How to check the level of testosterone in men at home: what tests to pass, when necessary, preparation

How to check the level of testosterone in men at home: what tests to pass, when necessary, preparation

Read the article to find out how to check the level of testosterone in men. You will find a lot of useful and necessary information.

All organs in the human body work under the influence of the hormonal system. No biological process in the body takes place without its participation.

Read on our website an article about 10 reliable ways to increase testosterone in men in the body. You will learn how to increase the production of testosterone in men in natural ways and medication after 40-50 years at home.

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the human body. It is especially important for men. Read more in the article below.

What is testosterone: what effect does it have on the body of a man, women?

Testosterone is important for the body
Testosterone is important for the body

Testosterone - steroid hormone related to the class of androgens. What effect does he have on the body of a man, women?

  • He is responsible in the human body for libido, energy, immune function, development and bone strength, muscle extension.
  • In the male body, this hormone is much larger than in women. That is why testosterone is sometimes called "male" hormone.
  • This androgen is produced in the male body in testicles and adrenal glands. It is on this hormone that the development of such sexual characteristics as: the appearance of hair on the face and body, low timbre of voice, high growth.

The hormone affects not only the appearance of the representative of the stronger sex of mankind. The hormone is involved in a huge number of vital processes in the body:

  • Suspenses the development of atherosclerosis
  • Is responsible for the condition of the prostate
  • Expands coronary heart vessels
  • Reduces symptoms with pathologies of the heart muscle
  • The center helps in the work. nervous system responsible for the mood, concentration of attention, memory, ability to navigate in space
  • Contributes to the good development of the reproductive system

The testosterone in the male body has a huge effect on sexual function. The appearance of excitement, attraction to a woman, an erection depends on him. Excellent erection is also impossible without the influence of the hormone: thanks to its participation, the cavernous bodies are relaxed, which affects sufficient oxygen saturation of the vascular penis. Of course, sexual life and physical well -being also affect the psychological state of a man.

Interesting: Testosterone begins to be synthesized in male seed bags (sex glands) even at the time the fetus in the abdomen of the mother is only nine weeks of pregnancy.

In women, the hormone is produced in ovaries and adrenal glands. In the female body, the hormone is responsible for the development of the mammary glands, regulates the production of the sebaceous glands, regulates the process of maturation of the follicle, maintaining the muscles, the strength of the seeds. Through exposure to the brain, testosterone affects the manifestation of libido and in the female body.

The main role is played by testosterone in the process of blood formation. So, for example, when the hormone level decreases, the number of red blood cells in the biological fluid decreases. Which leads to a malfunction of oxygen from lungs to tissues. In women with a low level of testosterone, a decline occurs, pallor of the skin, apathy, a decrease in performance. Disorders can be observed in the functionality of organs and tissues suffering from oxygen failure.

How to check the level of testosterone in men: what tests do you need to take?

The level of "male" hormone is checked by analyzing venous blood. In the morning, the hormone level usually has the maximum value, therefore, the analysis is best taken up to 11 hours. morning. Men, unlike women, can take analysis on any day of the month. What tests do you need to take?

  • Together with the study of biological fluid for testosterone, a test for the GSPS (globulin connecting sex steroids) is passed.
  • Based on its indicators, biologically active free testosterone is considered.
  • The doctor can also prescribe an analysis for luteinizing hormone. It is he who in the body of a man stimulates the production of testosterone.

Below is written about when to take tests to the level of this hormone. Read further.

When is it necessary to donate blood to analyze the hormone level?

Analysis for testosterone is needed in some pathological conditions of the body
Analysis for testosterone is needed in some pathological conditions of the body

Young men are not required to analyze for prevention. When is it necessary to donate blood to analyze the hormone level? A referral for a study of biological fluid can be issued by a doctor with complaints about:

  • Reducing sexual activity
  • Long -term apathy
  • Reduced attention
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Infertility
  • Fatigue, drowsiness
  • Decrease in performance

It is advisable for elderly men to undergo a planned examination once a year, because Hormonal failure in the body can lead to various diseases.

Preparation for the analysis to check the level of testosterone in men

Proper preparation for analysis is the key to his accuracy. To avoid repeated blood donation, several rules must be followed. Here is a preparation for the analysis to check the level of testosterone in men:

  • 24 hours before the study, it is forbidden to do radiological examinations, ultrasound and fluorography.
  • If a man is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures and rectal examinations, then a blood test is better to transfer.
  • You need to warn your attending physician about taking any drugs, especially hormonal ones. This also applies to external means (ointments, gels).
  • You can take an analysis for the "male" hormone after 14 days After the abolition of these drugs.

It is important to exclude heavy physical activity, alcohol and smoking a day before the procedure. Also, do not eat fatty, sweet and very salty food on the eve. In addition, the day before the analysis, sexual intercourse should be excluded. It is worth informing the doctor about compliance with any diet that is very different from classical nutrition.

Video: How to increase testosterone levels?

Where can I check the level of testosterone in men?

The analysis can be prescribed by a urologist, endocrinologist, reproductologist, andrologist based on the collected history. Where can I check the level of testosterone in men?

  • You can visit the doctor, as well as take tests for hormones, both in the state clinic and in the private medical center.

In order to undergo all examinations for free, you need to visit your local therapist. Based on the patient’s complaints, the doctor will direct him to a narrow specialist. And he will already give a referral for all the necessary tests. It is worth noting that when visiting state clinics, large queues often have to defend.

It is worth knowing: If there is no desire to spend time in queues and allows funds, you can use the services of private clinics. Service here is usually more pleasant and the results of the tests come faster.

Also, if you suspect a hormonal failure, you can independently take tests in a private laboratory. In case of deviations from the reference values \u200b\u200bspecified by the laboratory, you should consult a doctor.

