Do-it-yourself Venik-Venik-how to hang and use?

Do-it-yourself Venik-Venik-how to hang and use?

The ancient Slavs knew how to and loved to make various amulets with their own hands, which protected their dwellings from evil forces and attracted wealth into the house. And one of them-perhaps the most important, was a talker-liner, to which our ancestors took the main place under their shelter, since sacredly believed in his supernatural power.

In our time, the charms are again gaining more and more popularity. They can be treated differently: as a certain connecting link with the "old deep", as to the decor of the room, or as to the very real amulet of his house. The main thing is to believe in his wonderful magical properties, and he will certainly help you in all your affairs.

Ritual cleansing the home with a broom

  • Our ancestors knew a lot about all sorts of magical rituals, so why don't we take advantage of their knowledge?
  • Like the ancient keeper of the hearth, you can make a small broken brook personally, in which all kinds of healing herbs can be present that can expel evil spirits. Replenish your panicle wormwood, St. John's wort, tie it with a rope, and then put it furniture, walls and floor, as if cleansing this energy at home.
  • When the cleaning procedure is completed, you need to take out the brooms somewhere far away, and there to set it on fire-let the bad energy will be scattered along with smoke. Our ancestors also attributed such brooms at the crossroads of roads and left them there, but we won’t do this, would it? We will not pollute the streets of our cities and sat down with such negative brooms - we are for the purity of the ecology!
With the help of it, the dwelling was cleaned
With the help of it, the dwelling was cleaned

Obrait Broy: meaning

  • In ancient times, people believed that every bro-sheener acquired in the early days of the New Year is a magical thing. When he was brought into the house, the old broom was thrown out with last year’s troubles and sorrows, asking to help the brownie in this matter - after all, he loved to rest behind the stove, sitting on a dormitory.
  • People made sure that this one necessary for the household and for the house thing was kept in perfect condition all year round, and then the brownie helped them in gratitude for this in every possible way.
  • According to the old note, the hostess herself should work on creating a broom - only in this case he will acquire his magical properties, absorbing her energy message. But in our time, rarely anyone can do brooms with your own hands, so you can buy it in a store or in the market. It is very important to put running water on it before the first cleaning, and only then the floors of all the rooms of the house at home.

How does the amulet act?

  • Such an amulet, designed not for cleaning, but for the protective function of the house and interior decoration. Before hanging it on the wall, sprinkle your future charm three times with holy water and think only about the good. The service life of such an amulet broom is the year, at the end of which it should be replaced with a new one.
  • But the usual broom can also be given the status of the amulet, if you use it correctly. With it, it will be possible not only to clean the apartment, but also to sweep them with energy trash, and open a portal for well -being, prosperity and luck.
  • In the event of family troubles, our ancestors resorted to this tool: the broom turned over the broom over the vice versa and knocked on it with a pen on the threshold of the house, and then good spirits helped them.
  • If luck turned away from the family, the hostess of the house swept the floors, starting to do this from the entrance doors to the center. Such a measure also attracted money to the house.
The action of the amulet is diverse
The action of the amulet is diverse
  • If, when buying a new broom, to conceive a desire and at least purely symbolically accommodate the rooms of his home, then this will accelerate its performance.
  • If an unmarried girl wanted to quickly find her narrowed, then she should have stepped over a broom 9 times, which she had never used.
  • According to the old signs, an outsider should not touch the family broom, especially since it is impossible to give it to someone.
  • Two brooms do not get along in the same house, so having bought a new inventory, it is better to say goodbye to the old one - our ancestors believed that it was to failure.
  • In the courtyard, before, the same broom that was used to clean the house - they made a broom for this purpose.
  • If the family decides to change their address, then in this case, according to a note, do not transport a broom that has already been used with you.
  • To reign in the family well -being and happiness, do not clean in the evenings, and the grade through the threshold is not revenge.
  • In order to take hail and damage from their garden, our ancestors clung a broom from the inside of the fence, and to protect the cattle from diseases and the evil eye, they had it in a stable.
  • For a strong sleep baby A broom was placed under his cradle so that evil spirits could not approach him.
  • To attract money and scare off evil spirits The broom was constantly placed up.
  • If you have come to you who do not like it, do as our ancestors did: place a broom (mandatory for his handle at the top) near the door of the house, and he soon said goodbye to you.
Such a broom was attracted by prosperity
Such a broom was attracted by prosperity

