Bunny: calorie content, benefits and harm to the body, folk recipes, reviews. How much prunes can you eat?

Bunny: calorie content, benefits and harm to the body, folk recipes, reviews. How much prunes can you eat?

Bunny is just a magical dried fruit, which is both a treat and medicine. Everything that is rich in drain is fully preserved after drying ripe plum fruits.

Surely everyone knows what a powerful effect has prunes for those who suffer from constipation. But, it turns out, this is far from a complete list of its capabilities.

Bunny: calorie content per 100 g

  • If we talk about what prunes are rich, it will probably be easier to say what is not in it, it is so rich in vitamins and useful substances.
  • Ascorbic, nicotine and folic acids, retinol and thiamine, cyancobalamin and pyridoxine, tocopherol, vitamins A and E -This is far from a complete list of vitamins that contribute to the uninterrupted operation of the gastrointestinal tract. And also the necessary circulatory system bioflavonoids, pectins, phytoncides, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, a lot of fiber and natural sugars
  • As you can see, the chemical composition of prunes is extremely wide. Mostly prunes consists of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in it are many times smaller.

The calorie content of the dried prunes - 240 calories per 100 g. This is a lot, so do not use this product in unlimited quantities.

The benefits of prunes are for the body

  1. Thanks to a large number of vitamins contained in prunes, it contributes to strengthen the immunity. And glucose increases the tone and improves the general condition, giving energy and performance. All this is due to the presence of vitamin C.
  2. Favorably affects the work of the stomach, contributing the best assimilation of food. This is facilitated by the dietary fiber contained in prunes.
  3. Has a beneficial effect on work cardiovascular system, strengthening the walls of the vessels. In addition, prunes containing magnesium prevents the calcination of arteries. It is able to reduce the risk of a heart attack due to the content of vitamin K.
  4. The presence of carotenoids, which include zeaxantin and lutein, positively affects vision. They are also able to prevent early degeneration of the yellow spot.
  5. Minerals "are responsible" for the condition of the teeth, contribute to strengthening bones. This is facilitated by the presence of polyphenols and potassium that increase the density of the bone - this is especially relevant this property of prunes for those who suffer from osteoporosis.
  6. The presence of vitamin C prunes in the composition of prunes, which slows down aging and formation of wrinkles. It also reduces the risks of acne, supplying the skin with a large number of minerals and moisturizing it.
  7. Due to the presence of vitamins b and s, Strengthening hair follicles, Hair is less split and break. Also, prunes affects the roots well, which contributes to better hair growth.
  8. Antioxidant properties of dried fruit irreplaceable in the prevention of cancer. By the way, those who live in cities with poor ecology or work in "harmful" industries, it is recommended to use prunes.
  9. With constipation, prunes have long been considered the first assistant, Adjusting intestinal motility and metabolic processes in the body. If you regularly take a dried fruit for food, it becomes a preventive agent from stagnation. The same dietary fiber, enveloping the mucous membrane, do not allow excessive sugar and cholesterol in the intestine. And thanks to the organic acids contained in prunes, harmful microflora is destroyed.
  10. It has a diuretic effect, removing excess fluid, which helps to reduce swelling, and, accordingly, favorably affects the work of the kidneys, being the prevention of urolithiasis.
  11. Helps people suffering hypertension and atherosclerosissince it contains a large amount of potassium.
  12. Promotes the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body.
  13. Has a certain antidepressant effect and, accordingly, favorably affects the state of the nervous system.
  14. Improves the functioning of the liver, protecting it from diseases.
  15. Helps in weight loss due to laxative properties. Also, dried fruit is capable of several suppress appetite.
The benefits of the product
The benefits of the product

