When to dig Jerusalem artichoke and how to store Jerusalem artichoke in winter at home?

When to dig Jerusalem artichoke and how to store Jerusalem artichoke in winter at home?

This vegetable resembles the sunflower with its flowers, ginger - roots, is often similar to potatoes, and they also call it "earthen pear" or "Jerusalem root." In a word, such a rich combination of properties and qualities, combined into a single whole, and make Jerusalem artichoke on the one hand - not very common, and on the other, a simple and unpretentious root crop.

Jerusalem artichoke is absolutely not difficult to land, but when it comes to storage, questions arise. About how and when to collect this miracle of nature, and most importantly - how to preserve it longer, and it will be discussed.

Jerusalem artichoke: When to dig out?

  • Experienced gardening gardeners claim that harvesting is not worth it at once. In early autumn, you can collect what has already matured completely, and what can be used right away. The fact is that jerusalem artichoke is frost -resistantand is perfectly preserved in the ground, so the frost (and it withstands even -40 ° C, If you cover it with grass or leaves, snow or soil) can survive, even remaining in the soil. At the same time, preserving the plant in a cellar is often problematic.
  • And yet, if for you for some reason it is unacceptable to leave root crops in the ground, dig them already when late autumn comes, somewhere closer to November. The longer the Jerusalem artichoke will be in the land, the greater the benefits of it will be.
Jerusalem artillery and health benefits
Jerusalem artillery and health benefits
  • And vice versa, dug up in early autumn, he will not have time to accumulate many useful substances that are so rich. The best time for harvesting is dry weather. Monentis, and even more so frozen, will significantly complicate the work.
  • Approximate Topinambur harvesting scheme Such. In September-October, it is necessary to dig out tubers as needed. When late autumn comes, collect part of the root crops at the rate of one and a half to two months in order to eat and, if there is livestock, for its food.
  • By the way, if you cultivate Jerusalem artichoke just like a feed culture, then you can not collect it at all - just let go to a part of the pigs, and they will express tubers themselves. Then - in winter and early spring - you can use tubers that remained winter in the ground - they are full of vitamins.

When to collect Jerusalem artichoke in the spring?

  • That part of the harvest that remained in the ground until spring must be collected before the warning of the Earth, otherwise the Jerusalem artichoke will begin to germinate, and its benefits and nutritional value will decrease significantly.
  • There is another danger of untimely spring fence - this is the possibility that the root crops will be damaged rodents-pests. Therefore, before constant warm average daily temperatures, the crop should be completely harvested.
Jerusalem artichoke - calorie content of 100 g, who is useful
Jerusalem artichoke - calorie content of 100 g, who is useful

Jerusalem artichoke: How to dig?

  • When you decide on the date of digging tubers, then in about 10 days Cut the shoots, leaving about 20 cm above the ground. So Jerusalem artichoke will ripen a little more - and you can take up the shovel. The root crop is dug in the same way as the potatoes - the bayonet of the shovel drives deep into it and pulls the tubers, digging them up. It is also good to use for digging pitchfork With a not very wide distance between the teeth - they damage tubers less.
  • Just like potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes are put in buckets or boxes and are attributed to the cellar for storage or home - depending on how you are going to store root crops. If the tubers are wet - do not place them in the cellar without drying. But you can’t wash them categorically!
  • If you decide to leave several bushes to dig them in the spring, then warming up the soil, then create a protective layer of hay or do not cut such bushes with the rest.

Jerusalem artichoke: When to collect leaves?

  • By the end of autumn, the concentration of nutrients has already been collected in tubers, and collecting leaves at this time is not the best solution. It will be correct to do this during the flowering of the plant.
  • And, by the way, the inflorescences themselves are also a source of beneficial substances. Therefore, you can also collect and brew Jerusalem artichoke leaves for tea.

How to store Jerusalem artichoke?

  • Storing Jerusalem artichoke in winter is a very problematic activity, since it has the ability to deteriorate very quickly - a few days of room temperature are enough so that the tuber is wilted and becomes unsuitable for use.
  • Therefore, you need to store the roots of Jerusalem artichoke in the cold, for which options such as frost camera, refrigerator, basement, balcony.
  • In addition, Jerusalem artichoke can be preserved in the backbills, which are, in fact, representing the pits of a small depth. They pour root crops in them, interspersing their layers with layers of sand or straw, and sometimes even use snow. And the option described above is simply to leave tubers in the ground, where they can be preserved before heat, and you can dig them as necessary if the state of the soil allows.
Storage of root crop
Storage of root crop

How to store Jerusalem artichoke in winter in the cellar?

