What cannot be endured by a gynecologist: 9 main situations. How to prepare for a visit to a gynecologist?

What cannot be endured by a gynecologist: 9 main situations. How to prepare for a visit to a gynecologist?

When a girl comes to an appointment with a gynecologist, she wants to face a tactful and understanding specialist. But this does not always happen.

This article will describe situations that should not be tolerated with a gynecologist.

The gynecologist cannot be tolerated privacy

  • Specialists in the field of medicine must observe privacy. This is spelled out in the legislation of the Russian Federation. According to Art. 23-24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation says that the doctor does not have the right to disseminate information about a person’s private life without his consent. If the gynecologist does not close the door to the office, communicating with the patient, or talks so loudly that he is heard in the corridor, he violates this set of rules. This disrespect is impossible from a gynecologist.
  • But, if adolescents come to the gynecologist, age 15-18 years old with pregnancy, then doctors are required to inform parents or guardians about this. In this case, this is not considered the disclosure of private information. If something is wrong with the female health of the teenager, the gynecologist must also inform the closest relatives about this.

What can not endure from a gynecologist: commenting on the patient's personal life

  • When a girl comes to an appointment with a gynecologist, she answers personal questions: the number of sexual partners, motherhood plans, etc. This is necessary that the specialist can choose the best treatment. If after the patient’s response, the doctor begins comment on her personal life, And to condemn for behavior, it means it is time to find a new specialist - this behavior cannot be endured by a gynecologist.
  • You should not go further to the gynecologist, which allows herself to give a woman inappropriate advice on pregnancy. After such words, tell the doctor that you do not want to listen to unpleasant words or tips addressed to you, and ask to change the attending specialist.
The doctor cannot express personal emotions about your life
The doctor cannot express personal emotions about your life

What can not be tolerated by a gynecologist: pregnancy persuasion

  • If you want to have a child for the next couple of years, and the reproductive age is already approaching the line, then the doctor can give good advice, not pull with the implementation of plans.
  • If the doctor says you need give birth "for health", not taking into account your family or financial situation, change your doctor. This specialist does not behave ethically and this is impossible to endure this at a gynecologist.
  • The birth of a child is a responsible step that parents should go to. If they are not ready financially or morally, then time has not yet come. And no one has the right to impose their opinion on them.

What can not endure from a gynecologist: prohibitions during pregnancy without explanation

  • As you know, pregnancy is not a disease. Therefore, the expectant mother should not refuse sports or trips to the beach. It is not necessary to sit on a strict diet to give birth to a healthy child.
  • Some products, medicines and actions They can be prohibited, but only for health reasons. If the doctor voiced you a ban on anything, check the reason.
  • If the answer is justified and accurate, you can listen. If the doctor scares you with complications during pregnancy or advises you to play it as follows, then you should find another specialist. It is impossible to endure intimidation from the gynecolate and mythical prohibitions.

Faithing methods of treatment cannot be endured by a gynecologist

  • If doctors advise treating only herbs or other folk methods, you should listen with caution to such recommendations. Such treatment methods can cause even greater harm to the body.
  • You should not listen to a midwife or gynecologist, which recommend agreeing to natural birth, which are carried out without painkillers. Only the girl should decide this. We again return to the previous paragraph that it is impossible to endure mythical prohibitions from a gynecologist.
Do not agree to treatment only by folk methods
Do not agree to treatment only by folk methods

What can not endure from a gynecologist: commenting on appearance

  • A good gynecologist will never comment on the patient's appearance. An exception is only the labia on which inflammation is visible. If the doctor begins to comment on the condition of the skin, the shape or color of the labia, you need to run from such a specialist. Otherwise, he will shake your self -confidence.
  • As soon as the doctor begins to cross your personal boundaries, immediately tell him about it - it is impossible to endure such a gynecologist’s behavior. If you keep silent, he will not understand that he was wrong.

The imposition of additional services cannot be endured by a gynecologist

  • There are times when a doctor without warning takes several additional strokes, and then sets the patient. In this case, you should ask him which diseases of the smear will be diagnosed. After all, not all laboratories have equipment for all types of research. It is possible that the second smear will be sent to another laboratory.
  • If the doctor cannot explain why he is doing the second smear, you should consult the head doctor. It is likely that the gynecologist decided to collect additional money from you unfounded. If you have not received an answer, you have every right to refuse to pay. Because this is a real deception of a gynecologist who cannot be tolerated.
  • Do not agree to receive imposed drugs or dietary supplements. No one will give you a guarantee that they will help in treatment. If in response to your questions there is no clear answer, but only guesses, leave the office, and look for another specialist.

