How to determine cancer on a general blood test, biochemical, on cancer markers? What can provoke cancer, what are the external signs of cancer? What are oncomarkers?

How to determine cancer on a general blood test, biochemical, on cancer markers? What can provoke cancer, what are the external signs of cancer? What are oncomarkers?

From this article you will learn how to determine cancer on blood test.

Great, we see a doctor, and he prescribes to pass various tests, including blood. According to the results of the tests, the doctor concludes a particular disease. Cancer can also be determined by analyzes. What tests need to be taken to determine the presence of cancer at an early stage when cancer will be cured? We find out in this article.

What can provoke cancer?

Oncological diseases can provoke the following factors:

  • Smoking - for someone who smokes, and constant stay in a smoked room - for others
  • Work with toxic substances, prolonged or short -term
  • Frequent, and in large quantities, alcohol consumption
  • Long -term stay under the sun
  • Improper nutrition, fasting
  • Harmful emissions into the air
  • Hormonal diseases
  • Obesity

Attention. In black people, cancer is much less common than in fair -skinned ones.

What are the external signs of cancer?

The fact that cancer has begun to develop in your body can also indicate external signs:

  • The state of constant fatigue
  • Often torments insomnia
  • Nervous state
  • Stomach pain after eating
  • No appetite
  • Sharp weight loss
  • On the skin or under the skin, seals are felt
  • Wounds on the body do not heal for a long time
  • Poor blood turning
  • Moles began to grow
  • Blood in feces, urine
  • Hemoptysis, prolonged dry cough, and cannot be treated
  • Pain in the body for an incomprehensible reason
  • Immunity is reduced, frequent colds
  • The taste and perception of the smell has changed

Advice. To notice the cancer on time, you need to take a general and biochemical blood tests once a year.

What are oncarkers, and how to determine cancer by them?

Cancer can be determined if you donate blood to cancer markers

If the tumor begins to grow, it distinguishes specific proteins, unlike the rest of our body. In medicine, these proteins are called cancer markersAnd they are different for different tumors.

Diagnosis of cancer on blood tests for cancer markers has not yet been completely studied, and does not give 100% result. At the initial stage of cancer formation, the method is rarely used for the following reasons:

  • High cost of analysis
  • It does not always give reliable results, sometimes the presence of oncomarkers in a healthy body can show

Most often, an analysis for cancer is prescribed with a repeated manifestation of symptoms of cancerto control the patient's condition after surgery or treatment. Blood for analysis is taken every 3-4 months.

Raising oncomarkers, and organs where they are most often formed:

  • AFP - at alcoholics; With cirrhosis.
  • Antigen REA - an increase means that there are inflammation in the bladder, liver, uterus, intestines, lungs; With prostate adenoma.
  • B-2-mg-with kidney diseases.
  • Sa-125-in the uterus, ovaries with inflammation; the mammary gland with tumors; before menstruation; During pregnancy.
  • Sa-19-9-in the stomach, colon, pancreas and gall bladder.
  • Sa-15-3-with breast cancer, during pregnancy.
  • SA-242-cancer in all stages: stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, rectum.
  • CA-72-4-breast cancer.
  • Cyfra-21-1-cancer of the light and bladder.
  • NO-4-with ovarian cancer.
  • NSE - with skin cancer.
  • PSA - prostate cancer in men.
  • HCG - with bladder cancer.
  • HCG+AFP - with egg cancer in men.

Attention. Scientists have not yet found on the brain cancer.

How is blood on cancer markers?

Blood is taken from Vienna for oncomarkers

To make an analysis for oncarkers correct, you need to prepare for blood donation:

  • 2-3 weeks before blood donation, do not take any drugs.
  • 2-3 days before donating blood, do not drink alcoholic beverages, do not have high-calorie, fatty and fried food.
  • Do not smoke 1-2 days.
  • Blood is taken from the vein in the morning, on an empty stomach, at least 8 hours after eating and drinking. At night, you can only drink an unsweetened ordinary water.

Attention. Before donating blood for cancer, prostate gland should refrain from sex for 5-7 days.

How to determine cancer on a general blood test?

Blood for general analysis is taken from the finger

According to a general blood test, you can also determine the presence of cancer in the body, although not always reliable.

What gives a reason to think according to the results of a general analysis, that your body is not all right?

  • The quantity and quality of leukocytes (usually an increase)
  • Increase in ESR
  • Decrease in hemoglobin, and blood loss was not
  • Poor coagulation
  • Reducing platelets
  • Immature blood cells appeared

Important. If the above -based symptoms are observed when donating blood for a general analysis, this may indicate other diseases.

How to determine cancer on a biochemical blood test?

Blood for biochemical analysis is taken from the finger

By biochemical analysis, you can also learn about the beginning of cancer development in the body. But the same reasons indicate other diseases. These are the following signs:

  • Increasing blood sugar - with diabetes and pancreatic tumors
  • Increasing bilirubin - when blocking the gallbladder and with liver cancer
  • Improving urea
  • Decrease in proteins
  • Increased number of alkaline phosphatase

So, blood is a fluid coming to all organs in the body. It is the blood test that gives the doctor a signal to prescribe additional examinations, and determine the cancer if he has begun his harmful development, at an early stage.

Video: Early signs that cancer is growing in your body! 20 signs of cancer! Be careful!

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