Ritual to get rid of troubles with a broom-shaped broom

  • To get rid of troubles, you can use a rather simple ritual, it should be carried out in the phase of the waning moon.
  • Without any bargaining, purchase a broom in the market and notice them the floors throughout the house in the direction of the entrance doors. At this time, read the prayer "Our Father." The grade should be assembled on paper and attributed it together with his one-time service with a broom-shaped as far as possible from his home, and burn all this somewhere on the wasteland. Can be done differently: pour the tops at the crossroads of roads, and break the broom and leave in the garbage tank.
  • No one should witness such a rite, so getting rid of garbage and broom is best in the late evening.

Who in the old days made a amulet of a broom?

  • Previously, make decorative charms have the right to only the oldest and experienced women of the genus. Today, few people are considered to be this tradition, and even young girls undertook to make such brooms.
  • There is nothing wrong with this, but such an amulet will have less power. Still, it will be better if your mother or grandmother makes a amulet broom for you, and then a huge force will concentrate in it, emanating from a person’s sincerely loving you. And remember that such an amulet will have great power only if you live under the same shower with your mother or grandmother, who created it with good thoughts.
  • It will not have such a power to possess such force, but if you sprinkle it with holy water and conceive your innermost desire before you hang it on the wall, it will also work as an amulet.
The amulet can be done yourself
The amulet can be done yourself

What do the elements, symbols on the broom-cooler mean?

  • In the manufacture of charms, they are often decorated with all kinds of additional elements. Do not think that they act as a simple decor, each of these elements is something, yes.
  • If you are planning to buy a broken broken, then in this case you need to know what certain characters mean. And even then, in accordance with what benefits you want to attract to your house, make a purchase with suitable components for you.
  • If you adhere to ancient traditions, then you need to choose for yourself a souvenir broom decorated with twelve elements. However, there are no strict rules, their number can vary, and some elements are replaced by others.
About Venika
About Venika

So, you can make a broom of the amulet and decorate:

  • house, for the manufacture of which salted dough or clay is suitable. Such a house is a symbol of a strong family, it is designed to promote a pleasant environment in the house;
  • hanger bag with grain. In this case, in your house there will always be something to eat and what to drink;
  • grains and legumes talking about prosperity. Less often, a broom is decorated with coins instead, but they can only be attracted to the house; only material income;
  • garlic, thistle, tansy - This set or one of its components will not allow dark forces or energy vampires to get into your home, and they will also cleanse your living space from negative energy;
  • pepper, who must take care of male power so that the clan has its continuation. Sometimes, instead of pepper, a corn ease is hung on a broom, which has the same meaning;
  • rosehip fruitswho will help women be always beautiful and desirable;
  • sunflower seedswho will give children activity, health and good mood;
  • bay leaf - a symbol of success and glory;
  • bast shoesthat will help create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the house;
  • Krendelwho will make the house successful and hospitable.
  • medicinal plants - a symbol of the health of the genus;
  • bird in a nest that protects the family hearth;
  • eggs - life -affirming symbol;
  • spikelets, symbolizing the crop and life welfare;
  • Immortal, which will contribute to longevity and give a good memory;
  • nutsthat are a symbol of mind and excellent memory;
  • intertwined with a vine, blanket, oblique - symbols of fidelity and mutual understanding between his wife and husband;
  • figure treewhich is designed to symbolize wealth;
  • figures of cows, pigs, chickenwhich symbolize wealth;
  • sunflowerpersonifying the daylight and being the main Slavic sign, endowing everyone with life, warmth, fertility, well -being;
  • poppy - Contractor of desires.
About the amulet
About the amulet

For the manufacture of elements, only natural materials should be used, otherwise the broom will not work as a talisman.

How and where to hang a bro-saving broom?

There was no specific place for the amulet broom for the ancient Slavs. They could decorate the main entrance to them, placing it on top - both inside the dwelling and outside, the wall of the canopy, the kitchen. Our ancestors believed that not only the place was important for the talism of the broom, but also how it is fixed.