Is it possible to check the level of testosterone in men at home?

The level of testosterone cannot be checked at home
The level of testosterone cannot be checked at home

The level of androgen can only be checked by donating blood from the vein for analysis. Is it possible to check the level of testosterone in men at home?

  • Now some private laboratories provide home visits to the patient for blood sampling.
  • Is it possible to give this particular analysis at home in the laboratories of your city.
  • It is impossible to conduct such studies independently at home.

All that can be done at home yourself is to suspect an increase or decrease in testosterone levels. To do this, there are special scales with questions, when the answer to which you can assume a change in the level of the hormone.

What is the rate of testosterone in the blood of men by year?

Naturally, the hormone level will change depending on age. What is the rate of testosterone in the blood of men by year? Indicators are considered to be the norm:

  • From 0 to 1 year-0.42-0.72 nmol/l
  • From 1 to 7 years-0.1-1,112 nmol/l
  • From 7 to 13 years-1.1-2.37 nmol/l
  • From 13 to 18 years-0.98-32.5 nmol/l
  • From 18 to 30 years old-8.64-29 nmol/l
  • From 30 to 40 years-8.04-25.1 nmol/l
  • From 40 to 50 years-7.76-27 nmol/l
  • From 50 to 60 years-6.68-25.7 nmol/l

Over the years, the level of testosterone in the blood in men decreases. After 30 years He begins to fall annually 1-2%. As a result, aged 50-55 years The content of the hormone can be only half of its amount in his youth.

It is worth knowing: A great influence on the level of “male” hormone in the body is exerted by chronic diseases, as well as a man’s lifestyle.

Testosterone in men - an increase: what is the elevated hormone level of?

Testosterone in men
Testosterone in men

Testosterone in men can increase under the influence of many factors. What is the elevated hormone level of?

The main signs of increased testosterone in men are:

  • Baldness
  • Premature or painful ejaculation
  • Pain during urination
  • Regular soreness in the head
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Weakness in the body
  • Increased sweating
  • Deterioration of the condition of the skin
  • Irritability and aggressiveness
  • Distraction, memory deterioration
  • Sudden mood swings
  • Insomnia at night, drowsiness after dinner
  • Increasing sexual activity (may alternate with apathy and depressive conditions)

Many factors can affect the increase in testosterone in men:

  • Poor -quality night sleep
  • Bad food
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Psycho -emotional stress
  • Bad habits
  • Long absence of sexual contacts
  • Use of certain drugs
  • Excessive physical activity

In addition to these factors, the presence of a cancer tumor is also possible. It occurs in testicles, pituitary gland (gland of the brain), adrenal glands. The preferred treatment method in this case is the removal of the neoplasm. If the removal of the tumor is impossible or the reason for increasing the hormone is not connected, the doctor selects drugs to regulate the level of testosterone. Such drugs help reduce the synthesis of the "male" hormone, or reduce the sensitivity of the receptors to it. Also, drugs can intervene in androgen metabolism.

With neglect of symptoms for a long time and lack of treatment, a number of diseases may develop:

  • Chronic prostatitis
  • Pathology of the liver and gall bladder
  • Kidney disease
  • Violations in the heart and vascular system
  • Increasing the coagulation of biological fluid, increasing the risk of thrombosis and strokes

The consequences of increasing testosterone can be infertility, cancer tumors of prostate.

Low testosterone: what is talking about, reasons

Low testosterone
Low testosterone

A decrease in the level of “male” hormone is no less dangerous than its increase. What is the low testosterone talking about? The reasons for this pathology are also described below. Suspend the lack of testosterone and send for an additional examination the doctor may with complaints about the following conditions:

  • Decrease in sexual desire, and sometimes its complete absence

In this case, the man begins to avoid sexual contacts. Even the idea of \u200b\u200ban upcoming act can cause aggression, apathy, a feeling of fatigue.

  • Deterioration of an erection

The level of testosterone directly affects the achievement of an erection by a man and maintaining it during sexual intercourse. However, not only low testosterone can affect the deterioration of an erection. There may be a lot of reasons and the doctor can find out on the basis of the collected history.

  • Deterioration and amount of sperm

A man is able to notice a decrease in the volume of sperm produced without any analysis. Usually its amount is about 5 ml. If the naked eye shows that the sperm is much smaller (sometimes there is no 2 ml), it is worth paying the attention of your doctor.

  • Chronic fatigue, depression

Difference, depression, irritability, apathy, constant drowsiness, loss of motivation for actions are also signs of a decrease in testosterone.

  • "Female type" figure

The figure of a man can acquire more feminine, rounded outlines. The guilt of this is the hormone estrogen, the level of which grows with a decrease in testosterone. It also affects the formation of fat deposits in humans. Thus, estrogen can not only transform the figure of a man, but also lead to diseases such as obesity. Sometimes a decrease in testosterone in men leads to gynecomastia - an increase in the mammary glands.

  • Hair loss

With a decrease in the amount of testosterone in the body, the process of baldness may begin, because It is this hormone that is responsible for the presence of hair on the body of a man.

  • The fragility of bones

A low hormone level leads to a decrease in bone density, because plays an important role in the formation of bone tissue. This especially affects older men, making their bones fragile and increasing the likelihood of fractures.

  • Changing the size of the testicles

The hormonal failure is only one of the possible causes of the testicular atrophy. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the smaller the volume of the testicles, the less they produce their own testosterone. Thus, the situation is only aggravated.

Any hormonal failure in the body is dangerous for humans. Especially if you turn a blind eye to the manifestations of symptoms. Timely seeking a doctor and on time the results of the tests will help to support not only the physical, but also the psychological health of the man.

Video: How to check the level of testosterone?

Video: Signs of testosterone decrease. Increasing testosterone

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