Bunny: benefits for women

  • In addition to all the above -mentioned beneficial qualities, this dried fruit is indispensable in the menopause, contributing to normalizing the condition.
  • In addition, with age, female bones become very vulnerable and fragile, and the prunes acts as protection against osteoporosis.
  • Swelling of the fingers, legs that are characteristic of women can be prevented if you eat prunes, since it has a diuretic effect. And, of course, a dried fruit is just a find for women sitting on all kinds of diets for the purpose of losing weight, because, having a laxative effect, it contributes to a natural and easy weight loss.
Useful for both men and women
Useful for both men and women

The benefits of prunes are for men

  • Men often suffer high blood pressure, as more prone to heart attacks. The content of potassium in prunes helps maintain blood vessels in normal condition, moreover, prevents the onset and development of such a disease as atherosclerosis.
  • Very favorably affects prunes to potency. This is facilitated by nutrients, among which vitamins A, B, C, PP can be distinguished first of all, not to mention iron and amino acids.
  • Thus, maintaining the desired level of testosterone, increasing sexual activity, and the risk of premature ejaculation decreases.

The benefits of prunes are for a child

  • For kids, prunes are indispensable as natural natural remedy for normalizing stools and regular intestinal operation. This is confirmed by the fact that it is recommended to begin to introduce as complementary foods, starting from six months - first in the form of mashed potatoes or decoctions, and later, from about one year old, as an additive to the porridge.
  • In order for the prunes to have only a positive effect on the work of the child’s intestines, it is necessary to consult a local pediatrician.
  • You can pamper children with prunes by preparing for them the below balls from a mixture of dried fruits that will completely replace sweets. The main thing is to ensure that the child does not eat more than 2-3 such balls per day.

Is it possible princely pregnant women, with breastfeeding?

  • The answer to this question depends on how the woman herself feels. During pregnancy, swelling is often observed, and in this case, prunes will definitely not hurt, the main thing is to coordinate its daily amount with a doctor.
  • This dried fruit will also help if the pregnant woman is observed constipation. But frequent diarrhea, on the contrary, is a contraindication to the use of prunes. A small amount of product will help to eliminate not only constipation and edema daily, but also hypertension, dysbiosis and anemiawhich pregnant women often suffer. In addition, removing edema, the prunes thereby helps not to gain excess weight.
Useful for future and young mothers
Useful for future and young mothers
  • Now we will answer the question, is it possible to be a nursing mother prunes? Nursing mothers should be careful about this useful dried fruit. During feeding the substances that are contained in it, can damage digestive processes in the baby's body. It is better to abandon the prunes at all in the first months of lactation.
  • It is worth being attentive to the amount of prunes and those women who suffer from diabetes. In this case, both during pregnancy and during lactation, it is better not to eat it for food, or there is in a limited amount agreed with the doctor.

Is it possible to eat prunes when losing weight?

  • With a sufficiently high calorie content, prunes diuretic and laxative effects, removing toxins, toxins and excess fluid from the body.
  • Therefore, prunes are considered not as a burner of fat, but as a product that prevents its accumulation. You should not abuse a dried fruit, 100 g per day, and it is better to enjoy it in the morning.
  • Also, refuse to use other products with prunes with laxative effects - so close to diarrhea.
You can lose weight
You can lose weight

Here are three recipes with prunes for weight loss:

  1. It is necessary to take 50 g of crust bark, 100 g of rosehips (if you do not have berries, use the finished syrup, then it will need 250 ml) and 300 g of prunes. First, boil the jerk and prunes in 1.5 liters of water, boiling them for about half an hour over low heat, then put (or pour in) the rosehip and cook for another three quarters of an hour. Leave the decoction in a warm place for the whole night, and in the morning strain and put in the refrigerator, carefully closing the capacity with the lid. Take half a glass in the evening.
  2. There are several dried fruits in this recipe. Use a meat grinder and pass through it a dried apricots, raisins and rosehips (100 g each), prunes (400 g), figs (200 g) and grass of the Seine (50 g). Then mix the resulting mass with honey and store in a glass container, choosing a place cool. There are 1 tsp. Twice a day, morning and evening.
  3. By the same principle, you can prepare a mixture of a slightly different composition. On a meat grinder, chop 400 g of dried apricots and prunes, as well as the Alexandrian leaf (one packaging is required). Mix everything with 200 g of liquid honey and also put in a cool place. Recommended accept - 1 tsp. Ezhevhekhne.

