Crafts from plastic bottles for a summer house and garden step by step for beginners. How can you make a swan, a dove, a mosquito trap, a broom, an ottoman, a vase for flowers, roses, chamomile, pig, owl, God's cow, butterfly, peacock?

Crafts from plastic bottles for a summer house and garden step by step for beginners. How can you make a swan, a dove, a mosquito trap, a broom, an ottoman, a vase for flowers, roses, chamomile, pig, owl, God's cow, butterfly, peacock?

How to make different crafts from plastic bottles for cottage and at home?

For most people, a plastic bottle is ordinary garbage, which clutches the house. But in skillful hands, this, at first glance, can turn into a very beautiful, and most importantly, unique decoration for a personal plot.

A large pole of such man -made decorative objects is their cheapness, and that is why a family with the smallest income can afford to decorate living space with such a decor. If you are interested in such an idea, then let's figure out what can be made from empty plastic bottles.

What can be done from plastic bottles with your own hands?

Simple swans from plastic bottles
Lake made of plastic bottles
Plastic bottles
Plastic bottles
Plastic bottles flowers
A toy from a plastic bottle
Plastic bottle toy
Plastic bottles

Until recently, with the help of plastic bottles, they gave the contour to the flower beds, beds and garden paths. But over time, the people's craftsmen realized that the plastic is very supple material from which you can make many beautiful things. Therefore, people began to experiment and beautiful volumetric flowers, garden lights and chandeliers, various kinds of stands, vases, candys and even full fences began to get out of unnecessary garbage.

To create all these masterpieces, the masters used bottles of different sizes and shapes, cutting out the blanks from them, gently connecting all the details with each other, and then painting them with paints in the desired color. Yes, and remember that the plastic can not only be cut, if you take the workpiece and hold it a little over the heat (electric tiles or a lit candle), then you can make very beautiful voluminous compositions with perfectly rounded details.

Swan made of plastic bottles

Swan made of plastic bottles
Production of plumage

On the Internet, you can find many different ways to make plastic swans to decorate the garden. But unfortunately, they are all quite complex and therefore people who have never been engaged in needlework in most cases are not entirely clear. That is why we decided to introduce you to the method of making a swan, which absolutely everyone can cope with.

Materials for the manufacture of a swan:

  1. One five -liter bottle
  2. Up to fifteen bottles of milk or kefir (are needed for the manufacture of plumage)
  3. Wire and scissors
  4. A piece of hose
  5. Paint for staining the finished product

Swan manufacturing:

  • So, for starters, we take a black marker and draw a line on a bottle, along which the opening will be carved later (flower pots can be inserted into it). You can see how to do this correctly in the figure posted above.
  • Next, take a piece of the hose of the desired length, insert a thick wire into it, and then with your hands give the workpiece a shape that visually resembles the neck of the swan. Insert the finished workpiece into the neck of a five -liter bottle.
  • At the next stage, proceed to the manufacture of feathers of our swan. To do this, cut the blank from milk bottles imitating the feather. And so that it is as similar as possible to natural, cut it along the edge with sharp scissors, and then heat the fringe obtained over the lit candle (this will help to swap the feathers).
  • After that, we cut off the neck and ass from several milk bottles and put them on the hose (we imitate the neck of the swan). In the most extreme bottle, we cut only the ass, and leave the neck in place, and form the head of our decorative bird from it.
  • At the final stage, we take previously prepared feathers and gently glue them to the resulting case. We do it in such a way that there are no even the slightest gaps between them.

Piglets from plastic bottles

Piglets from plastic bottles

I want to say right away if you want to reduce the manufacture time of pigeons, then use white bottles of milk or kefir to create such decorative objects. In this case, you will not need to paint absolutely the entire workpiece, it will be enough to decorate her head.


  • Prepare a standard milk bottle and cut the neck as shown in the master class
  • After the body of the dove is formed, we proceed to the manufacture of its head
  • To do this, take a piece of thick foam and cut the blank visually resembling the head of the bird as sharply as a sharp knife
  • At the next stage, we proceed to the manufacture of the plumage of the pigeon
  • This can also be done as shown in a master class or the method that was used to make a swan plumage
  • After the feathers are ready, make a small hole in their lower part and fix the wire in it
  • At the last stage, combine all the blanks among you and correctly paint the head of the pigeon with paints

Plastic bottles

The body of the peacock
Production of plumage for peacock
Equipping plumage
Making the tail
Making the head
Making the legs of the peacock
The final assembly of the bird

If you want to make a beautiful peacock, then you will have to be patient. Unlike a swan and a dove similar bird Requires a characteristic plumage for her. And this means that in this case it will not be enough to cut the right feathers. They will also have to be correctly connected with each other and only after that attach to the body of the future peacock.

