How many calories are in the mayonnaise Provencal? Home, light, European mayonnaise: 100 grams calorie content

How many calories are in the mayonnaise Provencal? Home, light, European mayonnaise: 100 grams calorie content

Calorie content of various types of mayonnaise and sauces based on it.

Mayonnaise appeared on the shelves of stores in our country for a very long time. However, for the first time it was prepared in Spain, in the 18th century. In this article we will talk about the calorie content of mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise: product history

There are several theories regarding when mayonnaise first appeared.

Mayonnaise, product history:

  • According to one of them, this happened in 1758, during the deposition of the Spanish Island of Menorca.
  • Due to the small number of products that have not been supplied to the island for a long time due to hostilities, the cooks needed to come up with something new in order to diversify the menu. It was then that the sauce appeared.
  • The cooks decided to mix olive oil with lemon juice, eggs and spices. As a result of this, an interesting sauce appeared, which can be safely spread on bread. Soldiers enjoyed such a dish with pleasure. 
  • Some scientists believe that such a sauce could be prepared much earlier, in France, Spain or Italy. After all, it is in these regions that there are a large amount of olive oil and eggs. There is an opinion that this sauce is a relative of the Spanish dispensation, which was prepared by mixing eggs with vegetable oil and garlic. 

Mayonnaise: benefits and harms

Recently, nutritionists have become alarm, because the amount of mayonnaise, which is used by an ordinary person, is constantly growing. This cannot but cause concern, since the calorie content of this product is high, which negatively affects the state of health, and leads to obesity.

Mayonnaise, benefits and harm:

  • Due to the presence of a large amount of fat and additional ingredients, the concentration of cholesterol increases, which increases the risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Of course, the most useful is homemade mayonnaise, which is made by mixing purified vegetable oil with eggs, mustard, as well as vinegar.
  • However, the modern rhythm of life does not allow housewives to engage in the preparation of home mayonnaise. It is easier to purchase a product on a store shelf. Unfortunately, it does not differ in such a benefit as a natural product, because the composition includes ingredients that reduce the cost of production. Instead of eggs, egg powder is used, and to reduce calorie content and reduce the amount of vegetable oil, stabilizers and emulsifiers are introduced.
  • They allow emulsions not to be divided. Oil and water in the usual state are divided into mixtures and poorly mixed.

How many calories are in the mayonnaise Provencal?

For the first time on the shelves of the stores of our country, this sauce appeared under the name Provencal. Its recipe is significantly different from classical mayonnaise, since not only the main ingredients, but also mustard.

How many calories are Provencal in mayonnaise:

  • This gives the seasoning of an acute taste. It can be strengthened with horseradish or capers. Recently, they have also become experimenting with the addition of Basabi and a variety of sharp peppers.
  • Provencal perfectly combines with salads, so in Soviet times it was often used to flavor olivier, mimosa, and classic salads of that time.
  • The calorie content of mayonnaise Provensal is 620 kilocalories per 100 grams. However, this value can also fluctuate, depending on the manufacturer. This is due to some subtleties in the production of products. 
Preparation of sauce
Preparation of sauce

Mayonnaise light: calorie content per 100 grams

Girls watching their nutrition prefer low -calorie products, mayonnaise is no exception. The whole problem is that low -calorie - does not mean useful.

The mayonnaise is light, calorie content per 100 grams:

  • In order for mayonnaise to differ in a light texture, and does not properly relax on the components, an emulsifier, starch and a stabilizer are introduced into its composition. This makes the product harmful. Part of the vegetable oil is replaced by trans fats.
  • As a result of this, a harmful product is obtained, which negatively affects the state of health. If you want to lose weight, in no case use low -calorie mayonnaise. Try to abandon this product, replace it with a yogurt or sour cream. 
  • The calorie content of mild mayonnaise can vary, depending on the percentage of fat. Manufacturers usually produce a product with a fat content of 15-30 %. The higher the percentage of fat, the more calories in the product. On average, the calorie content of such a product ranges from 220-320 calories per 100 g. Remember that the calorie content of sour cream is 260-280 kcal per 100 g. The number of calories in these products is approximately the same, but much more prominent of sour cream. 

