Summary to work in English: sample, template with translation into Russian. Summary in English: a sample for a student, lawyer, accountant with translation into Russian

Summary to work in English: sample, template with translation into Russian. Summary in English: a sample for a student, lawyer, accountant with translation into Russian

The article offers you options for writing a resume in English.

Summary to work, Curriculum Vitae in English: Recommendations for writing

Curriculum Vitae is literally translated from Latin as a “life path”, but in a general sense it is perceived as “a resume in English”. You can often find such a form as CV. This is an international resume that should be filled out for all norms. It can be used for a work to work.

Recommendations for a resume, how to fill in and what to write:

  • First part Personal details”. Here you should correctly write your full name, indicate phone numbers, addresses of mail and residence, year of birth, age, gender and status.
  • The second part Education” . In this part, you indicate what kind of education you have and in which educational institutions have been trained throughout life. Any attended courses and seminaries are also listed. You can specify the available skills and talents.
  • The third part Working experienceit offers you to list in detail all the institutions in which you worked throughout your life with the exact indication of dates.
An example of a ready -made resume
An example of a ready -made resume

Summary to work in English: a template with translation into Russian

If you are weak in English, you will need an example of a completed resume with a translation.

First part: Personal data
First part: Personal data
Second part: Education
Second part: Education
Third part: Life experience
Third part: Life experience
Life experience and experience
Life experience and experience

How to write in a resume to work in English “Marital status”, “Experience”, “Personal qualities”, “to the present”: an example with translation into Russian

Some phrases for filling out the resume:

"Family status" (Status):

  • Married -married
  • Married - Married
  • Holost, idle - Single
  • Divorced -Divorced
  • Widow -widow
  • Widower -widower
  • Civil marriage -civil Marriage

Important: in terms of the “Working Experience” resume, you should list all the professions that you have ever owned, for example, Teacher, Doctor, Baby-Sitter and so on.

In the column "Personal Details), list all the talents and abilities that you have:

  • Smart -clever
  • Resourceful -resourceful
  • SmartQuick-Witted
  • Executiveexecutive
  • PunctualpUNCTUAL
  • Calmcalm
  • Resourcefulresourceful
  • Attentiveattentive
  • Diligentdiligent
  • Competentcompetent

Summary in English: a sample for a student with translation into Russian

It is easy to write your personal resume in English, based on a ready -made copy with a translation.

Part No. 1
Part No. 1
Part No. 2
Part No. 2

Summary in English: a sample for a lawyer with translation into Russian

A sample resume in English for a lawyer should be made with marginal accuracy and necessarily without grammatical errors.

Part No. 1
Part No. 1
Part No. 2
Part No. 2

Summary in English: a sample for an accountant with translation into Russian


Video: "How to write a resume in English?"

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