How to intrigue a man, a guy, by correspondence, SMS, in a conversation, a question, on the zodiac sign: examples, intriguing words, phrases

How to intrigue a man, a guy, by correspondence, SMS, in a conversation, a question, on the zodiac sign: examples, intriguing words, phrases

Communication can be different - verbal and with gestures, by phone and with letters. But the most common to date is still communication on correspondence with the help of all kinds of social networks and the good old SMS.

Let's look at small female tricks that will help you correctly build a virtual dialogue with a man so that he continues him until it will be interesting to you. You will learn how to intrigue a man, a guy, by correspondence, SMS, in a conversation, a question, a zodiac sign.

Intriguing words: List

Words are an amazing, magical weapon that can be compared with fabulous living and dead water. After all, they can hurt a person painfully, but on the contrary, they can revive him to life.

The words
The words

If you are going to intrigue a man by correspondence, you should know some fundamental rules that will help you achieve the desired result:

  1. Write correctly, without errors.
  2. Express your thoughts sincerely and truthfully.
  3. Do not load a man with an excessive expression of your feelings at the very beginning of communication.
  4. Avoid emoticons, pictures that do not carry a semantic load in the correspondence.
  5. Try to express your thoughts concisely.
  6. Do not write messages too often and about nothing - it is very nervous of busy men.

Starting correspondence with the man you like, avoid negative emotions in every possible way and use more words that bear positive. For example:

  • I smile, remembering our meeting.
  • I am happy about the upcoming date.
  • Missing You.

If your communication is already lasting for some time and you decided that it would be nice to spend time together, then you can unobtrusively hint about it in the messenger:

  • I'm going to a football match, there is an extra ticket.
  • Do you want to take a walk in the park on the weekend?
  • There will be a premiere in the theater. Interested in?

Being in a relationship, it’s nice to share with your favorite joy about this:

  • Happiness is your love.
  • Memories of you help to survive separation.
  • You came to me in a dream.
Give a note of love
Give a note of love

Add sharpness to the relationship using messages with erotic subtext:

  • I bought new linen. Do you want to look?
  • You were magnificent. What do you think of today?
  • I study the Thai massage technique. Need to practice.

Believe me, after receiving such messages, a man will simply seek a meeting with you!

Intriguing phrases: List

If you caught your eye a man with whom you do not mind talking, but do not know how to start a conversation - do not stew! In our age of emancipation and Internet technologies there is nothing shameful or impossible to start correspondence with a guy on the initiative of the girl.

Important: do not inform your personal data to a stranger from the Internet until you personally meet him. Believe me, scammers on dating sites are more than enough!

We offer you a list of phrases that will surely intrigue a man or guy and promote to communicate with you:

  • I saw your photo on the forum. Are you a Photoshop guru or do you really have such beautiful eyes/hair/lips? (Underline whatever applicable)
  • Often, probably, you will fight back from the ladies?
  • Corner. Flashlight. Pharmacy. And what kind of appearance does you open before you?
Intriguing phrases
Intriguing phrases

Most likely, a man will not be able to ignore you. But what to talk about further will become clear from his answers. Perhaps he immediately begins to flirt and take the process into his own hands, or it will be in detail and thoroughly respond “So, he is really lonely and lacking communication.” The main thing, girls and women, do not be afraid to take the first step towards rapprochement!

How to intrigue a man, guy in correspondence: phrases, examples

Corresponding to a man, intrigue without hesitation - it is known that a man loves a riddle in a woman. Let something remain unsanned, because you will have to surprise him in the future.

  • Well, if your chosen one has a sense of humor, in this case you can safely joke. For example: “You have a selection of old black and white films in your chosen one. Are you so ancient or do you have such a good taste? ". By sending such a message, you will not only force the recipient to smile, but also unobtrusively make him a compliment.
  • Feel free to ask a man of advice on any topic in which he understands. For example: “Recommend a good car service, otherwise I don’t understand this at all.” Which knight will refuse such a trifle?
  • If you cannot provoke a man for some active actions for a long time, then in the evening, at 9 hours, send him the following message: “My friends and I in Bowling. Cool new paths were equipped here. Urgently join! ” You will see, the guy will either rush to you, or begin to explain why he does not succeed, and the conversation will be tied.

How to intrigue a man, guy bySMS: Examples

  • It is impossible to write at the very beginning of a relationship that "You are sad", "Something hurts you", "no money". This is a taboo!
  • Better share with the addressee with an interesting joke or an incident that happened to you, suggest spending time together, finally finish! For example: “Today in the director’s office I have broken heel, and I stumbled. Guess what the chef told me? ” Most likely, the guy will slightly laugh at the incident, and then regrets you and begins to build assumptions about how it all ended.
List of phrases
List of phrases

How to intrigue a lover with words to return?

  • It's believed that deliberately compiled and sent in time SMSit can cause an attack of tenderness in a man, to excite pleasant memories, to remind you how it was a great one together.
  • If your beloved for some reason is offended by you, try to send him the following content: “I remember our trip to the sea. It was cool! ”,“ I went into our cafe today - a storm of memories! ”
  • If your boyfriend is a fan of a movie or book love, then select a quote from the corresponding content and drop it. Be sure, he will smile and appreciate your efforts.
  • Avoid cliches and banalities to intrigue a man, guy. It is necessary that, having received your message, the man understands that you tried and think about his message.

What to ask a man, a guy to intrigue a question?

