How to make a paper shuriken: master classes, photos, schemes, description, tips

How to make a paper shuriken: master classes, photos, schemes, description, tips

If you or your child have long been fascinated by flying Japanese stars - shurikens, we suggest creating such a toy with your own hands!

Did you know that the shurikens were used mainly to distract the enemy? In our country, on the contrary, they attract close attention. Especially childish. Children are extremely interesting to play with such flying stars. We offer to create your own paper sprocket that certainly does not hurt anyone.

How to make a 4-pointed paper shuriken: master class, tips, schemes, photos

Make a paper shuriken the simplest type, four -pointed, you can easily and quickly:

  • For starters, it is worth it prepare a square From a piece of paper. You can take an A4 sheet for this purpose. One of its corners must be folded diagonally so that the corner reaches the opposite side. That is, a triangle and a rectangle under it are formed.
This is how a square of paper for the future shuriken is created
This is how a square of paper for the future shuriken is created

Important: it is preferable that the paper is colored on both sides.

  • Next is the lower rectangle cut off.
  • Now the triangle unfolds - And here is the desired square in front of the master!
  • Next is a square foldsin half along the vertical line.
  • On this line and you need carry out - It will turn out rectangles that are ideal for creating a shuriken.
Such rectangles are an excellent basis for shuriken
Such rectangles are an excellent basis for shuriken
  • Each of the resulting rectangles follows again fold in half. Also on the vertical line.
  • Next stage - bends of the corners of the rectangles. Each corner bends to the opposite side of a sheet of paper as indicated on the scheme number 2. As a result, the bends will be carried out according to the opposite diagonals.
  • Further the corners are bent as shown on the scheme number 3. That is, towards the center.
  • Then the corners are unfolded in different directions in relation to each other as indicated on the scheme number 4.
  • It remains gather a star. For this, the details must be put perpendicular to each other.
  • Then it happens fastening Thus, what is indicated on schemes No. 5 and No. 6.

Important: in the latter case, dashed arrows indicate that the yellow corners need to be adjusted inside the purple part. That is, in the so -called "pockets".

Scheme for creating paper shuriken with four ends
Scheme for creating paper shuriken with four ends
  • Then the craft turning over, and Shuriken's "blades" are threaded in pockets.
The final stage of the creation of a four -pointed shuriken
The final stage of the creation of a four -pointed shuriken
It turns out such a shuriken
It turns out such a shuriken

How to make a paper shuriken 8-end: a master class, photo, description, diagrams

If you want to create a paper shuriken with 8 faces, you should look at this option, which consists of many modules. To create one such module, you need to prepare paper square. It should be bend diagonally twice.

To get started, a sheepen module is formed like this
To get started, a sheepen module is formed like this

Then one of the angles of the square is needed fold So, as shown below.

Shuriken's bend
Shuriken's bend

Now you need to mentally or pencil make a dotted line Similarly, that indicated in the photo.

This is how the dotted line on the workpiece of the shuriken looks
This is how the dotted line on the workpiece of the shuriken looks

Next, the workpiece bends On this contour line.

The workpiece for the shuriken module is bent so
The workpiece for the shuriken module is bent so

To fold the next element, you need to focus on the scheme below. The edges of the workpiece must be combined so that the points C and in connected. The fold line should pass where the diagram is marked red line.

Such a scheme must be adhered to when folding the shuriken part
Such a scheme must be adhered to when folding the shuriken part

Detail Turning over.

It turns out such a workpiece for shuriken
It turns out such a workpiece for shuriken

The side that is now on the right side, folds So, as indicated in the diagram. The fold must correspond red line on the picture. BUT green lines should be combined.

Fold the part for shuriken according to the following scheme
Fold the part for shuriken according to the following scheme
It turns out such a detail for shuriken
It turns out such a detail for shuriken

There remains a trifle - make such a fold As indicated on the diagram below.

Module fold line for shuriken
Module fold line for shuriken
It turns out such a shuriken module
It turns out such a shuriken module

The algorithm described above is necessary repeat 7 more times. 8 blanks should turn out, because Shuriken will have 8 ends.

Important: it is desirable that each module has a different shade. Shuriken in this case will turn out colorful and interesting.

Such is the modules for the shuriken
Such is the modules for the shuriken

Now you need to do collecting modules. For this, the right territory One of them parts pushing So, as indicated in the photo.

Suriken module for fastening must be prepared like this
Suriken module for fastening must be prepared like this

Further into the obtained pocket another detail is inserted.