Is it possible for prunes with diabetes?

  • In general, prunes are permissible for consumption in the presence of diabetes, since its glycemic index is very few - 29 units. This indicator does not contribute to the possible changes in glucose in the composition of the blood.
  • And a large amount of fiber in prunes contributes to cleansing the body and improving digestionWhat is important in diabetes.

The only thing you should limit yourself to diabetics when using prunes is in its quantity. In each case, the doctor determines the optimal volume of the product, on average the number of fruits should not exceed 3-4 pcs. per day, regardless of whether they are eaten separately or are part of various dishes.

Is it possible prunes from constipation?

  • The laxative properties of prunes are widely known. But the most correct approach to solving the problem of constipation will be complex. You need to start by revising your own diet. It should be included in it porridge and a large number of vegetables and fruits.
  • It is also useful to drink about 2 liters of water throughout the day. And an organic addition to such a diet will be prunes in the form compote or plum juice, preferably freshly squeezed.
  • Try to soak dried fruits (you can add dried apricots or raisins to prunes) in the evening, and in the morning to eat them for breakfast. Or mix prunes with yogurt (you can supplement breakfast with flakes). Usually such a breakfast helps cleansing the intestine in a few hours. Bunny can also be consumed in the form infusions, steaming in a thermos, or decoctions, boiling half an hour on low heat.
  • Mandatory take into account the nature of constipation. Typically, prunes are recommended if the reason is in malnutrition or in a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work.
  • But if constipation is caused by other causes, then you should consult drug treatment methods. Such reasons include, among others, problems with the endocrine system, hypodynamia, prolonged use of drugs, intestinal obstruction or neoplasms in it, poisoning.

Bunny: Contraindications

  • Particular caution in the use of prunes is recommended for those who suffer from diabetes, since this is a sufficiently large amount of carbohydrates in this dried fruit. The same applies to those who seek to lose weight-in no case can you abuse prunes, limiting its daily rate to 2-3 fruits per day.
  • With all the positive effects of the product on the organs of our body, it is not recommended to be carried away by prunes to those who suffer renal failure of an acute or chronic nature, pathological states of the pancreas and liver, urolithiasis. It is better to abandon the prunes also nursing mothers.
  • You can not use prunes on an empty stomach, this can provoke acute abdominal pain. If you eat a lot of dried fruit, the occurrence of diarrhea is not excluded. Another moment - the possibility of an allergic reaction In individuals whose body does not tolerate fiber. Among the people to whom nutritionists and doctors do not recommend prunes, - hypotonics and ulcers.
  • All of the above categories of people should remember the need for preliminary consultation with a doctor before using prunes. The doctor will determine whether this dried fruit will cause harm to one or another disease, as well as establish an allowable amount of product.

Bunny: Folk recipes

The intestines cleaning with prunes

  • It is necessary to grind with a dozen fruits of prunes and, mixing with a pair of raisins, pour everything kefir, yogurt, yogurt, fermented baked milk - In a word, any fermented milk substance, observing the proportion of 1: 1.
  • Let it brew an hour and a half and eat the mixture during the day after each meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Another recipe: mix prunes and any other dried fruits with the addition of nuts, and grind all this with a blender or in a meat grinder.
  • From the resulting composition, roll small balloons And use them instead of snacks. This method pursues a preventive goal.
For cleansing
For cleansing

Prunes as a laxative

  • It is necessary to steam prunes until morning, and in the morning to eat them, having drunk and infusion.
  • Another recipe is to mix half a glass of lemon juice with a glass of infusion of prunes and drink on the morning on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • The following composition will also help: take up to 15 pcs. Bunny, having previously removed the bones, and, chopping, mix until a homogeneous mass from 5 tsp. honey. Divide the resulting mixture into 7 parts and eat one at one morning for a week. It is better to drink kefir or just boiled water.
  • And another recipe: mix 200 g oats with several berries of chopped prunes. Brew the mixture in 2 cups of water and keep it on low heat for half an hour. Let it brew for two hours, then strain and drink the decoction of a glass per day, dividing into 3 doses.

