How to properly salt meat and meaty stuffed pig-gang, chicken turkey, pork, beef: table. Do I need to salt the minced meat before freezing?

How to properly salt meat and meaty stuffed pig-gang, chicken turkey, pork, beef: table. Do I need to salt the minced meat before freezing?

Do not know how to salt the minced meat correctly? Read the tips in the article.

In cooking, it would seem, everything is very simple and understandable. And we cook according to the rolled, without thinking where, what and how much to put. But it still happens when it comes time to add salt to meat or cutlet stuffing, we cannot remember how much it needs to be added.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What to do if you pushed the minced meat for cutlets, dumplings, mantles, pancakes, meatballs".

Salt is of different grinders. The most saline is the product of small grinding "Extra" With small crystals. But in fact, there is no salt more salty or less salty. From this article you will learn how to salt meat and cutlet stuffing. This will help you cook delicious dishes. Read further.

What is the difference between meat and cutlet stuffing?

Chopped meat
Chopped meat

Probably not all housewives know that there is meat and cutlet stuffing. And even more so, they do not know that these are two different products. What is the difference between meat and cutlet stuffing?

  • Chopped meat - This is a homogeneous mass, ground meat in a meat grinder, without cartilage, bones, tendons, films and connective tissues. They cook from it: cabbage rolls, lasagni, casserole.
  • AT Catlet  farc There are various types of meat with the addition of offal, such as: vein meat of beef and pork heads, light and liver, chicken with skin. Also, bread, vegetables, such as carrots, cabbage, potatoes, can be added to it. They prepare from cutlet minced meat: cutlets, cakes, shnitzeli.

How much salt should you put in these blanks? Read further.

How much salt is needed for kg of minced meat: table

To decide how much salt should be placed in minced meat, we must clearly understand what kind of workpiece we are dealing with. Either it is meat minced meat or cutlet mass. In the cutlet mass, unlike minced meat, bread, spices, salt are already present.

How to salt the minced meat, so as not to overcome, and get a delicious dish, and not undercut or even worse over-over. You can certainly try minced meat in raw form to determine salinity. But not everyone can eat raw meat. Salt proportions must be observed by weight in grams, regardless of salt of salt. Large salt in grams is easier than small. From this we can conclude that small salt 1 kilogram of minced meat You need to put less than large.

Some housewives are used to salt "by eye" or approximately. But this is not worth doing this, since you can fix the undergraduate, but the overlapped is already more difficult. Therefore, it is best to use the measuring table. It's simple. So, how much salt should kg minced meat? Here is a table:

The amount of minced meat, on kg The number of grams
1 kg of minced meat 10 grams
2 kg of minced meat 17 grams
3 kg of minced meat 20 grams
4 kg of minced meat 30 grams
5 kg of minced meat 40 grams
6 kg of minced meat 50 grams
7 kg of minced meat 55 grams
8 kg of minced meat 60 grams
9 kg of minced meat 67 grams
10 kg of minced meat 70 grams

How to salt the minced meat for frying cutlets in a pan: how much salt and pepper, proportions for pork-hot cutlet, chicken, turkey, pork, beef minced meat

Chopped meat
Chopped meat

To fry delicious and juicy cutlets in a pan, it is important to pay attention to salt. You can also add your favorite spices to cutlet stuffing, including fragrant pepper. But this is a whole matter of taste, and these products are added to the eye and to taste. How to salt the minced meat for frying cutlets to our pan? How much salt and pepper? Below you will find proportions for a cutlet pig-hot, chicken, turkey, pork, beef minced meat.

  • Pig Gaty ground meat - Perhaps the most ideal option for the workpiece, which is great for frying cutlets. But most importantly, to prepare it correctly. On the 1 kilogram of pig-bearing minced meat Usually added 1.5-2 teaspoons of salt.

Also use:

  • Chicken minced meat - 1 kg - 1 teaspoon of salt with a slide
  • Turkey minced turkeys 1 kg  – 1 teaspoon with a slide
  • Pork minced meat1 kg  – 1 teaspoon with a slide
  • Ground beef 1 kg - 2 teaspoons without a slide

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Do I need to salt the minced meat before freezing?

Now all housewives are trying to freeze any semi-finished products made on their own. They do this in order to save time for cooking, when there is no time at all. So, if we are going to freeze the minced meat, then it is not recommended to put salt in it, since this product worsens the quality of the workpiece. Over time, the minced meat will become hard and tasteless. The longer it will be in the freezer with salt, the worse its taste quality will become.