Painting manufacture:

  • So, for starters, make the body of the bird. To do this, you will need to use one five -liter bottle, two half -liter and two plastic sticks
  • Next, proceed to cut the feathers and the formation of large pieces of plumage
  • When the plumage is ready, begin to make the tail. Be sure to take into account the size of the body and make sure that it is not too large
  • When the tail is ready, begin to make a foam head (immediately paint it with paints)
  • Connect all the parts of the peacock with each other and, if desired, install it on a heavy stand

Plastic butterflies

Plastic bottles
Cutting template # 1
Cutting template No. 2
Cutting template No. 3

Plastic bottles are the perfect material for the manufacture of beautiful and bright butterflies. Depending on the bottle of what size you will use for this, you can get both very cute small butterflies and very large ones, capable of being an independent object of decoration of the garden or courtyard of a private house.

The most pleasant thing is that the manufacture of these bugs does not require people of some special skills. All you need to do, stock up on bottles of the right size, scissors, paints and, of course, imagination.

Recommendations for the manufacture of butterflies:

  • To begin with, cut the neck and bottom from the bottle (you should have the most supple middle part in your hands)
  • Draw a butterfly on a leaf or find a suitable template on the Internet
  • Using a black marker, transfer the butterfly contour to the bottle
  • Cut the pattern with sharp scissors and decorate it as you see
  • Ready butterflies can be attached to the wire, and then placed them on flower beds or just on the lawn

Yes, and if you have stained -glass paints, then you can paint them with the converted circuit on the bottle, and after completely drying them out, cut a completely ready -made butterfly. Since in this case rather convex lines will be obtained, you will have the opportunity to fill them with small rhinestones or shares.

God's cows from plastic bottles

God's cows from plastic bottles
God's cows from the bottom of the bottle

If you want to make a ladybug as quickly as possible, then stock up on red bottles (1 pc.) And black (2 pcs.), As well as an ordinary stapler. One bottle will imitate the body of the bug, and from another you will make characteristic points.


  • Cut the blank from a bottle that imitates the wings
  • Next, take a black bottle and cut the mugs from it
  • On one of them, draw beautiful eyes and attach the bottle to the lid
  • Fix the remaining black circles with a stapler on the wings of the ladybug
  • At the last stage, attach the wings to the bottle and the craft will be ready

If desired, you can make such a bug from plastic covers. To do this, you will just need to take paints and paint them correctly. Such small ladies will be a wonderful decoration of plants that grow in pots.

Owls from plastic bottles

Owls from plastic bottles

An owl of a plastic bottle made by the method, which we will now introduce you to be either a full -fledged flower pot or an original pot, which can either be put on the floor, or suspend the summer veranda.

Recommendations for the manufacture of owls:

  • First, cut the upper part of the bottle
  • Using paints, give the workpiece the desired color
  • Next, take a simple pencil and draw a drawing on it, which will imitate the face and plumage of the owl
  • Using a plastic cutting knife, give the right shape the right shape
  • Add the volume of the advance with the help of contrasting lines in the color

Yes, and if in the future you want to use such a craft exclusively as a flower pot, then do not cut the holes that mimic plumage. You can achieve such a visual effect with paints, simply correctly drawing feathers. Such a pot can be used to grow indoor colors or for growing spices.



As you already understood, crafts from plastic bottles can have several appointments at once. A plastic pig is also no exception, therefore it can be a flower pot, a flowerbed or a full -fledged decorative object.

If you want to make a pig solely for decoration, then act as shown in the master class. If in the future you plan to plant plants in it, then prudently cut the opening of the desired size in the upper part of the workpiece and additionally strengthen it with a plastic rim.


  • Cut off the neck of the neck in four liter bottles (these will be the legs of our pig)
  • We fasten them on the wire, and then fix them on a five -liter bottle
  • Next, from the middle part of the plastic bottle we cut out rounded blanks (these will be the pigs)
  • We fasten the ears on the upper part of the bottle closer to the neck
  • At the next stage, we cut out two small circles and fix them on the piggy muzzle
  • At the very end, we paint the entire workpiece in a delicate pink color and with the help of white and black paint we draw our pigs

Chamomiles from plastic bottles

Chamomiles from plastic bottles

If you want to decorate your house or a personal plot with flowers that will delight you all year round, then try to make them from plastic bottles. Now we will teach you how to make very beautiful and, most importantly, the most realistic daisies that will become the most beautiful decorative object of your home. It is best to make them from white dairy bottles. Since they are more malleable, it will be much easier for you to form thin chamomile petals from them.