Bunny from corns

  • It is necessary to boil dried fruits in milk so that they boil, and, having removed the bone, put a hot berry to the corns.
  • Keep until it starts to cool, and then replace the next, hot.

Bunny with hypertension

  • Need 3-4 pcs. Ground prunes with hot water for a few minutes.
  • Then grind and add to freshly brewed tea. After tea with prunes is infused (10-15 minutes), you can drink.

Bunny for the face

  • Grind 4 berries for 30 minutes with boiling water, then grind prunes and mix with 2 tbsp. starch. Apply on the face for half an hour, then wash off with cool water.
  • Such a mask is effective for acne.
  • Spernicated prunes can be massage the face - It will soften the skin, and the complexion will become more fresh. The main thing is not to forget to wash after the massage to remove the remaining fruits. You can also wash yourself with a decoction of prunes.
Prunes for your beauty
Prunes for your beauty

How much prunes can you eat?

  • There are no strictly defined rules regarding the use of prunes, since this dried fruit is not a drug. But, like any food, it should not be absorbed uncontrollably to avoid health problems. In accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists, the optimal number of fruits - 12 pcs., and even then exclusively for healthy people who do not have any diseases and pathological conditions. This amount is calculated based on the content of fructose and other substances in prunes.
  • If you exceed this norm, there is the risk of diarrhea. As for people suffering from certain chronic diseases, which were mentioned earlier, they need to have a trick of prunes with the attending physician and strictly follow his recommendations.
The use of prunes cannot be unlimited
The use of prunes cannot be unlimited

Bunny: reviews

  • Maria, Vorkuta: I have a tendency to fullness, so I have to limit myself in food. But to abandon sweets is above my strength. In order not to drink tea with sweets, cakes and cakes, I replaced sweets with prunes. It is not inferior in sweetness, and the benefits of it are not an example more. In addition, I noticed that after such tea, energy always appears in the bite with prunes and performance increases. So I advise all the sweet tooth complaining of the figure.
  • Irina, Moscow: I “discovered” for myself prunes when I was pregnant. Doctors noted a constant decrease in hemoglobin and then recommended to use prunes. Indeed, the regular use of this delicious dried fruit gave the result: hemoglobin returned to normal. And after giving birth, it was prunes that helped me in losing excess weight. Yes, and his son, when he turned five months old, helped: the baby could not empty for three days, and then I drove him with a decoction of prunes. A wonderful effect! After that, I began to add a little cooked berries to feed, and problems with the chair were no longer tormented.
  • Sergey, Vologda: I was tormented by constipation for more than a year. This was due to taking certain drugs. Doctors did not recommend drinking laxatives, again, due to the fact that he took medicines, but the prunes were recommended for this purpose. He ate a dozen steamed fruits in a day and felt that evening: it worked! Since then, for the purpose of prevention, I have been eating a few pieces of this dried fruit per day and have no more problems with the chair. So I was addicted to prunes that occasionally I even arrange for myself fasting days, eating only him. I eat 10-12 pieces per day, and by the way, I noticed that I started losing weight.

Useful articles about prunes:

Video: Life Berry - Eating prunes regularly

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Comments K. article

  1. For me, prunes and the plum itself are good laxative. I just eat, or cook compotes. If it is inconvenient to do, for example, in the hospital (recently I lay on preservation), then, based on the plum, I accept phytomucil norms, it is very well slapped, I regularly go to the toilet. It can be pregnant and nursing, the gynecologist recommended.

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