In order to intrigue the guy and encourage the man to further communicate, you should ask him questions that he will probably want to answer. For example:

  • What team do you work in?
  • Do you communicate with someone out of work?
  • Do you work by vocation?
  • How are you interested in your profession?
  • Have you dreamed of this profession since childhood or wanted to become someone else? By whom?
  • What are you doing in the evenings and on the weekend?
  • You have got a big family?
  • What were you like as a kid? What did you love? What was fond of?
  • What was you a schoolboy? Praised, probably?
  • Are you fond of reading? What are you reading?
  • Do you have a hobby?
  • Do you like traveling? Where was it already, where do you want to go?
  • Do you get up easily in the morning or like to work late?
  • Do you like surprises?
  • Tell me about your friends?
  • What do you like in people?
  • What, in your opinion, should there be an ideal girl?

Remember that only those questions should be asked that you yourself can answer him without constraint and internal resistance. And be sure to sincerely respond to his answers so that the guy understands that you are really interested in his words.

How to intrigue Aries man?

  • Guys born under the sign of Aries are People of action. They may seem too stubborn and even aggressive, but a vulnerable soul is hidden under this mask.
  • These men by nature are knights without fear and reproach, ready to protect their lady of the heart. That's why, to intrigue a man Your messages should be filled with softness, feminine weakness and sensuality, then your chosen one will be happy to answer you. It’s nice to ask him about all help - he will probably not refuse you.

How to intrigue a man of Taurus?

  • Taurus men are living lies detectors, so when communicating with them, do not even try to lie, exaggerate or fake.
  • In addition to veracity, they will surely appreciate your kindness and mercy in you, they will be happy to support a slight, unobtrusive communication that will not strain them.

How to intrigue a man of twins?

  • Gemini - fans of non -standard communication and creativity. When corresponding with them, you need to carefully monitor your thoughts for the absence of idioms and banalities in them.
  • Surely your twin is not averse to laughing, the main thing is that you do not joke and actually witty. That's why, to intrigue a man,use this method.

How to intrigue a man of cancer?

  • Men-racks - Very practical creatures that do not build air castles, but prefer to firmly stand on the ground. Therefore, less romance and more realism - these are the main rules for correspondence with them to intrigue a man.
  • Remember that crayfish deservedly consider themselves to be docks in all life issues and simply love to give advice - it is worth using it!

How to intrigue a man of a lion?

  • The king of animals in human form simply loves compliments in his address, universal worship and unquestioning fulfillment of his requirements. If you are ready for such a life, then begin to praise your chosen one in correspondence, rejoice at how lucky you are with him, talk about your feelings.
  • Praise a lion, do not try to humiliate yourself. After all, there should be a queen near the king, not a slave!
For correspondence
For correspondence

How to intrigue a man of a virgin?

  • Virgo man is famous pedant, neat and homebody. It’s not bad in correspondence to a subtle to hint at his household, frugality, and the ability to save.
  • Virgo will look for a partner for himself, who not only shares his views on life, but will also be able to provide him with a comfortable habitat and at the same time not to demand too much from him.
For correspondence
For correspondence

How to intrigue a man of Libra?

  • Guys who were born under the sign Libra, usually very balanced and do not welcome Excessively emotional communication.
  • Try to pre -explore his addictions and in communication with him to avoid controversial moments in order to annoy him with disputes. Rest assured, He will not prove anything to you, but simply disappear from your life.

How to intrigue a man of Scorpio?

  • Scorpions Usually they themselves differ in a sharp mind, and interlocutors love to match themselves. So get ready for an intellectual conversation and subtle humor.
  • Get ready for irony in your address - Scorpions sin this. But it is better not to faint over their appearance and abilities, because they can painfully sting in response.
Good messages
Good messages

How to intrigue a man of Sagittarius?

  • Male Sagittarius simply adore surprises and all kinds of surprises, so you will have to forget about the banalities and cliches in your correspondence with him. God forbid you to write to him “Hello. How are you?". This is a taboo!
  • Invent non -standard and amazing offers, to intrigue a man, for example, "They drove to feed the elephant in the zoo!" Or "Let's jump with a parachute together!" Such messages are guaranteed not to leave him indifferent.

How to intrigue a Capricorn man?

  • Men generally love flatteringBut when correspondence with Capricorn, it is better not to abuse compliments, because the men of this sign are quite self -critical and immediately captured if a woman begins to be replayed.
  • Discuss practical, life issues with Capricorn, and they will enjoy communicating with you.
Flatter Capricorn, but don't bend
Flatter Capricorn, but don't bend

How to intrigue a man of Aquarius?

  • Men born under this sign, catastrophically afraid of obsessive women. In addition, they quickly lose interest in excessively frank representatives of the fair sex.
  • Therefore, firstly, do not throw them with messages. And secondly, always leave an element of disabilities in conversations so that Aquarius wants to solve all your secrets. So you can intrigue a man Under the sign of Aquarius.
What to write to a man?
What to write to a man?

How to intrigue a man fish?

  • A man fish is very in love with one person - into himself, so build communication around his personality. What does he like? What is he fond of? What are his culinary and other addictions?
  • If you behave correctly, then perhaps you are having a corner for yourself in his heart.
What to write to a man?


We advise you to read the following useful information:

Video: How to correspond with a guy correctly?

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  1. Alala of her husband from the love of the 10th, burned for a lifetime. In marriage with her husband, they lived for 22 years, not counting that time of meetings before the wedding. Planted how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linge from work, became colder towards me, began to hide it, began to hide telephone. His behavior has changed a lot ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. it turns out, as it happens in life.

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