Joint pain: causes, treatment with folk remedies, prevention

Joint pain: causes, treatment with folk remedies, prevention

If the joint pain is worried, folk remedies will come to the rescue. And which we will tell in the article.

Articular pain is an unpleasant phenomenon, which, unfortunately, is faced with both young and elderly people. Sometimes articular pain is so severe that tablets are accepted daily, however, there is no particular improvement in well -being. In this case, folk remedies can come to the rescue, which quickly and effectively eliminate this unpleasant sensation.

Joint pain: Causes

Before determining the method of treating joint pain, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence, since not all the ailments associated with such pain can be cured by folk remedies.

Among the most common causes of joint pain in the joints can be called the following:

  • Age. This reason does not apply to pathology, therefore, in this case, folk remedies will be appropriate and effective.
  • Inflammatory processes in the joints.
  • Chronic illness, which manifests itself in deformation and destruction of the joint cartilage.
  • Excessive physical activity. Due to long-term sports, excessive power load, severe joint pain may appear. In such cases, the means of traditional medicine are needed to remove the sensations. In general, you need to reduce the loads, engage in moderately.
  • Injuries. Often articular pain is a consequence of injuries. In this case, traditional medicine is also appropriate.
  • Inactive lifestyle. It is good that in moderation, therefore, a sedentary lifestyle, like excessive loads, can negatively affect the condition of the joints and cause pain in them.
There can be many causes of pain
There can be many causes of pain

Before resorting to any method of treating the joints, be sure to consult a doctor, do all the necessary tests and only after that decide with a specialist what treatment will be effective and correct for you. Sometimes traditional medicine can only act as auxiliary, but not basic.

Joint pain: treatment with folk remedies

There are a huge number of different folk remedies that help eliminate pain, joint pain and improve their condition.

