How to spend the May holidays in 2023? Weekend calendar for 2023

How to spend the May holidays in 2023? Weekend calendar for 2023

Almost every family before the May holidays has a question where to go to rest. How to make May holidays interesting and memorable for yourself and your family?

Everyone is waiting for the May holidays, because these days are like a second vacation. After winter, I want to go to nature, to the reservoir or river. If finances are possible and allow, then you can go to the sea. Fans of long walks in the fresh air - your time has come! Book rooms and buy tickets for an airplane, or fold things, take a tent and go to rest in your car!

Weekend days for May holidays in 2023

In May, it is already warm and therefore I want to go to nature, sit on the grass and sunbathe under the bright sun. May holidays allow you to enjoy fresh air and a company of friends or family gatherings.

So, the weekend for May holidays 2023 - from May 1 to May 10. On May holidays, everyone will rest 10 days (government decree).

Calendar of holidays for 2023
Calendar of holidays for 2023

All these numbers can be divided into two rest: May Day should be devoted to barbecue with his family, and Victory Day is celebrated with friends, or you can combine two holidays, if there is such an opportunity. Although each person chooses on his own what kind of rest he will have.

Where to go to the May holidays by car?

If you have your own car, then the May holidays can be held interestingly and with benefit. If there is a reservoir or river within two hundred kilometers, then you can go fishing with friends or family.

If the wife and children do not like to spend time in nature, then you can go to visit relatives or devote this time to shopping. Despite the fact that these are holidays, large retail outlets and chain stores will work.

You can go to the May holidays by car to the forest if it is nearby. Singing birds, the first green grass and flowers will help you relax and restore strength.

Vacation with friends. Company of friends on vacation - fishing, bathhouse

Where to go with a child for May holidays?

If the family has a small child, then it is necessary to approach the planning of recreation thoroughly. The baby should be interesting and fun. With the child you can go to the sea, the baby will be happy to bother in the sand, raising castles.

In the resort cities of our country there are many boarding houses, where parents and the child will have a great time. There are always entertainment for adults and children on the territory of such a house of rest.

You can go with your child for May holidays to the country. This is a great place where the whole family will have a great time, and the baby will be able to frolic. Where else can you go with the baby and what you need to take with you to nature if a child is going with you.

Important: do not forget that the child needs to take many things with him. You will also need a ball or a board game so that you can spend your free time with the whole family.

Inexpensive vacation for May holidays

Nowadays, the crisis and economic recession, everyone is forced to save. Budget rest is chosen by people with an average income. Indeed, upon arrival from such a small vacation, finances must remain in order to live to a salary. An inexpensive vacation for the May holidays is available so far only in our country, there is no way to relax abroad.

Tip: choose ready -made tours so that there is food, accommodation and excursions around the cities.

However, if countries suddenly open, then the most budgetary areas will be:

  • Czech
  • Poland
  • Hungary
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • France
  • Germany

Important: in the summer, these countries are very hot weather, and in winter it is cold. Therefore, it is in May that you will comfortably rest and get a lot of positive emotions. In the spring, flowers bloom here and trees bloom.

In the Baltic states, vacationers meet fresh sea air, and the study of historical places will give new impressions that will remain in memory for a long time.

Important: if you want to relax inexpensively, then consider such options as the weekend in Crimea, Abkhazia, Adygea or Karelia, in Baikal, Altai, in Dagestan, Anapa, Sochi, in Kamchatka. In any of these places there is a unique nature, infrastructure and entertainment for children and their parents. Moreover, now tourism in Russia is developing at a huge pace, which makes it possible to see the sights of many peoples of Russia. And this is just the new and amazing that you have not seen abroad. Travel in Russia and you will get a buzz from the beauty of our nature and museums and historical places that were not known before.

Beach holidays for May holidays abroad

Every person will receive a maximum of impressions and positive emotions if he goes to a beach vacation to any country abroad. Beach holidays for May holidays can be held in such countries in 2023:

  • Cuba. In May, there is heat, there is no dryness of air and the exhausting heat. The warm Caribbean sea is waiting for tourists for May holidays. An unforgettable atmosphere and flavor of local life will be available to travelers who came to relax and want to see something unique and interesting
  • Tunisia. Travelers are waiting for an exotic and intricate rest in this country. Clean multi -kilometer beaches, bright sun, warm sea. There are practically no rains in May. High -quality service, saturated excursion program, architectural monuments and paths on citrus groves - all this is waiting for a tourist in Tunisia
  • Dominican Republicsa. Tropical summer in the spring - sounds tempting? Then it is worth visiting this republic, with beaches on which pure snow -white sand. Diving, windsurfing and sailing - these sports will like fans of outdoor activities
  • Egypt. Warm sea. Colorful underwater world, all inclusive. Direct flights, however, will not have time to resume the May holidays, but by the end of May, direct charter flights from Russia will already fly. In the meantime, you can get to Egypt in an old proven way through Tel Aviv.

Also, as a vacation for May holidays, you can consider Mallorca, Sardinia, Malta, Sicily. These countries are unique to nature, quality service and clean beaches.

Tours for May holidays in 2023

Tours in May
Tours in May

Soon it is warm and it is time to break into freedom from the stone shackles of the city. Tours for May holidays 2023 is a great chance to spend time for yourself. After all, movement is life! Excursion tours will allow you to see the architectural monuments of a particular country.

The tour operator will select a tour according to the requirements and preferences of an individual or family. Someone likes to spend more time in the room and only in the evening to be published, getting acquainted with the night entertainment of the city or country. Others, on the contrary, prefer to travel to new places during the day, looking at historical buildings, and in the evening to rest in their room.

Important: all tours are the optimal ratio of price and quality. Therefore, choose a direction and order a vacation ticket in advance.

