How to help yourself get pregnant: observations of the body, advice, forecasting ovulation, calculations

How to help yourself get pregnant: observations of the body, advice, forecasting ovulation, calculations

This article has many tips that will be valuable for every girl who is looking for an answer to the question: "How to help yourself get pregnant."

While many women experience difficulties with pregnancy protection, there is another group of women who have great difficulties with the conception of children. As you know, there are only six days in a monthly cycle during which a woman can become pregnant, and there are many factors that affect the fertility and process of conception. So, let's talk about what needs to be done in order to increase the likelihood of pregnancy. These are real tips that act. So, how to help yourself get pregnant? Read further.

When planning pregnancy, refuse contraceptive tablets: a advice that helps get pregnant

When planning pregnancy, refuse contraceptives
When planning pregnancy, refuse contraceptives

You can say that this is trite. But believe me, there are many women who dream of a child and drink the Coki that the doctor prescribed to them, for example, for the treatment of gynecological diseases. If you decide to conceive a child, then inform your gynecologist about it. He must cancel oral contraceptives.

  • So, as it does not sound standard, when planning pregnancy, you need to abandon any contraceptive tablets used earlier.


  • Some of these drugs have a large period of action.
  • Therefore, the female body must be given for some time in order to restore the ability to fertilize.
  • For example, the use of a contraceptive drug Depot Provers (Depo-provera), as a rule, does not allow a woman to become pregnant up to 9-10 months from the moment of the last injection.

This advice, which really helps to get pregnant, although it seems the most banal.

Healthy lifestyle: help any girl

A healthy lifestyle will help get pregnant
A healthy lifestyle will help get pregnant

It is very important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle:

  • Maintain optimal weight for your growth
  • Play sports regularly
  • Eat healthy and rich foods
  • Do not let stress get out of control

Diseases and stress can shift ovulation, which will make it difficult to determine the days you need. Remember this, girls, if you want to get pregnant. If you set up an emotional background, you will notice how your mood, attitude to life improved. Accordingly, female health will return to normal, ovulation will be held on the right days, and pregnancy will come faster.

Proper nutrition of both partners is important when planning: folic acid will help get pregnant

Proper nutrition of both partners - it is important when planning pregnancy
Proper nutrition of both partners - it is important when planning pregnancy

Both partners should eat a well -balanced menu in which products with a high content of antioxidants must be present:

  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Vitamins

Many couples during this period begin to lean on fish, refusing meat and other products. It is not right.

An important advice when planning pregnancy: At this time, you need to limit yourself to the use of seafood, since they lead to an increase in the blood level of mercury, which negatively affects fertility. Also, the use of pesticides can also lead to difficulties with conception.

It is very important in this period to take a sufficient amount of folic acid. The most natural way to replenish the reserves of this substance is healthy food, and the use of products containing vitamin B9. You can take folic acid preparations. But before that, you should consult a doctor, since there are contraindications.

Visit a gynecologist: the advice of a doctor who will help get pregnant

When planning pregnancy, visit a gynecologist
When planning pregnancy, visit a gynecologist

Now many modern couples visit the gynecologist, contacting specialized pregnancy planning centers. Here are the advice of a doctor who will help get pregnant:

  • Visit the doctor until the desired conception.
  • The doctor will help determine the necessary changes in your lifestyle.
  • Perhaps you or your partner take some drugs that reduce the likelihood of pregnancy or can damage the future fruit. The doctor must cancel them.
  • Also, before conception, you need to go through the necessary vaccination.
  • The doctor will prescribe a medical examination, in the list of which there is a dentist. It will help cure all problem teeth in the oral cavity. It often happens that bacteria that multiply in caries or periodontal teeth spread throughout the body, causing gynecological problems.

When you follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist, correct your health, you can get pregnant faster. Do not forget about the first visit upon the onset of pregnancy. It is necessary to register in the antenatal clinic as early as possible.

Quit smoking: bad habits interfere with pregnant

Quit smoking: bad habits interfere with pregnant
Quit smoking: bad habits interfere with pregnant

Surely you did not know that tobacco affects the cervical mucosa in such a way that it could prevent fertilization. In addition, smoking reduces the amount of sperm and healthy sperm.

But even if you are not interested in such a habit, and your husband smokes is also a problem. Passive smoking of tobacco smoke with inhaled air can be as dangerous as active. The fact that bad habits interfere with pregnant, many people do not even think.

Farm: advice for those who want to help themselves get pregnant

Farm: advice for those who want to help themselves get pregnant
Farm: advice for those who want to help themselves get pregnant

Lack of sleep leads to a decrease in the level of the leptin hormone, which can violate your ovulation. Refuse caffeine (or at least reduce its use).

Interesting: A recent study showed that the use more than 200 mg Caffeine per day is about two cups of coffee, but it can come from other products such as tea, during the first trimester of pregnancy, can significantly increase the likelihood of miscarriage.

Here are the advice for those who want to help themselves get pregnant:

  • Get out
  • Drink herbal or berry teas
  • Walk a lot in the fresh air

Remember that in green tea there are also derivatives of caffeine, the number of which is more than in coffee. Try to use everything natural and natural.

Important: Sexual life should be taking into account the alleged ovulation. You need to sleep with a man at least once a day a few days before and then during ovulation. Also, sexual life should be 2-3 times per week, when ovulation is not predicted.

Forecasting ovulation: Calculations will help get pregnant

Forecasting ovulation: Calculations will help get pregnant
Forecasting ovulation: Calculations will help get pregnant

Write down the start date and duration of menstruation every month. Now there are many applications that are very convenient to use, for example, "Women's calendar" - link for downloading for android. Here link to download such an application For iPhone.

