How to lose weight with an orange diet: a menu for a week, recipes, reviews

How to lose weight with an orange diet: a menu for a week, recipes, reviews
Orange diet is the most delicious type of diet for weight loss. The menu and recipes are described in the article.
The beautiful half of humanity dreams of finding a miraculous, tasty, pleasant and simple way to get rid of extra pounds and cellulite on the hips and buttocks. It was evolutionarily that nature endowed the female body with the properties of constant accumulation of subcutaneous fat. In such images, the body provides itself with nutrients in order to protect a woman during pregnancy and provide the right amount of energy in case of hunger.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Ordering of the body". You will find out what the essence is, what is dangerous and useful, whether diets are needed.

Modern girls are not particularly impressive such a protective function of the body as accumulation of fat. Everyone wants to have an attractive and elastic body, without spending great efforts to achieve the result. Recently, an orange diet has been popular. What it is? Why does a person lose this type of nutrition? In this article you will find answers to these and other questions. Read further.

Orange diet for weight loss: Orange path to perfection

Orange diet for weight loss
Orange diet for weight loss

The male half of the population also has a repository for fat, as a rule, it is a stomach. Extra pounds are deposited precisely in the abdominal cavity. This is due to the fact that, thus, it is much more convenient to get food, and fat on the legs and buttocks would only prevent this process. Here is the answer to the question why the human body is always ready to rapidly turn the deprivation of calorie into subcutaneous fat. In addition, the food industry contributes to humanity to accumulate as much fat as possible.

The question arises, how to stop the set process and bring your body in full order, without using strict ways to lose weight and at the same time get a quick result?

  • The orange diet for weight loss is an orange path to perfection.

This type of nutrition is a simple and proven way to get rid of fat and cellulite, unless of course, use active physical activity in the complex. You do not have to delve into the wisdom of dietetics and study your body and food that can be consumed. All you need to do is clearly follow the rules below and look after new clothes that you refused to wear, hiding the shortcomings of your appearance.

Read on our website an interesting article on the topic: "Why don't diets work?". You will learn how to lose weight forever: the most frequent errors, the “plateau” effect.

Useful properties of orange

Orange is a unique fruit that provides the body not only with all the necessary useful substances and vitamins, but also providing energy.

  • From one fruit, it will be enough to ensure the normal life of the body for the whole day.
  • The use of the sun product does not cause an insulin surge and does not transport the received calories to subcutaneous fat.
  • The fruit contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, its main function is the removal of toxins, toxins and free radicals from the human body.
  • Ascorbic acid rejuvenates the skin and has a positive effect on the hair.

That is why the orange diet is included in the top of the best ways to lose weight.

Other beneficial properties of this citrus fruit:

  • One orange contains a daily dose of vitamin C necessary for humans.
  • A glass of freshly squeezed juice is able to charge you with energy for the whole day.
  • Also, this citrus fruit raises immunity and helps to tolerate diseases and allergies perfectly.

The composition of the orange includes the following beneficial substances:

  • Folic acidwhich helps to strengthen and clean blood vessels.
  • Vitamin B12, B6 and D - This group of trace elements is directly involved in the fight against subcutaneous fat.
  • Calcium, iron and magnesium - They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, increase hemoglobin and participate in the growth of tissues and bones.
  • Pectin substances - Normalize the digestive system, prevent the process of decaying food in the intestines.

One orange fruit contains all 50 calories, and in it there are completely no fats and cholesterol. The orange texture consists of dietary fibers, which falls into the stomach, are digested and swell for a long time. This is ideal for a diet because, having consumed several fruits, you completely forget about the feeling of hunger for at least two hours.

It is worth knowing: The orange diet will lead the body into a proper appearance in just a few weeks. Naturally, this applies to those people who do not have a large amount of fat deposits.

The method of applying an orange diet is how to lose weight: recipes

Orange for the diet
Orange for the diet

The whole secret is that every day you need to consume a kilogram of oranges. They will not only restore the intestinal microflora and normalize metabolism, but also enrich the body with vitamins. The main difference between the orange before other fruits, which it helps to reduce fatty tissue. All nutritionists recommend an orange method of losing weight as the most effective and simple for a modern person.

The method of using an orange diet:

  • Before switching to this type of food, it is necessary to completely exclude harmful foods.
  • Refuse to use sweet, fat, semi -finished products and do not overeat at night.
  • Alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited, in other words, completely exclude your favorite food products, and then there will be order.

