How to teach a husband for disrespect: the advice of psychologists. Should I punish her husband? The husband does not respect and insults: what to do?

How to teach a husband for disrespect: the advice of psychologists. Should I punish her husband? The husband does not respect and insults: what to do?

Ways to teach her husband for disrespect.

Disrespect is a fairly common problem among couples. It is worth noting that very often a woman accuses her man of disrespect. In this article we will tell you how to punish my husband for disrespect.

Ways to teach her husband

There are a lot of ways by which you can teach a negligent spouse. Of course, you can use various methods. A few options are presented below.

Ways to teach:

  • Game of silence. This is nothing but you stop talking with your faithful, and do not communicate with him in the office. That is, in the evening, instead of sitting with him and watching a movie, you lock yourself in the room and sit on the phone. There should be no conversations between you.
  • Refusal of sex. That is, for a predetermined time you refuse your husband in sex. After a while, the spouse will be forced to reconcile, and ask for forgiveness.
  • You refuse to do household chores. That is, do not cook food, do not wash, and do not stroke the things of your beloved. Having lived a week on a dry soldering, the husband will form, and ask for forgiveness. You need to repay your husband with the same coin. That is, if he went with his friends in the fuss, he did not say anything about this, and then brazenly replied that he should not report to you, do the same. Leave a note on the refrigerator that you have gone for a walk with your friends, and disappear overnight, do not answer calls.
To teach her husband
To teach her husband

In what cases do these methods help? Basically, all these conflicts and resentments lead to divorce, and a deterioration in relations. That is, in this way the husband cannot be taught. This is all a manifestation of children's behavior. No one really does that. Many resentments that women are far -fetched.

That is, the woman came up with a resentment for herself. Moreover, a man can most often not understand what it was about, and what happened. He simply fulfills the rules of the game. Instead of sulking in a pillow and refusing a husband in sex, it’s easier to just talk to him.  


The husband does not respect and insults: what to do?


  • In this case, you do not need to say abstract things. For example, I was offended because you do not respect me, I don’t like how you behave with my mother, I don’t like how you talk about me with your friends. A man simply may not understand what you are offended by. Yes, really in men, thinking is somewhat differently developed, and worldview. Accordingly, men do not understand any hints and “leaving”.
  • These are creatures who need to directly and openly say that it is unacceptable to you. That is, if you did not like how a man talks about your intimate life to friends, or disrespectfully speaks to your mother, you must directly and specifically say about it. You just need to ask him, no longer speak in such a tone or even stop such conversations with friends or show disrespect for your mother.  
  • Most often, women come up with some quarrels and troubles. This is due to a subtle mental organization, as well as a special hormonal background. Women come up with grievances closer to the monthly. This is due to the increase in the blood of the hormone progesterone, due to which the mood changes sharply. However, the man is not to blame for this. If you just want to cry, blow your lips, it is not necessary to come up with some quarrel.
  • Sometimes men believe that the problem is sucked out of the finger, it does not really exist. Therefore, if something really offends or annoys you, there is no need to somehow take revenge on your husband. You need to try to talk with him, and without emotions, nerves, and tears. It is necessary to come, sit down at the negotiating table, and discuss everything. You must clearly formulate your thought, and also talk about what you do not like in a relationship.  
In a quarrel
In a quarrel

How to deal with the disrespect of her husband?


  • The main task is not to teach a man, but to teach him, and help, not to do this in the future. Accordingly, if your goal is not to save mutual grievances and unpleasant emotions, it is easiest to talk and find out that you are not satisfied with each other. Such tactics are the most effective if you are going to live a long, happy life with this man.
  • Otherwise, if you are simply looking for a reason to quarrel, then it is easier to break off relations once and for all. That is, there is no need to arrange scenes, concerts, or some scandals, to deprive the husband of sex, food, dinner and attention. If you really don’t like something, and you doubt that your man can change, you should break your relationship. Only this must be done without scandals.
  • One day, when the husband will be at work, silently collect your things, and cross to your mother, in your own apartment, or for rented housing. There can be no more conversations. All these situations with punishments, methods to teach, bring the time closer when you divorce. Because it does not teach anything, but only provokes the emergence of resentment, and negative emotions in relation to a friend. Thus, a hatred arises in the family, which can subsequently result in a real disaster.  

