Trees long -livers: name, list, age, photo. Which tree lives the longest on Earth, in Russia?

Trees long -livers: name, list, age, photo. Which tree lives the longest on Earth, in Russia?

It is difficult to even imagine that we can stand nearby, touch what existed long before our appearance, and there will be more than one thousand years. The huge and oldest trees will be discussed in the article.

Few of us, passing by some tree, thinks about how old he is and how long it decorates our land. And at the same time, the age of some trees on Earth is several thousand years. It sounds completely fantastic and unrealistic, right?

Trees long -livers: brief description

There are a huge number of types of trees in the world. All of them differ from each other by external signs, fertility, habitat, etc. It is worth noting that different types of trees also differ from each other in life expectancy.

  • How many years the tree will live on our planet largely depends on the conditions in which it will be, the influence of the human hand and, of course, on its variety
  • For example, fruit trees live the least, the longest - coniferous and deciduous rocks
  • Of course, there are exceptions from any rule. So, for example, a huge apple tree is growing in Ukraine, which does not have a barrel, but has about 15 huge branches that have grown to the ground. The age of this fruit tree is about 200 years, while the middle apple trees live 30-100 years, depending on where they live
  • It is quite difficult to give a list of trees of long-livers, since the phrase “very long” can be understood in different ways. For example, regarding the life expectancy of people, almost all trees live for a very long time.
Long -lived
Long -lived

So, below we present to your attention information based on which you can conclude what types of trees live for a long time:

  • Birch, elm, ash. On average, the life expectancy of birch is 100 years, however, there are trees of this species that have survived up to 300 years. Approximately the same is visible and ash.
  • Beech, maple. These trees, compared with the previous ones, live much longer - an average of 450 years.
  • Fur tree, pine tree. These trees, as a rule, live 600-1200 years.
  • Oak, TIS. Such trees are able to live for a very long time, about 1000-2000 thousand years.
  • Juniper. Another tree that can live long enough compared to the rest. The age of the juniper can be 500-1000 years.
  • Fir, thuja, alder. The average life expectancy of these trees is 150 years
  • Chestnuts On average lives for 300 years.
  • Cypress It can live 3000 years, while sequoia or baobab can live for 5000 years.
  • Apricot, cherry On average, it lives up to 30 years, cherry plum - up to 45, plum - up to 50.
Fruit trees live less
Fruit trees live less

As you can see, fruit trees are significantly inferior in life expectancy of other types of trees. Why is that? Because their life largely depends on a person. Such trees need in pruning, top dressing, treatment of different parasites. If there is no proper care, fruit trees most often do not live even up to the middle age. Coniferous trees live much longer because they are less whimsical, much the harsh climate is easier to tolerate, frost, more hardy.

Trees long -livers: name, list, age, photo

You need to understand that in the world there are a huge number of different trees, the age of which can definitely surprise, but there are not so many trees on our land.

Here are the oldest trees long -livers:

Pine "Mafusail"

  • This tree is rightfully considered one of the most long -lived on our planet. Scientists believe that the seed from which the pine has grown is propheated in 2831 BC. There is a copy in the National Forest of INIO and is carefully hidden from the eyes and hands of curious tourists who can harm him. According to approximate estimates to date, pine is about 4848 years old

Tree "General Sherman"

  • This is a copy of the sequeniadenrone of giant, which grows in the national forest "Squoy". This tree is recognized as the largest and most severe living organism on planet Earth. The exception is only clonal colonies.
  • This sequoia received its name in honor of the General of the Civil War of the United States William Tekums Sherman. The age of General Sherman is approximately 2300-2700 years.

Clota Platan

  • Even in the time of the USSR, the long -livel tree was recognized as the most ancient and high throughout the USSR. The age of this platan is approximately 2028 years. It is not surprising that due to the greatness of this tree, the inhabitants of the area where it grows literally began to worship him.
  • Moreover, there is a legend that a person who defiled a casttor Platan will soon die, it was about 7 days.

"Cashtan hundreds of horses"

  • This long -lived tree is the largest representative of its species and grows in amazing proximity to the current Etna volcano. This chestnut and volcano shares only 8 km, despite this, the tree grows and has been living there for 2000-4000 years. Many are also interested in the interesting name that this chestnut has and this is not very surprising.
  • Everything is explained by a simple legend that states that once long ago, a queen passed by this tree with a hundred of her knights. Once in a strong thunderstorm, she, along with her companions, hid under this chestnut. Since then, the tree has begun to wear such a very unusual name.

Juniper Bennett

  • This juniper is considered the largest in America and one of trees of long -liversHe is named after the naturalist Clarence Bannett, who, like other scientists, tried to find out the age of the tree.
  • For a long time there was no consensus on how many years the juniper Bennett, however, to date, scientists are inclined to the fact that the tree has been living on Earth for about 2200 years.
One of the largest
One of the largest

Giaya Sri Mach Bodhi

  • This is not just a long -lived tree, this is a real shrine for Buddhists around the world. This tree is grown from the process of the Bodhi tree.
  • It was under this tree that Prince Gautama became a Buddha. This tree is about 2300 years old.
On Sri Lanka
On Sri Lanka

"Zoroastrian Sarv"

  • “Zoroastrian Sarv” or, as it is also called cypress Sarve-Ebarkh, is located on the territory of Iran and has been living on our planet for more than 4000 years.
  • The long -lived tree is recognized as a natural monument and is under the protection of the Iranian cultural heritage organization.
  • According to legend, it was under this tree that he conducted his conversations with the students of Zarathustra himself.
More than 4000
More than 4000

Old Tikko

  • This spruce grows in Sweden, its age is about 9500 years. However, this is the age of not the tree of the long -liver, that is, its trunk, but the root system.

