How to make a dog from paper: instructions, ideas

How to make a dog from paper: instructions, ideas

An article on how to make beautiful dogs from paper yourself. Schemes and step -by -step instructions.

How to make a dog from paper: step -by -step instructions

A dog from paper can be like a pet. Made of thick paper or thin cardboard. Eyes and nose are painted with a felt -tip pen or cut out of black paper. This idea how to make a dog from paper belongs to an American needlewoman and blogger Jennifer Maker From the state of Michigan.

Such paper dogs are not only beautiful, they can find practical application. After all these are the storage boxes. Take a closer look at the photo below: each dog below has a pink part - this is the lower part of the box, and the dog itself is its decorative cover.

How to make a dog from paper step by step
How to make a dog from paper step by step

How to make a dog from paper - step -by -step instructions:

The template by which you can understand how to make a dog out of paper in the next figure.

Paper dog scheme
Paper dog scheme

1. First, you need to cut out all the details of the dog from the paper. Cut blanks should look something like in the photo below.

Dog from paper, details for creating
Dog from paper, details for creating

2. When all the details are cut out, we begin to glue them in stages. Let's start with your ears. If you want the ears to be dense, cut and glue two or three layers of thin cardboard together.

Paper dog ears
Paper dog ears

3. When the ears are ready, we begin to stab your head. First, we bend all the details on the indicated fold lines. After that, glue the muzzle.

Dog from paper, glue the details of the head
Dog from paper, glue the details of the head

4. Only after all small details: muzzle, tongue and eyes, glued, glue the head of the dog.

Dog's head from paper
Dog's head from paper

The finished head of a paper dog should look like in the photo below.

The finished head of the dog
The finished head of the dog

5. Now let's move on to the body of a paper dog. Our dog has gray marks on the body, first you need to glue them.

Glue stains to the body of a paper dog
Glue stains to the body of a paper dog

6. Do not forget to glue the tail to the body! If you have a thin cardboard, make it at once from several layers of cardboard glued together.


7. Glue a collar of colored paper, in our dog it is green, you can choose the color at your discretion.

Colored paper collar for paper dog
Colored paper collar for paper dog

8. When both the head and the body are ready, glue them among themselves.

9. Now you need to cut and glue a paper box in which all sorts of little things can be folded. We have it pink.

Box for trifles
Box for trifles

10. Our paper dog is ready!

DIY dog
DIY dog

How to make a dog: ideas

If you are thinking about how to make a dog from paper, but you have little time or a very small child should do work, use our next models. To make a beautiful dog made of paper, you don’t need to glue anything, just print the pictures and bend them along the lines indicated on the diagrams. Dogs as a result are very pretty.

How to make a dog from paper kids?
How to make a dog from paper kids?

In our next scheme, showing how to make a pug dog, Japanese Hin Jack Russell Terrier and Spaniel.

Dog from paper scheme
Dog from paper scheme

And so that the dog’s head is higher than the body, cut the paper where the line is indicated in blue. The rose color is indicated by the fold line. To work, take thick paper or thin cardboard. Draw your eyes and spots with felt -tip pens or do it using an application.

How to make a dog?
How to make a dog?

How to make a dog from paper on cells? Take a notebook in a cell. According to the scheme that you will see below, redraw the dog through the cells. Cut the workpiece, put on thick paper or cardboard and circle with a pencil. It remains to draw eyes and stains on the wool and cut the dog with scissors.

Paper dog on cells
Paper dog on cells

The length of such a dog will be approximately 12 centimeters.

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