How cool to joke about friends? How to make fun of colleagues, work staff? How to pour over your brother, sister?

How cool to joke about friends? How to make fun of colleagues, work staff? How to pour over your brother, sister?

Options for jokes for friends, colleagues, relatives.

Most often, the draws are arranged on the eve of April 1, or on the eve of some holidays, the birthday of the celebration. In this article we will tell you how to joke over your friends and acquaintances.

How to punch at work colleagues?

It is worth noting that before conducting a draw, you must make sure that your friend has a sense of humor, and will not be offended. Try that the draw is not aggressive, and does not cause any material or mental damage to the victim.

The version of the draw depends on where you work, or live. Accordingly, you can choose a draw for an office, work, institute, school, or dormitory. The best option for a draw is funny, interesting jokes.

Fun for the office
Fun for the office

Play options in the office or at work:

  1. To conduct this draw, it is necessary to print the inscription on the printer in advance buffet or toilet. Hang on the doors of the office of an employee that you want to play a trick on. It is best if such a draw is carried out in the place where work is carried out with people. That is, this is a medical institution, a business center. On the door of your employee, you need to fix the inscription of the buffet or toilet. Now a colleague will be disturbed every few minutes. And watch with an perplexed look why there is no buffet or toilet in this room.
  2. Another good option to carry out draws in the office is to use boxes without a bottom. To carry out such a draw, you need to take a box in which you need to remove one. Some bright inscription is attached to the box, for example, condoms, money, surprises. Now the box must be filled with confetti or shiny shavings. Before filling out, the box is placed quite high. A high closet or rack is suitable. After the employee enters the office, he will see this box on the closet, and he will definitely want to remove it. After he tears the bottom of the box from the cabinet, and will bring it closer to him, confetti or shiny shavings will sprinkle. Thus, the employee will be completely sprinkled confetti or other contents of the box.
  3. Ra pile with a computer. It is best to spend with the office staff, or companies where they work with computers. For a joke, you must prepare in advance. Using the Print Screen key, it is necessary to photograph the image of the desktop, with some open program, which will not be located on the entire screen, but in the form of a small window. Now save the image in Paint and install the tab instead of the picture of the desktop. When the employee returns from lunch, sits down for his computer, he will see the usual photo table photo, with some strange program. Naturally, when trying to close this program, he will not succeed. The poor man will be forced to restart the computer. It will be very surprised when, after repeated loading, the previous record will appear on the screen.
  4. A joke with a filled glass. Usually performed on the desktop of the one you do not really like. To do this, pour water into the glass. It is desirable that the capacity be opaque, it is not clear that there is water inside it. Now a sheet of paper is applied to the glass on top, turned over, and installed on the victim’s table. The sheet is carefully pulled out. At the same time, due to surface tension, the water does not spill from the glass. The victim, seeing an inverted glass, will definitely raise it. Naturally, all the water will spill on his knees.
Jokes at work
Jokes at work

How cool to joke about friends?

Fun options:

  • Room in whitewash. A very interesting, unusual rally that will make your negligent neighbor remove in your room. To do this, you need to pick up a small diameter tube, and stick it into the gap between the door and the floor. After that, a hole is cut out in a jar with children's powder, which corresponds to the tube in diameter. The tube is attached to the jar with powder and the contents are poured into it. After that, they turn on the hair dryer. Thus, the powder is sprayed throughout the room. The neighbor will be forced to go.
  • The draw in the subway. This draw is most likely not for friends, but for passengers of the subway car. It is necessary to plan it in advance. The essence of the draw is that one person approaches the button of the driver’s call, pretends to press it, and says “Hamburger and Cola”, indicating the number of the car. The next station includes a person in a cap, with the inscription Coca Cola, and gives an order. Now this passenger who brought Coca-Cola should go out. Further, the passenger who made the order again pretends to press the metro button, and says "to the final without stopping." All passengers are in amazement and surprise, as they do not want to drive their station.
  • The draw in the trolleybus. A rather extreme option, because it can cause a storm of anger. Ideal for your friend’s birthday, who works as a trolley bus driver. You need to ask your friend, with whom the driver is not familiar with, put on a vest of an orange or salad color, which the driver of the trolley usually wears. At the next stop, a person approaches the ropes for which the mustache stretch, and pulls them down. After that, a person in a vest asks a random passerby to hold the ropes until he switches something in the cab. Naturally, a person disappears without a trace, and a random passerby continues to keep the ropes. The driver's reaction is quite understandable. Sometimes it ends in the battle, as well as a very aggressive reaction of the trolleybus driver.
  • Another draw that is suitable to joke over friends - the draw with the phone. Ideal if your friend does not have friends of friends. It is necessary to call your friend’s number during the day, ask Alina Mikhailovna. At the end of the day, it is necessary that a woman calls and said "Hello, I am Alina Mikhailovna, no one called me here?" The reaction of your friend will be amazing. It is advisable not to practice with office workers at the end of the month, on the eve of the report. This can significantly unsettle it and angry.
They played a friend
They played a friend

How to play a trick on my sister, brother?

Fun options:

  • Pretty evil draw, allowing you to make fun of your a neighbor in the room. To carry out this manipulation, you may need the participation of another friend. To do this, the drill is taken in the presence of the person you want to joke, it turns on. It is necessary to attract the attention of the victim. After that, you go behind the victim’s back and poke his finger in the back, including the drill. A person has an impression as if a drill had been put on his back, it was turned on. Make sure before the draw that a person does not suffer from heart diseases.
  • Unusual joke with tourists. You can spend by going on a picnic, or barbecue with your friends. It is necessary to prepare in advance, and at the place of following, that is, along the trail on which you are going to pass, you need to lay out a jar of zucchini caviar, covering toilet paper into pieces. Naturally, people who see this will take this for excrement. Accordingly, everyone will go around a bunch. You need to get a spoon, shout out "fresh", and start eating the contents.
  • Educational draw. It is best to spend with your friend, or a roommate around the room. Ideal for students. It is necessary to find some kind of sacrifice thing, and put in a strange place in which they will never look for it. Now, when trying to find a little thing, such as glasses, lipstick or gloves, you say, "look in the freezer." A person, after checking the freezer and finds his thing, will be very surprised. Now that one of your friends comes to visit you, and your neighbor will look for your own thing, inertia will look into the unforeseen place where you all put it. For example, in the freezer. Naturally, guests will be surprised, as a person will look for his things in strange places.
How to play a trick on your brother, sister
How to play a trick on your brother, sister

As you can see, there are a huge number of jokes for the drawing of friends. Choose the most funny, and not angry. And also make sure that your draws cannot entail irreparable consequences.

Video: How to joke over friends?

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