How to clean the memory on android manually using applications and programs? How to clean the cache on android? Programs for cleaning the cache on android: List, reviews

How to clean the memory on android manually using applications and programs? How to clean the cache on android? Programs for cleaning the cache on android: List, reviews

Ways to clean the internal and system memory for android.

The lack of memory is one of the most common notifications that is found among smartphone users. The main problem is that the phone slows down, buggy, canceling the loading of the necessary information. In order to clear the memory, you can familiarize yourself with our article. 

How to clean the cache on android?

There are several types of memory in the phone: 

  • Operational. This is a container in which applications and drivers are stored, allowing the smartphone to work.
  • User. In this container, photos, videos, as well as games and programs are accumulated, which are pumped withPlay Market. 
  • Removable carrier, map. Basically, some software is redirected to the compartment, photos, videos and various programs are accumulated. 

In order for the gadget to stop braking, it is necessary to clean the RAM. There are several ways to clean it. 

How to clean the cache on android:

  • To perform diagnostics, check how much superfluous is accumulated onAndroid, you need to enter the settings of the device and find the storage button. Next, you will receive a strip painted with different colors.
  • This is a kind of graph that displays the loaded data from personal memory. Each painted rectangle corresponds to a specific box or drive.
  • It can be game software, images, music, cache and other files. Depending on the variety of the phone and the versionAndroid, the names of cells may differ. 
Cleaning cell
Cleaning cell

When and how to clean the internal memory of the smartphone on android?

How to understand that memory is not enough:

  • The gadget issues an appropriate notice. That is, a triangle can jump out onto the screen, which reports that the storage is filled, it is necessary to clean. 
  • When trying to download a utility fromPlay Market or the Internet, a notification of impossibility pops up. 
  • Most often, the message pops up that free space is not enough, cleaning is necessary. 
  • If in the process of recording videos or pictures they are not preserved. 

When and how to clean the internal memory of a smartphone on android:

  • It is necessary to cleanly clean, you need to remove all the photos or move to the cloud. 
  • Next, it is necessary to remove the utilities that you have forgotten and do not use. 
  • Cache is one of the varieties of personal memory where temporary data is maintained. This is a kind of intermediate point, which must be constantly cleaned so that nothing accumulates.
  • In case of filling the cache, there is no place and an appropriate notice is displayed. If you transfer the software to the card, a removable carrier, a slowdown in the work may be observed. Some of the loaded utilities can be transported to the card in no case, since they will not work. 
Analysis of programs
Analysis of programs

Clean memory on android: program Clean master

If you have not found a memory point, you can use the utility calledClean master. It conducts diagnostics and shows how much there is a free and filled space. 

Clean memory on android, program Clean master:

  • Popular software -Clean master. It loads throughPlay Market. To use this program, you need to download it. Find the utility in loading and run. As soon as the software is loaded, you need to press the key JunkFiles, translated this means "Files in the basket".
  • Select the utilities you want to clean. Press the keyClean Junk, what is translated “Cleaning the basket”. The utility has the ability to configure periodic cleaning.
  • You just need to download the time through which you want to conduct cleaning. The utilities work similarly  Power Cleaner orCCleaner. Their main advantages are that it is possible to clean, both by hand and automatically. If you set the frequency of cleaning in the software, then it will independently remove everything unnecessary. 

How to clean the internal memory for android manually?

To clean the storage facilities on android manually, you need to use the conductor. After it is opened, you will see downloads, cache.

How to clean the internal memory for android manually:

  • They contain useful cells that help adequately, quickly work with the utility. They are used so that the device works less and spend the energy consumed.
  • However, the great drawback of the presence of a cache is that over time this cell is filled and works to the detriment of the device. In this storage, a large number of files that occupy a significant amount of storage may appear.
  • For example, if you use 20 sentences that you use daily, then the size of the cache will reach 5 in just a monthgB. Memory is designed for only 3-2gigabyta, if you do not clean the cache for several months, this will lead to the occurrence of problems.
  • It is worth remembering that the cleaning is safe, the exception is only the likelihood of removing saved information in some software. If you have any important data, save it on the cloud. 
  • To save data, they often usedalvik-Cache - This is a virtual machine, accumulating files, software, fully adapted for quick work, using programs. It is this memory that is in a special compartment, which users never see when using software. This is an intermediate storage for fast access. 
  • In the systemic memory, mainly loads are stored, programs that are factory and built into the developer. Thisinformation, for repeated use.
  • Click on the device dispatcher "Smart test". The device will analyze all the sites that you entered. Next, you should click "Clear". You can choose additionally "Cleaning large files" or "rarely used".  
Cleaning manually
Cleaning manually

How to clean android from unnecessary files?

Application cache is a large compartment in which information created by other utilities is stored. It can be software fromPlay Market. It usually contains downloads, pictures, files. If someone sends a photoviber, you can find it in the Gallery, in the corresponding section. This is a cache of Software. It is worth remembering that you can use the programs available inPlay marketor use the utility loaded on the phone. 