  • Lavrushka. The bay leaf is used to remove salts accumulated in the joints. To do this, take 15 g of leaves, wash them and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Close a lid with a liquid and leave for several hours. From the finished infusion, remove the leaves of the lavrushka. It is important to know that such a tool can only be consumed on the purified intestine. Drink the resulting amount of liquid throughout the day. The fact that the salt began to be excreted will be indicated by frequent urination. The duration of treatment is 2 days, after which it is worth taking a week break and, if necessary, repeat the treatment.
  • Chicken cartilars. This food product, if, of course, chicken cartilars can be called that, it is appropriate to eat if the body does not have enough collagen. Collagen is a protein that forms the basis of the connective tissue of the body and provides it with strength and elasticity. The lack of this substance in the body can lead to joint problems. It is in chicken cartilars that contains a large amount of collagen, so they are recommended to eat daily in small quantities daily. You can also eat boiled chicken paws.
For joints
For joints
  • Epsom salt. Also, this tool can be found under the name Epsom's salt. It is worth immediately to dispel the possible assumptions of many people - the salt is not quite ordinary, has a unique composition and perfectly copes with the removal of inflammation, eliminating pain and even swelling. With such a tool you can take a bath, you can use compresses with it, etc. Pour 300 g of products into a bath with water and drop a few drops of lavender, mint oil, bathe for half an hour, and then rinse in clean water. For lotions, it is necessary to combine 250 ml of water and 150 g of salt. In this solution, moisten a rag and attach for 10 minutes. To the sore area.
  • Shell of eggs. Perhaps everything is known about the rich composition of the shell. Here we can note the presence of a huge amount of calcium, as well as such microelements as fluorine, copper, iron, etc., use such a product in a powder state, it should also be paid attention to that only the correctly selected and processed shell will be used. Give preference to white shell from home eggs. Wash the shell thoroughly, boil for several minutes in boiling water. After drying it, remove the films as necessary and grind to a powder state. Daily use 1 g of remedies, drinking it with water. If it is difficult for you to use a shell, add it to food or liquid.
Grind into powder
Grind into powder
  • A decoction of rye grains. To prepare such a decoction from pain in the joints, you need to take 270 g of grains, pour them 1 liter of water and bring the mixture to a boil. After that, strain the decoction, separate the resulting liquid from the grains. Pour the liquid into a glass container. Add 200 g of vodka there, half of liquid natural honey. Close the container with a lid and insist for several weeks in a cool place in which direct sunlight would not fall. After this time, the product is ready for use. Daily take 1-2 tbsp. l. liquids before each main meal.
  • Blue clay. The healing properties of clay in joint pain are difficult to overestimate. To relieve pain, you can use both blue and yellow clay, however, we preferred the first option. You can purchase clay at any pharmacy. The clay must be applied to a clean gauze or a rag, while its consistency should be thick, and it only needs to be diluted with hot water. So, having received the desired consistency, we apply the product on a rag and apply it to the sore area. After wrapping a rag with a film and wrap it in a blanket, expects half an hour. Next, remove the compress and wash off the remains of the product from the sore spot. The pain will go much faster if, after such a procedure, conduct a slight massage on a sore area, however, this can only be done if there are no contraindications for this.
  • Infusion from chamomile and calendula. Take 2.5 tbsp. l. Flowering of these plants and mix with 350 ml of vegetable oil. Let the product stand for 2 weeks, and then remove the flowers from the liquid. Rub the product into the sore area daily, it will also not be superfluous with a light massage using such a tool.
  • A decoction of chamomile, calendula and parsley root. Such a tool relieves inflammation and eliminates not very severe joint pain. However, it is effective only if it is regularly taken. Take 1.5 tbsp. l. Flowers of chamomile and calendula and 1 tsp. chopped parsley root. Pour dry ingredients with half a liter of boiling water and let it brew for several hours. After strain the decoction and use 70 ml after each basic meal. The duration of treatment is 1 week.
Use a week
Use a week
  • Garlic oil. This tool effectively restores the motor function of the joints and improves their condition. To prepare such a tool, take 250 g of cleaned garlic and chop it with a blender. Place the resulting gruel in a glass container, pour 0.5 liters of sunflower oil into it, mix the ingredients. Close the container with a lid and take it to a cool place protected from sunlight. Mix the ingredients daily. After 2 weeks, the oil will be ready for use. Do a light massage of a sore area daily using a small amount of this product. After the procedure, the joints should be in a warm place. Such procedures can be carried out without restrictions.
  • Turmeric. Oddly enough, but this spice is used not only in cooking. It is also effective in medicine, cosmetology. There are substances that relatively quickly relieve swelling from a sore spot and pain in the composition of turmeric. To prepare the therapeutic agent, take 20 g of turmeric, 10 g of ground ginger and liquid honey. So much honey is needed so that the product turns out to be thick enough. Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous state. Take a little money and apply on a clean gauze, attach it to the sore area and wrap it with a film, and then wrap it in something warm. A few hours later. Remove the compress and wash off the remnants of the product. You can also strengthen your immunity and relieve inflammation by using turmeric inside. To do this, connect 1 tsp. turmeric with 2 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Add the resulting tool to tea or take it, diluting in boiled water.
Very useful
Very useful
  • Compresses from honey, vodka and aloe juice. Aloe juice in its composition has a huge amount of useful substances for our body. To prepare the product, take 80 ml of vodka, 50 g of liquid honey and 50 g of aloe juice. Aloe juice needs to be squeezed only from large leaves. Therefore, draw the required number of leaves, wrap them in a bag and leave them in the refrigerator for a couple of days. After this time, wash the leaves, grind in a blender, and then squeeze the juice from the resulting gruel. Combine all the ingredients, mix and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of days. After this time, apply a little remedy to the sore spot and rub it in the skin with light massage movements. Wrap the place with a film and blanket, wait a couple of hours, and after necessary, rinse off the rest.
  • Oil of sea buckthorn, mint, lemon, lavender, spruce, eucalyptus. All these oils are excellent with inflammation and pain. They can be used separately or together. For example, take 2 drops of lavender oil, mint and grapefruit. Add to a fragrant mixture 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, mix the ingredients. Take a little resulting product and rub in a sore spot with massage movements.
  • It is also useful to take baths with herbs with joint pain in joint pain. Take a little mint leaves, chamomile flowers and St. John's wort. Pour the ingredients with a small amount of water and let it brew for several hours. Take a bath, add an infusion to it. These herbs relieve inflammation, pain and swelling, and also have a favorable effect on the skin.
Herbal bath
Herbal bath
  • Infusion from lilacs. You will need 5 tbsp. l. Lilac flowers. Place them in glass containers and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Give the product to brew for several days, and then use for rubbing. Take a little liquid and apply to a sore spot, gently rub it with light massive movements. Repeat the procedure daily.
  • Cabbage compresses. Select the cabbage leaf suitable in size, wash it and slightly stick it with a knife. Next, lower the sheet into boiling water for a couple of seconds, and then grease with a thin layer of honey. Attach the compress to the sore spot and wrap it with cling film, and then wrap it in a blanket. After a few hours, remove the compress and, if necessary, wash the rest of the product. Do the procedure daily.
  • Rice. Correctly boiled and eaten rice quickly and effectively removes depleted salts from the body. Take round rice, rinse it several times in running water. Pour the rice with water and leave for a couple of hours., Drain the liquid, rinse the rice and repeat the procedure. After that, boil the rice, observing the following proportions of cereal and water - 1: 2. Every day eat on an empty stomach of 100 g of such rice without salt and other additives. Before using rice, drink 1 cup of warm water.

