How to make nails beautiful and healthy? What do healthy nails look like? A photo

How to make nails beautiful and healthy? What do healthy nails look like? A photo

How to grow healthy, strong nails at home? Food, vitamins and dietary supplements for beautiful healthy nails.

How many different things are redone for a day, female hands are prepared, erased, cleaned and sometimes even repairing something around the house. All this work very negatively affects the condition of the nails.

They become brittle, spread and grow slowly. Correct and regular care will help to avoid such a problem. If you pay attention to your pens at least several times a week, then well -groomed and healthy nails will be provided to you.

What do healthy nails on the hands look like? Healthy nail color. A photo

The most important sign that your nails are healthy are their appearance. They should be smooth, even and slightly transparent. Unevenness and grooves usually appear as a result of hormonal failure. The tips should be white or ivory.

If the nail plate has a yellow color or there is a pronounced spot on it, then this suggests that something is wrong with your body. Well, of course, she should not break and lay down. This is a sign of a lack of vitamins in the body.

How to grow healthy strong nails?

Absolutely every girl dreams of a beautiful and original manicure. And in order to do it, you must first grow nails. But as practice shows, not all representatives of the fair sex manage to do this quickly.

Most often, the main problem is the fragility of the nail plate, so girls first have to put their health in order, and only then start planning a trip to the beauty salon.

Tips that will help to grow healthy nails :

Use pharmacy products. Inexpensive, but quite effective means for combating this problem, is considered vegetable oil. In any pharmacy you will find burdock, sea buckthorn and almond oil. You can also try to use a nail growth activator. It includes components that feed the nail plate as much as possible, thereby stimulating its growth
Prepare folk remedies. Make your pens a variety of baths made of sea salt, iodine, lemon and pepper. If you want to achieve a quick result, then do these procedures several times a week
Take vitamins. In summer and autumn, it is best to saturate the body with the necessary trace elements with vegetables and fruits. In winter, you can use tablet vitamin complexes
Correctly care for. Remove the cuticle in time and cut the plate. Buy for manicure only the most high -quality decorative cosmetics. Do all the housework in rubber gloves, this will help protect your nails from mechanical exposure

What vitamins and dietary supplements should be taken to have healthy and well -groomed nails?


If you want to surprise everyone around with an ideal manicure as soon as possible, then try to take vitamins or dietary supplements. If you do not know which drug to choose, then contact a specialist for advice. After passing all the tests, he will appoint you the desired vitamin complex.

Substances that must be in vitamins and dietary supplements:
• Vitamins A, B5, C and E
• Calcium
• Iodine
• zinc
• Iron
• Nicotinic acid

Food and food for healthy strong nails

Those women who have a beautiful manicure know that nutrition greatly affects its appearance. Healthy nails really do not like restrictions on food and harmful foods, so only a healthy and balanced diet can help you put your pens in order.

Nail products beneficial:

Eggs. These products contain cysteine \u200b\u200band biotin, which are responsible for brilliance and elasticity
Dairy products. Make the nail plate stronger and block the processes of stratification
Fresh meat and fish. Promote rapid growth
Greens, vegetables, fruits and cereals. Enrich the body with vitamins.
Seafood. Reduce brittleness
Pure water and freshly squeezed juices. A sufficient amount of fluid in the body has a positive effect on the condition of the nails.
Nuts. Increase growth rate

How to make nails healthy and strong at home?

Our pens are every day in negative influence. The environment, household chemicals and poor -quality cosmetics are left on them. Because of this, the appearance of the hands will be very spoiled, and if every day it is not given for at least a few minutes, it is likely that very soon you will be ashamed to show them to outsiders. Therefore, it will be better if you pamper your hands every day with medicinal baths and nutrient creams.

Folk recipes for care, for growth and strengthening

Nourishing mask. Take the castor oil and the oil solution of vitamin A, mix everything in a clean bowl and apply to the nail plate and the skin around it. Wait 25-30 minutes and carefully remove the remaining masks using a soft cloth
Whitening. For bleaching, you can use fresh lemon. It must be cut and fingers into the pulp. After 5 minutes they must be taken out and rinse with warm water
Strengthening tea. Take a field horsetail, put it in a half-liter jar and pour boiling water. Close everything with a lid and leave to infuse to cool completely. You need to take such tea twice a day, for 2-3 weeks

Fleet growth recipes for nail growth

Well -groomed soft hands and long manicure have always been pride in any girl. But very often, from a catastrophic lack of time, we forget to devote time to them, and this very quickly affects their condition. They will help to make them strong and healthy, as well as accelerate growth, healthy hand baths.

Recipes that help strengthen the nail plate:

Soda bath. In a glass of warm water, thoroughly dissolve 1 tablespoon of sea salt, lower the fingers into the solution and wait 10-15 minutes. After time I my hands with clean water and apply any nutrient cream on them
Strengthening bath. Take 100 -150 g of vegetable oil, add 6-8 drops of iodine to it and mix everything well. Lower your fingers into the resulting mixture for five minutes. After time, remove the remains of iodine and oil with a soft cloth
Honey-milk bath. Berm is half a glass of milk, add 2 members to it. natural honey, half of the lemon juice, and carefully mix all the ingredients and lower the fingers there. After 20 minutes we take them out of a glass and wash them with warm water

Seasonal nail care

The nail plate, like the whole body, tolerates sharp changes in temperature. Therefore, in the cold season, it is necessary to prepare the nails for low temperatures.

  • If you want you to have healthy nails even in winter, then in no case do not leave the house without comfortable gloves. At night, make nutritious masks for your fingers. To do this, rub fat cream or vegetable oil into the nail plate
  • In summer, hands, of course, suffer less than in winter, but ultraviolet radiation everything affects the structure of nails. Therefore, it will be better if before going out to the street you will apply a nutrient cream or mask on them. After the product dries on the plate, an inconspicuous protective film remains

Nail fungus prevention

Another enemy of a beautiful manicure is a fungus. Most often, this disease manifests itself if a person has sharply reduced the body's defenses. You can also become infected with a fungus in public places.

Methods of treatment of fungus:

Traditional treatment. You can use ointments, gels and sprays. To make the treatment effective, it is necessary that the means to combat the disease be selected, the specialist
Ethnoscience. At home, independent ointments are used to treat the fungus. For example, you need to take an egg, vegetable oil, vinegar essence and dimethylphthalate. Mix everything thoroughly and smear the affected areas with the mixture obtained by the mixture

Tips for maintaining your nails strong, healthy

If, for no apparent reason, your manicure began to break and lays, then you care about it. The following recommendations will help to avoid such problems:

• eat only healthy products
• Drink a lot of clean water
• Apply medicines on the nail plate
• Cut your nails periodically and moisturize the cuticle

Video: How to grow long and healthy nails

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Comments K. article

  1. As for me, full nutrition is very important, so that not only the nails are healthy, but also hair and skin. But in winter, the body does not receive the necessary vitamins even with food. I accept the special dragee of Merz, they support the beauty of not only the nail, but also the hair.

  2. I completely agree, but I would say that nails and hair suffer from a year. In summer from the heat, in winter from the cold. Well, you need to eat seasonal products, they have the most vitamins. I still drink the triple omega-3 Evalarovskaya, all year round, courses with a break. Because beauty needs to be maintained constantly.

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