How to make a man pleasant during a kiss: how to touch a guy, kisses that will drive a man crazy. How to do it during a kiss: tips

How to make a man pleasant during a kiss: how to touch a guy, kisses that will drive a man crazy. How to do it during a kiss: tips

It’s nice to make a man during a kiss simple. You need to know a few simple tips and rules.

A kiss is one of the most beautiful things in the world, and sometimes it helps to solve-relations will develop into something more. After all, if a person liked can kiss correctly, then this is pleasant and I want to continue the relationship. But what does this really mean - to kiss correctly? And what should you pay attention to?

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When a man cannot kiss correctly, a romantic attitude and erotic stress can quickly disappear. But what does the “right” kiss actually mean? From this article you will learn how to kiss correctly and what kisses can drive a man crazy. Read further.

How to kiss correctly?

Correctly kissing
Correctly kissing

Who does not remember his first kiss and related emotions: tension, nervousness, uncertainty and - at best - the desire to never stop. You were not so close to anyone. How to kiss correctly?

  • It is worth noting that the ideal kiss does not exist, because everyone has different preferences and an approach to caresses.
  • Some people are more daring, immediately use the language, making the process more passionate.
  • But the correct kiss does not mean that you act only in accordance with some generally accepted rules or your preferences, but also that you can adapt to another person-give him pleasure.
  • If your partner prefers to start slowly with timid, delicate kisses, before they become more intimate and passionate, you should also not rush.

If you are not sure what your partner likes, then do not hesitate to ask him about preferences in caresses. It is equally important that you tell him what kind of kisses you like. If you want to learn how to kiss correctly, carefully monitor the reaction of the partner. The next advice will be useful to beginners: at first you can afford to be led. An experienced partner will teach you a lot, and at the same time you will find out what he likes.

Kiss correctly: the most important rules and tips

There is no universal recipe for kisses, there are several things that you should always remember when it comes to your skills in this type of affection. Kiss right, because this is the only way to deliver satisfaction to the partner and enjoy yourself. Here are the most important rules and tips that will help you learn how to kiss correctly:

  • Fresh breath

Nothing repels us like an unpleasant odor from your mouth. Therefore, always hold mint leaves, oral spray or chewing gum.

  • Soft lips

Kissing with soft lips is much more pleasant than with rude and cracked. Therefore, make sure that you have a little balm with you. This moisturization will make your mouth soft and seductive.

  • Breaks

As the great philosophers say - good things take time. Therefore, kissing, one should not rush. This means not only that the kiss itself can last longer, but also that time needs to get used to the kisses of another person. Take small breaks between them to increase the tension and increase mutual desire.

  • The eyes are closed

Despite the fact that everything happens almost always automatically, all the same - the eyes with a kiss should be closed. This allows us to fully concentrate on sensations from the contact of the partner.

  • Less - better

This is a matter of taste, but with kisses the principle usually acts - "better less." Too a lot of smacking, some pressure with a tongue in the mouth, and so on, can push away.

  • Touch

During kisses, do not forget to touch the partner - stroking the neck, hair, hands and other parts of the body.

How to make a man pleasant during a kiss?

A man is pleasant during a kiss
A man is pleasant during a kiss

The kiss speaks more than a thousand words: that is why it is so important to own this art. Now you will find out what to do in order to turn his head to a man during a kiss. How to make a man pleasant during a kiss? Here are the tips:

  • Do not be afraid to dominate the intimacy. If you kissed passionately, take your hands initiative, your partner will fall in love with you immediately.
  • Everyone loves to kiss. In long -term relationships, this strengthens the connection between partners, and on the first date - forces "butterflies to flutter in the stomach." Kisses are as important as sexual relations, if not more. No matter how you relate to your partner, if you have no harmony in relationships during kisses, then nothing will work out.
  • Take everything into your own hands. While men like to command, they also like it when you take the process control in their own hands. In everyday life, you may want to restrain yourself a little so as not to scare him away, kisses are the process that you can control. Especially if your partner does not expect this, it will surprise him and impress him. Show that you can seduce his affection. Fantasy in his head will tell you what you can be capable of.
  • Light biting lips, earlobes, neck will also make your man imagine.

With a kiss, you must also be sensual and tender in your words and touches. Sighs are of great importance and help the partner be pleasure.

How to touch a guy during a kiss?

An important part of the relationship is affection. Touching your boyfriend, you need to show more interest in various parts of his body. This is important for any person. How to touch a guy during a kiss? Consider the zones that you need to influence:

  • Neck

It is this part of the body that comes to mind if you started a kiss from your lips. Moreover, it is not so far from the mouth. This area can be stimulated in several ways. For example: Put your hands on the neck during a kiss, after some time pull the man to you so that you touch with bodies.

You can make a kiss more piquant - pulling it to your neck, slightly strengthen the grip. But all this must be done carefully and watching his reaction. Seeing mutual attraction to yourself, you can strengthen the pressure. All these actions will lead to a more sensual kiss and deeper relationships that will make you be even closer to each other.

  • Ears

This part of the body may not seem very seductive. But this is an erogenous zone in both men and women. You just need to know how to approach it. During the kiss, you should go to the ears and the area around them. A very sensitive part is in the place of contact of the ear and neck. Try not to overdo it with caresses, for some people, this causes not very pleasant sensations. You can also touch his ears with your nails, tickling them slightly from behind, but, not forgetting about caution.

