Diet to increase testosterone in men: what to pay attention to, a list of products that increase testosterone and forbidden products, menu for each day

Diet to increase testosterone in men: what to pay attention to, a list of products that increase testosterone and forbidden products, menu for each day

With a decreased testosterone, a man disappears male strength and even the appearance changes. How to correct the situation with a diet - you will learn this from the article.

The level of testosterone can be increased only by adding products that contribute to its increase to the diet, so you need to develop a special menu and adhere to it, as well as plan the day.

Diet for increasing testosterone in men: what to look for?

To find out your testosterone level, you need to undergo an examination, and take tests. The first signs that you have a low level of testosterone show the following symptoms:

  • Too high or too low libido.
  • Passivity in sex or irritability.
  • Loss or weight gain.

You should adhere to such recommendations during a diet to increase testosterone:

  • Coloring zinc.

He is an indispensable assistant. Zinc does not allow the transformation of testosterone into a female hormone called estrogen. And in women, on the contrary, in a male hormone. So that this does not happen in excess of the norm, it is necessary to consume somewhere from 50 to 100 mg of zinc per day.

Zinc is contained in the following products: Oysters and other gifts of the sea, chicken liver, different types of nuts, as well as poultry meat.

  • Use only healthy fats.

It is beneficial fats that contribute to increasing testosterone, so they are required in diet to increase testosterone in men. Nuts, different varieties of fat fish, avocados, green and black olives, high quality peanut oil will help this. But, as in any business, you should not get carried away. Fat should not exceed 30% of the daily diet.

  • Get rid of the fat layer.

The high level of fat in the body provokes the appearance in a huge amount of female hormone and the appearance of an imbalance when female hormones prevail. A sharp change in the diet will convert the body into a regime that entails energy savings, which will lead to a violation and complete stop of testosterone production.

  • Get rid of excess estrogen.

Estrogen is a hormone that increases body weight and slows down activity. If you get rid of it, you will increase testosterone. All kinds will help get rid of such harmful hormone during a diet to increase testosterone cabbage, turnip, celery, radishes. They contain a DIM substance that fights estrogen. Toxins and toxins increase the weight and amount of estrogen. The use of fiber will help to remove harmful substances from the body.

For men
For men
  • Do not use xenoestrogens.

They are part of steroids, unnatural growth hormones, disposable plastic dishes, air fresheners. They harm the male body, increasing estrogen, which affects testosterone levels.

Eat in food during diets to increase testosterone Fresh vegetables, as well as fruits grown without the addition of chemicals and pesticides. Before use, wash the products well under running water. The meat in the diet should be grown naturally.

Buy milk and meat only from trusted manufacturers and it is better if it is milk from the farm. Ready food should be stored exclusively in glass dishes. Parabens used by most manufacturers of air fresheners are very harmful to the body.

It is impossible to get away from all this by 100 percent, but you should try, or at least do everything to increase testosterone. And this will most of all help reduce subcutaneous fat, which is rich in xenoestrogens.

To increase testosterone will help:

  • Full 8 hour sleep and rest.
  • Avoiding stressful situations.
  • Vitamin C, which should be used every day in a volume of 1000 to 1500 mg.
  • B vitamins A, B, as well as E in sufficient quantities.
  • Active lifestyle.
  • Classes in the gym exclusively by power loads.
  • Sex.
  • Avoiding the use of alcohol, as well as grapefruits.
Do not forget about vitamins
Do not forget about vitamins

Diet for increasing testosterone in men: necessary and prohibited products

To increase such an extremely necessary male hormone, you should eat right. Properly compiled diet, the key to success and longevity. Products that are able to increase testosterone are known for far from folk healers. This is what the diet of each man consists of is reflected in his sex hormones.

The listed list of products contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements that can bring hormonal level to normal, and it should be normal during diets to increase testosterone in men.

  • Seas products.Holders of a huge amount of zinc, which is involved in the formation of testosterone. They contain useful omega 3 and 6. It is they who synthesize testosterone.
  • Nuts.They are a storehouse of vitamins, as well as minerals that help to perform testosterone synthesis. The primacy is, of course, a walnut.
  • Vegetable and fruit mixes with greens.They are saturated with useful vitamins, which are easily absorbed by the body. Especially useful for men of celery. After all, it contains Androsterone - a male sex hormone. Fresh fruits contain enough lutein, which is able to activate growth hormones.
  • In greenery There are also androsterone, vitamins and trace elements, as well as chlorophyll, which has the ability to heal wounds and serves as an antiseptic.
  • Herbs.Various herbs are part of popular drugs that increase testosterone.
  • Porridge.Buckwheat, rice, millet, barley. They contain fiber, which contributes to the circulation of blood in the male organs, which are responsible for the production of testosterone.
  • Dried fruits.Any types of dried fruits.
  • Berries.Black and red currants, Georgian grenades, forest and country raspberries, fresh and frozen cranberries, melon, plums, ripe watermelons.
  • Spices.The most active include: garlic, onions, cardamom, fresh red pepper, kari and turmeric spice. They serve as a disinfecting substance for xenesterone. It is contained in most fresh vegetables, as well as fruits.

