How to store bread at home after buying, so that it was fresh longer?

How to store bread at home after buying, so that it was fresh longer?

In this article, we will learn to keep the bread fresh and soft longer.

After the purchase, the bread remains fresh not long, and then it stale, and can mold. How to store bread so that it remains fresh longer? We find out in this article.

How many hours after baking the bread remains fresh?

Not all types of bread and buns remain fresh the same time. Here the approximate time of freshness of bread after baking:

  • Rye yeast bread remains fresh 36 hours
  • Wheat yeast - 24 hours
  • Small buns on yeast - 16 hours
  • Fresh bore on the sourdough is stored twice as long as yeast

Attention. In order for the bread to remain fresh longer, it is recommended to store it at 18-25 degrees Celsius and relative humidity of 75%.

Where and how is the best to store bread?

The bread is best stored in a wooden bread, but you can also plastic, glass, metal. But bread can mold bread in the bread. What needs to be done so that this does not happen?

Behind the bread, especially wooden, you need to be able to properly care for:

  • Wash with warm water and dry - at least 2 times a week
  • Wipe with highly diluted vinegar - 1 time per week
  • Often ventilate the bread

Except for breadbaskets bread can be stored in other ways:

  • In a bag - paper or linen
  • Big pan with a lid
  • Plastic bag

Secrets about how long to save the bread fresh?

To keep the bread fresh and tasty longer, our ancestors knew some secrets:

  • A pleasant aroma of bread will be given a lemon peel laid in the bread.
  • So that the bread does not stale quickly, a piece of apple or raw potato needs to be put in the bread.
  • So that the bread does not mold, you need to wrap a handful of salt in the matter, and put in the bread.
  • Bread will not mold in a bread -birch bark or juniper - these types of wood are good antiseptics.
  • Put only fully cooled bread in the bread.
  • So that the bread does not stale for longer, do as our ancestors did: we cut bread in half, cut a piece of bread out of the middle, and press the remaining 2 pieces of bread with sections together, and so we keep.
  • Bread can be stored in a three -layer bag (the upper and inner layer from matter, a layer in the middle of plastic). In such a bag, bread does not stale for 3-4 days.
  • The bread will stale less if the cloth bag is rinse in saline, dry, and store bread in it.
Bread remain fresh for a long time if you store it in a linen bag

How to store bread in the refrigerator?

According to many housewives, in the refrigerator, bread remains fresh for 6-7 days.

How to store bread in the refrigerator?

  • So that the bread does not absorb the smell of other products that are in the refrigerator, it must be placed in a plastic bag, and then put in the refrigerator.
  • You can not put hot bread in the refrigerator, you need to let it cool, and then put it in a cold place.
  • So that bread in cellophane does not mold, several holes need to be made in the bag to exit excess moisture from bread. If the bread has begun to mold, the refrigerator will no longer help him, it needs to be thrown away.

How to store bread in the freezer?

Even longer than in the refrigerator, bread in the freezer remains-up to 3-4 months.

How to prepare bread for freezers?

  1. Cut the bread into pieces.
  2. Place in a hermetic plastic bag, and tie, driving air out of the cat.
  3. Put a bag of bread on the shelf of the freezer.

How to defrost bread from the freezer so that it does not lose his qualities?

  1. We get bread from the freezer in 2 hours from the proposed use. We take out not all the bread, but a few pieces (how much at once eat).
  2. During this time, the bread will defrost under natural conditions, and it will be soft as after baking, but not long - thawed bread is quickly stale.

How to store bread in crackers?

If you see that you bought a lot of bread, and do not eat, or the purchased bread managed to blame, it can be dried in the oven, and get crackers. Then crackers can be added instead of bread in the first dishes or making bread kvass from it.

To the second crackers can be steamed in the following ways:

  • We put crackers in a colander, cover with a lid, and hold over the steam of boiling pan for 3 minutes.
  • We spread the crackers on a metal sheet, spray with water, put in a poorly heated oven for several minutes.

How to make crackers?

  1. Cut the bread into strips or squares.
  2. We lay out the chopped bread with a thin layer on the metal sheet.
  3. Turn on the oven on low fire, and place a sheet with pieces of bread.
  4. After 10 minutes, we check, if the crackers are browned from below - we turn them on the other side, if not, we continue to dry.
  5. Complete crackers will be ready after about half an hour.
  6. Ready -made crackers are best stored in a linen bag, in a dry place.

Attention. Sukhairi is useful for diseases of the stomach and intestines, losing weight people.

Is it possible to store white and brown bread together?

If you store black and white bread together, both types of bread will deteriorate faster. There are several reasons:

  • White bread contains 60% of water, and black all 80%
  • White bread absorbs the smell of black bread, and loses its properties

Attention. If you store black and white bread together, wrap them separately in different plastic bags.

How to recognize stale bread?

If you see bread in the store with the following signs, it is stale:

  • Bread with dents
  • When pressed on a crust of bread, the dent does not return to the previous form
  • Bread with a dark raid

So, we examined how to keep bread longer in the bread in the bread, refrigerator, freezer, large pot, plastic bag, in paper or linen bags.

Video: 5 ways how to save bread fresh

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