How correctly the phrase “I won’t wait”: definition and analysis of the phrase

How correctly the phrase “I won’t wait”: definition and analysis of the phrase

Why is the phrase “I can’t wait” separately? The article has an answer, as well as the rules and examples of proposals.

People can often use in their speech not only sayings and proverbs, but also phrases that seem ordinary, and they are all on the lips. These include words "Can not wait". How to write this phrase correctly, and how is it written incorrectly? In this article you will find answers to these questions, as well as consolidate your knowledge with examples. Read further.

"I can’t wait": definition and analysis of the phrase

"Can not wait"

Read on our website an article about words with a soft sign to indicate the softness of the previous consonant, in the middle of the word. You will learn about the correct spelling, and you will also find the rules and examples of proposals.

Expression "Can not wait" You can call a popular phrase. In colloquial speech, many use it. That's just a very large number of people argues about how the phrase should be written. Below you will find the definition and analysis of this phrase.

  • This phrase means: looking forward to someone or in anticipation of something expected, moment, etc.

Often people write in two versions - one - the right one, the second - no:

  1. "I can’t wait" - separately
  2. "Wait, I will not wait"-a hyphen after the verb

This expression is stable, it has no test words. Accordingly, separate spelling should simply be remembered. The form may change, but in the spelling of the verb "wait" no changes will happen:

  • You wait not wait
  • We will not wait
  • Waiting will not wait
  • Waiting for not waiting
  • They will not wait


  • I won’t wait for you and I will see you, beloved.
  • I look, you are waiting, you won’t wait when I come from here! Well, hope! I will stay here, because this is my legal living space.
  • We are waiting for the new battle of Fedor Emelianenko! It seems to me that he will once again surprise us!
  • They will not wait for us to give them our wealth. Do not happen to this!

How is this phrase written correctly? Read further.

How is the phrase “I won’t wait” correctly?

According to the norms, this expression is written in three words - CAN NOT WAIT. There are 2 verbs and negative particle. This is an indestructible combination. There are two identical conjugated forms of verbs - 1, 2, 3 faces, units. MN number. Punctering signs are not required.

“I can’t wait”: what rule is used?

Naturally, the spelling of all words in the Russian language depends on the rules and sometimes on exceptions. This is the rule applies to the phrase "Can not wait":

  • "Not" with verbs is written separately. This is one of the simplest, but at the same time, the most important rules of the Russian language.
  • As for the hyphen in verbs, it is used when the words are repeated or have a similar meaning. For example: "Katya stood, stood, and then left", “Misha sat, thought, thought, thought, and then came up with how to write off on the control”.
  • In the phrase “I can’t wait” there are no same words. One of them refers to the present - "I am waiting", another to a potential result - "I can't wait". You can even say that a person himself speaks of his intentions. In a more weighted version, it will sound like: "Now I'm waiting, but I'm afraid that I will not wait"or "I'm waiting, but I can't wait", "Look forward to" etc.

Similar words "I am waiting" and "I'll wait" In this case, the particle breaks "not",which is written separately with verbs, and this is a kind of guarantee that this expression will never be written through a hyphen.

  • I can’t wait for summer to go to the sea.
  • I can’t wait for quarantine to end. On Facebook, I met the guys from Algeria, and I would very much like to come to them, chat and see the sights of the country.
  • Lena will not wait for the new album of Yegor Creed. She is his big fan, but I don’t understand what she found in him. I prefer Russian rock.
  • The soldier will not wait for the demobilization to come.
  • “I won’t wait for you to grow up,” said the mother, casting a glance at the sleeping baby, ““ there will be at least some kind of help to me. And then one in the whole world! ”

Below even more useful information. Read further.

How is it wrong to write the phrase “I won’t wait”?

There are not so many incorrect spelling options. How to write a phrase wrong "Can not wait"? Here's the answer:

  • Can not wait
  • Can not wait

These are all wrong options. Remember them to prevent mistakes.

Examples of proposals for consolidating knowledge on the spelling of the phrase "I can’t wait"

"Can not wait"

In order to better remember the material passed, you need to come up with a few sentences with the right writing option. We will help you. Here are examples of proposals for consolidating knowledge on spelling of the phrase "Can not wait":

  • - Olga Petrovna, my grandfather was a scout during the war! - Artemka said admiringly. “I will write such an abstract for Monday that the whole class gasped - I won’t wait,” the teacher answered “lately, Petrov, you are not like an essay. You will not wait for presence in the class! However, if you are not lying, I will only be glad. Yes, and the guys will be interested to hear information about the feat of the ancestors from the lips of the peer.
  • I won’t wait for dad to return from a business trip. He promised me a new watch, commander! - Pasha said proudly.
  • This position is very promising. Moreover, the salary promised the good. Just the second day, as I am in this company, but I can’t wait for it.
  • - Why are you standing here? Vika waits waits for a lot when he can see you again! - Andrei poked Seryozha with pressure into his bony shoulder - blow, come on! Or scared? Here is a wonderful man. Someone would wait for me, I would fly a bullet. And you are stinging with the pears! Hurry, come on! And then they will lead the girl!
  • People wait not wait for happiness. And then: “And where is it, then happiness?”
  • At first they will not wait for adults to become. And then, after 30 years, they want to return to childhood. And so almost every person.

As you can see, everything is simple. First, remember the rule, then you understand how to write a word incorrectly, and after that you compose examples of sentences to consolidate the material. Now you have learned the material, and you can safely answer in the lesson or write dictations and compositions. Good luck!

Video: How to remember the spelling of words? Writing complex words. The correct spelling

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