Where to go to May holidays in Russia

Excursion tours along the Golden Ring are very popular among the inhabitants of our country and people who come from abroad. For each person, such a trip is a good opportunity to visit ancient cities in a few days and see the unique buildings of ancient architecture.

If the question arises where to go to the May holidays in Russia, then it is worth going on such a tour. Vladimir, Uglich, Yaroslavl, Rostov the Great, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Murom and other cities will like their architectural buildings and monuments.

The architecture of the 12-13 centuries, monuments from the Renaissance, the construction of the 17-18 centuries-many people do not even imagine that in our country there are such unique architectural objects. They should be seen with your own eyes, so May holidays are ideal for such a trip.

Where and how fun to relax in Russia: the best places of rest

Abkhazia Rest on May holidays

If you want to absorb a real spring mood, then go to Abkhazia. Rest for May holidays in this country is an interesting journey and contemplation of unique nature. After the cold winter, Abkhazian nature will be able to cheer up and delight the flowering of vegetation of unique beauty.

The mountain and sea air, complemented by phytoncides of coniferous trees, thermal hydrogen sulfide springs and sunbathing can increase immunity and add strength for work and study.

Any person will like waterfalls in this country, rivers with beautiful shores, blooming subtropical parks and sights. In May, grenades and citrus fruits, snow -white calves, irises, tulips and roses bloom here. Here is the most delicious and healthy honey.

Tip: Visit Lake Amtkel and Shakunsky canyon in Abkhazia. Here you will see many berries and flowers, waterfalls and beautiful trees that also bloom.

Important: excursion bureaus in this country organize one -day trips with a picnic and two -day with an overnight stay in the house in the mountains. It will be remembered for a long time an equestrian trip to the lakes and fishing in these places.

At this time, in Abkhazia there are many May fruits that will help to saturate the body with important vitamins and trace elements.

Rest in Adygea for May holidays

The end of spring is the best time to travel to the mountains. Everything blooms, and waterfalls flow down the slopes after heavy rainfall. Rest in Adygea for May holidays will bring many positive emotions.

In this region, you can make an alloy along the rivers and enjoy known attractions. The picturesque nature of Adygea fascinates with its beauty and originality. Excursion agencies organize trips to the mountains, to lakes and caves. In this place, it will be good for both adults and children.

Rest in Karelia for May holidays

Rest in Karelia
Rest in Karelia

In Karelia in May, unforgettable fishing. In the rivers there is pike, burbot, pike perch and perch. Fishermen have the opportunity to rent special wooden buildings for the night - forest huts. Also, boats and gear are provided for rent.

Rest in Karelia for May holidays is an alloy on catamarans, kayaking and canoeing. Travelers will appeal to travelers and rest with cafes and restaurants on board, campaigns and unique routes on the ancient times of this country.

Fans of “Wild Rest” will be able to go camping with an instructor who will prepare for extraordinary situations and will help predict the difficulties encountered in the way. Families with grown children will appeal such a vacation.

Rest in Crimea for May holidays

Family hotels are waiting for their guests in the Crimea. The Swedish power line, its beaches, heated pools, SPA-procedures and animation for children. The settlement in the numbers of children under 3 years old is free.

In almost every hotel there are special offers - promotions and discounts to order vouchers in advance. For example, now you can book a number with a 10%discount. It is possible to fully relax in just two or three days if you use the While near the Sea program.

Rest in the Crimea On May holidays, this is a combination of great relaxation and optimal prices. Active tourists will have a good time here. The forests are not yet fire hazardous and are not closed for visitors, and waterfalls, not dry and full -flowing after spring rains.

Mountain tours with a visit to the caves are not as exhausting as in the summer heat. A camera, video camera and batteries will help to capture the unique holidays in Crimea.

Rest in the Moscow Region for May holidays

The choice of hotels in the suburbs for every taste and wallet. In 2023, the demand for domestic tourism was increasing, so tours to rest in the Moscow Region for May holidays will be sold out in February or March.

Important: if you want to spend the first days of May in the suburbs, purchase a tour in advance or reserve a hotel.

Rest in these places has many advantages:

  • do not make long flights
  • no need to get used to the kitchen
  • no acclimatization

Important: May holidays last only 4 to 9 days, so there is no time for getting used to the climate of some country, a new environment or exotic food.

Rest in Sochi for May holidays

Rest in Sochi
Rest in Sochi

In May, Sochi meets travelers with warm weather and fresh shades of subtropical plants. Rest in Sochi for May holidays is not a suitable time for a beach holiday, since the water at sea warms up to comfortable temperatures only at the end of the month.

It is worth going here for new impressions and positive. Although in recent years, May is a very warm month, and many people even bathe in the sea and sunbathe on the beaches.

Those people who come to Sochi for a May mini-vacation claim that this resort is a great place to relax at this time. Experienced tourists are attracted by low housing prices compared to the tourist summer season and the minimum number of vacationers.

May holidays - rest: tips

Important: in Russia it is convenient to travel with a small child, and you can fly abroad with adult children.

Remember: in our country, rest will be much cheaper, since you do not need to issue a visa, passport and do not need to pay insurance. You also do not have to study the language of the country where you plan to go.

Important: in addition to ordinary tours in our country, you can buy medical trips in the sanatorium of the Black Sea coast and Crimea.

In general, each person will choose for himself such a vacation that he will like only. At home, sitting is boring, especially if a great opportunity to arrange another vacation or vacation is given. Study new places and relax with benefit!

How to independently organize a vacation for May holidays in 2023? Where you can relax for May holidays in 2023: ideas, best places

Video: Yaroslavl in five rest on May holidays

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  1. We were in Eden. This is a recreation center in Arkhangelsk. A very beautiful place. There is amazing nature, houses, a river and of course a bathhouse.

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