Do I need to salt the minced meat for dumplings?

Who does not like dumplings? This is one of the most popular dishes on our table. But some have the following question: is it necessary to salt the minced meat for the preparation of dumplings? Yes, such a blank must be salt. The proportions usually adhere to: 10 grams of salt are taken for 1 kilogram of minced meat.

How to salt fish minced meat: how much salt is needed?

In addition to meat minced meat, fish is also prepared. Moreover, it is safe to say that people who do not like fish are very pleased to eat dishes prepared from fish minced meat. Such a blank is prepared from any type of fish: sea, river or lake. The technology for making fish minced meat is similar to the preparation of meat. Also, one of the mandatory components added to the fish blank is salt. 10 grams of salt are taken per 1 kilogram of fish minced meat.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

When the stuffing of cabbage is salted and why can not salt it hot?

Another of the common minced meat is cabbage. This workpiece also has its own preparation rules. When the stuffing of cabbage is salted and why can not salt it hot?

  • Unlike minced meat, cabbage, salt should not be salted before cooking.
  • It is also not recommended to suck hot. Cool first, then salt.
  • If you do this at the wrong time, moisture will be released from cabbage, and therefore the quality of the product will be lost in the end.
  • Salt such minced meat in the proportion: 8.33 grams of salt are taken for 1 kilogram of minced meat.

You can make dumplings, vegetable cutlets and other delicious dishes from cabbage blanks.

How to prepare delicious minced meat for cutlets: recipe

Delicious minced meat for cutlets
Delicious minced meat for cutlets

Who does not like delicious, homemade cutlets. This is a very simple and practical dish, which all housewives probably love to cook. And there are them - all households. Cutlets are a great option, both for a festive feast and for a daily meal. Probably, they can be considered the most popular dish in Russia. Cutlets are associated with home, grandmother, mother and family comfort.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Fire cutlets: the right and delicious old recipe". You will find out what meat the traditional fire cutlets are made of, and how to cook fire cutlets from chicken and turkey meat with crackers.

Tasty, juicy cutlets are obtained from good, fresh minced meat. Therefore, to prepare this dish, we choose high -quality minced meat. As we mentioned earlier, it is better to use two types of minced meat, for example: pork and beef. These ingredients are best taken in equal proportions. Such minced meat will be the most juicy and tasty. So, how to cook delicious minced meat for cutlets? Here is the prescription:

Ingredients(6-8 servings):

  • 500 grams of beef minced
  • 500 grams of pork minced
  • 1 egg
  • 150-200 grams of white bread
  • Vegetable oil (for frying)
  • Salt 1.5-2 teaspoons
  • Ground black pepper
  • Breadcrumbs
  • 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise or butter oil
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves


  1. In the prepared minced meat, put the chopped onion. It needs to be well chopped, you can grind it in a meat grinder, in a blender or rubbed on a fine grater. It should turn out to be a gruel. The smaller the onion, the juicier the cutlets. If suddenly someone does not like this vegetable, then in this form he will not even notice it there.
  2. Soak the pulp of white bread in hot milk, withstand 10-15 minutesSqueeze and add to the minced meat.
  3. We put salt, pepper to taste there.
  4. Add chopped garlic.
  5. Mix everything well, drive the egg and add melted butter or mayonnaise.
  6. Now once again mix our minced meat well. Then it needs to be thoroughly “beat off”: we take the minced meat, lift it with both hands above the bowl and throw it back. So we do several times. This is necessary so that all products are well connected.
  7. After that we leave him to brew 30-40 minutes.
  8. Now we form a product from minced meat, the size and shape can be any.
  9. Dip each cutlet in breadcrumbs.
  10. Fry in a well -heated frying pan, first on one side, then on the other. The fire should be strong so that the products remain juicy and soft. You can put out more under a closed lid.
  11. Serve cutlets with your favorite side dish. Enjoy your meal!

You can discuss this topic endlessly. There are generally accepted norms, but every housewife has its own norms, rules. Each tries to cook more tastier, and any housewife has certain secrets of cooking a particular dish. Make cutlets today or tomorrow for dinner, surprise your household with a unique taste and nutritious dish. Good luck!

Video: How to salt minced meat correctly?

Video: juicy and delicate cutlets

Video: cutlets - recipes from Ivlev

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