How to make a table of contents and content in Worde correctly and beautifully: step -by -step instructions

How to make a table of contents and content in Worde correctly and beautifully: step -by -step instructions

If you do not know how to make a beautiful table of contents in Word, Word, then read the article. It has many instructions that will help to do this without difficulty.

When essays and other similar documents in Word are performed, it is necessary that the table of contents be automatically. It is convenient and a beautiful decoration of pages is obtained. How to do this is described in this article. Read below.

How to create an auto -picked table of contents in Word 2010, automatically created: Instruction

Auto -picked table of contents in Word 2010
Auto -picked table of contents in Word 2010

A properly made table of contents in the Word document is one of the main requirements when fulfilling many important papers. How to create an auto -picked table of contents in Word 2010, automatically created? Here's the instruction:

  • We denote sections and headlines using the "style" menu - "main".
  • The next step is to consider the structure of creating a table of contents. After that, select on the menu "Header 1", "Title 2",or "Title 3".
  • Then we update the selected title in accordance with the selected fragment, we do this required number of times.

Everything has been done correctly with the preparation. The next step is to create automatic table of contents. To do this, we perform the following:

  • The mouse cursor is placed in the place where we create a table of contents.
  • Choose "Links" - "Table».
  • Subparagraphs will appear “Auto -prayed table of contents 1”, “Auto -picked table of contents 2”, “manual contents” - Select the necessary.

Contents formatting:

  • Tab “Links” - “table of contents” - “change”.
  • In a dialog box that appears "Style" Select the desired level and click "Change".
  • In the window "Change in style" We can set additional parameters: font, color, interval.

When changing the table of contents of the text, there may be a need to update it. You can do this with a click by the right mouse button in our contents - "Update the field". Watch this instruction in the video in detail and clearly:

Video: Creating automatic content in MS Word 2010

Pages in the table of contents of the Word: How to insert with a transition to a page, where is the table of contents in Word?

In the table of contents of the Word with the transition to the page
In the table of contents of the Word with the transition to the page

In order to make pages in the table of contents of the Word, as well as insert with the transition to the page, you need to do the following:

  • Open formatting.
  • Make the content.
  • After that we are in the panel "Menu" Choose a topic to our taste. For example, "Title 1".
  • After that, go to "Task bar".
  • Click on "Insert"after that on "Links".
  • Click on the first line here "Tables and pointers".
In the table of contents of the Word with the transition to the page
In the table of contents of the Word with the transition to the page
  • Then the panel will jump out. Click on it on "Table of contents"and "OK".
  • After clicking on "OK" You have the first stack of content. You can configure it as you like by color and other parameters.
In the table of contents of the Word with the transition to the page: click OK
In the table of contents of the Word with the transition to the page: click OK
  • Now go to the tuned part in the table of contents of the document, bring the mouse on the line of content, and holding the left "Ctrl"Click the left mouse button. A couple of light movements and we moved to the desired sector on the page.

Then you can create an automatic content in WordAs described above:

  • Select new headlines with bold font.
  • Select item "Links""Table of contents" And click on "Auto -picked table of contents."
In the table of contents of the Word with the transition to the page: Click links and auto -picked contents
In the table of contents of the Word with the transition to the page: Click links and auto -picked contents

A couple of simple movements and you have a document with a beautiful table of contents in Word.

Video: Quick transitions on the Word document using hyperlinks

How to make an electronic table of contents of the pages in Word 2007: how to draw up, compose?

Word 2007 - Electronic Table of Table of Tables
Word 2007 - Electronic Table of Table of Tables

Word 2007 is one of the most popular programs for compiling different documents. The table of contents on the electronic "paper" should be designed correctly and beautifully. The appearance of the document and its readability depend on this. How to make a table of contents in Word 2007? How to make a beautiful electronic table of contents of the pages? Here's the instruction:

  • First, compare for headlines "Level" investment. Install the mouse cursor near the first header in the text, then the menu "Links".
  • In the next step, click "Add text"Mark the level that will correspond to the heading.
  • Next, we perform this way for all the necessary headings.

After this procedure, the design of the headings can be lost so that everything is restored you just need to set the styles again. We create automatic table of table:

  • We have a mouse cursor in the place we need, then select the menu “Links” - “table of contents” - “display format”.
  • In the place that we have chosen, the content will appear already with automatically affixed page numbers.

