How to answer correctly when they ask for forgiveness: with what words?

How to answer correctly when they ask for forgiveness: with what words?

Do not know how to answer correctly when they ask for forgiveness? Read the article, it has useful tips and options.

People do not always act decently and "conscience." But even terrible deeds can be smoothed out if they are followed by a sincere apology. You never need to deprive the offender of the opportunity to express and atone for his guilt if he really feels it. Of course, some personalities do not change - after a while they repeat their unworthy actions. However, there are cases when a guilty person is corrected and never repeats mistakes again.

Read in another article on our website about the origin of the phrase "Who is well done? I'm fine fellow!". You will find out where this phrase comes from, what source and where you can hear.

In this article we will tell you how to answer correctly if you were asked for forgiveness. It is very easy to choose words, just you need to know which ones. Read further.

 “I apologize”: how to answer correctly, with what words?

"I apologize"

It is important not only that the offender apologizes, but you need to be able to take the correctness correctly. How to answer, what words? In general, it all depends on the situation. If a person, in fact, did nothing wrong, but thought that he insulted someone or touched someone, you can answer this way:

  • Do not worry, it's okay.
  • Everything is okay, I have already forgotten (a).
  • Do not take it in mind, everything is fine (everything is fine).
  • I have not been angry for a long time.
  • I do not keep evil at you. But next time be careful with words.
  • Trifles! You did nothing wrong!
  • It is not your fault. It was my mood that day. And you forgive me that I have flared up.

If important plans fell through the fault of a person, or his actions did not take the expected effect, answer his "I apologize" It is necessary so that it becomes easier for him:

  • Do not worry. At least you did everything in your power.
  • Forget, nothing could be changed there.
  • Trifles. The main thing is that everyone is alive and well.
  • This is not a problem for a long time. Do not worry.
  • Nonsense! What happened, it went!
  • It’s good who will remember the old - that eyes are over.
  • Everything is already in the past, do not worry.
  • Forget, we all make mistakes.
  • Okay, nevermind. Do not sulk at you forever? Everything happens.

But there are also cases when actions or words of a person inflicted a strong, significant resentment. In this case, it is quite difficult to forgive it. If there is still a desire to give a second chance, then you should answer with a restrained smile:

  • Okay, I will try to forgive you. But I promise nothing.
  • I am glad that you recognized your mistake and found the strength to apologize before me. I forgive you. But I'm not sure if we can communicate as before. I have not forgotten what happened yet.
  • Apologies are accepted. I was unpleasant, but I would try to forget about it.
  • I am very glad that you asked for forgiveness. You hurt me, but I will try to forget about it as soon as possible.
  • I will forgive you, but the main thing is that you do not repeat this.
  • I am still very offensive, but since you really realized your wrong, you can assume that you are forgiven.

An apology does not mean at all that it is necessary to continue close friendship with the offender. You can keep the distance, either completely limit or finish communication with it. Often, the accepted apologies give hope to the one who sincerely asks for forgiveness - but they do not mean that you can at once cross out all the bad deeds that he committed.

Forgiveness Sunday: how to answer correctly, how to ask for forgiveness?

Sunday Sunday: We answer correctly
Sunday Sunday: We answer correctly

You need to apologize so that a person understands that this is not a banal politeness, but a sincere awareness of his wrong. And forgiven Sunday is a great opportunity to make peace with those with whom communication was violated, as well as apologize for a large number of unworthy actions at once. How to answer correctly, how to ask for forgiveness? We will figure it out together.

How to take apologies correctly? Here are the options:

  • God will forgive, and I forgive (a rather double answer that does not give a 100% guarantee that a person no longer holds evil) is in fact, this is a kind of chance, meaning “not to say that I forgave you. OK. I hope that you will not repeat your mistakes.
  • OK, let's forget it. I'm not an angel either.
  • Okay I forgive you. I hope that you will extract a lesson and no longer repeat it.
  • I'm not angry, this is the past.
  • The wordless answer (you can hug the guilty, take his hand and smile) - this will also mean that apologies are accepted.
  • I was not offended at you.
  • And who was offended? It just seemed to you.
  • God forgave, and ordered us.
  • And you forgive me.
  • The Lord will forgive, and I forgive.
  • Yes, it's okay, it happens (if there is a slight fault).
  • May God forgive me how I forgive you.
  • Let's forget all the insults.

Of course, you need to pay attention to the wording. Mimic, voice, gestures, intonation are also important. If recognition in his wrong sound sounds sincere, and a person looks into his eyes, do not doubt the purity of his thoughts.

If he speaks with sarcasm and without emotions, most likely it is just an apology “for a checkmark” to take off (theoretically) guilt. However, there are shy people: they do not look into the eyes during the conversation, but they apologize sincerely.

How to ask for forgiveness? Here are the options:

  • I realized that I had done incorrectly and very sorry about it. I hope you can forgive me.
  • Please forgive me! I was wrong \\ I was unfair to you.
  • Sorry, I'm very guilty in front of you. Of course, your right, to forgive me or not. But I really want you to know that I am very sorry about what happened. Excuse me please.

As you can see, it is nice to take an apology, and you need to answer them correctly. Now you can do it easily and simple. Just learn a few phrases and shine with your mind in front of your friends. Good luck!

Video: How to ask for forgiveness and accept apologies?

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