How to prepare a child for blood donation from a vein and a finger?

How to prepare a child for blood donation from a vein and a finger?

A blood test is one of the most important points when examining a child. It is very informative and useful in making diagnoses.

Thanks to the blood test, doctors in the early stages can identify a number of dangerous diseases. In addition, blood donation is a very simple and fast procedure. However, in order for a blood test to help the doctor see the real picture of what is happening in the child’s body, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules.

Is it possible to eat or drink a child before donating blood from a vein, for biochemistry?

  • Anyone should donate blood for analysis only on the hungry stomach, including children
  • The extreme meal should end no less than 8 hours before the test. It is best to get enough of 12 hours. Also it is forbidden to drink tea, carbonated water, compote and juice, even without sugar.
  • It is allowed to drink a little ordinary dining room.
  • It is not easy to adhere to this rule with children.
  • A good way out of this situation is to take a small snack with you to the hospital. Immediately after blood donation, you can feed the child.
  • If the blood from the finger must be passed the baby, the last feeding should occur at least 2 hours before the analysis.

What can not before donate blood to a child?

  • Immediately before the fence of the blood sample, the child should not experience strong physical activity.
  • In this case, they are prohibited: climbing the stairs to a high floor, running, cycling, long walks, going to the pool.

Rules for blood donation for sugar child

  • Before donating blood to the sugar level, parents should be adjusted and controlled nutrition of the child.
  • A few days before the procedure you need to remove from the diet sugar and all sugar -containing foods and drinks.
  • The amount of fried and oily write should also be reduced to a minimum. If parents could not control their child and he still ate something very sweet, then it is worth notifying the doctor about it or transferring the procedure.
Prepare and talk to your child
Prepare and talk to your child

What do the children need to know for blood from a finger?

  • Parents should explain to children in serious things to explain the importance of this procedure. It is necessary in your story to indicate the positive aspects of this analysis.
  • In the case when the child has already reached conscious age, you need to shift responsibility For their actions on the child. Parents cannot constantly be near and control children. Therefore, you should convince the child that for him there is a great benefit from blood donation.

The child cries a lot, screams before donating blood: what to do, how to behave?

  • Emotional load, which the baby experiences during crying, can prevent a sample of blood, and even significantly distort the analysis. Therefore, it is extremely important that during the procedure the child is calm and rested.
  • If the child cries, then fear drives them. Parents should reassure the baby and try to prove that nothing terrible will happen.
  • In no case should not be additionally scream per child. So he can be scared even more.

Anesthesia for external use - Emla

  • If the child is panicky of pain, one of the tricks, how to force the procedure for taking blood is Emla. This cream contains lidocaine and a barnwho have an anesthesia effect. Actions after one application are enough up to 2 hours.
  • Before passing the analysis, it is necessary to apply a small layer of this cream to the site from which blood will be taken. Then you should wait a few seconds so that all components are absorbed into the skin and begin to act.
  • With Emla cream, the child will not experience pain and fear. This will allow you to donate blood next time without unnecessary emotional load of the child. He will remember that this procedure is non -inspection and will not cause pain.

He is sick after blood donation from a vein to a child: what to do?

  • If the child became bad after the procedure for blood donation, should squat for a while.
  • After that, it is recommended to eat something salt. For grown children, you can take a salty cracker with you to the clinic just in case, and for infants it is advisable to pour it into a bottle in advance warm by mint tea. A few drops of such a decoction will help to retreat nausea.
  • Also, such a reaction of the body can be caused by a lack of fluid in the body. Immediately after the procedure, it is recommended to drink a glass of water or tea in order to fill the body with the necessary amount of moisture.

The child faints when blood donation: what to do?

  • If the child began to fall into fainting, should immediately bring him to his senses.
  • The fainting condition can be caused a sharp decrease in blood glucose, fright or lack of oxygen.
  • In this situation, it is advisable to immediately take the child to breathe fresh air and let it eat or drink something sweet, containing a large amount of carbohydrates.
  • If at hand there are cold water, a good option would be to wash it.
  • It is also recommended not to watch imaginary people how the blood donation procedure occurs.
Better not to look
Better not to look

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Video: Komarovsky about blood donation

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