How is fertilization, conception in women: the development of a new life in stages. How to increase the chances of successful conception?

How is fertilization, conception in women: the development of a new life in stages. How to increase the chances of successful conception?

In this topic, we will consider the sacrament of the origin of a new life.

Since ancient times, people tried to explain this phenomenon and imagine what is happening in the woman’s body at the time of conception. But nature carefully hid its secrets. And only when the first microscopes were invented, scientists managed to track how conception occurs in women, the development of a new organism in the maternal body and what processes precede this.

How conception occurs in women: we study the first stages

During natural intercourse, male sperm enters the vagina of a woman. If this happens in the middle of the monthly cycle, when a woman comes out of ovulation, there is a great probability of an act of fertilization or conception in a woman. But first, let's try to figure out what ovulation is.

  • Ovulation - This is the period when the egg matches the female body. It becomes as ready for fertilization as possible and leaves the follicle in the ovary.
  • Usually for a period of one menstrual cycle in a woman one egg matures,but it often happens that there are several such eggs and they are all ready for fertilization. After the eggs of the ovary exit, it by reducing the villi phallopium pipes moves into the fallopian tubes.
  • From this moment on Within 12-14 hours, she is ready to meet with a spermand to subsequent fertilization. Scientists believe that the finished egg reports this to spermatozoa using a special signal.

The basic stage of the origin of conception in a woman

  • During intercourse, a huge number of sperm - from about 100 to 600 million in the vagina of a woman. rushing to the goal,making progressive movements and actively helping themselves with tails. By the way, they need to overcome approximately 20 cm of the path on which serious obstacles await them.
  • The fact is that the vaginal environment is unfavorable for sperm, so most of them die on this path. For example, the first test is cervical mucus,which protects the uterus itself from the penetration of infections.
  • But about 10 million. The most active and hardy “bait” penetrate the uterus and help each other to pave the way further. Several thousand of them reach the finish line and try Pierce the protective shell of the egg.
  • The first tier has the name “radiant crown”, the second layer is a brilliant outer thin shell of the egg itself. And now the “Zhubschiki” who have reached the final attach to this area. They begin to highlight enzymes to dissolve it. And only one of them reaches the ultimate goal!
Only one can penetrate through the membrane
To “dissolve” the membrane, we need the coordinated work of the command
  • Literally after a few minutes, the merger of the seed fluid with the egg is going on. And immediately there is a change in the structure of the environment, that is, the same shell. The name is this combination, where The sperm is dissolved in the egg,it bears a zygote. After this, the membrane immediately becomes impregnable for another penetration of the “bait”.
    • And in order to get multi -tier twins, we need to fertilize different eggs. They are not always the same sex and can slightly or even differ significantly. If the emergence occurs in one egg, then one -eating twins are already formed, which always have one floor and are almost identical.
  • Unlike the egg, which after ripening is ready for fertilization within 12-14 hours, For spermatozoa, this period is 2-4 days.Sometimes they can maintain legal capacity up to 7 days. But there is one condition under which the sperm becomes capable of fertilizing the egg - this is the exposure to some enzymatic processes, which occur during its presence in the genital tract of the female body.

Important: for the life of important elements of fertilization, both in men and in women, they influence, or rather, greatly reduce, bad habits!

But only one can get to penetrate
But only one can get to penetrate

The formation of the gender of the baby during conception in women

Each of the reproductive cells - eggs and sperm, has 23 chromosomes. And the zygote that arose as a result of their merger has a complete set consisting of 46 chromosomes. And also it comes with genetic information from both parents. Thanks to this, the new organism will have a resemblance to parents, but at the same time differ from them with new combinations of genes and individual features.

  • At this stage, the gender of the future person is already programmed. By the way, about him - people always wanted to learn how to influence the floor of the unborn child. Throughout the history of mankind, many different techniques were born - from scientifically based variations to frankly charlatan methods. But it should be said that none of them can be considered reliable.
  • The sex of the child is determined at the time of conception and this choice is accidental. To understand this, it is important to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow conception occurs. Of the 23 pairs of chromosomes of any healthy person, both men and women, 22 pairs are the same, and in the 23rd, which is responsible for the floor, women have two identical female X-chromosomes, and men have two different ones-X and Y-X and Y - Women's and male chromosomes.
  • The floor of the unborn child will depend on which chromosome - X or Y, is contained in the sperm that has fertilized the egg. With fertilization by a sperm that bears a X-chromosom, a girl will be born, a y-chromosome-a boy.
  • Based on this, it becomes also clear that the determination of the sex of the unborn child is not only an element of chance, but also completely depends on the father. Or rather, which of its spermatozoa will be the first to reach the goal.

Interesting: “female” chromosomes are less mobile, but it is they who often “wait” the appearance of the egg. “Male” Y-chromosomes are quick and clearly follow the goals, but they usually live no more than 2-3 days.

A set of chromosomes affects the floor of the child, but Ninak is not calculated days
A set of chromosomes affects the floor of the child, but not calculated days

The forming stage of conception in women: when can I find out about its occurrence?

The development of the embryo has several stages: first crushing, then the formation of germinal sheets and shells, and later the formation of tissues and organs, and finally, the formation of features characteristic of a person.