Calorie content of home mayonnaise per 100 grams

At home, mayonnaise is prepared from vegetable oil, mustard and egg yolks. Lemon juice, spices can also be added.

Calorius of home mayonnaise per 100 grams:

  • Oddly enough, the calorie content of this product is slightly lower than that of the classic Provencal, which can be purchased in the store. In production conditions, egg yolks are replaced by powder.
  • Therefore, when cooking products, much more vegetable oil is spent than at home. At the same time, the calorie content of the home sauce is 570 kilocalories per 100 g.
  • Despite the high fat content, which is 55-60%, the home product is much more useful than purchased, low-calorie and light. This is due to the absence in the compositiontransjirs, thickeners, and stabilizers. 

The main drawback of home mayonnaise is a short shelf life. On average, it is about two days. In the process of long -term storage, even in the refrigerator, the ingredients can be spaced. The egg can fall down, and sunflower oil to pop up. Thus, the product changes its consistency. However, to restore the product, in no case should you beat it again, it is better to throw it away. After all, eggs without a shell are not stored for long and spoil very quickly. To extend the shelf life of the product, manufacturers introduce stabilizers, emulsifiers and preservatives. If you cook the sauce at home at a time to season the salad or flavor some dish, enter starch or stabilizers. 


European mayonnaise - calorie content per 100 grams

European mayonnaise is a new product that appeared on store shelves not so long ago. Many have a question, how is it different from standard sauce or Provence.

European mayonnaise, calorie content of 100 grams:

  • It contains more fat, percentage at the level of 72%. This is a fairly high indicator, which significantly affects the calorie content of the product.
  • 100 g contains 700 kilocalories. However, the differences are not only in a high fat content. The mayonnaise, which was manufactured in Spain, was flavored with sugar.
  • In Europe, mayonnaise is made sweeter than the usual Provencal. There is no bitterness in it, because mustard is not introduced into the standard sauce. 
Home sauce recipe
Home sauce recipe

How many calories are in 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise?

Many scientists believe that now the wrong opinion has been formed about mayonnaise, because almost all nutritionists believe that this is one of the most harmful products that contain a huge amount of cholesterol, negatively affects health. In the course of research, it was established that not only the fact of the presence of mayonnaise in the diet, but also its number is important. If you flash the salad with a teaspoon of this product, nothing terrible will happen. The main thing is to use a moderate amount of fat products. The diet should be fresh vegetables, dairy products and a small amount of low -fat meat. 

How many calories are in 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise:

  • The parameter depends on the fat content and the components of the components.
  • If it is a Provencal, with a fat content of 67%, then the calorie content will be 50 kcal.
  • If this is a low -calorie product, then 10 g contains 25 kcal.

Calorie content of mayonnaise sauce

Girls who monitor their nutrition seek to choose products marked “fitness”, or with the least fat content. Manufacturers saw this trend, so on the shelves you can find products marked fitness, or mayonnaise sauce.

Calorie content of mayonnaise sauce:

  • Many have a question of how such a product differs from classical mayonnaise and is there a difference in calorie content. The mayonnaise sauce is a product whose consistency can be a slurry than a classic Provencal, while the manufacturer is not required to introduce egg yolks into the composition.
  • Most often, the fat content of mayonnaise sauce ranges from 15-30 %. According to GOST, a product that contains less than 30% fat cannot be called mayonnaise.
  • Be sure to have a note “sauce”. If your goal is to lose weight, you want to purchase a low -calorie product, pay attention to the product, marked “sauce”. 
  • The calorie content of such a product is 150-280 kcal per 100 g.
Mayonnaise on paragraphs
Mayonnaise on paragraphs

We will also tell you about calorie content:

The composition of store mayonnaise contains a large number of flavorings and preservatives, flavor amplifiers, which also makes the product harmful and unsuitable for nutrition of children. Due to the presence of a large amount of fat, the product is characterized by high calorie content. 

Video: mayonnaise calorie content

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