Calorie content of tea: different varieties of tea with different additives

Calorie content of tea: different varieties of tea with different additives

Calorieness of tea: the most popular varieties and types of tea, as well as additives of sugar, honey, lemon, milk.

Today it is not so fashionable to sit on diets, since people finally understood how harmful it is. It is better to switch to PP and count calories! Tea is a favorite drink of Russians, and in this article we will talk about its calorie content depending on the variety of tea, as well as additives that we are used to adding to it to improve taste and diversity.

Calorie content of tea without sugar and additives

Interested in the calorie content of tea? In this section, we consider tea without additives and sugar.

Variety of tea Caloricity of tea in kcal/100 g
Black tea 1
Wendy’s Tea 1
Green tea 5
White tea 4
Tea white Curtis 1
Yellow tea 3
Karkade 5
Match 4
Puer 2
Ulun 0.4

As you can see, the calorie content of tea is minimal without additives, therefore, he cannot influence the figure. So why do many nutritionists claim that tea and coffee are harm to the figure? The whole problem is not in tea, but in what you add to it, but worst of all - put on a plate (cake, cookies, etc.).

Black tea with sugar: calorie content

Love to drink tea with sugar. Remember that in 1 teaspoon of sugar - 19 kcal. So, if you added 1 teaspoon of sugar to the cup (200 g), then it is no longer 2 kcal, but all 21 kcal. Love to drink sweet tea (2 teaspoons of sugar) - for 200 g of such tea 40 kcal.

Tea with fresh fruits
Tea with fresh fruits

On average, an office worker drinks 4-5 cups of tea per day, and if he drinks sweet tea, his diet increases by 160-200 kcal. And this is already very significant for the diet.

Calorie content of green tea with sugar

We will analyze the calorie content of green tea with sugar (100 g):

  • Green tea of \u200b\u200bcustard 5 kcal;
  • 1 teaspoon without a slide of sugar - 19 kcal.

Total, a cup of green tea (200 g) with one spoon of sugar accounts for 29 kcal.

Milk tea: calorie content

Fans of tea with milk think about what calorie content of tea according to their favorite recipe? So, let's analyze:

  • Tea for 100 g - 1 kcal;
  • Water per 100 g - 0 kcal;
  • Milk 150 g (per cup of tea) - 94 kcal.

Total, in a cup of 250 g, there will be 95 kcal, and 38 kcal for 100 g of tea with milk.

Now sweeten tea 1 teaspoon of sugar, and for 100 g of tea with milk and sugar will already be 45.6 kcal.

Tea with lemon: calorie content

Do you like black tea with lemon? We have excellent news for you regarding the calorie content of tea with a lemon for 100 g:

  • Without sugar - 28 kcal;
  • A glass of tea with lemon 200 g with 1 tsp Sugar - 75 kcal.
Tea with lemon
Tea with lemon

Tea 250 ml: calorie content

Follow your menu, but there is no time to calculate calories? In cafes and restaurants, as well as at fasting points, tea is usually served in glasses or cups of 250 ml. If you drink black tea without sugar, then the calorie content of tea will be 2.5 kcal.

  • Add 1 tsp. sugar - 21.5 kcal.
  • Add 2 tsp. Sugar - 40.5 kcal.

Tea with honey: calorie content

Do you like to make tea with honey? For 100 g, the calorie content of tea with honey will be 30.4 kcal, and in a cup 250 ml - 76 kcal, taking into account that 2 tsp is placed per 1 cup. honey, and 1 slice of lemon.

Tea with honey
Tea with honey

Lipton tea: calorie content

Lipton is one of the favorite and popular teas in Russia. It is not surprising that its calorie content is looking for many people holding proper nutrition.

So, the calorie content of the Lepton tea depends on the variety:

  • Green tea with the aroma of Moroccan mint, herbal drink with chamomile and mint - 1 kcal per 100 g of tea;
  • Drink with hibiscus and rose hips - 1 kcal per 100 g of tea;
  • Green cold tea in Japanese-15 kcal per 100 g of tea;
  • Lime Yuzu - 16 kcal per 100 g of tea;
  • Ice Tea Mojito, Ice Tea Persik, Cold tea with the taste of blueberries, green tea taste lime and mint, cold tea with peach taste - 20 kcal per 100 g of tea;
  • Ice Tea Green Tea, Ice Tea Raspberry - 28 kcal per 100 g of tea;
  • Cold tea with lemon, green cold tea with the taste of "strawberries and cranberries", a sea buckthorn in Russian-29 kcal per 100 g of tea;
  • Ice Tea Lemon, X Ologo Green Tea - 30 kcal per 100 g of tea.

Tea in bags: calorie content

The calorie content of tea in bags directly depends on the variety of tea and the manufacturer. So, ordinary black tea in a bag contains 1 kcal per 100 g of brewed tea. And if it is a mixture of teas with the addition of citrus and taste additives-calorie content can increase to 5-7 kcal per 100 g of tea without sugar.

Greenfield tea: calorie content

Greenfield manufacturers took care of those who follow their figure and calorie intake of 100 g of a finished product no higher than 1 kcal.

It is important to remember that calorie content increases when sugar, honey, lemon and other additives are added to tea.

Greenfield tea
Greenfield tea

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