You can hang both inside and outside
You can hang both inside and outside

In order for the broom to protect the inhabitants of the house from the evil forces and create a positive aura in it, during the paganism they have it so that:

  • the pen was below (from the outer part of the main entrance) - then the amulet will protect your home, both from evil spirits and from guests whom they do not want to see in this house. It’s clear that there were no multi -storey buildings before, and all the owners could place a broom outside. In an apartment building, the presence of such a amulet over the door will attract general attention that part of his strength will take away. But private traders with such a thing are easier, the main thing is that there is a visor above the entrance, because precipitation can damage your talisman ahead of time;
  • the pen was at the top (if the broom is placed above the door inside the dwelling) - so everything will be swept out of the house.

It will be great if you hang two brooms over the door - both inside and outside, then they will reflect evilly, and they will keep positive energy.

  • on the wall of the kitchen, the pen should be at the top - there it was located in the most honorable place;
  • in the hallway, the handle should also be on top, and a broom on the opposite wall from the entrance.

How to make a broom-wings on your own?

There are several options for a home-made broom-barn. Consider them.

Option 1, in which the painting brush will serve as the basis

  • In addition to the grass masking brush, it will also need to be a wet, wire, ribbons and special elements - we wrote about them above.
  • The brush should have a wooden handle, and the brush should be herbal. Water is superimposed on the frame and wrapped in such a way that the product takes the shape of a broom.
  • To give the form, flexible wire is used. Next, it will be necessary to fix the ribbons on its handle to decorate your broom, and decorate its lower part with figures, seeds, nuts - all that your soul wants.
  • Lamge your product so that when the dust is estimated, it will not be damaged.

Option 2, in which tree branches and herbs are used

  • Our ancestors most preferred to use for these purposes birch branches, since it was believed that it was in the birch that all the positive properties and bright forces concentrated. For your broom, fallen twigs are quite suitable - then the tree will not need to be injured, breaking out living branches.
  • It is the best suited for creating a broom st. John's wort - This grass has strong protective properties, and therefore the amulet will also have a considerable force. Other beneficial herbs are also suitable for these purposes that can be combined, because in each of them some sacred meaning is contained.
  • When breaking away the herbs for your future amulet, tell them the words of gratitude and ask them for forgiveness for the fact that because of you they have prematurely ceased to exist. It will not be superfluous to leave in that place some small inexpensive thing-so you will show the forces of nature that you have exchanged, and did not take something that does not belong to you.
  • Will be perfectly combined together birch twigs and St. John's wort grass - They are simply bandaged by means of a ribbon into a single bundle - and the charming pan is ready. Do not forget to just decorate it with those elements with which you will want to attract certain benefits to your house.

Option 3, in which bast and jute threads are used

  • A bunch of basts will need to be tied on top with a rope from jute, while making a small bundle. Having a little retreating from the first rope ring, we make the second on the bundle - this will be the handle of your amulet. We straighten the bast below in the form of a fan.
  • After separating a small part of the bast, it should be wrapped in a jute thread. And then we do this with all the other bunches of the bast. At the same time, we do not cut the rope, but hug small bundles to each other. After decorating with glue with a variety of symbols, your broom will be ready to fulfill your magical mission.

Option 4, in which a broom wen is made from a regular purchased broom

  • In a new small broom, cut a long bristle. If you decide to use a large broom for this purpose, then in this case you will have to disassemble it and fold it again in the form of a small rustle.
  • When assembling, re -tie his handle very strongly so that your broom does not fall apart with further manipulations. After the haircut, it will seem round, therefore, in order to create a flat bristle, it will be necessary to divide it into small bundles and intertwine, using a rope for this. So you can do this in a circle several times, from this the product will become stronger.
Can also be made from a regular broom
Can also be made from a regular broom

A broom wen cannot be left without decoration. A satin, cotton or linen red ribbon, or even an ordinary red thread (this is a traditional color color that helps to attract love, improve health that gives beauty to a woman) needs to wrap around the pen. One end of the tape should be glued to it. If the tape is satin, then both its ends need to be melted with a candle or match. A thin braid is best suited - it is easier to control with it. The bristle of your broom should be decorated with various symbols, and decorated with braid with the bottom.

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