How to connect a wireless mouse to a computer: methods, step -by -step instructions

How to connect a wireless mouse to a computer: methods, step -by -step instructions

One of the most important devices, when working with a computer, is a computer mouse. If 20 years ago no one thought that a wireless mouse would appear, now this device has gained immense popularity.

People who do not get along with equipment ask about how to connect a wireless mouse to a computer. If you carefully read the information specified in this article, then there will be no problems.

How to connect a Bluetooth mash to a computer?

About mice
About mice
  • A distinctive feature of such a device is that it is connected using the Bluetooth adapter. Unfortunately, if you do not have an adapter, then you cannot connect the device to the computer. Stationary computers are not equipped with a Bluetooth module. Therefore, first you need to purchase an adapter of blueters, connect it to the computer, and only then proceed to connect the mouse.
  • If you need to connect a wireless mouse to the laptop, then no problems will arise. Such devices are equipped with built -in Bluetooth. Pre -check whether there are drivers for him. If they are absent, then you need to download and install.

The advantages of a wireless mouse with the Bluetooth adapter are a minimum delay and a high response speed. Step -by -step instructions for connecting a wireless mouse:

  1. Go to the Start menu. Click on the “Printers and Devices” tab. If it is not, then go to the "control panel". Select the "Viewing devices and printers" menu. In the window that appears, you will see all the devices that are connected to the computer (printers, keyboard, etc.). Click on the "Add device" button.

  2. Reduce the switch on the mouse to the "VCL" and "Connect.

    Turn on
    Turn on
  3. On the monitor screen you will see a mouse. Click on it with a double click.

    We perform the following
    We perform the following
  4. In the window that appears, click on the “Next” button.
  5. Wait for the system to install the device, and all the necessary drivers to it. When the installation process is over, click on the "Ready" button.

From this moment, you can use a wireless mouse for work or computer games. Now you do not need to install settings every time. The connection will be automatic after turning on the computer.

How to connect a wireless radio frequency mouse to a computer?

Now on the market you can purchase a radio frequency mouse, which is sold complete with a special receiver. It is suitable not only for modern technology, but also for stationary computers of old models.

Step -by -step instructions for connecting a wireless mouse:

  1. Connect the receiver to the computer. This can be done through the port.

    We attach
    We attach
  2. Set the batteries to the mouse, or charge its battery.
  3. Switch the slider on the mouse to the position of "ON". You also need to click on the "Connection" button, which is located on the upper panel of the device. After that, the LED indicator will begin to blink. As soon as the connection is successful, it will light up in green.

  4. After that, you can use the mouse.

How to connect a wireless induction mouse to a computer?

Now it is rarely possible to find a computer mouse that is equipped with induction power. It works with a special tablet made in the form of a rug, which is sold complete with the mouse.

Wireless mouse connection procedure:

  1. Connect the rug to the computer. Use a USB wire for this. It will take time to install drivers.
  2. Place the mouse in the central part of the tablet, and do not touch it. When the inclusion indicator begins to glow, you can proceed to the next stage.

    On the rug
    On the rug
  3. Turn on the Tune button. Get together. The indicator must blink.

    The indicator must light up
    The indicator must light up
  4. When the indicator lights up only in green, you can use a mouse for your own purposes. She will work without interruption.

What to do if the wireless mouse does not connect to the computer?

If you performed all the actions, but the wireless mouse does not connect, follow the following recommendations:

  • Check the batteries. It is possible that they do not work. In this case, a replacement will be required.
  • Reload the receiver or computer.
  • Check the device on another computer. Maybe you have purchased a defective product.

Wireless mice is a fairly common device that significantly facilitates the procedure for using a computer. It is not difficult to connect them if you know the basic rules.

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Video: Mouse connection to a laptop

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