  • Until 9 weeks of intrauterine development, the body is called the embryo, or embryo, and after this period and before birth it is already called the fetus.
  • From 9 weeks, the fetus already has its own environment In the form of fetal membranes or fetal bladder and amniotic fluid, performing the function of mechanical protection. And, of course, we do not forget about the umbilical cord connecting the fetus with the mother’s body. And it also provides the embryo breathing and nutritious needs. There is also an exchange of nutrients through the blood of the mother and fetus.
  • Soon after the formation of the zygote begins The process of its division. First, it is divided into two subsidiaries, then into four, eight, sixteen, etc. And so on until the dividing cells turn into an embryo, which moves along the phallopium pipes towards the uterus. This happens approximately 5-6 days after conception.

Important: in the event of a delay in the embryo, its implantation can occur directly in the egg, which is fraught with an ectopic pregnancy.

The tiny embryo goes through several complex phases
The tiny embryo goes through several complex phases
  • If everything goes safely and the embryo will reach the goal in time, he will be in the uterus for several days in a free state. And only on 7-10 days from the date of fertilization will its implantation occur- Attaching to the wall of the uterus.
  • This is accompanied by its immersion in the soft endometrium and minor injury to blood vessels located in the wall of the uterus. Because of what a woman these days may have a slight, so-called implantation bleeding, which is one of the early symptoms of pregnancy.
  • The embryo attached to the wall of the uterus emits hormone into the blood of the mother - Chorionic gonadotropyide, according to which tests that determine the onset of pregnancy are carried out. Therefore, after 6-8 days, this indicator can be determined, which prevents the beginning of subsequent critical days.
  • The formation of germinal leaflets, Of which the internal organs, tissues and the nervous system are subsequently formed, begins on 10-14 days after fertilization and precedes the full period of intrauterine development.
Phasis of implantation or attachment
Phasis of implantation or attachment

How to increase the chances of conception in a woman?

But far from always sexual intercourse between a man and a woman leads to conception. Even if it occurs in the most favorable period of the menstrual cycle, when, according to the calculations, a woman should have ovulation. And also even if the egg was successfully fertilized, the developing embryo may not be implanted. There are different reasons for this.

  • To increase the chances of conception, partners must prepare their body for this. Yes, speech is precisely About a healthy lifestyle!Moreover, it is necessary not a week before the event, but for at least six months. That is, to abandon smoking, drinking alcohol, to provide your body with high -quality nutrition and prolonged finding in the fresh air.
    • In addition, spouses must attend a doctor in advance and make sure their health.
  • Do not forget that age is directly proportional to all our processes in the body. That is, The process of conception itself becomes more complicated with age.After all, sperm activity falls, and women's cells are aged, which affects the “hospitality” of the entire environment. In addition, the unborn child of the later pairs is more susceptible to various ailments.
  • This period of time, when the egg is ready for the meeting, is difficult to calculate. After all, ovulation does not always occur in exactly 14 days. Remember - each woman has this gap, individual and depends on comprehensive factors. Therefore, to increase bets, you need Conduct the most active image to partners in the intimate sphere in the estimated time.But do not forget that the activity of spermatozoa is reduced from the frequency of contact. Therefore, a certain time until this time does not hurt to refrain.
Not always on
Not always on "favorable" days, successful fertilization occurs
  • Ovulation in a woman may not occur every month. For example, after taking not only hormonal drugs, but also simple general strengthening agents are confused by the cycle itself.
    • As well as ovulation, emotional factors, changes in lifestyle and even the mood and behavior of partners during sex have sex can affect. It is important that a woman experiences an orgasm during which changes occur in the cervix and vagina, contributing to the better penetration of sperm to the destination and more likelihood of conception.

Extracorporeal fertilization (IVF) has currently been widespread - this is fertilization in laboratory conditions, designed to help those people who cannot have children through natural conception. Since 1978, when the first child was born “from a test tube”, it has helped many married couples become parents and has become one of the most effective methods of treating infertility. Thanks to this method, more than four million people have already been born in the world.

As you can see, conception in women is like a start in the development of pregnancy. Do not confuse these concepts among themselves. This is only the beginning of the origin of a new life, which gives a reference point for the embryonic period. But when conducting observations of pregnant women, they resort to the obstetric period, which relies on the days of the menstrual cycle. From this, some discrepancies in the development of the fetus and its further birth are possible. Of course, it is about a few days or a couple of weeks, not months.

Video: How is the fertilization of the egg?

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Comments K. article

  1. This is such a sacrament, especially when you wait for this pregnancy. My husband and I were preparing and planning, undergoing examinations, taking tests. So that everything is fine. He was bought at the spermlas, vitamins for men, I drank folk. Now I read all sorts of such articles, and I'm waiting for the appearance of the baby)

  2. I was not bypassed by the problem with the onset of pregnancy. For more than a year, it was not possible to get pregnant in any way. As a result, in the hospital, she heard about the assets-gel in the corner of her ear, and asked about him at her gynecologist, she gave good to his application. And so, after two tubes, I became pregnant. And why did the doctor not tell me about him before ... although this is not important already :) Gel has raised this chance of conception, helped my husband’s sperm :)

  3. I can say so from my experience, it significantly increases the chances of conception that both the man and the woman are prepared for this. For example, I took vitamins, and my husband is a spermactin with alpha-lipoic acid in the composition. Plus, both went in for sports and switched to proper nutrition. Here all measures are good, so to speak.

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