How to like the guy - proven tips

How to like the guy - proven tips

In our article you will find advice on how to please the guy, and to find female happiness.

Not all people around us have natural charisma, which helps them attract the attention of the right people. Some personalities are generally lost when meeting with a stranger, and begin to behave, to put it mildly, unnaturally. Such behavior often leads to the fact that people are not quite correct about people, and especially this state of affairs affects the relationship between the sexes. Sometimes the object of adoration does not want to make contact, as he does not like the behavior of his interlocutor. So that you do not get into an awkward position, we have selected for you tips that will definitely help you like the guy.

How to like the guy - proven tips

How to like the guy - proven tips
How to like the guy - proven tips

How to like the guy - proven tips:

  • Try to demonstrate your confidence - Do not all the time lower your eyes to the floor, correct the bangs and pretend that you really liked the pattern on the wall. If you behave in this way, you will show a person your uncertainty. Of course, there are guys who like shy and shy girls, but such units. Therefore, if you really liked the guy - throw all your shyness and look directly into his eyes. Do not look away, even when he looks directly at you. To demonstrate your interest, you can smile sweetly, but do it carefully so that your chosen one does not take you for an accessible lady.
  • The perfect appearance is your main trump card. Probably, it is not worth saying that men initially pay attention to the image, and only after a closer acquaintance they get acquainted with the inner world of their chosen one. Therefore, remember one important rule - wherever you go, always try to look perfect. Of course, this does not mean that you should change your wardrobe and look like the English queen. Just try to ensure that your outfits are always picked up with taste, and sit perfectly on you. And no sewn and crumpled clothes - everything that is dressed on you should be perfect in visual terms. Also thoroughly treat hygiene and makeup. Your hair should be washed and perfectly laid every day. As for makeup, it should be selected taking into account the situation. Daytime, everyday - light, preferably in nude shades. And for the evening you can add a little bright colors and shine.
  • Try to take the first step yourself - This does not mean that you must literally tell about your sympathy yourself. It is not necessary to do this in this way, because assertiveness can, on the contrary, push away. But still, you need to attract the attention of your object of adoration, you just need to do it right. Act taking into account the situation-you can pretend that you confused him with someone else and come up to say hello, if you are already familiar-ask for help in some trifling business, well, or just smile sweetly passing by.

How to please the guy and fall in love with him?

How to please the guy and fall in love with him?
How to please the guy and fall in love with him?

How to please the guy and fall in love with him:

  • Show the chosen one your sense of humor - This quality of your nature with proper use will help make the guy the right opinion. Of course, it is not necessary to laugh like a small child over each sounding joke - this definitely will not help you appear in the right light. But you can always smile sweetly if you really liked the joke. If you will always be as serious as possible in the company of friends, and you will not be with them on the same wave, then this is unlikely to attract a guy to you. Yes, and do not forget to periodically joke yourself, you can always memorize several universal jokes, and then use them when there will be a suitable moment.
  • The object of adoration should clearly understand that you are free - Not a lot of guys decide to take the first step, not knowing if the girl’s heart is busy. Therefore, you must do everything so that the guy finds out that you are completely open to the relationship. If you have common friends, you can ask one of them to start a conversation with the guy about you, and by chance tell you that you are alone. You can also on the pages of social networks in which you are registered, put the status - "Free", "I am in search of a couple". A little childish way, but it can work. If you are often in one company, you can start a conversation that you are tired of loneliness, and would like to rather find your soul mate. Talk louder so that the guy can hear your conversation with girlfriends and draw the appropriate conclusions.
  • Try to meet a guy better - You can always pretend that you want to be friends, so you will be able to learn more about the character of a person, and also show yourself from the best side. Of course, this does not mean that you should immediately invite him to take a walk together, but the first step can always be taken. Always behave as natural as possible, be careful and polite, and in no case violently react to the offer to go together to a cup of coffee or to the park. Try to keep your emotions under control so as not to frighten off the guy. Do everything to like him - be sweet, fun, friendly, caring, and believe me, he will surely fall in love with you.

How to please the ex -boyfriend?