Joint pain: prevention

Of course, you can not protect yourself from the occurrence of all ailments, however, observing simple recommendations, you can reduce the chance of their appearance.

So, in order for the joints to feel better and do not hurt you:

  • Balance nutrition. Eat moderately, do not overeat, pay special attention to the amount of salt consumed. Remember, your diet should consist of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Exclude alcohol and smoking from your diet. If you can’t do this completely, try to at least maximize the amount of alcohol and cigarettes.
  • If you suffer from overweight, be sure to get rid of it. Not only the beauty of our body, but also its bones, joints, organs suffer from extra pounds.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. If you have a sedentary job, you do not like to move, etc., sooner or later your joints will begin to hurt. Try to do at least the simplest charging daily, walk on foot, for example, to work, to the store, etc.

Do not delay a visit to the doctor if you feel that the condition of the joints worsens or worsens your well -being. Do not treat without consulting a doctor. This also applies to medical and popular treatment. Many drugs and means of traditional medicine may not be suitable for you, and in this case you will only aggravate the state of your health.

Joint pain prevention
Joint pain prevention

Joint diseases bring not only discomfort, but also constant real pain. It is impossible to delay the treatment of such ailments, since this can lead to serious consequences, up to the need to change the joints.

At the first signs of the disease, consult a doctor, conduct the necessary research, and only after that consulting with a specialist, begin treatment with folk, and, if necessary, with medical means.

Video: Treatment of joint pain in folk methods

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  1. One of the most profitable, but at the same time effective chondroprotectors in Honda Forte Evalarovskaya. In fact, chondroitin and glucosamine, which are contained in the composition, are structural elements of cartilage fabric, which is why it contributes to organic renewal of cartilage tissue

  2. i also have joints hurt. Tin is not pleasant to be honest.

  3. Lyudmila, of course, is enough pleasant when the joints hurt. For example, I accept Amelotex. The tablets are not large, to take as easy as simple, and plus the pain is not poorly reduced. I am pleased.

  4. my age is not the one that you can write off problems, I buy shoes only comfortable, expensive. The weight is superfluous, yes ... eat. There was an injury to the knee in youth. Now it makes itself felt strongly, especially in the spring. So far, I am in a natural remedy for joint health - rheumatlex. It relieves pain and inflammation well. I advise those who are not yet ready for non -steroidal means.

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