymphoma is dangerous in that it can go into another type of cancer and form in several places

Breast cancer

  • It arises under unknown circumstances, affects mainly the female part of the population. Women, if they do not want or do not consider it necessary to visit a mammologist every 2 years, should conduct at least an independent examination. The following signs should be alert:
    • breast nake;
    • blood and any discharge;
    • pain in the nipples;
    • any hardening;
    • sudden asymmetry of the chest;
    • unknown changes in the shape of the chest and the color of the nipples.
  • The tumor develops rapidly and affects the entire part of the mammary gland. Do not ignore the above signs.

Lip cancer

  • It can affect both the upper and the lower part of the lip. And oncology smoothly spreads to the entire jaw. Specific characteristics include:
    • sudden occurrence of hardening;
    • frequent ulcers on the lips;
    • itching of the neoplasm;
    • fast flow of saliva;
    • erosion and seals.
  • A characteristic feature of lip cancer is slow development. A person begins to eat weakly through pain. Cancer constantly absorbs the oral cavity. In the absence of treatment, a person is depleted and gradually dies.

Prostate cancer

  • Refers to the male type of cancer. Like the cervical cancer in women, it is mainly manifested in the later stages. Since there is no discomfort in the first stage. A person independently begins to feel the disease when the tumor is already actively developing. Cancer can be detected through the blood during a planned examination.
  • The features of manifestation include:
    • incontinence;
    • frequent urination;
    • severity when urinating.
  • The negative side of the tumor is considered the ability of metastases to affect the bones and spine of the pelvis, and move to all internal organs.

Dangerous and rare forms of cancer

Cancer is really a serious illness that can affect the whole body. There are rare and very dangerous forms of cancer, which is almost impossible to identify independently, this is:

  • cancer of the foot. The cones and hardening in the foot should alert, even if they practically do not cause discomfort
  • salivary cancer. Affects the entire oral cavity and has a hereditary character;
  • vaginal cancer. Tumors are easily removed and occur due to infection with sexually transmitted diseases.
Regularly undergo a scheduled inspection with specialists or conducts independent
Regularly undergo a scheduled inspection with specialists or conducts independent examinations

How to identify cancer in children?

An interesting fact is that the disease is proceeding and treated in different ways. Children's cancer is more treated than an adult.

  • This feature is due to the fact that children's cancer is an innate disease. The mutation of cancer in a child occurs at the stage of origin. That is why the peculiarity of the treatment of children is that it can be completely cured. Signs of oncology in children are:
    • the presence of asymmetry of the hands;
    • asymmetry of the face;
    • asymmetry of the legs;
    • the child gets tired when this is not characteristic of children of the corresponding age;
    • the child began to behave as if something was bothering him;
    • the sudden appearance of unknown bruises in unsuitable places.
  • The most common type of cancer is blood cancer. Parents should always remember: the child will be healthy and will fully develop if cancer is detected in the initial stages. Visit with your child all the scheduled examinations of doctors.

What is the examination, and how to treat cancer?

Important: often people are in no hurry to learn about the disease because of fear. Understand, if trouble happened, then the problem will not disappear on its own. The faster you find it, the faster you will be able to recover.

  • The most important rule is to regularly pass during the main doctors. And follow the signals of your body.
  • It is very difficult to say about treatment, since only a doctor can prescribe it. Moreover, it depends not only on the type of disease, but also the condition of the patient. Also, an individual indicator plays a large role in this matter, because cancer is not treated according to one scheme.
  • For diagnosis, it is necessary to take a blood test. More precisely, it is necessary to carry out a blood fence for a biopsy.
  • Then it already depends on the location of the cancer. For example, an X -ray is necessarily done in the lungs. By the way, do not forget to regularly carry it out in order to identify the ailment in time.
  • Gastric cancer requires compulsory sounding, but breast cancer confirms the ultrasound. To establish brain cancer, MRI and KR. As you can see, any organ is investigated by its specialist and requires an individual approach.
  • But most importantly - do it on time and do not give up! And the only recommendation can be given regarding treatment - hold the immune system in the proper order. After all, your recovery depends on her.
A healthy lifestyle will prevent oncology, and also help to recover in the event of an ailment attack
A healthy lifestyle will prevent oncology, and also help to recover in case of cancer attacks

Cancer prevention: oncologists' tips

  • Oncologists recommend such simple but effective tips to maintain health:
    • exclude alcohol consumption to a minimum;
    • do not allow an unbalanced diet;
    • less in the sun;
    • do not overstrain;
    • sleep at least 7 hours;
    • remember that cosmetics are harmful to the body;
    • keep the weight normal;
    • use fresh products;
    • regularly undergo health examinations;
    • quit smoking;
    • more positive emotions;
    • move more;
    • walk in the fresh air.

Compliance with ordinary simple rules will help maintain health in normal. Oncology of the present tense. A person himself pollutes the environment, himself ignores visits to a doctor. And, unfortunately, there are no exact signs, having discovered which can be argued about cancer. Take care of yourself, your children and the environment. It is better to warn the disease than to treat!

Video: How to recognize cancer?

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Comments K. article

  1. Oncology is like a sentence ... a terrible disease ... God forbid anyone. They would have come up with a cure for him faster.

  2. Yes, for sure. My uncle is now a course of chemotherapy, this time is much better for him. The doctor prescribed the Noton droppers, which improve the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to internal organs and this immediately positively affected its well -being. We hope and believe that the uncle will recover and recover soon.

  3. She herself was sick for a long time, to whom she had not addressed. Some doctors even refused to treat. But then I went recovering. There was a desire to live!

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