At the next stage, perform formatting:

  • We go to the menu "The main thing".
  • We set the design of the automatically created content we need, and then continue to work, as with the usual text.
  • We update automatic table of contents.
  • This will be needed if you changed the text, and the pages numbers have changed.

You can update automatic table of contents without its re -creation. To do this, click with the right button for maintenance - "Update the field". Look in detail in the video:

Video: Learning to create automatic table of contents in Word 2007

The points in the table of contents of the Word disappeared: how to do it?

The points in the table of contents of the Word disappeared
The points in the table of contents of the Word disappeared

To align data in the line, spaces between signs can show points, dash or other signs. If these signs in the table of contents are gone, then they need to be done again. To do this, follow the following:

  • Click "Page Macket" Or just choose a layout, depending on what kind of Word you have.
  • Call the dialog box by pressing at the top on "Paragraph" - A square with an arrow.
Press the paragraph icon
Press the paragraph icon
  • Press "Tabulation". Select the desired position and point in the filler section.
  • Thanks to this function, you can add notes. Press the button "Tab"To appear a line with the badges you selected.
Select the desired icon
Select the desired icon
  • This formatting will be added to each new line until you replace the aggregate.
  • To make a change in formatting, so that the aggregate is not displayed, perform all previous actions and click on "Not" In the filler field.

If you need different positions of the aggregate, since you work with various types of tabs, then just in the position "Tab"choose other signs of the aggregate.

Video: How to put points in the content correctly?

Creating a table of contents of the Word 2003 document: how to make a numbering in the table of contents, content?

Creating a table of contents of the Word 2003 document
Creating a table of contents of the Word 2003 document

A beautiful readable work plan in Word is always the beginning of a way to an excellent assessment of the teacher. After all, whether it is a exchange rate, diploma, master's work or abstract, they should be issued in accordance with the requirements of the teacher, and one of its conditions is the convenient readability of the document. Therefore, you need to be able to create a table of contents in Word. For example, if you have a 2003 program, you need to know a few nuances.

  • There are two types of creating a table of contents: manually and automatically.
  • Manual creating creation when we ourselves manually produce a set of numbers.
  • This is inconvenient, because if we need to shift the text, the figure is shifted.
  • It is easier to take advantage of the second way: automatic creation of the table of contents of the document.

Each Word document has a list of styles that determine the structure of the table of contents:

  • Title 1
  • Title 2
  • Title 3
  • Ordinary

To use one of them, you need to highlight the desired heading. It is possible to change the font, also highlighting this line. Further, to make a numbering in the table of contents, content, follow the following:

  • Place the mouse cursor in the right place and click "Insert".
  • Then “Link” and “Tables and pointers”.
  • We go to the tab "Table of contents"and click "OK".
  • In the place where the mouse cursor was automatically a table of contents with specified parameters.
  • Now select the tab "Insert", the following "Pagination".
  • The subparagraphs “at the bottom of the page”, “on the fields of the page”, “current position” will appear.
  • Mark the necessary parameters and press the button "OK".

After such simple manipulations, the table of contents in your document will be beautiful and automatic. Look more in the video:

Video: Lesson 1. Content insert in Word 2003

Correct table of contents in Word, Word 2013, 2016: How to make, align, add, change, remove the table of contents?

Correct table of contents in Word, Word 2013, 2016
Correct table of contents in Word, Word 2013, 2016

In the documents of the program Word 2013, 2016 The table of contents should also be designed correctly. In order to accurately make, align, add to change or remove the table of contents, you need to be able to perform the established manipulations. For this, you will need to consistently execute the following points:

  1. We open the document.
  2. Click on the tab Word "Links".
  3. Click on the name of the chapter with the mouse.
  4. Click "Add text."
  5. Click on the desired level of table of contents (a checkbox should appear opposite it).
  6. You need to do this procedure with all the tablets of text
  7. We go up to the top line of the document and write in the center of the page the word "Content".
  8. Click on the tab "Table of contents".
  9. Click on the desired table format.
  10. Choose the right one for you Aggregate And then press "OK".
  11. Go down the text document and tighten all chapters to the top of the page.
Correct table of contents in Word, Word 2013, 2016
Correct table of contents in Word, Word 2013, 2016
  1. Check everything thoroughly.
  2. Copy the text and clicking the right mouse button, click "Update the field".
  3. You need to put a point opposite "Update only page numbers"then press "OK".
  4. But, if the pages in the table of contents "ran away" somewhere, then mark "Update the whole"and "OK".
Correct table of contents in Word, Word 2013, 2016
Correct table of contents in Word, Word 2013, 2016

You can remove the table of contents in two ways:

First way:

  1. We open the desired document and click on the table of contents.
  2. In the upper left corner, click the button "Tables" And choose "Delete the table of contents."

