How to VKontakte send a file with files, document, file: sound, video, Word, from a computer, through a message, from a flash drive

How to VKontakte send a file with files, document, file: sound, video, Word, from a computer, through a message, from a flash drive

You do not know how to download a document or several VKontakte files, read the article.

If you need to send some user, for example, a colleague for work or a friend, a file or document, it is not necessary to do this through e-mail. You can use the VKontakte social network that supports such a function. How to do this, read below.

How to send a document, file: sound, video, Word, from a computer through a message

It is worth noting that you can send documents not only to one person, but also in a conversation, creating it first. How to create a conversation VK, read in the article on this link.

Before sending a document, you first need to do the following:

Put the mark on the documents
Put the mark on the documents
  • Go to your profile, click on the section "My settings".
  • Open the contribution "General"and find an active link in it "Page menu".
  • Click on the link with the menu and put a mark near the item "The documents".
  • Now in the menu of your page there is a section "The documents".
Section "Documents" appeared in the page menu

Then do the following:

  • Click on the just emerging point "The documents".
  • In this section, documents or files can already be located if the section has been created a long time ago and you have already saved some folders with a PC or from personal messages. Press the button "Add a document".
Add the document to the site
Add the document to the site
  • A window will open in which you will see the files listed through a commas, supported by the VK website. Press "Select a file".
  • Select a file with a PC and upload it at the next step, pressing "Download".
  • Then put a mark on what format you want to send a file: personal, educational document, book, and so on. After that, click "Save".
Save the added document
Save the added document
  • The document is loaded with VKontakte. Now it needs to be sent.
  • Write a message to a friend and click on "Attach" In the form of a paper clip on the left.
  • Select from the drop -down menu "Document" And click on this line.
From the drop -down menu, select the
From the drop -down menu, select the "Document"
  • Select a file from the Windows conductor window if you download a file with a PC. If you select the file from the section "The documents"Then a slightly different window will open, but the manipulations will be the same as when loading with a PC.
  • The file will appear in a line with a message. You just need to press the button "Send" In the form of an arrow on the right. Everything - your friend received the file with a personal message.
Send a message with a document
Send a message with a document

A friend will be able to watch the file if he clicks on his link or picture. If you want to send a sound or video file, then choose in an outstanding menu "Photography", "video recording", "audio recording". Also download the desired file from the documents and send it to a friend.

Through VKontakte you can send photos, video or audio recording
Through VKontakte you can send photos, video or audio recording

How to send a file with files?

VKontakte can be sent several files described above, attaching them one by one and sending them alternately. But sometimes it happens that you need to send a large number of files, and send everyone inconveniently - it takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, first place the files in the archive, and then send it to the drugs. The folder will acquire the appearance of one compressed file and send it easier and faster.

So, you need to do the following:

Add documents to the archive
Add documents to the archive
  • On your PC, find the folder that you want to send VK in the form of one document.
  • Click on it with the right mouse button and select "Add to archive…".
  • After that, the archive can be downloaded as well as we uploaded one file according to the instructions above.

Advice: To archive files, you need to install a special program for this Winrar at this link.

Files that are in the archive convenient to use and occupy a smaller volume.

How to VKontakte send a file from a flash drive?

Suppose a file that needs to be sent VK is on your flash drive. In this case, first you need to download the document from the flash drive to the PC, and then load it into the section according to the above instructions. "The documents" in VK. After that, you can send a file to drugs. To upload a file from a flash drive to a PC, do the following:

On the flash drive, find the item
On the flash drive, find the item "Open the folder"
  • Connect the flash drive to a PC or laptop.
  • After that, a window with the capabilities of the flash drive will appear. If you have a PC on your PC "Automobe"then you should go to "My computer".
  • Then click on "Open the folder". There will be a list of files that are on the flash drive.
  • Now bring the mouse to the desired file and click on it.
  • He will begin to download on a PC. Do not forget to mark the folder in which you need this file loads.

If you need to download several files, then use Windows key combinations.

Use the key combination
Use the key combination

Everything is simple: highlight, copy, move where you need. Now that the files are in the PC memory, they can be sent in a personal message to VKontakte. You will find further instructions above in the text. Good luck!

Video: How to archive a document and send an archive of VKontakte?

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