How to drink vodka during a feast? How to drink vodka correctly, how to bite? How to bite vodka: a list of products, advice recommendations

How to drink vodka during a feast? How to drink vodka correctly, how to bite? How to bite vodka: a list of products, advice recommendations

List of appetizers for vodka.

Vodka is a drink, without which not a single feast in our country is complete. Alcohol harms health, and often after taking a hangover, nausea and vomiting is observed. In this article, we will tell you what and how to eat vodka correctly, so as not to be sick and there is no hangover. 

What to eat vodka so as not to get better?

The fortress of vodka is at least 40 degrees. If you take a home -made product, then often the alcohol content in it is about 50%. This is a very strong alcohol that can cause nausea, vomiting and hangover in the morning. To reduce the symptoms of alcohol intoxication, it is necessary to bite and consume products that contribute to digestion of food, remove alcohol from the body. There are several diametrically opposite opinions, regardingtogo, What you need to bite vodka. 

Than to eat vodka so as not to get better:

  • For these purposes, you should not use heavy, mayonnaise salads. It is they who lie in a heavy load in the stomach, provoking indigestion. Alcohol is located inside the stomach for a very long time, so the next day you will suffer from a hangover.
  • Vodka, fatty, smoked products digest the stomach, but it cleanses the liver, as well as the kidneys from toxins. Fatty, fried products, alcohol have a significant effect on the liver tissue, loading it. If you take alcohol, try to minimize the use of smoked and fried products. Eat vegetable salads, baked foods.
  • One of the most unsuccessful options is the bite of vodka fried meat, or chopped. Of course, in this case, a person gets drunk much slower, but the next day the condition will be terrible. 

How to drink vodka correctly so as not to feel sick?

Reception of a large amount of alcohol is associated with nausea. In order not to load the liver, as well as the pancreas, it is recommended to bite relatively light dishes that are prepared without the use of frying and smoking.

How to drink vodka correctly, so as not to feel sick:

  • The ideal option will be baked, boiled potatoes, citrus fruits and pickles. But if you eat only with such products, then intoxication can occur quickly enough. If a lot of alcohol is used during the holiday, it is worth giving preference to products that envelop the walls of the intestines, stomach, and prevent the absorption of alcohol.

To make alcohol easier to drink, it is necessary to cool it to the correct temperature. The ideal alcohol supply temperature is +8 +10 degrees. Experts believe that for the normal functioning of the stomach, the optimal portion of alcohol per hour is 50 ml. That is why it is recommended to drink alcohol with a lot of water. Best of all, if it is non -carbonated.


Is it better to drink or eat vodka?

If you plan to drink a lot of alcohol, it is better to bite. If there is little alcohol, you can drink it.

It is better to drink or bite vodka:

  • The ideal option for vodka is citrus juice. It contains fruit acids that absorb alcohol, and a large amount of vitamin C. It prevents the occurrence of a hangover syndrome. 
  • Morse or compote. The composition contains glucose, pectin, which restores the acid-base balance in the body. 
  • Milk. It contains a lot of vitamins and calcium, which removes alcohol from the body, prevents the occurrence of a hangover. 
  • It is not recommended to drink vodka with alcoholic beverages, for example, beer, orlow alcohol. One of the most unsuccessful options for vodka is mineral water with gas. Do not purchase carbonated drinks if you plan a feast. They enhance the permeability of the walls of the stomach, so intoxication occurs faster, higher than the likelihood of a hangover. 

Is it possible to eat melons with vodka?

To prevent the onset of a hangover and do not get drunk for a long time, it is best to bite with pickles, acidic products. The ideal option will be citrus fruits, that is, lemon or orange. They contain vitamin C - a strong antioxidant that improves health. You can bite with acidic apples, sauerkraut. 

Is it possible to eat vodka with melons:

  • The product does not contain a large amount of fat, easily tolerated by the liver, as well as the pancreasgland.
  • But There is a lot of glucose in the melon, which extends the state of intoxication. 
  • There are many dietary fibers that provoke bloating.

How to bite vodka correctly?

It is worth highlighting several subtleties, based on which you need to choose a snack for strong alcoholic beverages.

Than to bite vodka correctly:

  • Vodka must be bustled with pickles, however, it is worth avoiding sharp, and dishes with the addition of vinegar. It is only about salt, which are prepared by natural squash, without adding acetic and citric acids.
  • Low -fat meat products. A baked chicken, a rabbit, or low -fat pork will be an ideal option. A good option is steaks cooked not in a pan, but on a grill or in the oven. In this case, it is necessary to get fat to reduce its amount.
  • It is necessary that the food is protein, but not oily. Therefore, lean on eggs, and low -fat seafood. For example, mussels, shrimp, crayfish or squid rings, river fish is suitable. It contains a lot of protein and a little fat.
  • Stewed or baked vegetables have proven themselves well. For example, zucchini, eggplant or potatoes. It is recommended to bite vodka with acid cabbage and boiled potatoes. Such a tradition in Russia arose not in vain, because in our country everything is known about the use of strong alcoholic beverages. 
  • An excellent addition to the festive table will be the first dishes. Of course, these are very unconventional dishes for celebrations, but as practice shows, it is it that is best to eat strong alcohol.
  • An ideal snack will be borsch, ear, hodgepodge. They contain many nutrients, and are quickly absorbed in the intestines. It is possible to quickly remove alcohol from the body.
  • Caution should be treated with mushrooms. Especially if they are forest ones, such as pigs or sweets. These mushrooms react with alcohol, can form toxic substances, and aggravate the state of a hangover. If there are forest mushrooms on the table, then it is better not to take strong alcohol. Or replace them with champignons and oyster mushrooms.  
  • Salo - The traditional Ukrainian snack, which is respected in Russia, the Czech Republic and other countries of the post -Soviet space. This is a magnificent snack that helps to remove alcohol from the body. Bucking with fat, the next day you can not worry about a hangover. It is best to use a product that does not contain meat strata, that is, white. You can cook in various ways, flavoring spices and garlic. Try not to overdo it, as a too sharp product can damage the intestinal walls, and aggravate the condition of a hangover.  