How to please the ex -boyfriend
How to please the ex -boyfriend

How to please the ex -boyfriend:

  • Show him that you have changed - The ex -guy must clearly understand that you have worked very well on your character, and you will no longer allow yourself that he did not like it so much. If earlier you were capricious all the time, and did not want, for example, to cook food at home, then surprise it - invite you to visit and prepare a delicious dinner yourself. Surround him with care and attention, he must know that you have turned into an ideal woman. When meeting with him, always smile politely, do not forget to welcome with joy in your eyes. You must show with all your appearance that you do not have enough person. But do not overdo it, you can act in this way only if a person sends you positive signals.
  • Try to talk about the past - Many couples want to forget their past relationships and everything that was connected with them. But if you think well, then they were not only bad, but good, and we must talk about such moments. You can always recall the moment of acquaintance, especially if it was fun and original. Remember the first dates, and the feelings that they gave. Talk about your endless walks under the moon, and about the spiritual warmth that you gave to each other. Such pleasant memories can push you to try to build a joint relationship again.
  • Show the former what you still think about him - This method is suitable for those girls who, even after parting, were able to maintain human relations with the former. Surely you have some things of the ex-boyfriend left at home. They can be used. If you often intersect in a certain place, then feel free to wear, for example, a shirt, a guy’s T -shirt, and go about your business. So he will definitely understand that your feelings did not disappear completely, otherwise you would definitely not have kept his things. You can try to publish joint photos in social networks, in which you are very happy, and be sure to sign them correctly: "Happy Mometers of my life", "I want to go back to a fairy tale."

How to please a stranger?

How to please a stranger?
How to please a stranger?

How to please a stranger:

  • Try to make a conversation -Yes, and you can speak with an unfamiliar guy, he must somehow find out about your existence. But remember, your first conversation should not be very long, and as relaxed as possible. The guy should have the opinion that this is an accidental meeting. So, you can always ask the stranger to call your friend or mother. Say that your device is discharged, and the call is important, and you cannot postpone it. And if you manage to win the attention of the representative of the stronger sex, then he will have a phone number by which he can find you. After the call, be sure to talk a few minutes with the guy - about the weather, about work, hobbies. Behave yourself as cute and polite as possible.
  • Surprise the stranger with a compliment - Such advice may seem a little strange to you, but believe me, so you will definitely be able to attract the attention of a beautiful stranger. Of course, you should not shower it with compliments, but you can say a couple. Moreover, guys love compliments, as well as girls. Initially, do not forget to greet the guy, and tell him a few non -binding phrases. And when the conversation is started, you can proceed to compliments. You can focus on a beautiful hairstyle, a fashionable shirt, or attracting the attention of accessories. So that the stranger does not think badly about you, you can always say that you have a relative of his age who has taste problems, and you would like to buy him such fashionable things to increase his self -esteem.
  • Don't be too chatty - This advice is extremely important to adhere to those fair sex, who love to talk very much. Bollying women most often scare away men, so if you decide to attract the attention of a stranger, try to keep quiet more. Let the man say more, you calmly answer his questions. And in no case do not interrupt him, always listen to his questions until the very end, even if you have become clear to you at a glance that he wants to ask. You must be as polite and courtesy as possible.

How to please a popular guy quickly?

How to please a popular guy quickly?
How to please a popular guy quickly?

How to like a popular guy quickly:

  • Be a mystery to him - Try to surprise the guy with your behavior. With all your appearance, show him your location, willingly make contact, pay a lot of your attention. And when the guy already thinks that you are his next prize, disappear for a while. Do not show activity in social networks, do not answer phone calls, do not go to the places where you can meet it. Believe me, it will puzzle him very much, and he will begin to think more about you. After waiting for a certain time, you will reappear in his life, and be fun and favorable to his attention, happy to devote time to him. You can repeat such a trick several times, and then the stranger will definitely be interested in you.
  • Do not be very intrusive - Be sure to adhere to this advice if you want to take possession of the attention of a popular guy. Probably, each of us is familiar with a feeling when there is a lot of a person, it fills the whole space around him so much that he wants to distance himself immediately. It also happens with very obsessive representatives of the fair sex, who seek to attract the attention of the object of their adoration with all their might, try to linger near the man as long as possible. This behavior, of course, attracts attention, but instead of the desire to get to know closer, it just repels. Therefore, it is very important to know the measure - to stop the conversation in time and step aside. If this is not done, the man will begin to avoid you.
  • Do not try to seem better than others - Any woman wants to feel special, and this is normal, most importantly, not trying to show herself from the best side at the expense of others. It will not look very good, and you will definitely not like your chosen one heart. Therefore, in no case do not allow yourself to say that you are better than another woman in something, even if this is true. Your advantages will be visible over time, but what you humiliated with your own words or the actions of another person, the guy will definitely remember. Moreover, he may have a fear that in a similar way, under certain circumstances, you can lead yourself with him. And it will definitely scare him off.

How to please a guy in a strange company?

How to please a guy in a strange company?
How to please a guy in a strange company?

IMPORTANT: Initially, be sure to make sure that the guy is alone, and only after that begin to act.