  • Hair

In a kiss with a guy, do not forget about his hair. Such caresses also very much stimulate the production of hormones of happiness and satisfaction. You can just run a palm on the head, or burp in your hair with your fingers if the guy’s hair allows you to do this. If there is little hair or not at all, it does not matter. Massage with the fingers of the skin of the partner’s head will give the same effect. In this case, massage with a palm with alternating fingers is more suitable.

  • Face

Do you like touching your face, with a kiss? Of course yes! The same effect has the touch of your hands to the partner’s face. You can touch everything: cheeks, forehead, chin, do not forget sometimes, for example, to “lightly” with your lips and nose.

  • Arms

Often women forget about the palms. Although caresses of this part of the body have a stunning effect. Massage movements, this will add sensuality. You can also use the hands of your partner to tease him. When driving his hand during the massage, follow her on his body so that your man can enjoy.

  • Breast

With a passionate kiss, touch the male chest. Even if he is in clothes, such touch will still be felt and arousal.

  • The inside of the hips

Kissing, tap the inner thighs - this will delight your boyfriend. But as mentioned above in the text, do not rush. Before reaching the inside of the hips - “work” with the chest and stomach, gradually approaching the groin. A man should feel incredibly excited. Moving your fingers, you can gradually approach the groin. The inside of the hips is the most sensitive zone that causes the most pleasant fantasies.

The guys like it when you control the process. Remember this too.

Kisses that will drive a man crazy

Kisses that will drive a man crazy
Kisses that will drive a man crazy

Any woman should understand, if she begins to take the situation into her own hands, passionately kiss, then this can lead to continuation in bed. Therefore, she should have a desire for this and she should be ready. If so, then what should be kisses that will drive a man crazy:

  • With dominance

Men like to command in principle, but they also want to be led by a woman in caresses. Although in everyday life you may want to restrain yourself so as not to scare him away, but in kisses you can, and sometimes must control it. Especially if your partner does not expect this, it will surprise him and impress him. Show that you can seduce him with your caresses. Fantasy in his head will tell you what you are capable of.

  • It is important not to overdo it

You should not be too much on your partner during the manifestations of your passion. Prepare the soil as mentioned above. The first stage should begin with barely noticeable hints. Do not suck on his lips rudely - like "a vampire who wants to drink his blood." Act easier - take his head with your hand and gently stroke your face with your thumb. Thus, you will give him the impression that you are actually focused not only on a kiss and affection, but also on it. In addition, the use of your hands makes a kiss more passionate.

  • Bite your lips

Incredible excitement occurs when we bit the partner's lips. It is not necessarily the lower one, you can alternate, from this the process will become more diverse and pleasant. But even in the heat of passion, you must ensure not to do it too much: if he hurts, you will not give pleasure, but simply ruin your mood. But the gentle bite of the lower lip, he will definitely like it. You will definitely notice whether he likes what you are doing or not.

  • Answer his caresses

The most important thing in kisses is not just a desire to do what only you like. For a good kiss and caresses, two are always needed. Pay attention to what your partner does, and do not be afraid to delve into the process. For example, if you notice that it uses a little language when a kiss, you are also better off to wait. So just observe just behind the speed and tactics of his affection, if you like it too. This will create the feeling that you are perfect for each other. And your kiss and relationships will be harmonious, and this is important.

How to do it during a kiss: tips

It is worth remembering some things that you should not do before or during a kiss. So how do you not do? Here are the tips:

  • Do not drink a lot of alcohol on the eve of the date

Before the romantic meeting and the first kiss, a sip of alcohol may be a good idea to get rid of complexes, but do not drink too much. The reason is that when we kiss, we stand out the same hormone of happiness as when drinking alcohol, namely dopamine. You might think that a double portion of such a substance in the body is not bad. However, it leads to a false sense of control and dulls the response that are very important in the process of caresses. Therefore, we recommend that you avoid a large amount of alcohol if you want a romantic evening to be perfect.

  • Do not hold your head all the time

Do not keep your head right with a kiss, thereby showing your indifference and indifference. Most people especially with a passionate kiss tilt their heads a little to the side, considering such a pose more comfortable and sensual. Tilt your head, you signal your partner about a sincere desire and readiness for romance.

  • Make sure that there is no unpleasant odor from the mouth

This moment seems obvious, but women are more careful about personal hygiene. Men, on the contrary, are more susceptible to the appearance of unpleasant odor from the mouth, as they pay less attention to the hygiene of the oral cavity. This is a widely discussed topic that can be easily avoided if you regularly brush your teeth, eat mint or chew gum before a kiss.

  • Do not hold your mouth closed

If you hold your mouth closed during a passionate kiss, the game is not only difficult, but also signals your partner that you are constrained. There is scientific evidence that saliva contains testosterone, so men prefer to kiss with an open mouth.

  • Do not kiss if you are assertive from your partner

When you feel the pressure that is unpleasant for you, a bad kiss will certainly happen. Stress releases a special hormone in the body - cortisol, which decreases with kisses, but not if it causes you discomfort. Then the opposite effect occurs. A kiss is great, and it should be comfortable and desirable.

  • Do not stand indifferently

No guy will like a woman’s kisses if you just stand with your hands in your pockets. Show your sensuality, answer his caresses.

Boys, of course, love to kiss. But to excite a guy through a kiss is not always easy, although many women think differently. You must understand what kind of touch he wants and where exactly, in which part of the body. If everything is done correctly, then the evening will really be romantic.

Video: Where do the guys want them to touch them?

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