Truffle fungus: types, description, characteristic, photo. What do Truffli mushrooms look like, where are they growing, how are they looking for? Truffel mushroom: benefit and harms

Truffle fungus: types, description, characteristic, photo. What do Truffli mushrooms look like, where are they growing, how are they looking for? Truffel mushroom: benefit and harms

The article has detailed information about the most expensive mushrooms in the world - truffles. You will learn how they grow, how to find them. You will also find out what the benefits of these fruits are and how harm to a person can do.

Truffles are one of the most expensive mushrooms, among their relatives. Mushrooms have an original taste, strong aroma and is rare in nature. They called the plant so because it is similar in appearance to the rosers of stupid. These mushrooms are ranked as marsupial ascomets. If you try the truffle only once, then this taste will never be forgotten - so the gourmets say.

In the photographs, the mushrooms are not remarkable at all, a person who is unfamiliar with their appearance will pass by when he sees truffle accidentally. And yet, those who already know what kind of product will be ready to pay a large amount for a portion of culinary masterpieces from truffles. Therefore, information about them will be interesting to almost everyone. Further in more detail.

Truffle fungus: types, description, characteristic, photo

The mushroom is growing underground to find it will have to work. Most often he likes to be near or right on the roots of trees. Why is he so extolled? Because the mushroom is rarely found, as already mentioned, has a unique taste. The aroma must be said separately.

Many chefs claim that during cleaning, the mushroom mushroom-mushroom makes such a strong smell (wet wood, leaves, thin notes of humus) that many of them have a headache. After preparing the dish, the aroma becomes less saturated.

White truffle
White truffle

Facts about truffles:

  • If the mushroom has grown, then a person can feel a kind of effect on the body similar to the effects of marijuana. Since the plant has anandamide - a component that has an effect on the central nervous system.
  • It is best to pick mushrooms at night, and for this they train pigs or dogs. Animals well capture the aroma of freshest truffles.
  • In Italy, they have long been engaged in such searches. And for this they trained piglets. The only problem was manifested in the fact that piglets not only found a valuable product, but often they themselves ate it, therefore later they began to train dogs.
  • Russian seekers of truffles for the search for mushrooms took bears, and before that they removed their teeth in animals. After the revolution, such searches ceased.
  • Mushrooms have aphrodisative properties.

Varieties of truffles

About seventy varieties of truffles are known all over the world, but only ten are considered suitable for the preparation of expensive dishes. One of the most popular are two varieties - white, black. They have a rich aroma and a unique taste, musky, burgundy mushrooms can also be compared with them.

The parameters of the size of the truffles are also important, winter black mushrooms are considered the largest, they are several times more than summer truffles of the same species. For mushroom pickers, the sizes of truffles are significant, because they are so difficult to find in the forest.

Names Regions where they grow Gathering season
White mushrooms or Tuber Magnatum Pico Collect mainly in the northern part of Italy (Marne, Piedmont, Tosnan) At the end of October until December
Black mushrooms - perigores Tuber Mlanosporum Vitt Collected in France, Spain, Italy, Croatia. The best is the perigorean, Umbrinsky At the beginning of winter until mid -spring.
Truffel Scorzene, Saint-Jean in other words: Tuber aestivum vitt Collecting in the Alpine countries of Europe Since the end of summer, the whole first month of autumn.
Black Burgundy mushrooms or - Tuber uncinatum They are collected in France, Italy, Turkey, North Africa. Since the beginning of autumn and the whole first month of winter.
Black musky mushroom is also called it - Tuber Brumale Collected in the center and in the south of Europe From the end of autumn to March.

What do Truffli mushrooms look like, where are they growing, how are they looking for?

These plants grow in small families under the ground. Most often in one family there are about five to seven truffles. It is interesting that mushrooms are collected in both coniferous and deciduous forests of the USA, Asia, Europe, Africa (in the northern part of it), Italy. In Sweden, they learned to grow artificially.

In Switzerland, France, Spain, the fruits of Tuber Melanosporum Vitt are collected, which prefer to grow on the rhizomes of oak, grab, beech trees. In Italy, namely, in its northern part, Piedmont Truffle is most often found, it grows on the roots of poplar, elm, birches, linden.

Black summer truffles are most often collected in deciduous, mixed forests growing on lime soils of Scandinavia, Black Sea, Ukraine, Europe, Central Asia.