How to please the guy in someone else's company:

  • Be sure to get acquainted with his friends - If it turned out that you got into an insignificant company, and there you saw a guy of your dreams, then initially try to establish relations with his close friends. Be sure to take a closer look with whom he spends the most time, and when there will be the right moment, make an acquaintance. So you will kill two birds with one stone. Show the guy your sociability, and accurately gain his location, because you were able to find a common language with those people who are close to him in spirit, and the second bonus - you can unobtrusively learn everything about the guy’s life from the most reliable source. This information will help you behave correctly in the future in order to position the guy to yourself.
  • Flirt, but do not bend the stick “The guy should know that you liked him, and you can easily demonstrate it to him.” Lying in it, and in no case do not take him away, even if he looks directly into your eyes. Always smile slightly when looking in his direction. If you have the courage, you can invite him to dance. But during the dance, in no case do not lean on it, keep a small distance - you should have a mystery. All that you can lightly stroke his shoulder or hand - it will be a verbal signal of your sympathy.
  • Try to invite him somewhere - If you understand that after this meeting your paths with a guy is unlikely to cross again, then do not lose time and act - be sure to make contact with him, but do it rather as a friend, not a potential girl. Tell him that you liked him as a person and you would like to continue your acquaintance. If your words have caused positive to the guy, feel free to invite him to a cafe for a cup of coffee, for a walk to the park, you can go to the museum together. Such meetings will help you better know each other, and in the future you can become a couple.

How to please the guy by correspondence?

How to please the guy by correspondence?
How to please the guy by correspondence?

How to like the guy by correspondence:

  • Choose the right themes for communication - It is very important to consider this nuance, corresponding with a guy. For example, if you start discussing fashion trends with him, the quality of cosmetics, or you will generally gossip about your friends, then he will hardly like it. It will be better if you work hard and study sports, historical topics, and you will discuss more male topics in correspondence. So you can show him that they are comprehensively developed, and are not focused exclusively on female things.
  • Write not very big messages - Some women make one mistake, corresponding with a guy, they answer his laconic questions with expanded answers. Firstly, you will print them for a very long time, and the guy may just get tired of waiting for you. Secondly, you show your interlocutor that you like detailed answers to questions, and if you transfer it to reality, then the guy may not arrange it, because it may happen that he will not be ready to answer your questions in this way. Therefore, even in correspondence, adhere to restraint. Answering the guy’s question in correspondence, limit yourself to two or three sentences.
  • Do not forget about literacy - Many modern ladies do not particularly follow the mistakes in the text, sending a message on the network. And this is very bad. Imagine someone wrote a letter to you with a bunch of errors. What will you think by reading it? Of course, that he was written by an illiterate and uneducated person. And if you send such a message to the guy, then he will have such an opinion about you, and this will definitely not bring you closer. Therefore, before sending him a message, be sure to check him for errors.
  • Do not spend too much time on correspondence with a guy - It is important to know the measure in everything, and communicating on the network too. It is clear that you want to communicate with the object of your adoration as long as possible, and this is quite normal. But in this way you will show him that he has already won you, and he should not strain you. It will be better if you simply show him your interest, not obsession. Stay for him both close and distant, and spend on correspondence no more than half an hour per day. So he will have an incentive to meet you in real life.

How to please the guy at school?

How to please the guy at school?
How to please the guy at school?

How to please the guy at school:

  • Follow your appearance - At school, you can also look beautiful, the main thing is to want it strongly. If you have a free form of clothing, then everything is simple - discreet trousers and fashionable hoodies will surely make you more noticeable against the background of other classmates. Be sure to follow the cleanliness of your hair, and be sure to make yourself beautiful hairstyles. If the school has a strict dress code-try to make your image more attractive, using jewelry-hours, brooches, earrings, hair clips. As for makeup, it should be minimal - lip gloss and slightly tinted eyelashes. You should always look as natural as possible.
  • Try to get closer to the guy - In this case, everything is very simple. If the guy has any problems with certain objects, offer him his help, and devote the maximum of his time to this process. The guy must understand that you are ready to spend your time on him, and do it with joy. If you have problems with your studies, then ask the guy to help you yourself, and, as gratitude, do not forget to do small surprises for him.
  • Leave a secret message for him - The Council for those girls who are sure that their feelings are mutual. Write the letter, draw it beautifully and put it in the briefcase of the guy. Keep in mind that you should not admit love in the letter, just invite him to the cinema, pizzeria, or just for a walk in the park. If you are interesting to a guy, he will definitely come to a meeting with you.

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