How to clean android from unnecessary files:

  • It is believed that cleaning in built -in utilities is safer than the one that is carried out using loaded throughPlay Market programs. Systemic software will definitely not harm the device, which can not be said about the utilities with Plei-market. Of course, the easiest way to do manually. 
  • If you do not want to completely clean the entire phone, but you need to remove only a few utilities, you need to perform certain actions.
  • Enter in "Memory settings", "Applications data." You need to find the tab "All" And find the cache of the software that you are going to remove in this list. You will see on the screen “Estele data”confirm your intentions by pressing the button "OK". After a few seconds, all data is deleted. 
  • Please note that to clean the cache, the utility can request a password from you and confirming data to enter a specific program. 

Free programs for cleaning garbage for android

A huge amount has been developedAndroid Utlit, created for cleaning.

Free programs for cleaning garbage for android:

  1. Droid Optimizer. A well -known utility that plans to work not only in utilities, but alsowi-Fi. Accordingly, in the utility, you can indicate the function of turning on or disconnectingwi-Fi. Thus, the wireless network flag will be turned on only if there are registered sources nearby. The main advantage is that the program is free. It is not in itadvertisingwhich bothers. It is cleaned of unnecessary files and garbage, stops software that operate in the background. In addition, it can analyze various programs and clean according to the specified schedule. You can independently set the frequency with which it is worth cleaning. 
  2. Power clean. This is a utility that removes the cache, temporary files, as well as empty folders that can most often be deleted on a PC. During the launch of this program, there is a stop of the work of software that work in the background. The main drawback is that it is impossible to clean the schedule. In addition, it is impossible to put on and offwi-Fi Network. The main advantage is the presence of antivirus, as well as a basket that allows you to restore deleted files. 

How to clean the memory of Watsap for Android?

Messengers likeViberWhatsApp They occupy a huge amount of space on the phone. That is why, if these software are installed, you cannot do without periodic cleaning. After all, these are not only messages, but also photos, videos that often go to a working chat or group. The main advantage of this messenger is that it is equipped with a special function. It allows you to completely remove all unnecessary data that occupy a place in the bastard storage.

How to clean the memory of Watsap for Android:

  • You need to go to WhatsApp and choose "settings", click "Storage data" And "Enter the storage". It is in it that you will see all the data, messages, videos that are stored in the messenger.
  • Now you need to choose the necessary chat, or everything that is not necessary. As a result, you will see how much space the selected messages occupy. It is necessary to press the “Manage Messages” key and put “birds” opposite the files that need to be deleted.
  • Click "Delete a message". Please note that by default, immediately after entering this storage, almost all messages, data will be highlighted with flags.
  • Therefore, if there is valuable information, you are afraid to lose it, be sure to remove the flag, or save the video, photos in the cloud storage, clean. 

How to clean the memory on android through a computer?

It is often inconvenient to delve into a smartphone, so a rather simple solution to the problem is cleaning through a computer.

How to clean the memory on android through a computer:

  • Connect the smartphone to PC viauSBOpen the phone folder and see all the available data.
  • The PC often finds a problem invisible when working with the gadget. 
  • Through the computer, you can find folders in the smartphone, but they are completely empty. It also takes a place and fills the storage of the smartphone. 
  • Select unnecessary files and delete them as you throw out the garbage into the "basket".

The main memory and all unnecessary things are most often accumulated in several folders. Therefore, first of all, enter them: 

  • Media. Basically, pictures, files, and extensions are collected here. 
  • Music. In this folder there is music that you load through music sites or third -party sources. 
  • Movies. This video, which also fall into the repository throughViberWhatsApp, or during loading. 
  • Sounds. HdES may contain sound files that are involved in the operation of the system 
  • bluetooth. In this folder, everything that is transmitted throughBluetooth Connecting. 
  • Download. This is a folder in which all files downloaded through additional sources are preserved. The folder has a different name - loading. It is necessary to highlight them and clean them. 

Best Cleaning for Android: Reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with user reviews, and find out the basic methods that are used to clean memory. 

The best cleaning for android, reviews:

Eugene. I don’t understand smartphones very well, so I often attribute the phone to the service center. RepeatedlyrevealBut the master said that he would more often clean. I rarely load fromPlay-market, so the last time he used the task dispatcher. Standardly, I spend the cleaning of the cache in the history of the browser that I use to go to various sites. 

Oksana. My child is a schoolboy who has acquired an inexpensive smartphone last year. Since he loads programs, games, delete and loads again several times a day, a huge amount of garbage accumulates in the cache. I used to remove the phone’s dispatcher, and the settings icon. Now loaded a special program calledClean master. To be honest, I did not notice a huge difference. I think that for me personally this program is absolutely useless. In the same way, you can clean the memory using the phone dispatcher. 

Oleg. I am not a fairly advanced user, so I rarely clean. I used to clean with settings, now downloaded the SD-MAD utility. This is very convenient, as it allows you to remove all the garbage, and it is not necessary to carry out the release manually. The program independently removes all the garbage, which accumulates as a result of using additional programs and applications. I really like this program, and takes very little space on the phone. The main advantage is that the basic version can be downloaded fromPlay The market is absolutely free. 

Reset to factory settings
Reset to factory settings

Read on the topic:

Remember that during cleaning using a computer, you must first make sure that there are antivirus programs on the gadget, as well as the computer. 

Video: How to clear the memory for android?

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  1. I would have to clean and have a place of free on Samsung J2

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