  • The cellar should be wet, and the higher the humidity, the better for the preservation of tubers. Ideally should be not lower than 90%. A rather low temperature is needed - not higher than 0 ° C.
  • Root crops are sprinkled with earth (you can also use wet sand) and fit into spacious boxes, better wooden, not plastic ones.
  • Spacious bags are also suitable, again, from natural burlap, and not from cellophane. In this form jerusalem artichoke can be stored for several months. In the same way, root crops can be stored on the balcony.

How to store Jerusalem artichoke in the refrigerator?

  • This is a short -term storage option, about 2 weeks. The main thing is to choose a container that would provide tubers the necessary humidity and inaccessibility of air.
  • It can be a closed container, a plastic bag or any other tank that provides the necessary conditions. In extreme cases, you can even simply wrap Jerusalem artichoke in a damp cloth and put in the lower box. So you can not save a small amount of Jerusalem artichoke that you intend to use in the near future.

How to freeze Jerusalem artichoke?

  • Jerusalem artichoke can be frozen in the same way as other vegetables. Tubers are necessary cleanwell Wash and dry. Grind as you suppose to use: cut into slices or grate, you can do it and so.
  • Some housewives use a 10-minute blanching in serum from milk and cottage cheese. Then lay out in portions according to plastic bags or by containers and send for storage to the freezer. Defrost slowly, dropping into cold water.

How to dry Jerusalem artichoke?

  • You can dry Jerusalem artichoke at home in the same way as any fruits. For example, outdoors, for which cut the tubers thin slides And put in one layer on a flat surface.
To get started, cut
To get started, cut
  • It is unnecessary to say that the fruits should be without dents and damage. Take out into the street and put it so that the direct sun does not fall. And it is also necessary to protect drying from flies and midges, for which it can be covered on top with a layer of gauze.
  • The next drying option - oven. To begin with, tubers are boiled in salt water with a teaspoon of soda for about 10 minutes. Then they are filtered and cool. After that, Jerusalem artichoke needs to be laid out on a baking sheet or on a small grill and withstand for about three hours in the oven, heated to 50 ° C, mixing periodically.
  • The third way is to use electric dryer, spreading the tubers on the grilles and turning on the device for 4 hours. Put up the dried tops of Jerusalem artichoke in a container and put in a dry unlit place - this will be stored for a year. Part of the dry product can be immediately ground on a coffee grinder - you will get a natural energy that remains only to pour boiling water and, after it is infused, drink instead of coffee.

How to store Jerusalem artichoke leaves?

  • To preserve the foliage for many months, it must be thoroughly dried. It is best to do this by decomposing them in the hottest room, in which, moreover, dry enough. Be sure to make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the leaves - this can contribute to the destruction of vitamins.
  • Specialists do not recommend using electric drying, since when dried, some of them crumble and falls through the grille, forming dust and garbage.
  • Dried leaves can be poured into a glass jar or other container and tightly closed. Even better collect dry leaves in a linen bag and tie it tightly. Natural fabric will contribute to the “breathing” of inflorescences and leaves, from which, as well as from the tubers themselves, you can brew tea.
Can cook delicious tea
Can cook delicious tea

How to preserve Jerusalem artichoke for the winter?

  • Jerusalem artichoke can be used in conservation - this is also one of the ways to maintain its properties and enjoy in the winter.
  • It enhances the taste of the dishes, giving them a certain piquancy. The root crop is good in winter salads with vegetables, you can quickly cook jam, jam with the addition of drain from it, make a dessert, adding a pumpkin, lemons.
  • Jerusalem artichoke can be fermented and pickled - in a word, to use in conservation in large quantities and in various ways.

How much is Jerusalem artichoke?

  • In the lower drawer of the refrigerator, tubers can be preserved for a maximum of a month, and more often-2-3 weeks. If you freeze Jerusalem artichoke, the shelf life will be 2 months, in the basement - up to 2 months.
  • Throughout the winter, Jerusalem artichoke left in the ground will be suitable for use. In a dried form, the shelf life is a year and a half.

Useful articles for gardeners:

Video: How to grow and store Jerusalem artichoke?

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