10 reliable ways to increase testosterone in men in the body. How to increase the production of testosterone in men in natural ways and drugs after 40 - 50 years at home?

10 reliable ways to increase testosterone in men in the body. How to increase the production of testosterone in men in natural ways and drugs after 40 - 50 years at home?

Ways to increase testosterone in men.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is responsible for the potency and development of the genitals. With a deficiency of this hormone, not only the reproductive function is disrupted in the blood, but the erection worsens.

Products that increase free testosterone in men: List, table

You can not definitely name products that increase testosterone levels. It is necessary to eat balanced, as vegetables, cereals and proteins are involved in the formation of testosterone in their own way.

Products increasing testosterone:

  • Porridge. This product does not directly affect the production of testosterone. But they improve intestinal motility, which enhances blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • Squirrels. Increase free testosterone. Such products include chicken, eggs and dairy products.
  • Zinc and selenium. These trace elements are contained in greens, broccoli spinach. Are building material for testosterone.
  • Fruit. Exotic fruits and strawberries increase the level of male hormones and improve libido.
  • Nuts, seeds. These are scammers that improve sexual desire and slightly increase testosterone.
Products that increase testosterone in men
Products that increase testosterone in men

Diet to increase testosterone in men

Very often, before conception, a man needs to increase testosterone levels. This can be done, adhering to a certain diet.

Low testosterone diet:

  • Legumes. These products contain many substances, plant proteins that increase the level of hormone.
  • Meat. Try to consume low -fat meat, there are a lot of proteins and a low content of harmful cholesterol.
  • Greens. Be sure to introduce greens and onions into salads.
  • Onion and garlic. They contain a lot of vitamin C, which increases the body's resistance to infections.

To increase the level of testosterone, it is necessary to exclude some products from the diet.

List of prohibited products:

  • Sausages
  • fried food
  • Sharp dishes and seasonings
  • Subrued sweet drinks
  • Fast food

Below the picture lists the criteria that you should strive for in life, so that there is always a high level of testosterone.

How to increase testosterone production in men with folk remedies: recipes

There are many recipes for traditional medicine that will help increase the level of hormone in the blood.

Folk recipes:

Nuts and honey.

  • You need to chop the guest of nuts in a blender.
  • Introduce 30 ml of bee nectar.
  • After that, transfer the resulting paste into the refrigerator and take a tablespoon three times a day.


Use this root to make tea.

  • Grind one spine on a grater and pour 300 ml of boiling water, let stand for 15 minutes and strain.
  • Take half a glass four times a day.

Sour cream and parsley.

  • It is necessary to throw a bunch of parsley into a blender and add 50 g of sour cream.
  • Turn on the device and turn everything into a homogeneous substance.
  • Eat 20 g four times a day.

How to increase testosterone production in men with herbs and plants?

Herbs and plants also do an excellent job with increasing testosterone levels.

Herbs from herbs to increase testosterone:

Hop.   To prepare the drug, hop cones are used.

  • It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of raw materials with 350 ml of boiling water and leave on low heat for 15 minutes.
  • Take 120 ml of the resulting decoction.


  • To prepare the drug, grind the rhizomes and pour 10 g of raw materials 300 ml of boiling water. Let me brew.
  • Take 20 ml four times a day.

Ginseng. This plant is successfully used among oriental healers.

  • Peel one medium -sized root and grind on a grater.
  • Enter 250 ml of boiling water and let stand.
  • Strain and take a third of a glass three times a day.

Drugs, tablets, medicines, injections and drugs from a pharmacy to increase testosterone levels in men: Instructions

List of drugs:

  • Testosterone Undecionate. This tool is realized in the form of capsules or oil solution. Most often used intramuscularly.
  • Androgel. This is the drug in the form of ointment. It must be rubbed into the stomach.
  • Andriol. The drug is implemented in capsules and very quickly increases the concentration of the hormone in the blood.
  • OMENEN. Introduced intramuscularly. After the administration of the drug, potency and sexual desire improves.

Vitamins and dietary supplements that increase testosterone in men

Now the pharmacy has a lot of hormonal drugs to increase potency. They are perfectly absorbed and do not reduce, but on the contrary increase the production of testosterone in the blood.