Dragon trees

  • It is believed that the age of such trees can reach 7000-9000 years. There is a legend that once for a very long time on the island of Sokotra lived an evil dragon who constantly killed elephants, drinking their blood. Once one of the elephants was able to resist him, he fell on the dragon and crushed him.
  • When the blood of these animals was mixed and absorbed into the ground, there were long -lived trees, which received the name "dracans". The word "dracaena" in translation means "female dragon."

TIS from the village of Hyangernnyf

  • This tree is located a long -liver in North Wales in the church. There is a legend that under this oldest tree there is an evil spirit, which every year on all saints calls the names of those people living in this area and who will die during this year.
  • Well, if we talk about real facts, and not about legends, then this TIS is included in the list of 50 great trees of Great Britain.
Wood with a large number of legends
Wood with a large number of legends

"Teapot of Ifati"

  • This baobab got its unusual name because of its form, which is definitely similar to a kettle. A long -lived tree is growing near the city of Ifati, and that turned out to be an “Yifati kettle”.
  • According to approximate estimates, this tree is today 1200 years, and purely theoretically, such a “vessel” could accommodate about 117,000 liters of water.

Oak boutorp

  • This oak is the largest in England and has been living on Earth for more than 1000 years (scientists could not establish accurate age).
  • Just imagine that 39 people can calmly fit in the hollow of this oak, it is not surprising that the long -liver tree is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

What tree the long -liver lives the longest on earth: name, description

As you already understood, there are not very many trees on our planet, and most likely, all of them are already known to humanity. Despite the fact that it is quite difficult to determine the age of a tree with an accuracy of up to a year, scientists still identify one winner in life expectancy on Earth.

  • So, the championship was given to the previously mentioned "Mafusail". "Methuselah" - This is a copy of the spicy inter -city pine, which was found and named two scientists in 1957 during the US expedition. On the same day, scientists considered the age of the spruce and came to the conclusion that she lives 4789 years.
  • It is worth noting that the title of the most ancient tree “Mafusail” did not immediately receive, since during its opening, a tree older than it grew on the ground. The tree was a long -liver pine named "Prometheus".
Prometheus was the oldest tree
Prometheus was the oldest tree
  • Unfortunately, at the age of 4862, Prometheus was cut off, and the championship passed to “Mafusail”.
  • It is interesting that the tree got its name in honor of the biblical long -liver Mafusail, who lived for 969 years. There is information that his son was conceived in the age of 187.
  • Another interesting fact is that not a single employee of the reserve where Mafusail is growing will never tell you the exact place of his location. At the same time, no one forbids you to look for it and inspect it in the case of finding, but tearing pieces from the oldest tree in the world is prohibited by strictly nasty.

What tree of the long -liver lives the longest in Russia?

Trees long -livers grow around the world, and Russia is no exception. Of course, in Russia it is hardly possible to find peers of “Mafusail” or “Zoroastrian Sarva”, however, there are still trees that have been living here for more than one hundred years.

  • The oldest tree that lives in Russia is recognized larch. The long -liver tree is in Yakutia and, according to experts, he is already 887 years old.
  • When we hear about this age of a tree, we probably immediately imagine something very large-scale and large, but in this case everything is quite the opposite. The larch, despite its "advanced" age, does not differ in large size and reaches only 9 m in height.
  • The tree has such small sizes, most likely because it grows in a not entirely favorable climate. By the way, this larch grows very slowly and, according to experts, for 25 years, it will grow by only 5 cm.
  • It is interesting that a lot of its “brothers” is growing next to the long -liver and scientists even think about making a reserve out of this area.

Despite the fact that the long -lived tree in Russia is one, for the sake of justice, you need to say about about 20 other trees, which are also included in the national register of Russian trees, here are some of them:

  • Chuvash oak. This oak lives for about 480 years and is a monument of wildlife.
  • Veshensky oak. This oak is a botanical monument of nature, which is located on the territory of the Sholokhovsky forestry in the Sholokhovsky district of the Rostov region. There is a legend that not far from this oak is a shuttle of the Tatar khan.
  • Plates in the courtyard of Juma Mosque in Derbent. The age of these trees is approximately 700 years.
  • Oak Potemkin in St. Petersburg. It is believed that this oldest oak is already about 300 years old.
  • Grunwald oak. This tree is located in the city of Ladushkin of the Kaliningrad region.
In Kaliningrad
In Kaliningrad
  • Cherry oak, so they also call this tree, lives on Earth for about 800 years. An interesting fact is that this huge, powerful tree is growing in the territory of an already non -working cheese factory.
  • There are also oldest trees in the capital. It is believed that the oldest of them are in Kolomenskaya Park and these are oaks. Their age is approximately 600 years.
Centuries -olds
Centuries -olds

The nature of our planet is a real miracle that is granted to us. Unfortunately, in the turmoil of days and household routine, we think little about what surrounds us, and think even less about the fact that it is we and our activity that destroys what has been living on Earth for centuries. Perhaps we need to look more often on the sides and take more care to everything that surrounds us, so that our descendants can observe this with their own eyes, and not on pictures on the Internet.

Video: The most long -living trees in the world

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