Naturally, the calculations that will help to predict ovulation can be done independently:

  • If menstruation begins every time through 28 days, then we can assume that ovulation will be through 14 days After the first day of menstruation.
  • If the menstrual cycle is more than 28 daysbut the frequency is withstanding, then you need to subtract 18 From the average number of days in the cycles.
  • For example, if menstruation begins through 35 days, the difference is 17. It can be expected that with this cycle, on this day, ovulation will begin.

It is worth knowing: If the cycles are short, irregular or unpredictable, this method will not work.

In this case, you can help determine ovulation at the basal temperature of your body. Here are the calculations that will help to get pregnant:

  • The temperature is measured in the morning at rest, without getting out of bed with a mercury thermometer every day.
  • Based on the measurements, a graph is built, with dates on the horizontal axis and basal temperature on vertical.
  • Temperature change is usually 0.4-0.6 degrees Celsius.
  • Fertility is the highest in 2-3 days before your basal temperature is released at maximum values.

Thus, if you observe about the same schedule for several months, then next month you can predict the approximate start of your ovulation.

Observations of your body when planning pregnancy

Observations of your body when planning pregnancy
Observations of your body when planning pregnancy

Observe changes in cervical mucus per day. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, it will be sticky and dense. When ovulation is close, it will become more slippery and plentiful, reminiscent of raw egg white. Thus, it helps sperm to reach the egg. To check the cervical mucosa, do the following:

  • Wash your hands
  • Spread your fingers along the inner walls of the vagina
  • Determine the color and consistency of mucus
  • Write down this data

Such observations of their body will help in planning pregnancy. Besides:

  • Checking the cervical mucosa can clarify the forecasting of ovulation with other methods.
  • 22 out of 100 womenPracticing this method for one year can become pregnant.
  • But this method will be ineffective for women who are released very little mucus, or who use hygienic products for the vagina.

Remember: Determination of ovulation by mucus immediately after a shower, bath, swimming in the pool, or sexual intercourse will distort the accuracy of the results.

Modern urine tests for ovulation: Help, if you can’t get pregnant

Modern urine tests for ovulation: Help, if you can’t get pregnant
Modern urine tests for ovulation: Help, if you can’t get pregnant

This method is based on determining the concentration of luteinizing hormone. You can purchase test strips to conduct it in a pharmacy-these are modern tests for urine for ovulation.

Advice: Make measurements in accordance with the instructions that go with the test in the kit.

This method can be expensive. But you can use it in addition to the previous ones. This is real help, if you can’t get pregnant.

Tips that will help a couple get pregnant

The couple wants to get pregnant
The couple wants to get pregnant

If the couple wants to get pregnant, then both partners should work on this. Here are the tips that will help the couple get pregnant:

If your previous child was conceived quickly:

  • This does not mean that any subsequent conceptions will also be easy.
  • With age in women, the probability of conception is reduced.

Vaginal sprays and fragrant tampons can lead to the imbalance of the vaginal reaction:

  • This negatively affects the ability to conception.

Artificial lubricants, vegetable oils and glycerin can lead to the death of sperm:

  • During the period of pregnancy planning, abandon such funds.

Douching changes the normal acidity of the vagina:

  • Such a process can wash off cervical mucus, which is necessary to help in the advance of sperm to the egg.

It is advisable for men to abandon cowards like swimming trunks:

  • Also, you do not need to take a hot bath, jacuzzi, visit saunas and baths.
  • All this can reduce the quality of seed fluid and the amount of mobile sperm.

Use auxiliary reproductive technologies if it is not possible to get pregnant in a natural way:

  • Sometimes nature asks for our help.
  • These technologies are widely used all over the world and are surgical extraction of eggs from a woman's ovaries.
  • Fertilization of their sperm in the laboratory is performed, and the return to the body of a woman for bearing a child.

Do not refrain from sexual intercourse due to concern about the "exhaustion" of sperm:

  • Although the total number of spermatozoa can decrease with an increase in the frequency of sexual intercourse, the chance to get pregnant is still higher if the couple lives sexual life more often.

Pose during intercourse:

  • Although this was not scientifically proven, it is believed that the poses in which sperm is released near the cervix allow more easily to achieve pregnancy.
  • For example, a “missionary pose” with a pillow under a woman’s hips increases the likelihood of getting pregnant.
  • If a woman after intercourse does not get out of bed for about half an hour, this can also increase the chances of spermatozoa to get to the egg.

Timely treat diseases:

Attempts to become pregnant using forecasting the alleged ovulation can cause stress and a decrease in physical and emotional proximity between you and your partner. Many couples prefer to leave sexual intercourse carefree and joyful.

Important: If partners up to 30 years, And during the year they cannot achieve pregnancy, then in this case you need to consult a doctor.

Change your life for the better: play sports, eat correctly, remove stress and intra -family conflicts from your life. Live on a positive and do not focus on future pregnancy, and then everything will be fine. So psychologists advise. Good luck!

Video: How to get pregnant quickly? 15 effective tips

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Comments K. article

  1. Actually a question in the topic .. How to help yourself get pregnant? It has not turned out for a year and a half, but Lyalka wants to ..

  2. And how old is your husband? For 40? My husband is already an age dad and he had to go to the doctor, take tests, then he also took Actire Andro, this complex contains the necessary components to improve sperm quality. I really became pregnant after his treatment and change in lifestyle in two months!

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