How to make a paper cylinder? How to make a cylinder with your own hands?

How to make a paper cylinder? How to make a cylinder with your own hands?

In this article we will talk about how to independently make a cylinder - a geometric figure of paper. And also find out how to arrange the top and bottom of the cylinder so that the view is finished.

Next, we will talk about how to make a cylinder out of paper. It is advisable to make it so that it is neat, even and finished. So that the upper and lower part are closed by circles. It is such a cylinder that will be considered further. There will not be much time to create it, just stock up on the right material and prepare tools.

How to make a cylinder from paper - materials

What is a cylinder, children teach at school in geometry lessons. Such a geometric figure is easily done. The main thing is to take into account its size. The length of the circle should correspond to the size of the rectangle. But now it's not about that. To make a cylinder from paper, the material should first be prepared. To make a paper cylinder, you will need cardboard, colored paper, glue, scissors, something round to make two circles that will be the bases of the figure.

Paper cylinders
Paper cylinders

Paper cylinder - diagram

You can make a cylinder from a simple rectangle. The lower and upper sides of this rectangle should be equal to the size of the length of the circles + allowances on a strip for gluing the figure. Below is a diagram of the cylinder drawing of paper.

Therefore, if you have a continuous sheet, you need to take into account that this will need to place two circles and one rectangle. Moreover, the rectangle from above and below should be with the teeth, thanks to these teeth, two cylinder bases will be held. After you transfer the drawing to the cardboard, immediately draw identical and on colored paper to get a cylinder of the desired color at the end.

Next, it remains only to cut the finished pattern for the cylinder and start gluing. It is better to immediately glue colored paper on the cardboard, so that later all the details coincide perfectly and do not go beyond the boundaries of the lines. The teeth are not boring, they are bent inside.

Cardboard cylinder diagram
Cardboard cylinder diagram

IMPORTANT: In order not to be mistaken in the size of the circle, you should draw a circle with a radius equal: R \u003d l/2π, where R is a radius, π is a constant value equal to 3.14. Moreover, the length of the circle, as mentioned earlier, should be equal to the larger side of the rectangle (see the image above).

How to make a paper cylinder - instructions?

So, the figure of the figure is already ready, it remains only to make a cylinder from paper. It’s good if the house has a printer, then you can easily print a finished product pattern, besides it will turn out to be even, perfect.

Pictures on request from a cylinder from paper
DIY paper cylinder

Step -by -step instructions for making a cylinder:

  1. After you draw a cylinder diagram of the necessary value, as already mentioned, the length of the circle line must coincide with the size of the base of the rectangle.
  2. You can calculate the radius by the formula: r \u003d l/2π.After that, only you need to draw the bases of the cylinder of the necessary radius.
  3. Then you should glue a rectangle, ordinary PVA glue, so that you get a cylinder without bases.
  4. Bend the corners inward, they are necessary for the circles evenly glued to the base of the cylinder from paper and cardboard.
  5. When the cylinder is ready, it remains to let it dry.

Such a layout is suitable for geometry lessons to explain to schoolchildren what the cylinder is.

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Video: how to make a cylinder from paper at home on your own?

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