Mushrooms of boletus - photo and description. What does the mushroom look like, where is it growing? How to distinguish an edible and false boot: comparison, signs of differences. Supplies: benefits and harms

Mushrooms of boletus - photo and description. What does the mushroom look like, where is it growing? How to distinguish an edible and false boot: comparison, signs of differences. Supplies: benefits and harms

In this article you will learn a lot of detailed information about the boot.

Mushrooms are considered the most popular among fans of forest hunting in the fall. Mushrooms have impressive dimensions, bright color, hats, which can be seen even in tall grass. But finding these mushrooms during a leaf fall is sometimes quite difficult. Varieties of boletus include a huge range of colors, however, as a rule, all mushrooms resemble yellowed or reddened aspen leaves in color.

The booty (the second name is Osinovik or Krasnogolovik) is one of the types of mushrooms that belong to the genus Lectzinum. This species received its own name due to the fact that it grows mainly under the aspen.

What does the mushroom look like, where is it growing?

The boot, as a rule, is in 3th position in taste among other types of mushrooms. If it is near the aspen, its hat has a rich dark red color.

  • These forest gifts can also live under other trees. If you are without a concept of what kind of boot, which grows near the poplar, you will not recognize it the first time.
  • Each type of this mushroom is characterized by its own bright color of the top, a dense body and a high leg.
  • The size of the hat can be distinguished. It all depends on the type of mushroom itself. The minimum diameter is 5 cm, the maximum is 30 cm. When the boot is young, it has a hat in the form of a ball, which has the ability to tightly fit the top of the legs.
  • The hat resembles a conventional thimble when it puts on a finger. When the boot begins to grow, the hat changes, acquiring a convex shape in the form of a pillow. At the very adult mushroom, the hat becomes noticeably compacted. The skin that covers it, very dry, has a velvety or felt surface. Some varieties have a hat, the edges of which hang. She may not even act.
Ideal form
Ideal form
  • The height of the leg reaches up to 22 cm. It has a distinctive, pin -shaped shape that expands below. The skin of the legs is covered with small scales. It can be brown or black.
  • A porous layer is present under the mushroom hat. Its thickness can be at least 1 cm and a maximum of 3 cm. The skin of the skin is white, gray, yellow or brown.
  • Most of the boletus have smooth disputes. Of these, the powder is ocher-brown or olive-brown. The hat has a rather fleshy and very dense pulp. It has good elasticity. In the leg, all the fibers are located longitudinally. From the very beginning, the mushroom pulp has a white color, but in the context it begins to instantly blue, becomes black.

Mushrooms grow in the temperate, northern zones of America. They are also found in Eurasia. Each type of mushroom has one or more partners of a tree. With their roots, mushrooms have a close connection. Consequently, simulators can grow not only near the aspen, but also near pine, birches, oaks, and so on.

Big mushrooms
Big mushrooms

Supplies often grow in small groups. However, in some cases, in nature, one can find such a type, a growing one. Supplies give preference to moist, low -powered deciduous or mixed forests. They can also grow in shady thickets, lanes, which are overgrown with grass, blueberries or ferns. They love mushrooms to grow in moss, along the edges of forest paths.

These mushrooms grow at different times:

  • Kolosoviki They begin to germinate in the middle of summer. However, they are not distinguished by a great abundance. This period of the year includes yellow-brown appearance or white. These varieties belong to the category of boletus that germinate the very first.
  • Reaper. They appear in the forests approximately in August and end in fruit in approximately September. They can give a fairly rich harvest. This category of boletus includes black -cherry or red.
  • Listoga. They arise in the fall. They grow until the first autumn frosts. During this period of the year, red -legged spruce redloles can grow, since the bed of coniferous needles for a long time protects mushroom myceliums and overgrown simulators.

Supplies - photo and description

Many varieties are considered edible, they have the same delicate and pleasant taste. However, in order for hunting to be more interesting for you, you should know their distinctive features. Consider the most common.


This mushroom is considered edible. It differs from the rest of the simulators in that it is not attached to a specific partner. It can grow together with a wide variety of trees, for example, under aspen, birch, oaks. The value of the hat is at least 4 cm and a maximum of 15 cm. The mushroom leg can grow up to 15 cm and in a thickness of up to 5 cm. The hat has a red, brown, red color. Her skin is usually smooth or slightly velvety, very tightly lies on the pulp.

  • The skin has gray-white scales. These scales begin to brown when the mushroom increases in size.
  • The color of the mushroom on the cut is reddish. The boot can grow in small groups either alone among deciduous or mixed forests. Especially often they are found near ditches, paths in the forest.
  • The red fungus is mainly growing on the territory of Eurasia and the tundra, where he likes to hide under small birches.


This is an edible mushroom that grows mainly under the birch. The habitats are forest belts with birch and aspen, coniferous-bored forests, moderate climate zones. The value of the hat is a maximum of 15 cm, but sometimes it grows up to 25 cm. The hat is sandy-orange or yellowish-brown color.

Appear in early summer
Appear in early summer

The mushroom has a leg up to 22 cm high, the thickness of which is an average of 3 s. It is white or gray, covered mainly by brown scales, which eventually become black. Often this species grows alone. The pulp on the cut will be pink, then blue. The leg sometimes becomes green on the cut. Mushrooms begin to grow from the very beginning of summer until the fall. Some representatives grow even in November.