The second method:

  1. We open the document and look for the tab "Links".
  2. In a group "Tables"click on "Tables".
  3. We are looking for a point "Delete a table of table".
  4. Next, pick up the key "Tab" And indicate the page number.

To align the table of contents in Word, you need to select the text and press the mouse button on the line, then a black corner will appear and click on it 2 times. In the window that appears, select "On the right edge"and Aggregate.

Video: How to create a table of contents in Microsoft Office Word 2013?

Video: How to make a table of contents in Microsoft Word 2016?

The table of contents of the Word in the form of a table: how to make, collect?

The table of contents of the Word in the form of a table
The table of contents of the Word in the form of a table

The table of contents in Word can be made in the form of a table. It looks more interesting and more presentable. In order to make, create a table for a table of contents in the Word program text, you need to take a few simple steps:

  • On the page where the content of the document will be placed, you need to place the table.
  • In the upper menu panel, select the insert section, and the insert object is “table”.
  • The number of lines should be equal to the number of headings and points of content.
  • It is also necessary to provide a line for table forming.
  • The number of vertical columns is 2.
The table of contents of the Word in the form of the table: Remove the boundaries for accuracy
The table of contents of the Word in the form of the table: Remove the boundaries for accuracy

You can leave the table in this form, or remove the boundaries. To do this, click on "Work with tables" - "borders" - "no boundaries". So the content looks more neat.

After the table is ready, in each part of it you need to prescribe the name of the section:

  • In the second column, put the numbers of the pages that correspond to the specific section.
  • Thus, you will get a designed table that will allow you to navigate in the document.

For convenience, you can supplement the table of contents and the name of the sections with hyperlinks in order to quickly switch to a specific page of the mouse click. This is performed similarly, as described above in the text - when creating automatic table of contents.

The table of contents of the abstract in Word: What are the styles of table of contents?

Tables of table of contents in Word
Tables of table of contents in Word

When taking essays by teachers, there are specific requirements for the preparation of such a document. In particular, there are many of them, and it is necessary to make a table of contents in Word Correct. What are the styles?

Tables of table of contents in Word
Tables of table of contents in Word

Contents in Word In the three simplest and most effective methods:

  1. Pick up headers for headlines. The first thing to do is arrange the headlines in the text and apply formatting styles to them with names in the header format. If the toolbar does not contain the necessary styles, a combination of keys Alt + Ctrl + Shift + S will correct this situation.
  2. If there are no formatted headlines. First you need to choose each title in turn and apply the style to them "Title"which is placed on the panel "Styles" tabs "The main thing".
  3. A table of contents that needs to set up. Word It contains headlines of three levels and no more. That is why there is a way due to which it is possible to easily apply the table of contents of the highest level. The title for example of the fifth level can be turned on only if the heading of the fourth level is used, and the fourth with the use of the third with pressing "OK".

After pressing, the headlines will be in the table of contents. That's all, the content is ready.

Word - how to make content: Simple instruction

We make the content in Word
We make the content in Word

The above was described several ways to create a table of contents in Word. Here's another simple instruction on how to make the content in the document:

  • First, go to the tab "Insert".
  • Then click "Boons".
  • A menu will appear on the screen, select this menu "Page number".
  • Then another item will appear. In it, select the place where the page number will be placed in order: “At the top of the page”, “at the bottom of the page”, “on the fields of the page”, “current position”.
  • Now it is necessary to choose alignment, it can be in the center, on the left, from the side.
  • So that the selected data is preserved, for this we simply close the window "Boons." As a result of which the figure will appear on each page, in the place that you have determined for it.
We make the content in Word
We make the content in Word

Creating the content:

  • To create the content correctly, it is necessary to place the cursor before the very first word of the necessary information.
  • By using Enter + Ctrl Add a clean sheet.
  • We go to the beginning of the document.
We make the content in Word
We make the content in Word
  • Choose a tab "Links", in the icon "Table of contents" Points will appear “Auto -praised table of contents 1”, “Auto -praised table of contents 2”, “manual contents”, Choose what is suitable in your case.

Now you know how to create a table of contents, the content of Word of different versions in the documents. Watch in more detail the instructions in the video below.

Video: How to create a table of contents for the thesis?

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