The beloved made an offer, but is it worth it to get married? When should not be married?

The beloved made an offer, but is it worth it to get married? When should not be married?

A wedding is a serious matter, but is it worth it to get married and when this is not necessary? Our article will answer these questions.

Marriage is one of the most important events for a woman. But sometimes the reasons that make us go down the aisle are completely ridiculous and wrong. If you decide to create a family, then do not rush to run to the registry office. First, think about the reasons for why you decided on it. If you do not choose a life partner incorrectly, then you risk remaining disappointed. Let's analyze the main reasons why you should not get married.

Why not get married: reasons

1. His social status is important to you

Therefore, do not marry
Therefore, do not marry

If the man took place social terms, then he has weight in society. In other words, many women are attracted to popular men. They are in demand, they all know them and they are real leaders. It is not even necessary that a man is rich or smart, he may just have good charisma and he is charming.

In this case, the choice is made not even for love, but simply because since everyone needs a man, then you need it. But is it worth it to succumb to the opinion of others? After all, it is important not how a person presents himself in public, but how he relates to you.

2. Beautiful appearance

Starting from an early age, girls pay more attention not to which person in general, but to his beautiful face and figure. Yes, undoubtedly, instincts are to blame for something here. Our brain is arranged interestingly and when you look at the face, it already tries on the image of the father of the family. If the man is tall, strong and attractive, then the instinct of the female wakes up and the team is served in the brain that he will be an excellent head of the family.

We do not perceive all these processes in any way, but they are manifested by a strong attraction and love. But children - that's all you need? But what about harmony, feelings, relationships? Making only in appearance is very stupid, because you will have to live next to this person.

3. Parents persuade you

Yes, it used to be accepted that the groom and the bride were chosen by parents. They agreed among themselves and related families with the marriage of children. This was required to improve the situation in society, financial situation, and so on. Feelings here played not the most significant role at all, as they say - hesitate, fall in love. Of course, such marriages were not the happiest, but people did not disperse, because this was also not accepted.

In the modern world, such a tradition is already outdated, but only some parents still impose their will. Well, if the option suits you, but if not? Let him be good, but if you don't love him, why do you need this? Life with the unloved will clearly be unhappy, so why spoil it to yourself and another person?

4. Public opinion affects you

Public opinion
Public opinion

When all girlfriends are married and they already have children, or maybe not yet, I want to try myself in the role of a wife. Moreover, all as one claim that she is very good. This creates a certain public opinion and the more you think about it, the faster you will want to start a family. But this idea will not bring to good, because often the girls are ready to marry the first person he meet.

5. To forget the old relationship

When you have to experience the next gap or an failed marriage, as a revenge or for other reasons, a woman turns her attention to who was waiting for her condescension. In fact, the former will not become bad from this, but the creation of even a stable family will not be good. After all, there will be no happiness here. In this case, both spouses will experience torment. The wife will constantly have little passion, feelings and other sensations, and the man will realize that he is not loved and this will affect the intercourse.

6. High -quality sex

Have you met a hot man in every way who fully satisfies you? If your meetings are held in such a way that you spend days in bed, but do not talk and have no common things, then why do you need such a marriage?

Psychologists argue that harmony should be equal in both relationships and in bed. Moreover, the relationship should be in the first place. Yes, undoubtedly, sex can be simply satisfying needs, and not manifestations of love. Sex and love, the concepts, although compatible, but not the same. Passion gradually passes and when this moment comes, it turns out that there is nothing to talk about with the chosen one, and indeed you are different people.

7. Get rid of the oppression of parents

It is very dangerous when girls try to leave strict parents and therefore get married. Perhaps this has been oppressing for more than one year, but only an inattentive choice of a partner can turn into big problems. You can run into a tyrant, which will force you to do everything according to its pointer, bore, bringing everyone to its pedantry and moralizing, or a swindler capable of dragging into big debts.

Often women are decided even for marriage with someone who is not at all interesting to get out of the house. If the spouse has separate housing, then the family is created even faster. Yes, it is undoubtedly that you can leave your parents, but for this you need to become an independent person and learn to bear responsibility.

8. You are afraid to stay alone


Loneliness today is considered inappropriate, and if a woman does not have at least a civilian, then to avoid the stigma of a loner, she agrees to marry him. It is not a fact that a person will be good.

In such a family, you will have to constantly endure and persuade yourself that everything will be fine and that there is no other way out, because if you leave, you will be left alone, and at your age it is already a little indecent. In fact, conscious loneliness is not bad. You can make a decision yourself and do not depend on anyone, and getting married will always have time.

9. I regretted it

Often compassion leads to marriage. You can find a lot of reasons for pity for a man. Maybe he is alone, sick, did not take place in life and so on? And so you create a family with such a person so as not to hurt him, and it is a pity to refuse. And what in the end? His situation suits him completely and nothing changes after marriage. Often, behind the mask of such poor and pretty, an egoist is hidden, who likes care and he is not used to giving anything in return.

10. Fortune telling and predictions

Today, more and more people are turning to mysticism, tired of solving something and chasing technological progress. It is very nice to think that the groom sent you the highest forces and he is your fate. Therefore, girls often go fortunetellers and ask them to tell them on the narrowed one. But in fact, this is nothing more than just entertainment. Choosing a life partner, relying on predictions or a successful arrangement of planets is very frivolous.

As you can see, the reasons when you should not get married is more than enough. So think well whether you really get married from great love.

Video: 10 reasons do not marry

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