So the shuriken modules are attached to each other
So the shuriken modules are attached to each other

The pink module is needed bend.

Pink module for shuriken should be bent so
Pink module for shuriken should be bent so

To fix the modules finally, you need a purple insert the corner In pink pockets as indicated in the photo.

The purple corner must be inserted into the pink pocket according to the arrow
The purple corner must be inserted into the pink pocket according to the arrow
So the shopping for shurikn looks on one side
So the shopping for shurikn looks on one side
So the workpiece for the shuriken looks from the other side
So the workpiece for the shuriken looks from the other side

It remains to put in a similar scheme the rest of the modules.

This will look like the wrong side of the workpiece-journ
This will look like the wrong side of the workpiece-journ
This will look like the front side of the procurement
This will look like the front side of the procurement

It is necessary to recall what is needed connect the extreme sides Crafts.

In this case, the blue and purple edges of the shuriken are processed
In this case, the blue and purple edges of the shuriken are processed
At this stage, it turns out about such a shuriken.
At this stage, it turns out about such a shuriken.

Then Shuriken's workpiece turning over. Violet ray is needed refun In a blue pocket.

Initially the purple ray of the shuriken lies like this
Initially the purple ray of the shuriken lies like this
Then the purple ray of Shuriken is refueling in blue
Then the purple ray of Shuriken is refueling in blue
As a result, from the wrong side, the shuriken looks like this
As a result, from the wrong side, the shuriken looks like this
But what the final version of the shuriken from the front side looks like
But what the final version of the shuriken from the front side looks like

A way to make a paper shuriken 16-end: a master class, scheme, recommendations

To make a paper shuriken with 16 rays, you will need to adhere to the following sequence:

  • You need to stock up on paper squares. Squares should be 16 - By the number of rays.
  • First you need to work with one square. He bent over all diagonals.
  • Then put on the table rhombic.
  • The corners of the rhombus are folding To the center.
  • Then the corners again fold to the center Thus, so that in front of the master lies in the end an elongated rhombus.
Start making shuriken with 16 rays you need to
Start making shuriken with 16 rays you need to
  • Now the rhombus bends in half. And so that the fold line passes horizontally.
  • Then it happens freeze on the vertical line.

IMPORTANT: In this case, it is not necessary to bent the top previously bent back - it is a bend vertically and occurs with it.

  • According to a similar scheme, you need to make more several modules. In this case, there should be 16 in the number of shuriken rays.
As a result, there should be many shurikens modules
As a result, there should be many shurikens modules
  • Now it's time to do compound modules. To do this, two corners of one are inserted into the pocket of the other. In the same way, the remaining components of Shuriken are attached in a circle - and now he is ready for the flight!
So shuriken with 16 rays gather
So shuriken with 16 rays gather

A way to make a paper shuriken transformer: master class, photos, recommendations

Transformers are the dream of many children. After all, it is so interesting when you can make another from one thing! Let's see how you can make a paper shuriken, which will be a transformer:

  • First of all, you need to give paper sheets square shape. How many rays will be - so much it is necessary to prepare the squares.

Important: preferably, that the paper is dense.

  • To make a module, you need such fold the square in all possible directions. That is, vertically, horizontally and diagonals.
  • Then located nearby corners need to be folded towards the center So that they come together in the middle.
  • Now the workpiece folds so that the bends were inside.
The first stage of creating a shuriken transformer
The first stage of creating a shuriken transformer
  • Further the upper angle is bend Thus, in order to ultimately form the folded triangles in the amount of two pieces.
  • Similarly, you need to fold the rest of the modules.
  • To Follow Two modules among themselves, the non -nonsense side of one of them should be attached to the middle of the other module.
Here are the modules for the shuriken transformer
Here are the modules for the shuriken transformer
  • According to a similar scheme, they are collected the rest of the modules.

Important: colors need to be alternated, otherwise it will not turn out so spectacular.

  • It will turn out a circle. To get the shuriken's blades, you need to carefully pull each of the modules.
So it turns out a shuriken transformer
So it turns out a shuriken transformer

The creation of a shuriken is an excellent opportunity to spend time with a child interestingly and benefit. In addition to the fact that in the end you get an interesting toy, fine motor skills and imagination of the baby will develop.

We suggest watching a video on how to make a paper shuriken yourself:

If readers are passionate about the creation of paper crafts, we offer to familiarize themselves with our following articles:

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