How to properly pick mushrooms in the forest - cut or twist: memo, biology grade 5. Mushroom collection uniforms: what should the mushroom pipe do that came to the forest?

How to properly pick mushrooms in the forest - cut or twist: memo, biology grade 5. Mushroom collection uniforms: what should the mushroom pipe do that came to the forest?

This article describes how to properly collect mushrooms in the forest. You will also learn about how uniforms should be and what needs to be done if you came to the forest.

The collection of mushrooms is a combination of useful classes with a pleasant pastime: mining of food rich in useful substances and “communication” with nature. Careful preparation is the key to future success in this matter. It is possible to achieve art in such a lesson after several years of practice, but you can enjoy the process immediately.

Read this article about what you need to wear from clothes when collecting mushrooms, what a person should do when he comes to the forest and how to collect mushrooms correctly. Both adult and child should know these rules.

Uniforms for collecting mushrooms in the forest: Briefly

Uniforms for collecting mushrooms in the forest
Uniforms for collecting mushrooms in the forest

For going to the forest, it is very important to choose the right clothes and shoes. Mushroom collection should have such qualities - the description is briefly:

  • Convenience and comfort. For free movement in the area.
  • Natural fabric. In synthetic clothes it will be hot.
  • Strength. In order not to break clothes, since there are many branches in the forest for which you can catch on.
  • Shoes should be with an overstated boot, but light.
  • Pants, it is advisable to tuck in shoes so as not to “catch” the tick. For the same reason - to close the whole body as much as possible.

You can take a jacket with you and be sure to take a headdress. Equip a small backpack only with the necessary things: a flask of water, food, knife, compass, a remedy for mosquitoes and ticks. And most importantly - do not forget the basket for harvesting.

What should the mushroom pipe do that came to the forest?

The mushroom picked that came to the forest must comply with some rules
The mushroom picked that came to the forest must comply with some rules

The main mushroom season begins in the summer and lasts until late autumn. Excellent mushroom growth is observed after rain, as they love humidity. You need to collect them only in the forest, leaving away from the highway. They tend to absorb all dirty substances from soil and air, and this can harm human health and lead to food poisoning.

Mushrooms grow in the meadow, edges or near the pull. Mushrooms are well formed on areas where there are no thick grass: near birches, fir trees and pines.

Advice: If you are lucky enough to find a sub -carrier or raw, look around in diameter 20 meters - They do not grow alone. If there is a bastard, a edible mushroom will certainly be not far.

It is necessary to follow the specific rules for collecting "gifts of nature." Here's what the mushroom picked to the forest should do:

  • Walking to a “quiet hunt” is better early in the morning with visent mushroom pickers.
  • Adhere to the principle: "I know-Bero", having previously studied popular types of edible mushrooms.
  • Tour the leaves on the ground, looking for “prey”, preferably with a stick, and not with your hands, so as not to stumble upon a poisonous plant or animal.
  • Do not taste raw mushrooms, even if you are sure of their edibility. This can be dangerous to health, since only a few mushrooms can be consumed in a small amount in raw form.
  • Do not collect in environmentally contaminated areas (landfills, production facilities).

If you follow all these rules, then your trip to the forest will be successful and safe.

How to properly pick mushrooms in the forest - cut or twist: memo, biology grade 5

To collect mushrooms in the forest correctly - this is cut and twist
To collect mushrooms in the forest correctly - this is cut and twist

At school of children already with 5th grade They begin to teach the process of collecting mushrooms in a biology lesson. This is necessary when the schoolboy grows up, he will know all the basics of the mushroom pipe, and will safely go to the forest. Here is a memo for children, how to properly collect mushrooms in the forest - cut or twist:

  • It is better to collect only young mushrooms, outgrown, mostly worms.
  • Grandmother and grandfather's allegations that they cannot be torn, but they need to be cut, they have lost their relevance.
  • The mushroom mushroom is the same how to remove the fetus from it: cut, twist or tear.
  • All these methods do not harm the underground part of the mushroom, it will continue to grow further. But experienced mushroom pickers remove it or gradually loosening it, twist it.
  • The mycelium can lie deep, so you need to collect the crop completely, without leaving part of the legs in the ground.
  • Plastic species growing in groups: red -haired, loads, it is better to cut off, it will be extremely difficult to twist them.
  • After removing the fetus, the place is sprinkled with earth or leaves. This is how favorable soil for the future crop is prepared.

The most optimal collection container is a basket, in it the crop is well ventilated and does not deform. The collected mushrooms are cleaned of garbage and earth and put in the container with hats down, and with long legs - sideways. It is not recommended for this event to take buckets and plastic bags.

Before going on a “quiet hunt”, you need to know:

  • Types of mushrooms and their appearance
  • Growth features (single or groups)
  • Terrain so as not to get lost

This knowledge will help to enjoy the process and bring home an excellent crop of “gifts of nature”. Good luck!

Video: how to collect mushrooms correctly, cut or twist?

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