Search for truffles
Search for truffles

Winter black mushrooms grow mainly in the forests of France, on the coast of Crimea, in Switzerland. A particularly valuable white mushroom grows in Africa countries (in its northern part), in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mediterranean coast. White truffles grow near the roots of pine, oak, and cedar trees.

The location of mushrooms in Russia?

Mushroom pickers find black Russian truffles in the forests of Crimea, the Caucasus, and they grow both in deciduous and mixed landings. According to mushroom pickers - to find truffle is easier in deciduous forests, where there are oaks, bees, grab. In conifers, unique mushrooms are more difficult to detect. But in Crimea there are not only black truffles (summer), you can also find a winter variety of mushrooms that are collected from the very end of October until the beginning of March.

It is noteworthy that in the Oryol, Samara, Smolensk, Vladimir, Kuibyshev and Nizhny Novgorod regions the so -called gold mushrooms (white truffles) grow. These are the most expensive delicacies in the world among mushrooms. Such plants are sometimes found in St. Petersburg and in the forests of the Moscow region.

What animals are used to search for truffles?

To find at least one family of truffles, you will have to make a lot of effort. Experienced mushroom pickers have their tricks for this, subtleties that no one is told about. To be observant, then where elite mushrooms grow, there is a certain stunting plants in the forest, and the soil is painted in an ashen, gray color. It is almost impossible to see a truffle on the surface of the soil, you must be a big lucky one to tear off the truffle right in the clearing.

If in appearance you noticed that the terrain looks exactly as described above, then take a closer look at whether there are small hills, and suddenly you will dig up it, and there is a whole family of mushrooms. Experienced "hunters" for truffles can easily find out where unique delicious mushrooms are hidden, for this it is enough for them to knock on the ground with their indispensable tool - an ordinary stick. Another sure sign of the presence of a family of truffles in a clearing is the presence of a swarm of moshkara in certain areas. Mushrooms attract insects.

White truffles
White truffles

It has been said more than once that Truffle has a bright aroma, but it is not easy for a person under a thick layer of soil, but animals can easily determine where the smell comes from even at a great distance. Therefore, successful mushroom pickers teach pigs and dogs to find truffles in the forest.

Piglets hear the aroma of their favorite delicacy at a great distance (about 25 meters). When the pig finishes the mushroom, she will try not only to unearth it, but also to eat, the mushroom pickered should have time to distract the animal so as not to lose the find. But the dogs do not eat these mushrooms, but they must be trained for a long time to detect truffles. Therefore, the dog-Gribonik and costs at least five thousand euros. After all, a smart animal can bring a big income to its owner.

Truffel mushroom: benefit and harms

Our ancestors also knew about the beneficial properties of the mushroom, because many fragrant, not like dishes were preparing from the delicacy. The list of culinary masterpieces includes pastes, sauces, fillings for pizza, pies, truffles can be a complement to meat dishes and seafood. They are also prepared as an independent dish. Some are harvested for the winter, for this, cognac truffles are canned or frozen.

The mushrooms have many useful components. These are vitamins of various groups (PP, B, C), and mineral compounds, antioxidants, carbohydrates, proteins and pheromones. There are in truffles that is useful for the human body - fiber, even in the juice of the truffles there is a therapeutic potion to eliminate some eye pathologies, and with the help of the pulp you can cure gout.

The benefits of mushrooms
The benefits of mushrooms

Mushrooms are practically harmless to humans. Only sometimes there are allergenic reactions to their components. This may be due to the fact that the composition of these plants has a small amount of penicillin. Also, mushrooms can not be consumed with a long shelf life.

In Italy, truffles are widely used for the production of creams, gels, milk for cosmetic purposes. It is noted that these compounds are effective in the fight against the pigmentation of the skin and eliminate wrinkles. Women speak well about cosmetics. But before using creams, you still need to do a test analysis for allergies.

The use of mushrooms as food is also useful for people with a large weight, dishes of them will not harm them, because there is a fiber that is effective in the fight against fat. It helps to burn it.

Mushrooms - truffles in the same way as the rest of the plants of this group are able to nourish not only useful components from the soil, air, but also harmful. Therefore, if the mushroom has grown in an unfavorable zone, that is, it cannot be.

Video: Truffle Types

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