Overview of dietary supplements and vitamins to increase testosterone:

  • Parity. This is a biological supplement on plant extracts. It increases its testosterone.
  • Vitrix. This drug is considered the most famous in the world to raise testosterone levels.
  • Tribulus. Made from the grass of the same name, which perfectly increases the level of testosterone.
  • Cycro-bon. Raises the concentration of the hormone and helps to improve potency.
  • Saw Palmetto.It fights perfectly with the baldness of men and prostatitis, with daily intake, increases the level of testosterone.

Sex, masturbation to increase testosterone in men

Chinese scientists have found that sex has sex and testosterone levels. As the studies have shown, once a week is enough for testosterone to be maintained at the required level. It doesn’t matter if a man is engaged in masturbation or it is a full sex with a partner. With frequent masturbation and sex, on the contrary, the amount of testosterone falls. In the picture below shows how sex in men raises testosterone, and in women the level of estrogen.

Sports nutrition that increase testosterone in men

Testosterone significantly affects the set of muscle mass. In heavy athletics, testosterone boosters are used for these purposes. These are additives that increase their own testosterone.

Sports food review:

  • Tamoxifen. An effective drug, when used for 10 days, increases the level of testosterone by 140%.
  • Aromatase inhibitors. Safe and proved an effective series of products. The monthly use of the minimum dosage reduces the amount of estrogen and is able to increase the concentration of testosterone by 50% of the initial level.
  • 6-oh. Synthetic supplements that prevent testosterone conversion into estrogen and increase its concentration.
  • Forcoline, d-asparaginic acid, agmatin. Substances that are very often part of testosterone boosters, their effectiveness and influence on the secretion of their own sex hormones are confirmed by scientific research.
  • ZMA. A popular complex of additives that does not have side effects. Recognized as absolutely working.

Tea that increases testosterone in men

Tea is also able to increase the level of hormone in the blood. To do this, you can use such herbs:

  • Thyme
  • Blooming Sally
  • Ginseng
  • Ginger

Oils that increase testosterone in men

Among the oils, there are many those that increase the concentration of testosterone in the blood.

List of oils:

  • Olive
  • Sesame
  • Sunflower

All these oils can be filled with salads and cook second dishes.

Zinc that increases testosterone in men

Zinc is a trace element that increases the level of male hormone. If it is not enough in the blood, then the concentration of testosterone is low. To make up for zinc deficiency, you can take vitamins with this addition or increase nuts, legumes, chicken and greens in the diet.

Exercises that increase testosterone in men

Certain physical exercises help to cope with the low level of testosterone.

Of course, it is better to perform mainly strength exercises. But if it is difficult for you and you need to start with something, then use the recommendations and exercises in the figure below.


How to increase the concentration of the hormone, watch in the video.

Video: Exercises to increase testosterone

Bodybuilding to increase testosterone in men

Excessive training can increase the level of hormone. The regularity and gradual increase in loads is important. The trainer will help to develop a training plan, focusing on physical data.

Rules for maintaining high testosterone:

  • Do not drink any alcohol (including beer)
  • Do not smoke or take narcotic substances, as well as antidepressants
  • Minimize the use of fast food, confectionery, sugar, salt
Bodybuilding to increase testosterone in men
Bodybuilding to increase testosterone in men

Running and squats to increase testosterone in men

Marathon running helps to secrete its own testosterone, so it is recommended to run in the fresh air. 3 times a week of runs lasting 30 minutes is enough. Squats and any other moderate physical activity increase testosterone.

Running and squats to increase testosterone in men
Running and squats to increase testosterone in men

View porn to increase testosterone in men

View porn without masturbation affects the content of testosterone. But if you do not have regular sex, then the maximum testosterone is observed on the 3rd day of abstinence. This is provided that a man is under 30 years old. If older, then the maximum can be seen already on the 7th day. Further, the concentration of the hormone subsides. Therefore, watching porn and masturbating can even be useful.

Which doctor to contact to increase testosterone production in men?

If testosterone levels decrease, it is necessary to contact an andrologist or endocrinologist. They will help to find out the reason for a decrease in the concentration of a homon and prescribe adequate treatment.

Testosterone is a leading hormone that is responsible for the reproductive function in men. Therefore, carefully follow your health.

Video: Ways to increase testosterone

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  1. The effect of tribulus (Evalar) helps to increase the production of male hormones, solves problems with an erection and increases libido. Plus, it improves spermatogenesis and normalizes cholesterol, read reviews about it positive. Tribulus - extinguishing anchors, about which the truth is written.

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