Why can't you eat vodka?

It is necessary to completely abandon too sweet dishes.

Than you can’t bite vodka:

  • Products such as ice cream, cake, cakes and chocolate are the worst snack options for vodka. The body will primarily process sweet desserts, and only then will begin vodka.
  • Drilling will last much longer, and with one hundred percent probability the next day you will find a terrible hangover. Do not use too sweet fruits for the appetizer. Among them, it is worth highlighting grapes, melons and watermelon.
  • Despite the pleasant taste and lightness, these products contain a large amount of fiber, which can cause fermentation in the stomach. Alcohol remains longer in the body, so the likelihood of a hangover, poor health, nausea increases. 

How to drink vodka correctly, and how to bite?

Of no small importance is what portions and when drinking alcohol. Experienced tasters and sommelier recommend holding several glasses in the freezer. They are necessary in the event of unexpected guests.

How to drink vodka correctly, and how to bite:

  • As indicated above, alcohol should be cooled to +8 degrees. But at the same time, the glasses in which it spills should also be cold. No need to lay out alcohol in the freezer, because some types of vodka contain additional components, for example, infusions of herbs. They freeze, as a result of which small crystals are found in alcohol.
  • This negatively affects the quality of vodka, as well as the state of health. If your plans have a long evening with a lot of alcohol, you should not put desserts, cakes and drink into a plate with soda.
  • If you want to get drunk quickly, then the best option is to eat chocolate, drink soda and then take alcohol. If you want to not get drunk for a long time, put several vegetable snacks on a plate, such as salted mushrooms, acidic cabbage, boiled, baked meat or fish.
  • Try not to lay out on the festive table too sharp dishes with a high content of spicy herbs, acute pepper, as well as mustard. 

How to drink vodka with beer?

There is a proverb “vodka without beer - money down.” That is why a drink called a ruff arose. It is not recommended to mix vodka and beer, because the malt drink contains carbon dioxide, that is, bubbles that accelerate the absorption of alcohol.

How to drink vodka with beer:

  • If you take vodka and beer at the same time, then you will get drunk very quickly. But in our country sometimes the main goal of taking alcohol is rapid intoxication. In such cases, they take vodka along with beer. 
  • In the classic recipe for the preparation of a ruff, it is necessary to mix vodka with beer in the same proportions. It is recommended to drink through a straw, in small sips. It is this option that contributes to the rapid intoxication.
  • In the article on our website you can find many interesting cocktails with beer and vodka. If you want to hold on a tin soldier, do not get drunk for a long time, avoid mixing any kind of alcohol in every possible way.
  • You can not mix vodka with champagne, wine or other weakly alcoholic beverages. It is worth avoiding drinks that contain carbon dioxide, bubbles. As indicated above, bubbles stimulate the rapid absorption of alcohol, so intoxication occurs much faster. 

Why can't you eat alcohol with a watermelon?

Now the season of fruits, there are many watermelons, melons, as well as pears on the shelves. Is it possible to use these crops to bite vodka?

Why is it impossible to bite alcohol with a watermelon:

  • As indicated above, fruits and fruits contain a large amount of fructose, sucrose and glucose. When using a large number of these products, water enters the stomach with dissolved sugar. That is, a solution of glucose.
  • It is his body that digests first of all, because for the vital activity of tissues, organs, glucose is necessary, therefore, in the stomach it is digested much faster than alcohol.
  • Driving after taking each new glass is only intensified due to the fact that glucose is processed and excreted, and alcohol accumulates in the stomach. There is a high probability of a hangover in the morning, and the strongest intoxication, which can cause a deterioration in health, impaired liver and pancreas. 
Watermelon with vodka
Watermelon with vodka

How to bite vodka without harm?

Respect your body, and in no case bite strong alcohol with foods that contain a large amount of sugar and glucose. In the future, this can significantly affect the state of health, increasing the risk of a hangover the next day. This promises alcohol intoxication, severe poisoning. The best products, for the appetizer of vodka, are sauer, baked vegetables, low -fat vegetablesmeat, steamed pair or in the oven. 

Than to bite vodka without harm:

  • On many holiday tables you can find various potato dishes. Most often, it is prepared in the form of mashed potatoes, or fried. However, it is not any dish of potatoes that it is recommended to bite vodka. Potatoes contain a large amount of starch, which is an excellent absorber.
  • It works like an enterosgel or activated carbon. Due to which alcohol is removed from the body faster. On the surface of fried potatoes there is a dense crust, and a layer of fat. To get to starch, the stomach must be removed the fat film, which is spent a lot of time.
  • Therefore, the consumption of a large amount of fried potatoes and alcohol can cause the indigestion of the stomach, and serious problems that are associated with disorders in the liver, pancreas. Dishes made of baked potatoes and mashed potatoes are ideal for appetizing vodka. Potatoes with lard, fried pieces, or potatoes in a silian potato is not suitable for an appetizer of vodka. 

Many interesting articles about alcohol can be found on our website:

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You can not bite vodka with bread, rolls, and any pastries. It contains simple carbohydrates that are quickly processed in the body and turn into glucose. Therefore, when using the next glass, intoxication will occur much faster. This is due to the fact that alcohol is digested last after glucose is split, that is, bakery products. 

Video: How to bite vodka?


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