Breaking the diseases cannot be endured by a gynecologist

  • Sometimes doctors do not know new treatment protocols, so they intimidate patients with dangerous diseases. When a gynecologist determines the girl cervical erosion or ectopia, then appoints cauterization. According to them, if you refuse this method of treatment, you will provoke the development of oncology. Treatment of the above diseases is required if they cause severe discomfort. Otherwise, they do not harm any harm.
  • If you have doubts about the diagnosis, Check information not only in Russian, but also in foreign sources. You can seek advice to another gynecologist or several specialists. If the opinion of the first doctor has not been confirmed, it is impossible to endure such a gynecologist, because he can further cause even greater harm to your health. Start visiting a more competent specialist.

Rudeness and insults cannot be endured by a gynecologist

  • The legislation says that the humiliation of the honor and dignity of the patient is punishable by a fine. This is evidenced by Art. 5.61 AK RF. If you are a victim of rudeness or insults from a gynecologist, report this to law enforcement agencies, and write a complaint addressed to the chief physician of the medical institution.
  • Also, do not forget to find another adequate, gynecologist who will not be rude and ignore your questions. Do not be afraid to get away from incompetent doctors, you cannot endure the rudeness of a gynecologist - it is dangerous to trust your health to such a doctor.

How to make a gynecologist comfortable?

So that the gynecologist's reception is comfortable and calm, show respect for him. This is the only way you can achieve mutual understanding.

There are several recommendations that should be followed during the reception, so as not to endure incompetent behavior from the gynecologist and get useful consultation:

  • Visit a doctor about which you know the maximum positive reviews. It is not advisable to go to the first doctor. Since this does not guarantee both a qualified consultation and a pleasant impression of a doctor.
  • Pre -compose the list of what bothers you. Ask a doctor in order of importance.
  • Take all the necessary personal documents and available testsand fold them in a separate folder.
  • Write on a sheet of paper the duration of the latest menstruation, and indicate the duration of the cycle.
  • Ask the doctor questions if they arose during the examination.
  • Show respect for a specialist and do not hesitate, if necessary, ask the same from a doctor.
The doctor should be comfortable
The doctor should be comfortable

Where can you complain about an incompetent gynecologist?

  • If during the examination by the gynecologist you experienced severe pain or became a victim of insults, Tell the doctor about this. Perhaps, after a complex patient, he did not appreciate enough how he behaved unprofessional.
  • If your remark remains unnoticed, proceed to self -defense, you can not tolerate a painful examination or unworthy behavior of a gynecologist. It is not about mutual aggression or the use of physical strength. A complaint about a gynecologist can be left to the management of a medical institution or write a statement to the Ministry of Health.
  • According to Art. 21/323 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, the patient has the right to change not only the attending physician, but also the medical institution in which he was observed. However, this is allowed to do only once a year. To change the doctor, you need to write a written application for the director of the hospital, and indicate in it the reason for this requirement. To contact you, indicate in the application number and email address.
  • The director of the hospital must consider the application within 3 days and respond to it. It makes a list of gynecologists who have time to receive patients (if their schedule is not painted in advance). Of these, the patient can choose a suitable specialist. If you have not accepted the application in the hospital, you can write it to Roszdravnadzor, the prosecutor's office or Rospotrebnadzor.

What can not endure from a gynecologist: reviews

  • Maria, 36 years old: Even when I studied at the institute, I went to a planning reception for a gynecologist. When I was lying in a chair, in an obscene pose, several trainees entered the office, who were not much older than me. The doctor did not warn me about this. Despite the fact that I understood the need for their presence, I could not cope with emotions, got up and left the office. I did not go to this doctor anymore, because there is no privacy.
  • Valentina, 23 years old: For the first time I got an appointment with a gynecologist at the age of 16. Despite the fact that at that time I had no man at that time, the doctor examined very rudely. When she made me very painfully, I started. And she did not specify the reason, but only said: “How do you plan to have sex?” I wrote a complaint about this “specialist”, and no longer returned to her.
  • Victoria, 19 years old: I signed up for an appointment with a gynecologist, because I noticed a papilloma’s guy. I decided to undergo an examination for sexually transmitted diseases. The doctor, despite her experience, began to comment on my appearance. She did not like that I doubt the fidelity of the guy, despite the fact that I have piercing in my nose. I decided not to endure humiliation anymore, and changed the doctor.
  • Inna, 31 years old: At the examination by the gynecologist, I was informed that I could no longer have children, because the uterine bend was discovered. I was very upset, but decided to go to another doctor. There they told me that such diagnoses are not made at the initial examination. It is necessary to conduct a full examination to draw such conclusions. And for 2 years now I have been going to the second gynecologist, because he is more competent. After 2 months I am giving birth.

Now you know that you can not endure the disrespectful attitude from the gynecologist. If the doctor does not suit you, you can leave a complaint about him and ask for a specialist change. Without mutual “contact” with a doctor, a complete and effective treatment will not turn out.

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