Simple tips:

  • First of all, cut circles of the same diameter from the middle part of plastic bottles
  • Next, start forming a flower itself from them
  • To do this, first divide the circle into four parts
  • Next, each of the four segments again divide into four parts
  • If you do everything right, then you will get 16 perfect petals
  • At the next stage, take manicure scissors and carefully round the edges of the petals
  • After that, cut a small circle from the plastic and cut it along the edge
  • Hold this workpiece above the candle until the edges start to fluff
  • Paint the resulting workpiece in yellow
  • From a bottle of green, cut a star in the correct shape (it will imitate a flower cup)
  • Cut the characteristic leaves from the same green plastic
  • Take the wire and wrap it with a satin ribbon or corrugated paper
  • Combine all the details with each other and the chamomile will be ready

Plastic bottles

Plastic bottles

Roses can also be made similarly. The petals and the stem can be done as well as for chamomile, but the bud itself will need to be made a little differently. In this case, you will need to cut a rectangular blank from the plastic and divide it exclusively into four parts. Another nuance in the manufacture of a bud is to twist the ends of the petals. In this case, you will need to warm the workpieces more than usual, and then with the help of a round wooden stick to give them the desired shape.

If you refuse to conduct this stage, then in the end you will not get a rose, but a wretched flower that can hardly be used to decorate a house or garden. Yes, and remember, if you need to paint plastic, then you need to do this before you start connecting the petals into the bud. Since the finished workpiece will turn out to be quite voluminous, you simply cannot paint it as well as possible and, as a result, your rose will have ugly spaces.

Palma from plastic bottles

Palma from plastic bottles
Making the top

If you want your personal plot to show off exotic palm trees, then you do not have to buy expensive seedlings and wait years while they grow to the desired size. If desired, you can make such a tree made of plastic bottles of brown and green:


  • At the initial stage, make the barrel from the bottles
  • To do this, cut the bottom and neck with them, and then begin to insert the bottle into the bottle
  • When the hollow workpiece is ready, strengthen it with a wooden stick or an iron rod
  • Next, we begin to make the top of the palm tree
  • To do this, cut the bottoms of the bottles, and then cut them into thin strips
  • Inside these blanks, it will also be necessary to insert flexible rods or a plastic hose
  • At the very end, you just have to fix the top on the barrel and securely fix the palm on the flowerbed

Plastic vases for living or artificial colors

Plastic vase in the style of decoupage
A vase with a pattern
Vase with weaving

The easiest way to make a vase from a plastic bottle, just cut off the neck, and then paint the entire surface of the resulting workpiece in the desired color. And so that such a craft looks more impressive, it can be additionally painted with a floristic ornament or glued with rhinestones and shade.

Plastic vase in the style of decoupage:

  • Take a two -liter bottle and cut its upper part
  • Squeeze the outer part of the workpiece with PVA glue well, and then attach the selected napkin on this layer
  • Gently flatter everything with a soft brush moistened in a jet, and wait for the top layer to dry complete
  • Next, take a decorative tape suitable in color and style and use it with glue attach it along the edge of the neck of the vase
  • If desired, you can additionally decorate the vase with beads and ribbons

Bouff of plastic bottles

Bouff of plastic bottles

A little higher, we have already told you how different decorative jewelry for home and garden can be made from empty plastic bottles. And now we will teach you how to make a soft pouf from plastic, which will become a decoration of any interior.

But remember, if you want the perfect product to make you get the perfect product, then use the same size bottle to make it. If you make a puff from the same two-liter bottles at the same time, then you definitely will not succeed in creating something really high-quality.


  • To get started, prepare 16-20 of the same in size bottles
  • Using adhesive tape, fasten the bottles in pairs
  • When you cope with this task, form a circle from the blanks and also fix everything with tape
  • Measure the diameter of the workpiece and cut two circles from dense cardboard on the basis of these data
  • Place the bottles between them and wrap everything again with tape
  • At the next stage, tighten the workpiece with foam and carefully sew everything with small stitches
  • From the right material, sew a removable cover and put it on the ottoman

Broom made of plastic bottles

Broom made of plastic bottles

For the manufacture of a broom, it is best to take two -liter bottles. Their dimensions allow you to create a rather voluminous fringe, which fights quite effectively with garden garbage.

Mettle manufacturing recommendations:

  • First, find a smooth stick that will imitate the upper part of the broom
  • It will be better if its diameter will allow you to put a plastic blade on it
  • Next, take a bottle and cut it to the bottom
  • Then cut the workpiece into the strips with sharp scissors, without reaching the neck
  • Make several blanks in this way and insert them alternately into each other
  • Fasten everything with wire and put on a smooth wooden stick

Mosquito trap from a plastic bottle

Trap-for-Komarov-Iz-plastic tanks
Mosquito trap from a plastic bottle

As you already, probably, understood a plastic bottle in skillful hands can turn into a fairly beautiful and original thing. But in addition to decorative elements from this material, you can make Effective trap For mosquitoes, which can be placed both inside the house and on summer terraces. You can see how to do this miracle-condemnation in a figure located slightly higher.

Remember, if you want the trap to cope with its tasks as well as possible, the liquid in it must be changed every day. It is desirable to do this closer to the evening, having previously drained the old one from it and rinsing the container with clean water. Subject to all these nuances, you can forget what mosquitoes are and even in the most humid period of summer to enjoy calm nights.

Video: What can be done from plastic bottles for the garden and a country house?

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