The mushroom is considered edible. He loves the most wet, coniferous forests. In dry seasons, the mushroom grows only in those places where there are a lot of aspen. The hat of the young mushroom has white. Over time, she turns gray. The size of the hat reaches in diameter up to 25 cm.


The pulp of this species has a strong structure. When a cut forms on it, she begins to blue in that place, and then blacken. The leg of the boletus has a fairly high, cream-white. The surface of the leg has light scales.


Outwardly, this species is similar to a boot. It grows mainly under the oaks. The size of the hat reaches a maximum of 15 cm. The color of its coffee-brown, has an orange tint.


The leg of a mushroom in a thickness of up to 3 cm can grow up to 15 cm. It has small scales on the surface, the color of which is red-brown. The oak booth grows in summer and autumn, loves a moderate climate.


Not particularly similar to other representatives of their own family. It has a flat convex hat with a pinkish color.

Pinkish color
Pinkish color

The leg of the mushroom has red or pink scales. The light pink color of the apex gradually passes into the yellowish tone at the base. This mushroom is found in deciduous or coniferous forests, and therefore often worm. It grows from May to the end of August.


It differs in that it has a red-brown hat that is cast in a dark raspberry tone. A partner for the normal development of the mushroom is a pine or a brass.

  • The hat is dry, has a velvety surface. Its value is sometimes more than 15 cm.
  • The leg has small, brownish scales. Its height is a maximum of 15 cm, and the thickness is not more than 5 cm.
  • The pulp on the cut begins to blue, to blacken over time. This species is considered quite common, but sometimes it is confused with the red type.

Black -cherish

It has a variety of hats in color. They can be red-orange or brick. A young fungus has a dry and slightly velvety hat, round -shaped. Over time, the surface of the hat becomes smooth, in the form of a pillow. Its maximum value is 12 cm.


The leg of the mushroom in a height is a maximum of 18 cm, has a coating in the form of red scales. The pulp of this type has a solid white structure. After cutting, the pulp begins to instantly change in color - it acquires a purple or black color.


This fungus has a brown color. The surface of the hat hangs a little, the leg has a cylindrical shape and light brown scales. The value of the hat sometimes reaches up to 10 cm.

  • The pulp is dense, its color is white. When the mushroom breaks, dark spots occur on a breakdown.
  • The leg of the mushroom is average in height, a maximum of 14 cm. But its thickness is no more than 3 cm. Supportions are found, as a rule, in coniferous forests.
  • They also prefer mixed forests, but most often grow under the fir trees.

The period of growth of this mushroom falls in July and continues until October.

How to distinguish an edible and false boot: comparison, signs of differences

Sunsin is a beautiful and safe mushroom. Almost all varieties are considered edible. Therefore, if you know for sure their appearance, you can easily collect without fear for your own health.

But sometimes many mushroom pickers have the question of how to distinguish false from ordinary? In fact, there is no false mushroom in nature. People often confuse him with a potter. This representative looks very much to a simple boletus.

Gorchak has a bitter taste. But, you will not try it until you distinguish from a good bolet. It is very difficult to distinguish a normal boletus from a false mushroom in external indicators. But be that as it may, it can still be done.

False and edible
False and edible
  • First, take a closer look at the color of the mushroom. Cut it. Look, the false mushroom has a slightly reddish or pinkish tone. The real boletus is white on the cut, sometimes its color is bluish.
  • The next sign is an unusual mesh present on the mushroom leg. The false representative has this mesh of a reddish or yellowish shade. On the usual real mushroom, such additional inclusions are simply absent. The boletus has an even, beautiful tone.
  • Also, do not forget that the "lifes" can grow exclusively in coniferous forests. You can find such mushrooms near pine trees, fir trees. But normal boletus grow only near deciduous trees.

As you noticed, the lack of sufficiently pronounced toxicity does not mean that the copy is considered edible. Therefore, if you decide to go for the boletus, take a special reference book with you. It is better that all representatives of this category of mushrooms are described in it, their colors, photographs were presented. Also in the reference book, pictures of false mushrooms should be printed so that during the harvest, you certainly do not mix them up.

Supplies: benefits and harms

The benefits of this mushroom are wide enough:

  • Most of the boot is watery. It includes proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, fats, minerals.
  • The calorie content of the mushroom is very small, therefore, the boot can be included in any dietary nutrition. These mushrooms are useful for those people who are sick with diabetes.
  • In the boletus there are amino acids that are so useful for human health and are absorbed in large quantities. Such a useful quality of protein resembles animal proteins. Accordingly, the broth of young mushrooms can be compared with meat broth.
  • Scientists were able to prove that the constant use of these mushrooms allows you to get rid of toxic deposits in the body.
  • The broth obtained from boletus restores the immune system after a viral disease, has a positive effect on the blood.
Can be useful and harmful
Can be useful and harmful

Supplies also have some harmful qualities, contraindications:

  • Each mushroom, even edible is considered heavy food. Therefore, do not abuse them.
  • Mushrooms can accumulate harmful components, sometimes leading to poisoning. Never collect mushrooms near the highway, an industrial facility.
  • In order to avoid botulism, cut the mushrooms higher. Leave mycelium and part of the legs in the ground. But still we advise you to carry out heat treatment before use.

Video: Benefit Sunsin

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