Is it worth a quarrel with children?


  • However, all these methods are ineffective if your husband is a household sadist. That is, throughout almost the entire life together, you constantly listen to some reproaches, dissatisfaction with appearance, cooking, as well as cleanliness in the house. Accordingly, no matter how hard you try, and did not fulfill all the necessary instructions, everything will be wrong. This is not due to the fact that you are a bad mistress or look bad, but with a certain human psychotype.
  • In this case, it makes sense to answer his husband to disrespect also humiliation. There are several methods. The very first one, on the contrary, try to please him the maximum, make compliments, and also arrange a festive dinner. Try to be as comfortable and good as possible. Now look at the reaction of your lover, and you will see that if the cause of the actual is not in the taste of food, or not very high -quality cleaning, then the husband will change. If he really sits in everyday life, and is used to humiliating and offending people all the time, then his behavior will not change. Such people will always find what to get to the bottom of.  
  • What to do if you have children? Try to sort things out with your husband, away from children's ears. That is, you do not need to scream hard, raise your voice, and try to sort things out at maximum volume. It is necessary to go to another room and talk in low colors. It is best to sort things out when the baby is not at home. That is, he is in kindergarten or at school. All this makes sense only if you want to save your family. If you see that your marriage and relationship collapsed long ago, and everything lasts only on a child, then it makes no sense to glue such a relationship. It is necessary to act decisively, and disperse with your spouse.  
Husband is a tyrant
Husband is a tyrant

How to teach a husband for disrespect: Psychologists' advice

Of course, you can meet tips, repay your husband with the same coin. That is, in the same way the abyss for a whole day without notice. The fact is that most often it does not reach a man, or he still insist on his innocence. Thus, you only do worse. You will receive a huge number of reproaches, humiliations, as well as empty conversations and grievances. Accordingly, to take revenge with the same coin is just useless.  


  • The main trouble of our women is that they are used to constantly obeying their husband. Our mentality was created in such a way that the wife should be quiet, meek. Thus, women are simply silent when they have to come from work and cook food, learn lessons with children, and do housework. At the same time, a man, besides the fact that he works, is nothing more.
  • Yes, indeed, sometimes in families a man earns more than a woman, however, this does not give him the right to humiliate and insult his wife. Accordingly, if you have the opportunity to maintain a child alone, you can disperse with such a husband, and not try to glue the relationship that has long been broken. The husband’s poor attitude to his wife is not the norm. The woman is forced to work and do a huge pile of homework. If at the same time not to get any praise, love and care from the husband, then there is no need to build a family.  
  • Very often, spouses try to keep their face, to be very proud. At the same time, they often pretend that they do not care. In fact, this is an incorrect position, because both should be interested in the relationship. If a man lives with you only in order to have what to eat and with whom to sleep with, such a relationship sooner or later will simply explode. The fact is that in this case, absolutely any woman is suitable for a man.
  • The spouse insists on his rightness, only for the reason that he does not want to admit his mistake and guilt. Do not expect from the spouse that he will change, correct, understand his guilt, and ask for forgiveness. The main task in the relationship is not to prove who is right, who is to blame, but to preserve them.
  • This is possible only in case of mutual useful dialogue. And not so, when both spouses shout at each other, but only if the couple agree to hear their partner. Most often, scandals go into a joint border, with the clarification of who is right, who is to blame. The main task of the conversation is reconciliation. In addition, you must just try to find out why your husband treats you like this.
In a quarrel
In a quarrel

As you can see, it is very often corrected with the help of a simple conversation is the most correct solution. All tips regarding punishment can be effective only if you want to ditch your relationship.  

 Video: To teach her husband for disrespect

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  1. The husband began to linger from work, became colder in relation to me, began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. now it turns out how it happens in life. Do not convey in words the pain that I experienced. I sued almost all the jointly acquired property because I listened to all his calls and was always one step in front of him.

  2. It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up ... It turns out how it happens in life. Do not convey in words the pain that I experienced

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