All this will help to feel like a true man and show his male power not only in words, but also in deed.

What destroys testosterone in men?

The correct diet can increase the level of testosterone. However, there are several products that can destroy male power.

  • Alcohol.Excessive drinking of alcohol leads to a change in testosterone level not for the better. Since, when you drink, a female hormone wakes up in the body, which is able to cheer up and improve well -being. As a result, you have a good mood, but low testosterone. However, this is not the only problem that is associated with alcohol, it also helps to increase body weight, which also entails a decrease in testosterone.
  • Soybean food.Discussions are still being conducted about products containing soy, useful or harmful such food. Some say that soy products reduce testosterone, as well as the number of sperm. Others claim that these products are useful for men. Only on your solution depends whether there is so -so or not.
  • Sweets.Scientists at Oxford University conducted research and proved that sweets are harmful to the male body and it can reduce testosterone.
  • Low quality pastries.Baking, if it is made of poor -quality products, can affect the state of the male body. Trans-fats that are used to reduce the cost of products are of particular danger. They are not only dangerous for any organism, but also especially interfere with synthesizing testosterone. Baking must be excluded from diets to increase testosterone in men.
  • Flaxseed seeds.Even, despite the fact that they contain a huge set of useful substances, they harm precisely for the male body. Lignan is present in linen seeds - a substance that reduces testosterone.

Diet for increasing testosterone in men: menu for every day

To increase the hormonal level, it is necessary to divide the time of eating by 7 times a day. Starting from 7 in the morning you need to have breakfast.


An example of a tight breakfast:

  • 4 chicken eggs.
  • 1 Asso Bun.
  • Cream or hard cheese in the amount of 25 g.
  • About 400 ml of freshly squeezed apple juice.

The next meal should be at 9 hours if your day began at 7 in the morning.

  • Half a glass of fried peanuts. All drink 400 ml of milk.


  • Boiled chicken breast with 2 pieces of white bread
  • A piece of solid cheese, a whole avocado, as well as a clustard of grapes.
  • You can also add 1 tbsp to the breast. l. mayonnaise.

Lunch second:

  • 2 tbsp. l. protein diluted with milk or water.
  • 200 g of steamed oatmeal.

Two hours later, you should again drink a protein cocktail.


  • Grill veal meat.
  • Steam broccoli.
  • Boiled potatoes or rice.
  • Fresh salad with a dressing of olive oil and lemon.

An hour before bedtime, you should eat about 200 g of cottage cheese with the addition of pineapples (can be canned), as well as a little walnuts.

Diet for increasing testosteroneit is designed only for men who are actively involved in sports. This menu should be resorted to only on the day of class in the gym. On ordinary days, the diet should be sixrasal.


  • 2 tbsp. l. Protein.
  • Boiled beef 100 g (can be replaced with chicken).
  • 1 cup of juice.
  • 2 small muffin with an impregnation of honey or peanut oil.

Snack: Murili and a cup of unsweetened yogurt.


  • 400 g of beef meat.
  • 1 piece of bread.
  • Fresh salad seasoned with mayonnaise.
  • Half of the avocado or a whole banana.

Afternoon snack:

  • Tomato soup, croutons made of white bread.
  • 400 g of chicken meat.

Dinner: Grill pork 400 g, boiled potatoes, steamed cabbage.

Before going to bed, you should eat about 200 g of fresh cottage cheese and a handful of nuts.

For dinner
For dinner

Testosterone is responsible for male power. However, it is present in both women and men. So that it is always at the level and corresponds to the norm, do not make a lot of effort. It should only adhere to a special diet to sometimes resort to diet to increase testosterone, play sports and, of course, relax.

Video: increasing testosterone with products

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Comments K. article

  1. Yes, you can’t help with one diet here, you need a combined approach, I had a low testosterone at one time, in addition to the diet, I still began to pull iron and, on my friend’s advice, tried the course of drinking the effect of the tribulus, in general the result was just explosive, the muscle growth and I was transformed straight as it was transformed as the result the male)

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