Of course, an orange diet will be quickly tired, if the fruits are simply cleaned and there are so. There is a risk of breaking. A completely different thing is a delicious presentation. Here are recipes:

Orange for the diet
Orange for the diet
  • Orange with mint. Wash and clean the orange. Cut into slices. Wash the mint leaves and separate them from the stems. Put the fruit slices on the plate and decorate the mint leaves. It turned out beautifully and appetizing.
  • Cinnamon fruits. Clean the washed orange and cut into circles. Sprinkle with a slightly ground cinnamon and serve.
  • Orange roses. Cut the washed fruit with thin circles. To do this, use a special sharp knife. Now fold circles on each other and turn into a tube. Put it in a plate and carefully open it “petals”.
  • Baskets with cloves. Wash the orange, cut in half. Generate the pulp with a spoon, turning it around in a circle near the peel. It turned out the "baskets" from the skin. Garnish them with cloves, blushing the twigs beautifully in your idea. Cut the pulp into cubes and put in the resulting baskets.

Show imagination and create your orange dish. But use only seasonings, since the diet does not provide for the use of any prohibited food in the form of honey, other fruits, etc.

Orange, protein-apelsin, egg-apelsin, kefir-apelsin diet: menu for the week

Orange, protein-apelsin diet
Orange, protein-apelsin diet

Food on an orange diet should occur according to the following rules:

  • Eat only low -fat protein products and complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables that do not contain simple carbohydrates.
  • Eat food in small portions - from 4 to 8 times a day.
  • Between the techniques, drink natural orange juice or eat a kilogram of oranges throughout the day.
  • Do not overeat. Excessive eating can provoke the body to additional accumulation of subcutaneous fat.
  • Arrange a fasting day once a week, using only oranges and a large amount of liquid.

Such nutrition will help completely cleanse the body of toxins and remove excess fluid accumulation in the body.

Important: The main thing is to carefully follow your well -being. The poor condition indicates that you are “too much to the stick”, and you should increase calories and completely leave the diet.

The normal rate of weight loss is considered 1-2 kilograms per week. Try to adhere to this recommendation and not change the calorie content until you see that the body has ceased to get rid of excess weight.

Remember: The fast pace of getting rid of subcutaneous fat can only aggravate the situations and cause a stressful state, moving into which the body will completely refuse to give excess calories and begin to slow down metabolism. This is exactly what happens when people begin to illiterately use various methods of losing weight.

Here is a menu of an orange diet for a week:

Orange diet
Orange diet

On the sixth and seventh day, you can choose dishes from any of the above days. If you understand the principle of nutrition, you can add your dishes in boiled form or steamed.

It is worth noting:

  • You can also lose weight on a protein-apelsin, egg-apelsin or kefir-apelsin diet.
  • Their principle is already laid down in the menu described above.
  • Every day you will eat protein food in the form of fish fillet, boiled beef, other low -fat meat, dairy products.
  • You can eat one week as described above, and use the egg-apelsin diet in the second. Instead of meat and fish, use boiled eggs. It is simple and tasty.
  • The same food principle is laid down in the egg-grapefruit diet-read more here.

The orange diet is contraindicated for people who have personal intolerance to the fruit and who suffers from diseases of the digestive system.

ADVICE: Before you start using this type of weight loss, consult a doctor and a nutritionist to find your individual diet, which is suitable only for you and is safe for your body.

Set yourself for a positive result, show patience and you will definitely succeed. You will find the body of your dreams, and you will surprise all passers -by with your beauty and originality.

Orange diet for 2, 3, 4 weeks - results: reviews

Orange diet
Orange diet
If you are facing the choice of a diet, and do not know what kind of food to give preference to lose extra pounds, then read the reviews below. Women used an orange diet for 2, 3, 4 weeks and describe their results.
Klava, 28 years old
Has always been complete. Two years ago I decided to lose weight. I tried different power plans - there were no results. I broke and the weight returned again. But the girlfriend advised the orange diet. At first I was distrustful, but then I decided to try. I liked it - it is very tasty. I ate protein food and together sweets and desserts - oranges. For 2 weeks I lost 7 kg. I will continue.
  Olga, 25 years old
During this winter, I scored 5 kg. It was urgent to throw off for vacation. I found information about an orange diet on the Internet. But I used the egg-apelsin diet more. I like chicken eggs and I love these citrus fruits. Therefore, such a power system was created directly for me. I also made fasting days on the same fruit. As a result, in a week I dropped 4 kg. This is a stunning result for me that I did not expect.
Tatyana, 30 years old
I didn’t think that you could lose weight so simply and quickly. I tried an orange diet and followed it for a week. Threw off 3 kg. But then I began to bother my stomach. I turned to the doctor. I did not even know that I had gastritis, and the doctor said that such food is now contraindicated for me. I was upset, but I am not lost in spirit. I will be treated and continue to lose weight, but already in another plan of food. And who has no contraindications, I want to say that this is the best and tasty diet of all that I tried.

Video: Orange diet. Options and menu of orange diet

Video: How to lose weight? Orange diet! Diet -10kg

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